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1 PACKAGE pay_us_payroll_utils AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: pyusutil.pkh 120.1.12020000.2 2012/07/05 03:56:57 amnaraya ship $ */
3 /*
4    ******************************************************************
5    *                                                                *
6    *  Copyright (C) 1993 Oracle Corporation.                        *
7    *  All rights reserved.                                          *
8    *                                                                *
9    *  This material has been provided pursuant to an agreement      *
10    *  containing restrictions on its use.  The material is also     *
11    *  protected by copyright law.  No part of this material may     *
12    *  be copied or distributed, transmitted or transcribed, in      *
13    *  any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic,   *
14    *  manual, or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without   *
15    *  the express written permission of Oracle Corporation,         *
16    *  500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA, 94065.                  *
20     Name        : pay_us_payroll_utils
17    *                                                                *
18    ******************************************************************
22     Description : The package has all the common packages used in
23                   US Payroll.
25     Change List
26     -----------
27     Date        Name       Vers    Bug No   Description
28     ----------- ---------- ------  -------  --------------------------
29     24-APR-2003 ahanda     115.0            Created.
30     30-MAY-2003 vinaraya   115.1  2973119   Added code for city tax information
31                                             in populate_jit_information and
32 					    check for county and city tax in
33 					    get_tax_exists.
34     05-JUN-2003 vnatari    115.2  2938540   Overloaded function get_tax_exists.
35     18-jun-2003 sodhingr   115.3  3011003   Added the cursor c_get_defined_balance_id
36     06-AUG-2003 sshetty    115.4            Added a field dcp_limit to record type
37                                             fed_tax_info_rec.
38     29-AUG-2003 rsethupa   115.5  2527077   Added functions formated_header_string
39                                             and formated_data_string which will be
40                                             used by reports in HTML and CSV formats.
41     13-NOV-2003 tclewis    115.6            Added structure for STEIC to state
42                                             structure.
43     18-MAR-2004 sdahiya    115.7            Added p_legislation_code parameter to
44                                             check_balance_status.
45     26-APR-2004 ahanda     115.8            Added function get_parameter.
46     08-NOV-2004 ahanda     115.9            defaulted p_bold to 'N'
47     20-DEC-2004 schauhan   115.10 3892148   Added fucntion ssn_reporting_preferences.
48     12-JAN-2005 ahanda     115.11 3980866   Added check for FUTA at state level for
49                                             the mentioned bug.
50     19-APR-2005 ahanda     115.13           Added a new function get_min_action
51                                             to get the min assignment_action_id
52                                             for a given business_group, GRE, payroll
53                                             and dates.
54     06-MAR-2009 tclewis    115.14           Added SDI1_EE_wage_limit to the state
55                                             record.
56     29-FEB-2012 ybudamal   115.15 13715397  Added procedure update_state_or_local_wh_link.
57    *****************************************************************************/
59   /*****************************************************************************
60    Name      : populate_jit_information
61    Purpose   : This procedure populates a PL/SQL table with JIT information
62    Arguments :
63    Notes     :
64   *****************************************************************************/
65   PROCEDURE populate_jit_information(
66                 p_effective_date    in date     default sysdate
67                ,p_get_federal       in varchar2 default 'N'
68                ,p_get_state         in varchar2 default 'N'
69                ,p_get_county        in varchar2 default 'N'
70 	       ,p_get_city          in varchar2 default 'N'
71 	       ,p_jurisdiction_code in varchar2 default NULL);
73  /********************************************************************
74   ** Function : get_tax_exists
75   ** Arguments: p_jurisdiction_code
76   **            p_tax_type
77   ** Returns  : Y/N
78   ** Purpose  : This function has 2 parameters as input. The function
79   **            gets the effective_date from fnd_sessions. If the date
80   **            in fnd_sessions is not found, get the data as of sysdate.
81   *********************************************************************/
82   FUNCTION get_tax_exists (p_jurisdiction_code in varchar2 default '00-000-0000'
83                           ,p_tax_type          in varchar2)
84   RETURN varchar2;
86  /********************************************************************
87   ** Function : get_tax_exists
88   ** Arguments: p_jurisdiction_code
89   **            p_tax_type
90   **            p_effective_date
91   ** Returns  : Y/N
92   ** Purpose  : This function has 3 parameters as input. The function
93   **            gets the data as of the effective_date passed to it.
94   *********************************************************************/
95   FUNCTION get_tax_exists (p_jurisdiction_code in varchar2 default '00-000-0000'
96                           ,p_tax_type          in varchar2
97                           ,p_effective_date    in date)
98   RETURN varchar2;
100   /********************************************************************
101   ** Global PL/SQL Tables
102   *********************************************************************/
103   TYPE fed_tax_info_rec IS RECORD
104      (futa_wage     NUMBER
105      ,futa_rate     NUMBER
106      ,ss_ee_wage    NUMBER
107      ,ss_ee_rate    NUMBER
108      ,ss_er_wage    NUMBER
109      ,ss_er_rate    NUMBER
110      ,med_ee_rate   NUMBER
111      ,med_er_rate   NUMBER
112      ,p401_limit    NUMBER
113      ,p403_limit    NUMBER
114      ,p457_limit    NUMBER
115      ,catchup_401k  NUMBER
116      ,catchup_403b  NUMBER
117      ,catchup_457   NUMBER
118      ,dcp_limit     NUMBER
119      );
121   TYPE fed_tax_info_table IS TABLE OF
122       fed_tax_info_rec
125   TYPE state_tax_info_rec IS RECORD
126      ( sit_exists    varchar2(1)
127       ,sui_ee_limit  NUMBER
128       ,sui_er_limit  NUMBER
129       ,sdi_ee_limit  NUMBER
130       ,sdi_er_limit  NUMBER
131       ,steic_exists  VARCHAR2(1)
132       ,futa_rate     NUMBER
136   TYPE state_tax_info_table IS TABLE OF
133       ,sdi1_ee_limit  NUMBER
134      );
137       state_tax_info_rec
140   TYPE county_tax_info_rec IS RECORD
141      ( jurisdiction_code    varchar2(11)
142       ,cnty_tax_exists      varchar2(1)
143       ,cnty_head_tax_exists varchar2(1)
144       ,cnty_sd_tax_exists   varchar2(1)
145      );
147   TYPE county_tax_info_table IS TABLE OF
148       county_tax_info_rec
151   /************************  Bug 2971119 Changes Start   ***********************
152   ***** Added code to populate city information into pl/sql table **************
153   *****************************************************************************/
155   TYPE city_tax_info_rec IS RECORD
156        ( jurisdiction_code    varchar2(11)
157        , city_tax_exists      varchar2(1)
158        , city_head_tax_exists varchar2(1)
159        , city_sd_tax_exists   varchar2(1)
160        );
162   TYPE city_tax_info_table IS TABLE OF
163        city_tax_info_rec
166   ltr_city_tax_info     city_tax_info_table;
168   /**********************   Bug 2973119 Changes End ***************************/
170   ltr_fed_tax_info      fed_tax_info_table;
171   ltr_state_tax_info    state_tax_info_table;
172   ltr_county_tax_info   county_tax_info_table;
174   /*****************************************************************************
175    Name      : check_balance_status
176    Purpose   : Function should be used to identify whether the balances relevant
177                to partcular attribute are valid for use of BRA.
178    Arguments : 1. Start Date
179                2. Business Group Id
180                3. Atttribute Name
181                4. Legislation Code
182    Return    : 'Y' for valid status and 'N' for invalid status of balance
183    Notes     : It will used by group level reports (940,941,GRE Totals etc) to find
184                if all the balances related to a report are valid or not
185   *****************************************************************************/
186   FUNCTION check_balance_status(
187               p_start_date        in date,
188               p_business_group_id in hr_organization_units.organization_id%type,
189               p_attribute_name    in varchar2,
190               p_legislation_code  in varchar2 default 'US')
193   /*****************************************************************************
194    Name      : c_get_defined_balance_id
195    Purpose   : This is the cursor to get the defined balance id
196 	       and user entity name for given balance name and the dimension in
197 	       a business group. This is mainly used by year end archiver.
198    Arguments : 1. Balance Dimension
199 	       3. Business Group Id
200    Return    : Balance name, defined balance id and user entity name
201    Notes     : It will used by group level reports (940,941,GRE Totals etc) to find
202                if all the balances related to a report are valid or not
203   *****************************************************************************/
204   CURSOR c_get_defined_balance_id (
205               cp_balance_name  in varchar2,
206                cp_balance_dimension in varchar2,
207                cp_business_group_id in number ) is
208         select pdb.defined_balance_id,fue.user_entity_name
209          from ff_user_entities fue,
210               pay_defined_balances pdb,
211               pay_balance_dimensions pbd,
212               pay_balance_types pbt
213         where pbt.balance_name in  (cp_balance_name)
214           and pbd.database_item_suffix= cp_balance_dimension
215           and pbt.balance_type_id = pdb.balance_type_id
216           and pbd.balance_dimension_id = pdb.balance_dimension_id
217           and fue.creator_id = pdb.defined_balance_id
218           and fue.creator_type = 'B'
219           and ((pbt.legislation_code = 'US' and
220                 pbt.business_group_id is null)
221             or (pbt.legislation_code is null and
222                 pbt.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id))
223           and ((pbd.legislation_code ='US' and
224                 pbd.business_group_id is null)
225             or (pbd.legislation_code is null and
226                 pbd.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id)) ;
228  /************************************************************
229   ** Function : formated_header_string
230   ** Arguments: p_input_string
231   **            p_output_file_type
232   ** Returns  : input string with the HTML Header tags
233   ** Purpose  : This Function will be used by reports that are
234   **            displaying in HTML format. It returns the input
235   **            string with the HTML Header tags
236   ************************************************************/
237   FUNCTION formated_header_string
238              (p_input_string     in VARCHAR2
239              ,p_output_file_type in VARCHAR2
240              )
243  /***********************************************************
244   ** Function : formated_data_string
245   ** Arguments: p_input_string
246   **            p_output_file_type
247   **            p_bold
248   ** Returns  : the formated input string based on the Output
249   **            format. If the format is CSV then the values are
250   **            returned seperated by comma (,). If the format is
251   **            HTML then the returned string has the HTML tags.
252   **            The parameter p_bold only works for the HTML
253   **            format.
254   ** Purpose  : This Function will be used by reports that are
255   **            displaying in HTML/CSV format.
256   ************************************************************/
257   FUNCTION formated_data_string
258              (p_input_string     in VARCHAR2
259              ,p_output_file_type in VARCHAR2
260              ,p_bold             in VARCHAR2 default 'N'
261              )
264   /**************************************************************************
265   ** Function : get_parameter
266   ** Arguments: p_param_name
267   **            p_parameter_list
268   ** Returns  : the the value for the parameter p_param_name
269   **            from the p_parameter_list
270   **            This function is called to get the value entered
271   **            by the user which is stored in legislative
272   **            parameters. Both the name and list is passed to
273   **            the function.
274   **************************************************************************/
275   FUNCTION get_parameter(p_parameter_name in varchar2,
276                          p_parameter_list in varchar2)
280   /**************************************************************************
281   ** Function : ssn_reporting_preferences
282   ** Arguments: p_loc_id location Id,
283   **            p_org_id organization Id,
284   **            p_bg_id  business group Id
285   ** Returns  : The value for the parameter lv_display_ssn
286   **
287   **            This function is called is called from Check Writer,
288   **            Deposit Advice and Archive Check WRiter and Deposit
289   **            Advice Reports.It is supposed to return if we want to
290   **            show SSN on the output of these reoprts or not.
291   **            The Function checks the value set by the user at location
292   **            then organization and finally at BG level.It was added
293   **            for Bug 3892148.
294   **************************************************************************/
295   FUNCTION ssn_reporting_preferences(p_loc_id in number,
296                                      p_org_id in number,
297                                      p_bg_id  in number)
301   /**************************************************************************
302   **    Function: get_min_actions
303   **    Argument:
304   ** Description:
305   **************************************************************************/
306   FUNCTION get_min_action(p_business_group_id in number
307                          ,p_start_date        in date
308                          ,p_end_date          in date
309                          ,p_tax_unit_id       in number default null
310                          ,p_payroll_id        in number default null)
314   /*****************************************************************************
315   Name      : update_state_or_local_wh_link
316   Purpose   : This procedure updates the state W4 withholding link and local
317               tax form link for the State if local link exists. Otherwise
318               creates a new local tax form link.
319   Arguments : p_state                   - Name of the State
320               p_state_or_local_tax_form - State/Local form to update
321               p_link                    - New Link to be used
322   Notes     :
323   *****************************************************************************/
325   PROCEDURE update_state_or_local_wh_link(errbuf  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
326                                           retcode OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
327                                           p_state_or_local_tax_form IN VARCHAR2,
328                                           p_state IN VARCHAR2,
329                                           p_link  IN VARCHAR2);
331 end pay_us_payroll_utils;