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Line 763: FROM financials_system_params_all fspa

759: AND (sub.orc_operating_unit_id is NULL AND
760: pasl.owning_organization_id is NULL OR
761: pasl.owning_organization_id =
762: (SELECT fspa.inventory_organization_id
763: FROM financials_system_params_all fspa
764: WHERE fspa.org_id = sub.orc_operating_unit_id
765: AND rownum = 1))
767: SELECT NVL(sub.orc_operating_unit_id, ICX_POR_EXT_ITEM.NULL_NUMBER) org_id,

Line 800: FROM financials_system_params_all fspa

796: AND (sub.orc_operating_unit_id is NULL AND
797: msi.organization_id is NULL OR
798: msi.organization_id =
799: (SELECT fspa.inventory_organization_id
800: FROM financials_system_params_all fspa
801: WHERE fspa.org_id = sub.orc_operating_unit_id
802: AND rownum = 1))
803: -- pcreddy : Bug # 3234875 : Order by type desc
804: ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 5 DESC, 6 DESC;

Line 1804: financials_system_params_all fsp,

1800: gUpgradeUserId, gUpgradeUserId, sysdate
1801: FROM icx_cat_item_prices p,
1802: mtl_system_items_kfv mi,
1803: gl_sets_of_books gsb,
1804: financials_system_params_all fsp,
1805: mtl_units_of_measure_tl muom
1806: WHERE p.inventory_item_id = mi.inventory_item_id
1807: AND p.org_id = fsp.org_id
1808: AND mi.organization_id = fsp.inventory_organization_id

Line 1955: financials_system_params_all fsp,

1951: gUpgradeUserId, gUpgradeUserId, sysdate
1952: FROM mtl_system_items_kfv mi,
1953: mtl_item_categories mic,
1954: gl_sets_of_books gsb,
1955: financials_system_params_all fsp,
1956: --Bug#3581356
1957: --Since categories are already upgraded,
1958: --so join with icx_cat_categories_tl to get the valid category
1959: icx_cat_categories_tl ictl

Line 1968: --financials_system_params_all

1964: AND mic.organization_id = mi.organization_id
1965: --Bug#3581356
1966: --Join with icx_cat_categories_tl to get the valid category
1967: --Add the join between gl_sets_of_books and
1968: --financials_system_params_all
1969: AND fsp.set_of_books_id = gsb.set_of_books_id
1970: AND ictl.key = to_char(mic.category_id)
1971: AND ictl.language = xLanguage
1972: AND ictl.type = 2;