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Line 117: ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub

113: ,NULL locator_inventory_item_id
114: ,NULL empty_flag
115: ,NULL location_current_units
116: from mtl_serial_numbers msn
117: ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub
118: ,mtl_item_locations loc
119: ,mtl_lot_numbers lot
120: where msn.current_status = 3
121: and decode(g_unit_number, '-9999', 'a', '-7777', nvl(msn.end_item_unit_number, '-7777'), msn.end_item_unit_number) =

Line 215: ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub

211: ,NULL locator_inventory_item_id
212: ,NULL empty_flag
213: ,NULL location_current_units
214: from mtl_serial_numbers msn
215: ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub
216: ,mtl_item_locations loc
217: ,mtl_lot_numbers lot
218: where msn.current_status = 3
219: and decode(g_unit_number, '-9999', 'a', '-7777', nvl(msn.end_item_unit_number, '-7777'), msn.end_item_unit_number) =

Line 330: ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub

326: ,NULL locator_inventory_item_id
327: ,NULL empty_flag
328: ,NULL location_current_units
329: from mtl_serial_numbers msn
330: ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub
331: ,mtl_item_locations loc
332: ,mtl_lot_numbers lot
333: where msn.current_status = 3
334: and decode(g_unit_number, '-9999', 'a', '-7777', nvl(msn.end_item_unit_number, '-7777'), msn.end_item_unit_number) =

Line 498: ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub

494: ,decode(mils.task_id, mils.task_id, moq.task_id)
496: sum(moq.primary_transaction_quantity) > 0 -- high volume project 8546026
497: ) x
498: ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub
499: ,mtl_lot_numbers lot
500: where
501: -- x.primary_quantity > 0 and -- high volume project 8546026
502: x.organization_id = sub.organization_id

Line 508: ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub

504: and x.organization_id = lot.organization_id (+)
505: and x.inventory_item_id = lot.inventory_item_id (+)
506: and x.lot_number = lot.lot_number (+)
507: ) x
508: ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub
509: ,mtl_item_locations loc
510: WHERE x.organization_id = loc.organization_id (+)
511: AND x.locator_id = loc.inventory_location_id (+)
512: AND sub.organization_id = x.organization_id