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Line 801: -- pa_expenditure_comments and/or pa_expenditure_items_all.

797: Else
799: -- Need to find out what has changed to determine whether or not need to
800: -- insert record into pa_transaction_interface or update tables
801: -- pa_expenditure_comments and/or pa_expenditure_items_all.
802: G_Stage := 'Call Determine Direct Update 3.';
803: If G_Debug_Mode = 'Y' Then
804: Pa_Debug.G_err_Stage := 'Pa_Otc_Api ::: ' || G_Path || ' :: ' || G_Stage;
805: pa_cc_utils.log_message(Pa_Debug.G_Err_Stage,0);

Line 1603: l_Exp_Comment Pa_Expenditure_Comments.Expenditure_Comment%TYPE;

1599: l_Attribute10 Pa_Expenditure_Items_All.Attribute10%TYPE;
1600: l_Assignment_Id Pa_Expenditure_Items_All.Assignment_Id%TYPE;
1601: l_Work_Type_Id Pa_Expenditure_Items_All.Work_Type_Id%TYPE;
1602: l_Billable_Flag Pa_Expenditure_Items_All.Billable_Flag%TYPE;
1603: l_Exp_Comment Pa_Expenditure_Comments.Expenditure_Comment%TYPE;
1604: -- Begin CWK changes PA.M
1605: l_Person_Type Pa_Expenditures_All.Person_Type%TYPE;
1606: l_PO_Line_Id Pa_Expenditure_Items_All.PO_Line_Id%TYPE;
1607: l_PO_Price_Type Pa_Expenditure_Items_All.PO_Price_Type%TYPE;

Line 1722: Pa_Expenditure_Comments PEC,

1718: -- bug 10253400: Payroll integration enhancement for 12.2..end
1719: ,l_Cbs_Element_Id -- Added for CBS Enhancement Bug 16220146
1720: From
1721: Pa_Expenditure_Items EI,
1722: Pa_Expenditure_Comments PEC,
1723: Pa_Expenditures E
1724: -- 3457943 S.N.
1725: --Pa_Tasks T
1726: -- 3457943 E.N.

Line 1971: Pa_Expenditure_Comments

1967: Cursor CheckExpComment (P_Ei_Id IN Number) Is
1968: Select
1969: Count(*)
1970: From
1971: Pa_Expenditure_Comments
1972: Where
1973: Expenditure_Item_Id = P_Ei_Id;
1975: l_Comment_Count Number := 0;

Line 2055: Insert into Pa_Expenditure_Comments

2051: Pa_Debug.G_err_Stage := 'Pa_Otc_Api ::: ' || G_Path || ' :: ' || G_Stage;
2052: pa_cc_utils.log_message(Pa_Debug.G_Err_Stage,0);
2053: End If;
2055: Insert into Pa_Expenditure_Comments
2056: ( Expenditure_Item_Id,
2057: Line_Number,
2058: Last_Update_Date,
2059: Last_Updated_By,

Line 2090: Update Pa_Expenditure_Comments

2086: Pa_Debug.G_err_Stage := 'Pa_Otc_Api ::: ' || G_Path || ' :: ' || G_Stage;
2087: pa_cc_utils.log_message(Pa_Debug.G_Err_Stage,0);
2088: End If;
2090: Update Pa_Expenditure_Comments
2091: Set Expenditure_Comment = P_Timecard_Rec.Expenditure_Item_Comment,
2092: Last_Updated_By = P_User_Id,
2093: Last_Update_Date = SysDate,
2094: Last_Update_Login = l_Last_Update_Login,

Line 2109: Delete From Pa_Expenditure_Comments

2105: Pa_Debug.G_err_Stage := 'Pa_Otc_Api ::: ' || G_Path || ' :: ' || G_Stage;
2106: pa_cc_utils.log_message(Pa_Debug.G_Err_Stage,0);
2107: End If;
2109: Delete From Pa_Expenditure_Comments
2110: Where Expenditure_Item_Id = l_Exp_Item_Id ;
2112: End If;

Line 6723: l_Exp_Item_Comment Pa_Expenditure_Comments.Expenditure_Comment%TYPE;

6719: l_Net_Zero_flag Pa_Expenditure_Items_All.Net_Zero_Adjustment_Flag%TYPE := 'N';
6720: l_Max_Version Number := 0;
6721: l_RowId RowId;
6722: l_Exp_Item_Id Pa_Expenditure_Items_All.Expenditure_Item_Id%TYPE;
6723: l_Exp_Item_Comment Pa_Expenditure_Comments.Expenditure_Comment%TYPE;
6724: l_Ovn_Check_Value Number := 0;
6725: -- Bug 10253400.. 12.2 payroll intg .. start
6726: l_job_id Pa_Expenditure_Items_All.Job_id%TYPE;
6727: l_location_id Pa_Expenditure_Items_All.Location_id%TYPE;

Line 6757: Pa_Expenditure_Comments c

6753: Select
6754: 'Y'
6755: From
6756: Pa_Expenditure_Items_All ei,
6757: Pa_Expenditure_Comments c
6758: Where
6759: ei.Expenditure_Item_Id = c.Expenditure_Item_Id(+)
6760: And (ei.Task_Id <> nvl(P_Proj_Attribute_Rec.Task_Id,-99)
6761: Or ei.Expenditure_Type <> nvl(P_Proj_Attribute_Rec.Expenditure_Type,'-999999999')