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Line 147: Delete from FV_STATUS_OBLIG_TEMP ;

143: Procedure Initialize is
144: l_module_name varchar2(200) := g_module_name || 'initialize';
145: Begin
146: -- Delete the Temporary table
147: Delete from FV_STATUS_OBLIG_TEMP ;
148: Exception
149: When Others Then
150: v_error_code := sqlcode ;
151: v_error_mesg := sqlerrm ;

Line 165: from fv_status_oblig_temp

161: l_req_duplicate number;
162: l_po_duplicate number;
163: Cursor c1_duplicate_PO(p_inv_po_distribution_id number) Is
164: select 2
165: from fv_status_oblig_temp
166: where inv_po_distribution_id = p_inv_po_distribution_id ;
167: Cursor c2_duplicate_req(p_po_req_distribution_id number) Is
168: select 1
169: from fv_status_oblig_temp

Line 169: from fv_status_oblig_temp

165: from fv_status_oblig_temp
166: where inv_po_distribution_id = p_inv_po_distribution_id ;
167: Cursor c2_duplicate_req(p_po_req_distribution_id number) Is
168: select 1
169: from fv_status_oblig_temp
170: where po_req_distribution_id = p_po_req_distribution_id;
171: Begin
173: Begin

Line 317: from fv_status_oblig_temp

313: and poh.type_lookup_code = 'PLANNED'
314: and pod.source_distribution_id is NULL);
315: /* and not exists
316: (select 2
317: from fv_status_oblig_temp
318: where inv_po_distribution_id = pod.po_distribution_id) ;*/
320: Open c1_duplicate_PO(v_inv_po_distribution_id);
321: Fetch c1_duplicate_PO Into l_po_duplicate;

Line 380: from fv_status_oblig_temp

376: and pord.code_combination_id =
377: glcc.code_combination_id;
378: /* and not exists
379: (select 1
380: from fv_status_oblig_temp
381: where po_req_distribution_id =
382: v_po_req_distribution_id ) ;*/
384: Open c2_duplicate_req(v_po_req_distribution_id);

Line 542: from fv_status_oblig_temp fvs

538: po_distributions pod,
539: gl_code_combinations glcc
540: where
541: NOT EXISTS( Select 1
542: from fv_status_oblig_temp fvs
543: where fvs.po_distribution_id = pod.po_distribution_id)
544: and poh.approved_flag = '||''''||'Y'||''''||
545: ' and poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
546: and pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id

Line 718: insert into fv_status_oblig_temp

714: l_module_name varchar2(200) := g_module_name || 'insert_processing';
715: l_errbuf varchar2(300);
716: Begin
717: -- Perform the Inserts
718: insert into fv_status_oblig_temp
719: (REQNUM ,
720: REQDATE ,
721: REQAMT ,
722: REQCCID ,