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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 144

    SELECT rule_mode
      FROM pay_legislation_rules
     WHERE legislation_code = 'US'
       and rule_type = 'S';
Line: 152

    SELECT target.SEGMENT4
      FROM /* route for SCL keyflex - assignment level */
           hr_soft_coding_keyflex target,
           per_all_assignments_f  ASSIGN
     WHERE p_date_earned BETWEEN ASSIGN.effective_start_date
                             AND ASSIGN.effective_end_date
       AND ASSIGN.assignment_id           = p_assignment_id
       AND target.soft_coding_keyflex_id  = ASSIGN.soft_coding_keyflex_id
       AND target.enabled_flag            = 'Y'
       AND target.id_flex_num             = p_id_flex_num;
Line: 164

    select put.user_table_id
      from hr_organization_information hoi
          ,pay_user_tables put
     where  hoi.organization_id = p_bg_id
        and hoi.org_information_context ='Work Schedule'
        and hoi.org_information1 = put.user_table_id ;
Line: 175

       select PUC.user_column_id
        from  pay_user_tables PUT,
              pay_user_columns PUC
        where PUC.USER_COLUMN_ID = p_user_col_id
          and NVL(PUC.business_group_id, p_bg_id) = p_bg_id
          and NVL(PUC.legislation_code,'US') = 'US'
          and PUC.user_table_id = PUT.user_table_id
          and PUT.user_table_id = p_user_table_id;
Line: 187

        select user_row_id
          from pay_user_rows_f
         where user_table_id = p_user_table_id
           and p_date_earned between effective_start_date and effective_end_date ;
Line: 196

      select value
        from pay_user_column_instances_f
       where user_row_id = p_user_row_id
         and user_column_id = p_user_col_id
         and NVL(business_group_id, p_bg_id) = p_bg_id
         and NVL(legislation_code, 'US') = 'US'
         and p_date_earned between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 288

       select legislation_code
       from per_business_groups_perf
       where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 347

   SELECT peef.element_entry_id
    FROM pay_element_entries_f peef
        ,pay_element_types_f pet
   where peef.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
     and peef.assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
     and pet.element_name = 'Regular Salary'
     and pet.legislation_code = cp_leg_code
     and pet.business_group_id IS NULL
    -- Added for #14067207 Start
     and peef.creator_type IN ('H','P','SP'
     and peef.entry_type IN ('E','S','D')
     and cp_effective_date between peef.effective_start_date
                                  and peef.effective_end_date;
Line: 372

   SELECT petei.eei_information10
    FROM pay_element_entries_f peef
        ,pay_element_types_f pet
        ,pay_element_type_extra_info petei
   where peef.element_entry_id = cp_element_entry_id
     and peef.assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
     and peef.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
     and pet.business_group_id = cp_bg_id
     and pet.legislation_code IS NULL
     and pet.element_type_id = petei.element_type_id
     and petei.information_type = 'US_EARNINGS'
     and petei.eei_information_category = 'US_EARNINGS';
Line: 390

    SELECT pet.business_group_id
      FROM pay_element_entries_f peef
          ,pay_element_types_f pet
          ,pay_element_classifications pec
   WHERE peef.element_entry_id = cp_element_entry_id
     and peef.assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
     and peef.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
     and peef.effective_start_date >= pet.effective_start_date
     and peef.effective_end_date <= pet.effective_end_date
     and pet.classification_id = pec.classification_id
     and pec.legislation_code = cp_leg_code
     and pec.business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 407

        SELECT hr_general.decode_lookup('FREQUENCY', ASSIGN.frequency)
        FROM  per_all_assignments_f         ASSIGN
        where cp_date_earned
            BETWEEN ASSIGN.effective_start_date
        AND ASSIGN.effective_end_date
        and ASSIGN.assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
        and UPPER(ASSIGN.frequency) = 'W';
Line: 435

             SELECT  lookup_code
            FROM    hr_lookups lkp
            WHERE   lkp.application_id = 800
            AND     lkp.lookup_type    = 'PAY_BASIS'
            AND     lkp.lookup_code    = p_freq;
Line: 442

             SELECT  lookup_code
            FROM    hr_lookups lkp
            WHERE   lkp.application_id = 800
            AND     lkp.lookup_type    = 'PAY_BASIS'
            AND     lkp.meaning = p_freq;
Line: 571

                SELECT TPT.number_per_fiscal_year
                INTO   v_periods_per_fiscal_yr
                FROM   pay_payrolls_f  PPF,
                       per_time_period_types TPT,
                       fnd_sessions fs
                WHERE  PPF.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
                AND    fs.session_id  = USERENV('SESSIONID')
                AND    fs.effective_date between PPF.effective_start_date
                                             and PPF.effective_end_date
                AND    TPT.period_type = PPF.period_type;
Line: 595

            SELECT  TPT.number_per_fiscal_year
            INTO    v_annualizing_factor
            FROM    pay_payrolls_f          PRL,
                    per_time_period_types   TPT,
                    fnd_sessions            fs
            WHERE   TPT.period_type             = PRL.period_type
            and     fs.session_id               = USERENV('SESSIONID')
            and     fs.effective_date  BETWEEN PRL.effective_start_date
                                           AND PRL.effective_end_date
            AND     PRL.payroll_id              = p_payroll_id
            AND     PRL.business_group_id + 0   = p_bg;
Line: 636

Line: 655

               SELECT  TPT.number_per_fiscal_year
               INTO    v_annualizing_factor
               FROM    pay_payrolls_f          PRL,
                       per_time_period_types   TPT,
                       fnd_sessions            fs
               WHERE   TPT.period_type         = PRL.period_type
               AND     fs.session_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
               AND     fs.effective_date  BETWEEN PRL.effective_start_date
                                              AND PRL.effective_end_date
               AND     PRL.payroll_id          = p_payroll_id
               AND     PRL.business_group_id + 0   = p_bg;
Line: 708

                  SELECT TPT.number_per_fiscal_year
                  INTO   v_periods_per_fiscal_yr
                  FROM   pay_payrolls_f        ppf,
                         per_time_period_types tpt,
                         fnd_sessions          fs
                  WHERE  ppf.payroll_id    = p_payroll_id
                  AND    fs.session_id     = USERENV('SESSIONID')
                  AND    fs.effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
                                           AND ppf.effective_end_date
                  AND    tpt.period_type = ppf.period_type;
Line: 752

                  hr_utility.trace(' selecting from per_time_period_types');
Line: 754

                  SELECT PT.number_per_fiscal_year
                  INTO   v_annualizing_factor
                  FROM   per_time_period_types PT
                  WHERE  UPPER(PT.period_type) = UPPER(p_freq);
Line: 922

       select nvl(ppf.prl_information2,'NOT ENTERED')
         into v_calc_type
         from pay_payrolls_f ppf
        where payroll_id = p_payroll_id
          and v_stnd_start_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                    and ppf.effective_end_Date;
Line: 1162

SELECT	ASG.effective_start_date,
	NVL(ASG.normal_hours, 0),
	NVL(HRL.meaning, 'NOT ENTERED'),
	NVL(SCL.segment4, 'NOT ENTERED')
FROM	per_assignments_f 		ASG,
	per_assignment_status_types 	AST,
	hr_soft_coding_keyflex		SCL,
	hr_lookups			HRL
WHERE	ASG.assignment_id	= p_asst_id
AND	ASG.business_group_id + 0	= p_bus_grp_id
AND  	ASG.effective_start_date        	> p_period_start
AND   	ASG.effective_end_date 	<= p_period_end
AND	AST.assignment_status_type_id = ASG.assignment_status_type_id
AND	AST.per_system_status 	= 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
AND	SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id	= ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
AND	SCL.segment1			= TO_CHAR(p_tax_unit_id)
AND	SCL.enabled_flag		= 'Y'
AND	HRL.lookup_code(+)		= ASG.frequency
AND	HRL.lookup_type(+)		= 'FREQUENCY';
Line: 1257

    SELECT	user_column_name
    INTO	v_ws_name
    FROM	pay_user_columns
    WHERE	user_column_id 			= v_ws_id
    AND		NVL(business_group_id, p_bg_id) = p_bg_id
    AND         NVL(legislation_code,'US')      = 'US';
Line: 1351

SELECT	EEV.screen_entry_value,
FROM	pay_element_entry_values_f	EEV
WHERE	EEV.element_entry_id 		= p_element_entry_id
AND 	EEV.input_value_id 		= p_inpval_id
AND	EEV.effective_start_date		> p_range_start
AND  	EEV.effective_end_date 	       	<= p_range_end
ORDER BY EEV.effective_start_date;
Line: 1391

  SELECT	EEV.screen_entry_value,
		GREATEST(EEV.effective_start_date, p_range_start_date),
  INTO		v_earnings_entry,
  FROM		pay_element_entry_values_f	EEV
  WHERE	EEV.element_entry_id 		= p_element_entry_id
  AND 		EEV.input_value_id 		= p_inpval_id
  AND		EEV.effective_start_date       <= p_range_start_date
  AND  		EEV.effective_end_date 	       >= p_range_start_date
  AND  		EEV.effective_end_date 	        < p_range_end_date;
Line: 1521

 hr_utility.trace('Select EEV3');
Line: 1523

  SELECT	EEV.screen_entry_value,
		LEAST(EEV.effective_end_date, p_range_end_date)
  INTO		v_earnings_entry,
  FROM		pay_element_entry_values_f	EEV
  WHERE		EEV.element_entry_id 		= p_element_entry_id
  AND 		EEV.input_value_id 		= p_inpval_id
  AND		EEV.effective_start_date        > p_range_start_date
  AND		EEV.effective_start_date       <= p_range_end_date
  AND  		EEV.effective_end_date 	        > p_range_end_date;
Line: 1613

select	fnd_number.canonical_to_number(pev.screen_entry_value)
from	per_absence_attendance_types 	abt,
	pay_element_entries_f 		pee,
	pay_element_entry_values_f	pev
where   pev.input_value_id	= abt.input_value_id
and     abt.absence_category    = 'V'
and	v_eff_date		between pev.effective_start_date
			    	    and pev.effective_end_date
and	pee.element_entry_id	= pev.element_entry_id
and	pee.assignment_id	= v_asg_id
and	v_eff_date		between pee.effective_start_date
			    	    and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 1679

select	fnd_number.canonical_to_number(pev.screen_entry_value)
from	per_absence_attendance_types	abt,
	pay_element_entries_f 		pee,
	pay_element_entry_values_f	pev
where	pev.input_value_id	= abt.input_value_id
and     abt.absence_category    = 'S'
and	v_eff_date		between pev.effective_start_date
			    	    and pev.effective_end_date
and	pee.element_entry_id	= pev.element_entry_id
and	pee.assignment_id	= v_asg_id
and	v_eff_date		between pee.effective_start_date
			    	    and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 1784

  SELECT	PYB.input_value_id,
  INTO	v_inpval_id,
  FROM	per_assignments_f	ASG,
		per_pay_bases 		PYB,
		hr_lookups		FCL
  WHERE	FCL.lookup_code	= PYB.pay_basis
  AND	FCL.lookup_type 	= 'PAY_BASIS'
  AND	FCL.application_id	= 800
  AND	PYB.pay_basis_id 	= ASG.pay_basis_id
  AND	ASG.assignment_id 	= p_asst_id
  AND	p_date_earned  BETWEEN ASG.effective_start_date
				AND ASG.effective_end_date;
Line: 1823

       SELECT 	IPV.input_value_id
           INTO v_inpval_id
       FROM	pay_input_values_f	IPV,
		pay_element_types_f	ELT
       WHERE	ELT.element_name = 'Regular Wages'
            and p_period_start    BETWEEN ELT.effective_start_date
                                      AND ELT.effective_end_date
            and ELT.element_type_id = IPV.element_type_id
            and	p_period_start	  BETWEEN IPV.effective_start_date
				      AND IPV.effective_end_date
            and	IPV.name = 'Rate'
            and ELT.legislation_code = g_legislation_code;
Line: 1857

       SELECT 	IPV.input_value_id
           INTO	v_inpval_id
       FROM	pay_input_values_f	IPV,
		pay_element_types_f	ELT
       WHERE	ELT.element_name = 'Regular Wages'
            and p_period_start    BETWEEN ELT.effective_start_date
                                      AND ELT.effective_end_date
            and	ELT.element_type_id = IPV.element_type_id
            and	p_period_start	  BETWEEN IPV.effective_start_date
				      AND IPV.effective_end_date
            and	IPV.name = 'Rate Code'
            and ELT.legislation_code = g_legislation_code;
Line: 1892

       SELECT	IPV.input_value_id
           INTO	v_inpval_id
       FROM	pay_input_values_f	IPV,
		pay_element_types_f	ELT
       WHERE	ELT.element_name = 'Regular Salary'
            and p_period_start    BETWEEN ELT.effective_start_date
                                      AND ELT.effective_end_date
            and	ELT.element_type_id = IPV.element_type_id
            and	p_period_start	  BETWEEN IPV.effective_start_date
				      AND IPV.effective_end_date
            and	IPV.name = 'Monthly Salary'
            and ELT.legislation_code = g_legislation_code;
Line: 1960

SELECT 	TPT.number_per_fiscal_year
INTO		v_pay_periods_per_year
FROM		pay_payrolls_f 		PRL,
		per_time_period_types 	TPT
WHERE	TPT.period_type 		= PRL.period_type
AND		p_period_end      between PRL.effective_start_date
				      and PRL.effective_end_date
AND		PRL.payroll_id			= p_payroll_id
AND		PRL.business_group_id + 0	= p_bus_grp_id;
Line: 2012

  SELECT	user_column_name
  INTO		v_work_sched_name
  FROM		pay_user_columns
  WHERE		user_column_id 				= v_ws_id
  AND		NVL(business_group_id, p_bus_grp_id)	= p_bus_grp_id
  AND         	NVL(legislation_code,'US')      	= 'US';
Line: 2131

  select 1 INTO l_asg_info_changes
    from dual
  where exists (
  FROM		per_assignments_f 		ASG,
		per_assignment_status_types 	AST,
		hr_soft_coding_keyflex		SCL
  WHERE		ASG.assignment_id		= p_asst_id
  AND  		ASG.effective_start_date       <= p_period_start
  AND   	ASG.effective_end_date 	       >= p_period_start
  AND   	ASG.effective_end_date 		< p_period_end
  AND		AST.assignment_status_type_id 	= ASG.assignment_status_type_id
  AND		AST.per_system_status 		= 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
  AND		SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id	= ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
  AND		SCL.segment1			= TO_CHAR(p_tax_unit_id)
  AND		SCL.enabled_flag		= 'Y' );
Line: 2159

  select 1 INTO l_eev_info_changes
    from dual
   where exists (
    SELECT	1
    FROM	pay_element_entry_values_f	EEV
    WHERE	EEV.element_entry_id 		= p_ele_entry_id
    AND 	EEV.input_value_id+0 		= v_inpval_id
    AND ( ( 	EEV.effective_start_date       <= p_period_start
        AND 	EEV.effective_end_date 	       >= p_period_start
        AND 	EEV.effective_end_date 	        < p_period_end)
    OR (   EEV.effective_start_date between p_period_start and p_period_end)
    ) );
Line: 2204

   select 1 INTO l_asg_info_changes
     from dual
    where exists (
    SELECT	1
    FROM	per_assignments_f 		ASG,
		per_assignment_status_types 	AST,
		hr_soft_coding_keyflex		SCL
    WHERE	ASG.assignment_id		= p_asst_id
    AND 	ASG.effective_start_date        > p_period_start
    AND   	ASG.effective_start_date       <= p_period_end
    AND		AST.assignment_status_type_id 	= ASG.assignment_status_type_id
    AND		AST.per_system_status 		= 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
    AND		SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id	= ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
    AND		SCL.segment1			= TO_CHAR(p_tax_unit_id)
    AND		SCL.enabled_flag		= 'Y');
Line: 2227

  select 1 INTO l_eev_info_changes
    from dual
   where exists (
    SELECT      1
    FROM        pay_element_entry_values_f      EEV
    WHERE       EEV.element_entry_id            = p_ele_entry_id
    AND         EEV.input_value_id+0            = v_inpval_id
    AND ( (     EEV.effective_start_date       <= p_period_start
        AND     EEV.effective_end_date         >= p_period_start
        AND     EEV.effective_end_date          < p_period_end)
    --OR (   EEV.effective_start_date between p_period_start and p_period_end)
     ) );
Line: 2274

   select 1 INTO l_eev_info_changes
     from dual
    where exists (
      SELECT	1
      FROM	pay_element_entry_values_f	EEV
      WHERE	EEV.element_entry_id 		= p_ele_entry_id
      AND	EEV.input_value_id+0 		= v_inpval_id
      AND	EEV.effective_start_date       <= p_period_start
      AND	EEV.effective_end_date 	       >= p_period_start
      AND	EEV.effective_end_date 	        < p_period_end);
Line: 2304

            SELECT parameter_value
            INTO l_proc_reg_sal
            FROM pay_action_parameters
            WHERE parameter_name = 'PROC_REG_SAL_INACT';
Line: 2328

         SELECT	AST.per_system_status
         INTO	v_asg_status
         FROM	per_assignments_f 		ASG,
		          per_assignment_status_types 	AST,
		          hr_soft_coding_keyflex		SCL
         WHERE	ASG.assignment_id		= p_asst_id
         AND  	p_period_start		BETWEEN ASG.effective_start_date
      					AND   	ASG.effective_end_date
         AND	AST.assignment_status_type_id 	= ASG.assignment_status_type_id
         AND	SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id	= ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
         AND	SCL.segment1			= TO_CHAR(p_tax_unit_id)
         AND	SCL.enabled_flag		= 'Y';
Line: 2393

    SELECT	GREATEST(ASG.effective_start_date, p_period_start),
		NVL(HRL.meaning, 'NOT ENTERED'),
		NVL(SCL.segment4, 'NOT ENTERED')
    INTO	v_range_start,
    FROM	per_assignments_f 		ASG,
		per_assignment_status_types 	AST,
		hr_soft_coding_keyflex		SCL,
		hr_lookups			HRL
    WHERE	ASG.assignment_id		= p_asst_id
    AND		ASG.business_group_id + 0	= p_bus_grp_id
    AND  	ASG.effective_start_date       <= p_period_start
    AND   	ASG.effective_end_date 	       >= p_period_start
    AND   	ASG.effective_end_date 		< p_period_end
    AND		AST.assignment_status_type_id 	= ASG.assignment_status_type_id
    AND		AST.per_system_status 		= 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
    AND		SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id	= ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
    AND		SCL.segment1			= TO_CHAR(p_tax_unit_id)
    AND		SCL.enabled_flag		= 'Y'
    AND		HRL.lookup_code(+)		= ASG.frequency
    AND		HRL.lookup_type(+)		= 'FREQUENCY';
Line: 2440

  hr_utility.trace('ONLY ASG , select MULTIASG');
Line: 2443

  OPEN get_asst_chgs;	-- SELECT (ASG2 MULTIASG)
Line: 2476

  hr_utility.trace('ONLY ASG , select END_SPAN_RECORD');
Line: 2478

  SELECT	ASG.effective_start_date,
 		LEAST(ASG.effective_end_date, p_period_end),
		NVL(ASG.normal_hours, 0),
		NVL(HRL.meaning, 'NOT ENTERED'),
		NVL(SCL.segment4, 'NOT ENTERED')
  INTO		v_range_start,
  FROM		hr_soft_coding_keyflex		SCL,
		per_assignment_status_types 	AST,
		per_assignments_f 		ASG,
		hr_lookups			HRL
  WHERE		ASG.assignment_id		= p_asst_id
  AND		ASG.business_group_id + 0	= p_bus_grp_id
  AND  		ASG.effective_start_date 	> p_period_start
  AND  		ASG.effective_start_date       <= p_period_end
  AND   	ASG.effective_end_date 		> p_period_end
  AND		AST.assignment_status_type_id	= ASG.assignment_status_type_id
  AND		AST.per_system_status 		= 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
  AND		SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id	= ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
  AND		SCL.segment1			= TO_CHAR(p_tax_unit_id)
  AND		SCL.enabled_flag		= 'Y'
  AND		HRL.lookup_code(+)		= ASG.frequency
  AND		HRL.lookup_type(+)		= 'FREQUENCY';
Line: 2621

  SELECT	fnd_number.canonical_to_number(EEV.screen_entry_value)
  INTO		v_earnings_entry
  FROM		pay_element_entry_values_f	EEV
  WHERE		EEV.element_entry_id 		= p_ele_entry_id
  AND 		EEV.input_value_id 		= v_inpval_id
  AND		p_period_start between EEV.effective_start_date
                               AND EEV.effective_end_date;
Line: 2636

  SELECT	GREATEST(ASG.effective_start_date, p_period_start),
		NVL(HRL.meaning, 'NOT ENTERED'),
		NVL(SCL.segment4, 'NOT ENTERED')
  INTO		v_range_start,
  FROM		per_assignments_f 		ASG,
		per_assignment_status_types 	AST,
		hr_soft_coding_keyflex		SCL,
		hr_lookups			HRL
  WHERE	ASG.assignment_id		= p_asst_id
  AND		ASG.business_group_id + 0	= p_bus_grp_id
  AND  		ASG.effective_start_date       	<= p_period_start
    AND   	ASG.effective_end_date 	       	>= p_period_start
    AND   	ASG.effective_end_date 		< p_period_end
    AND		AST.assignment_status_type_id 	= ASG.assignment_status_type_id
    AND		AST.per_system_status 		= 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
    AND		SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id	= ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
    AND		SCL.segment1			= TO_CHAR(p_tax_unit_id)
    AND		SCL.enabled_flag		= 'Y'
    AND		HRL.lookup_code(+)		= ASG.frequency
    AND		HRL.lookup_type(+)		= 'FREQUENCY';
Line: 2688

    hr_utility.trace('Select app. EEVMPE again after range is determined');
Line: 2691

    SELECT	COUNT(EEV.element_entry_value_id)
    INTO	l_eev_info_changes
    FROM	pay_element_entry_values_f	EEV
    WHERE	EEV.element_entry_id 		= p_ele_entry_id
    AND		EEV.input_value_id 		= v_inpval_id
    AND		EEV.effective_start_date       <= v_range_start
    AND		EEV.effective_end_date 	       >= v_range_start
    AND		EEV.effective_end_date 	        < v_range_end;
Line: 2706

      SELECT		fnd_number.canonical_to_number(EEV.screen_entry_value)
      INTO		v_earnings_entry
      FROM		pay_element_entry_values_f	EEV
      WHERE		EEV.element_entry_id 		= p_ele_entry_id
      AND 		EEV.input_value_id 		= v_inpval_id
      AND		v_range_end 	BETWEEN EEV.effective_start_date
					    AND EEV.effective_end_date;
Line: 2781

  hr_utility.trace(' BOTH ASG - SELECT ASG_MULTI_WITHIN');
Line: 2784

  OPEN get_asst_chgs;	-- SELECT ( ASG_MULTI_WITHIN)
Line: 2796

    hr_utility.trace('BOTH ASG MULTI select app. EEVMPE again after range det.');
Line: 2799

    SELECT	COUNT(EEV.element_entry_value_id)
    INTO	l_eev_info_changes
    FROM	pay_element_entry_values_f	EEV
    WHERE	EEV.element_entry_id 		= p_ele_entry_id
    AND 	EEV.input_value_id 		= v_inpval_id
    AND		EEV.effective_start_date       <= v_range_start
    AND  	EEV.effective_end_date 	       >= v_range_start
    AND  	EEV.effective_end_date 	        < v_range_end;
Line: 2813

      SELECT		fnd_number.canonical_to_number(EEV.screen_entry_value)
      INTO		v_earnings_entry
      FROM		pay_element_entry_values_f	EEV
      WHERE		EEV.element_entry_id 		= p_ele_entry_id
      AND 		EEV.input_value_id 		= v_inpval_id
      AND		v_range_end 	BETWEEN EEV.effective_start_date
					    AND EEV.effective_end_date;
Line: 2875

  hr_utility.trace('BOTH ASG SELECT END_SPAN_RECORD');
Line: 2878

  SELECT	ASG.effective_start_date,
 		LEAST(ASG.effective_end_date, p_period_end),
		NVL(ASG.normal_hours, 0),
		NVL(HRL.meaning, 'NOT ENTERED'),
		NVL(SCL.segment4, 'NOT ENTERED')
  INTO		v_range_start,
  FROM		hr_soft_coding_keyflex		SCL,
		per_assignment_status_types 	AST,
		per_assignments_f 		ASG,
		hr_lookups			HRL
  WHERE	ASG.assignment_id		= p_asst_id
  AND		ASG.business_group_id + 0	= p_bus_grp_id
  AND  		ASG.effective_start_date 	> p_period_start
  AND  		ASG.effective_start_date	<= p_period_end
  AND   		ASG.effective_end_date 	> p_period_end
  AND		AST.assignment_status_type_id	= ASG.assignment_status_type_id
  AND		AST.per_system_status 	= 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
  AND		SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id	= ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
  AND		SCL.segment1			= TO_CHAR(p_tax_unit_id)
  AND		SCL.enabled_flag		= 'Y'
  AND		HRL.lookup_code(+)		= ASG.frequency
  AND		HRL.lookup_type(+)		= 'FREQUENCY';
Line: 2907

  hr_utility.trace('SELECT EEVMPE');
Line: 2909

  SELECT	COUNT(EEV.element_entry_value_id)
  INTO		l_eev_info_changes
  FROM		pay_element_entry_values_f	EEV
  WHERE		EEV.element_entry_id 		= p_ele_entry_id
  AND 		EEV.input_value_id 		= v_inpval_id
  AND		EEV.effective_start_date       <= v_range_start
  AND  		EEV.effective_end_date 	       >= v_range_start
  AND  		EEV.effective_end_date 	        < v_range_end;
Line: 2920

     hr_utility.trace('BOTH ASG SPAN - SELECT EEV_FOR_CURR_RANGE_END');
Line: 2923

    SELECT	fnd_number.canonical_to_number(EEV.screen_entry_value)
    INTO	v_earnings_entry
    FROM	pay_element_entry_values_f	EEV
    WHERE	EEV.element_entry_id 		= p_ele_entry_id
    AND 	EEV.input_value_id 		= v_inpval_id
    AND		v_range_end BETWEEN EEV.effective_start_date
			        AND EEV.effective_end_date;
Line: 3054

   select start_date, end_date
   from per_time_periods   pt
   where  payroll_id = l_payroll_id
   and l_date_earned between start_date and end_date;
Line: 3063

   select /*hr_general.decode_lookup('PAY_BASIS',BASES.pay_basis)*/
          , INPUTV.input_value_id
           per_all_assignments_f                  ASSIGN
   ,       per_pay_bases                          BASES
   ,       pay_input_values_f                     INPUTV
   ,       pay_element_types_f                    ETYPE
   ,       pay_rates                              RATE
   where   l_date_earned BETWEEN ASSIGN.effective_start_date
                      AND ASSIGN.effective_end_date
   and     ASSIGN.assignment_id                 = l_assignment_id
   and     BASES.pay_basis_id                (+)= ASSIGN.pay_basis_id
   and     INPUTV.input_value_id             (+)= BASES.input_value_id
   and     l_date_earned  between nvl (INPUTV.effective_start_date, l_date_earned)
                 and nvl (INPUTV.effective_end_date, l_date_earned)
   and     ETYPE.element_type_id             (+)= INPUTV.element_type_id
   and     RATE.rate_id                      (+)= BASES.rate_id
   and     l_date_earned  between nvl (ETYPE.effective_start_date, l_date_earned)
                 and nvl (ETYPE.effective_end_date, l_date_earned)  ;
Line: 3087

select fnd_number.canonical_to_number (EEV.screen_entry_value)
from    pay_element_entries_f                  EE
,       pay_element_entry_values_f             EEV
where   EEV.input_value_id                   = l_input_value_id
and     l_date_earned  BETWEEN EEV.effective_start_date
                       AND EEV.effective_end_date
and     EE.assignment_id                     = l_assignment_id
and     EE.entry_type = 'E'
and     l_date_earned BETWEEN EE.effective_start_date
                 AND EE.effective_end_date
and     EEV.element_entry_id                 = EE.element_entry_id;
Line: 3102

       select actual_termination_date
       from   per_assignments_f      paf,
              per_periods_of_service pps
       where  paf.assignment_id        = l_assignment_id
       and    l_date_earned between paf.effective_start_date and
       and    paf.PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID = pps.period_of_service_id;
Line: 3520

                SELECT p_duration + (((SUBSTR(l_day_end_time,1,2)*60 + SUBSTR(l_day_end_time,4,2)) -
                                      (SUBSTR(l_start_time,1,2)*60 + SUBSTR(l_start_time,4,2)))/60)
                INTO p_duration
                FROM DUAL;
Line: 3531

                SELECT p_duration + (((SUBSTR(l_end_time,1,2)*60 + SUBSTR(l_end_time,4,2)) -
                                      (SUBSTR(l_day_start_time,1,2)*60 + SUBSTR(l_day_start_time,4,2)) + 1)/60)
                INTO p_duration
                FROM DUAL;
Line: 3539

                SELECT p_duration + ((TRUNC(l_schedule(l_idx).END_DATE_TIME) - TRUNC(l_schedule(l_idx).START_DATE_TIME) - 1) * 24)
                INTO p_duration
                FROM DUAL;
Line: 3550

                SELECT p_duration + (((SUBSTR(l_end_time,1,2)*60 + SUBSTR(l_end_time,4,2)) -
                                      (SUBSTR(l_start_time,1,2)*60 + SUBSTR(l_start_time,4,2)))/60)
                INTO p_duration
                FROM DUAL;
Line: 3612

        SELECT hr_general.decode_lookup('FREQUENCY', ASSIGN.frequency)
        FROM  per_all_assignments_f         ASSIGN
        where date_earned
            BETWEEN ASSIGN.effective_start_date
        AND ASSIGN.effective_end_date
        and     ASSIGN.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 3749

select ptp.start_date
from per_time_periods ptp
where ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
and   p_date_earned between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date;
Line: 3759

select pds.actual_termination_date
from   per_periods_of_service		PDS,
       per_assignments_f		ASS
WHERE	PDS.actual_termination_date <= p_date_earned
AND	PDS.period_of_service_id = ASS.period_of_service_id
AND	p_date_earned    BETWEEN ASS.effective_start_date
                                 AND ASS.effective_end_date
AND	ASS.primary_flag = 'Y'
AND	ASS.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 3775

SELECT min(ppa_run.date_earned)
  FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa_run,
       pay_assignment_actions paa_run
 WHERE ppa_run.date_earned >= p_atd
   AND ppa_run.action_status = 'C'
   AND ppa_run.action_type in ('Q','R','B','I')
   AND ((nvl(paa_run.run_type_id, ppa_run.run_type_id) is null and
	 paa_run.source_action_id is null) or
	(nvl(paa_run.run_type_id, ppa_run.run_type_id) is not null and
	 paa_run.source_action_id is not null))
   AND ppa_run.payroll_action_id = paa_run.payroll_action_id
   AND paa_run.action_status = 'C'
   AND paa_run.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
	   FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa_rev,
		pay_assignment_actions paa_rev,
		pay_action_interlocks pai
	  WHERE pai.locked_Action_id = paa_run.assignment_action_id
	    AND pai.locking_action_id = paa_rev.assignment_action_id
	    AND ppa_rev.payroll_action_id = paa_rev.payroll_action_id
	    AND ppa_rev.action_type = 'V');
Line: 3802

SELECT min(ppa_run.date_earned)
  FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa_run,
       pay_assignment_actions paa_run
 WHERE ppa_run.date_earned >= p_lspd
   AND ppa_run.action_status = 'C'
   AND ppa_run.action_type in ('Q','R','B','I')
   AND ((nvl(paa_run.run_type_id, ppa_run.run_type_id) is null and
	 paa_run.source_action_id is null) or
	(nvl(paa_run.run_type_id, ppa_run.run_type_id) is not null and
	 paa_run.source_action_id is not null))
   AND ppa_run.payroll_action_id = paa_run.payroll_action_id
   AND paa_run.action_status = 'C'
   AND paa_run.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
	   FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa_rev,
		pay_assignment_actions paa_rev,
		pay_action_interlocks pai
	  WHERE pai.locked_Action_id = paa_run.assignment_action_id
	    AND pai.locking_action_id = paa_rev.assignment_action_id
	    AND ppa_rev.payroll_action_id = paa_rev.payroll_action_id
	    AND ppa_rev.action_type = 'V');
Line: 4015

        SELECT hr_general.decode_lookup('FREQUENCY', ASSIGN.frequency)
        FROM  per_all_assignments_f         ASSIGN
        where date_earned
            BETWEEN ASSIGN.effective_start_date
        AND ASSIGN.effective_end_date
        and     ASSIGN.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 4145

select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(pev.screen_entry_value)
from	per_absence_attendance_types	abt,
	pay_element_entries_f 		pee,
	pay_element_entry_values_f	pev
where	pev.input_value_id	= abt.input_value_id
and   abt.absence_category    = 'S'
and	v_eff_date		between pev.effective_start_date
			    	    and pev.effective_end_date
and	pee.element_entry_id	= pev.element_entry_id
and	pee.assignment_id	= v_asg_id
and	v_eff_date		between pee.effective_start_date
			    	    and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 4162

select distinct pee.element_entry_id
from per_absence_attendance_types abt
    ,per_absence_attendances abs
    ,pay_element_entries_f pee
    ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
where abt.input_value_id = peev.input_value_id
  and abt.absence_category = 'S'
  and abt.absence_attendance_type_id = abs.absence_attendance_type_id
  and peev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
  and pee.creator_id = abs.absence_attendance_id
  and pee.creator_type = 'A'
  and abs.date_start between v_st_date and v_eff_date
  and pee.assignment_id = v_asg_id
  and v_eff_date between peev.effective_start_date and peev.effective_end_date
  and v_eff_date between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 4278

select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(pev.screen_entry_value)
from	per_absence_attendance_types 	abt,
	pay_element_entries_f 		pee,
	pay_element_entry_values_f	pev
where pev.input_value_id	= abt.input_value_id
and   abt.absence_category    = 'V'
and	v_eff_date		between pev.effective_start_date
			    	    and pev.effective_end_date
and	pee.element_entry_id	= pev.element_entry_id
and	pee.assignment_id	= v_asg_id
and	v_eff_date		between pee.effective_start_date
			    	    and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 4295

select distinct pee.element_entry_id
from per_absence_attendance_types abt
    ,per_absence_attendances abs
    ,pay_element_entries_f pee
    ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
where abt.input_value_id = peev.input_value_id
  and abt.absence_category = 'V'
  and abt.absence_attendance_type_id = abs.absence_attendance_type_id
  and peev.element_entry_id = pee.element_entry_id
  and pee.creator_id = abs.absence_attendance_id
  and pee.creator_type = 'A'
  and abs.date_start between v_st_date and v_eff_date
  and pee.assignment_id = v_asg_id
  and v_eff_date between peev.effective_start_date and peev.effective_end_date
  and v_eff_date between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 4463

SELECT parameter_value
FROM pay_action_parameters
WHERE parameter_name = 'PROC_REG_SAL_INACT';