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Line 6053: ,fnd_currencies fcu

6049: xla_ae_lines_gt lgt
6050: ,xla_distribution_links xdl
6051: ,xla_ae_lines ael
6052: ,xla_ae_headers aeh
6053: ,fnd_currencies fcu
6054: ,xla_events evt
6055: WHERE lgt.reversal_code = 'DUMMY_LR'
6056: AND xdl.application_id = l_application_id
6057: AND xdl.source_distribution_type = lgt.reverse_distribution_type

Line 7519: ,fnd_currencies fcu

7515: FROM
7516: xla_ae_lines ael
7517: ,xla_ae_headers aeh
7518: ,xla_distribution_links xdl
7519: ,fnd_currencies fcu
7520: ,xla_events xe
7521: WHERE aeh.application_id = l_application_id
7522: AND aeh.ledger_id = l_array_ledger_id(i)
7523: AND aeh.entity_id = l_array_entity_id(i)

Line 10103: ,fnd_currencies fc

10099: decode( sign( trunc(nvl(xal.currency_conversion_date, xeg.transaction_date)) -
10100: trunc(fc2.derive_effective)), -1, 'OTHER', 'EMU'), 'OTHER' ) primary_type
10101: FROM xla_ae_lines_gt xal
10102: ,gl_ledgers gl
10103: ,fnd_currencies fc
10104: ,fnd_currencies fc1
10105: ,fnd_currencies fc2
10106: ,xla_events_gt xeg
10107: WHERE xal.ledger_id = gl.ledger_id

Line 10104: ,fnd_currencies fc1

10100: trunc(fc2.derive_effective)), -1, 'OTHER', 'EMU'), 'OTHER' ) primary_type
10101: FROM xla_ae_lines_gt xal
10102: ,gl_ledgers gl
10103: ,fnd_currencies fc
10104: ,fnd_currencies fc1
10105: ,fnd_currencies fc2
10106: ,xla_events_gt xeg
10107: WHERE xal.ledger_id = gl.ledger_id
10108: AND gl.object_type_code = 'L' /* only ledgers (not ledger sets) */

Line 10105: ,fnd_currencies fc2

10101: FROM xla_ae_lines_gt xal
10102: ,gl_ledgers gl
10103: ,fnd_currencies fc
10104: ,fnd_currencies fc1
10105: ,fnd_currencies fc2
10106: ,xla_events_gt xeg
10107: WHERE xal.ledger_id = gl.ledger_id
10108: AND gl.object_type_code = 'L' /* only ledgers (not ledger sets) */
10109: AND gl.le_ledger_type_code = 'L' /* only legal ledgers */

Line 10955: ,FND_CURRENCIES fc

10951: END
10952: END
10953: FROM gl_daily_rates ra
10954: ,xla_ae_headers_gt xah
10956: ,FND_CURRENCIES fc1
10957: WHERE ra.conversion_date(+)=
10958: nvl(trunc(xal.currency_conversion_date), trunc(xah.accounting_date))
10959: AND ra.conversion_type (+)=

Line 10956: ,FND_CURRENCIES fc1

10952: END
10953: FROM gl_daily_rates ra
10954: ,xla_ae_headers_gt xah
10956: ,FND_CURRENCIES fc1
10957: WHERE ra.conversion_date(+)=
10958: nvl(trunc(xal.currency_conversion_date), trunc(xah.accounting_date))
10959: AND ra.conversion_type (+)=
10960: CASE l_ledger_attrs.array_ledger_type(i)