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Line 63: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT

59: IF l_enabled = 'Y' THEN
61: --Insert a row into the ben_chg_evt_log table for the current ORG for a person_id -1
63: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT
64: (p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
65: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COAPPD'
66: ,p_chg_eff_dt => fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_org_information1)
67: ,p_prmtr_01 => 'ORG'

Line 157: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT

153: -- new values for the start and end dates if a change has occured
155: IF p_org_information3 <> p_org_information3_o THEN
157: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT
158: (p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
159: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COAPPD'
160: ,p_chg_eff_dt => fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_org_information1)
161: ,p_prmtr_01 => 'ORG'

Line 185: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.update_EXT_CHG_EVT

181: FETCH c_get_chg_evt_log INTO l_log_id,l_cd,l_eff_dt,l_prmtr1
182: ,l_prmtr2,l_prmtr4,l_prmtr5,l_bgid,l_ovn;
183: CLOSE c_get_chg_evt_log;
184: --now update the previous row to mark the validity as invalid
185: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.update_EXT_CHG_EVT
186: (p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
187: ,p_chg_evt_cd => l_cd
188: ,p_chg_eff_dt => l_eff_dt
189: ,p_prmtr_01 => l_prmtr1

Line 208: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT

204: FETCH c_get_subcat INTO l_sub_cat;
205: CLOSE c_get_subcat;
207: --if start date has been changed,insert a new row effective the new start date
208: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT
209: (p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
210: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COAPPD'
211: ,p_chg_eff_dt => fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_org_information1)
212: ,p_prmtr_01 => 'ORG'

Line 235: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.update_EXT_CHG_EVT

231: FETCH c_get_chg_evt_log INTO l_log_id,l_cd,l_eff_dt,l_prmtr1
232: ,l_prmtr2,l_prmtr4,l_bgid,l_ovn;
233: CLOSE c_get_chg_evt_log;
234: --now update the previous row to make it invalid
235: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.update_EXT_CHG_EVT
236: (p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
237: ,p_chg_evt_cd => l_cd
238: ,p_chg_eff_dt => l_eff_dt
239: ,p_prmtr_01 => l_prmtr1

Line 258: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT

254: FETCH c_get_subcat INTO l_sub_cat;
255: CLOSE c_get_subcat;
257: --if end date has been changed,insert a new row effective the effective date passed
258: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT
259: (p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
260: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COAPPD'
261: ,p_chg_eff_dt => p_effective_date
262: ,p_prmtr_01 => 'ORG'

Line 285: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.update_EXT_CHG_EVT

281: FETCH c_get_chg_evt_log INTO l_log_id,l_cd,l_eff_dt,l_prmtr1
282: ,l_prmtr2,l_prmtr4,l_bgid,l_ovn;
283: CLOSE c_get_chg_evt_log;
284: --now update the previous row to make it invalid
285: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.update_EXT_CHG_EVT
286: (p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
287: ,p_chg_evt_cd => l_cd
288: ,p_chg_eff_dt => l_eff_dt
289: ,p_prmtr_01 => l_prmtr1

Line 353: ben_ext_chg_evt_api.create_ext_chg_evt

350: IF l_enabled = 'Y' THEN
352: --Insert a row in the ben_chg_evt_log table
353: ben_ext_chg_evt_api.create_ext_chg_evt
354: (p_validate => true
355: ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
356: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COAPP'
357: ,p_chg_eff_dt => p_effective_date

Line 455: ben_ext_chg_evt_api.delete_ext_chg_evt

451: IF c_chk_log_exists%FOUND THEN
452: --
453: -- Delete the existing log and create a new one
454: --
455: ben_ext_chg_evt_api.delete_ext_chg_evt
456: (p_validate => FALSE
457: ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_xst_log_id
458: ,p_object_version_number => l_log_xst_ovn
459: ,p_effective_date => l_xst_log_eff_dt

Line 529: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT

525: IF l_enabled = 'Y' THEN
527: --Insert a row into the ben_chg_evt_log table for the current ORG for a person_id -1
529: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT
530: (p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
531: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COAEN'
532: ,p_chg_eff_dt => p_effective_date
533: ,p_prmtr_01 => p_organization_id

Line 586: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT

583: --insert a row in the log table if the registration number has changed
584: IF p_org_information2 <> p_org_information2_o THEN
586: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT
587: (p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
588: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COAEN'
589: ,p_chg_eff_dt => p_effective_date
590: ,p_prmtr_01 => p_organization_id

Line 643: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT

640: IF l_enabled = 'Y' THEN
642: --Insert a row in the ben_chg_evt_log table
643: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT
644: (p_validate => true
645: ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
646: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COSIPD'
647: ,p_chg_eff_dt => p_effective_date

Line 719: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT

715: IF l_enabled = 'Y' THEN
717: IF (p_aei_information1 <> p_aei_information1_o) THEN
719: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT
720: (p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
721: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COSIPD'
722: ,p_chg_eff_dt => fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_aei_information1)
723: ,p_prmtr_01 => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_assignment_id)

Line 737: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT

734: ELSIF fnd_date.canonical_to_date(nvl(p_aei_information2_o,fnd_date.date_to_canonical(hr_api.g_eot))) <>
735: fnd_date.canonical_to_date(nvl(p_aei_information2,fnd_date.date_to_canonical(hr_api.g_eot))) THEN
737: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT
738: (p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
739: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COSIPD'
740: ,p_chg_eff_dt => p_effective_date
741: ,p_prmtr_01 => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_assignment_id)

Line 869: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT

866: IF p_aei_information6 IS NOT NULL THEN
868: --Insert a row in the ben_chg_evt_log table
869: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT
870: (p_validate => true
871: ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
872: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COAPS'
873: ,p_chg_eff_dt => nvl(l_eff_date,

Line 891: ben_ext_chg_evt_api.create_ext_chg_evt

887: IF p_aei_information4 IS NOT NULL THEN
889: -- Insert a row in the ben_chg_evt_log table
890: -- to indicate that the kind of ptpn has changed.
891: ben_ext_chg_evt_api.create_ext_chg_evt
892: (p_validate => FALSE
893: ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
894: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COAPKOP'
895: ,p_chg_eff_dt => nvl(l_eff_date,

Line 1050: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT

1046: fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_aei_information1_o))
1047: AND p_aei_information6 IS NOT NULL THEN
1049: --Insert a row in the ben_chg_evt_log table
1050: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT
1051: (p_validate => true
1052: ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
1053: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COAPS'
1054: ,p_chg_eff_dt => nvl(l_eff_date,

Line 1072: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT

1068: nvl(p_aei_information6_o,'0'))
1069: AND p_aei_information6 IS NOT NULL THEN
1071: --Insert a row in the ben_chg_evt_log table
1072: ben_EXT_CHG_EVT_api.create_EXT_CHG_EVT
1073: (p_validate => true
1074: ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_log_id
1075: ,p_chg_evt_cd => 'COAPS'
1076: ,p_chg_eff_dt => nvl(l_eff_date,

Line 1124: ben_ext_chg_evt_api.delete_ext_chg_evt

1120: IF c_chk_log_exists%FOUND THEN
1121: --
1122: -- Delete the existing log and create a new one
1123: --
1124: ben_ext_chg_evt_api.delete_ext_chg_evt
1125: (p_validate => FALSE
1126: ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id => l_xst_log_id
1127: ,p_object_version_number => l_log_xst_ovn
1128: ,p_effective_date => l_xst_log_eff_dt