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Line 4178: FROM fa_deprn_summary fds,

4174: -- get accumulated depreciation for the asset on the termination date(AVSINGH)
4175: -- if the FA book period is closed
4176: CURSOR get_acc_deprn_csr (p_kle_id IN NUMBER, p_ter_date IN DATE) IS
4177: SELECT fds.deprn_reserve deprn_amt
4178: FROM fa_deprn_summary fds,
4179: fa_deprn_periods fdp,
4180: fa_book_controls fbc,
4181: fa_calendar_periods fcp,
4182: okc_k_items_v itm,

Line 4202: from fa_deprn_summary fds,

4198: -- get accumulated depreciation for the asset on the termination date(AVSINGH)
4199: -- if the FA Book period is open
4200: CURSOR get_acc_deprn1_csr (p_kle_id IN NUMBER) IS
4201: select fds.deprn_reserve deprn_amt
4202: from fa_deprn_summary fds,
4203: fa_deprn_periods fdp,
4204: fa_book_controls fbc,
4205: okc_k_items itm,
4206: okc_k_lines_b kle,

Line 4578: FROM fa_deprn_summary fds,

4574: -- get accumulated depreciation for the asset on the termination date(AVSINGH)
4575: -- if the FA book period is closed
4576: CURSOR get_acc_deprn_csr (p_kle_id IN NUMBER, p_trn_date IN DATE) IS
4577: SELECT nvl(fds.deprn_reserve,0) deprn_amt
4578: FROM fa_deprn_summary fds,
4579: fa_deprn_periods fdp,
4580: fa_book_controls fbc,
4581: fa_calendar_periods fcp,
4582: okc_k_items_v itm,

Line 4602: FROM fa_deprn_summary fds,

4598: -- get accumulated depreciation for the asset on the termination date(AVSINGH)
4599: -- if the FA Book period is open
4600: CURSOR get_acc_deprn1_csr (p_kle_id IN NUMBER) IS
4601: SELECT nvl(fds.deprn_reserve,0) deprn_amt
4602: FROM fa_deprn_summary fds,
4603: fa_deprn_periods fdp,
4604: fa_book_controls fbc,
4605: okc_k_items itm,
4606: okc_k_lines_b kle,

Line 5147: FROM fa_deprn_summary fds,

5143: WHERE id = p_khr_id;
5145: CURSOR get_book_type_code(p_ast_id IN NUMBER) IS
5146: SELECT fbc.book_type_code
5147: FROM fa_deprn_summary fds,
5148: fa_book_controls fbc
5149: WHERE fbc.book_class = 'CORPORATE'
5150: AND fds.book_type_code = fbc.book_type_code
5151: AND fds.asset_id = p_ast_id