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Line 2595: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type

2592: function fetch_ws1_ref_cursor (p_assignment_action_id Number,
2593: p_record_num out nocopy NUmber) return ref_cursor_typ
2594: is
2595: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type
2596: -- only modification needed is it could be of type blob
2597: -- i tried thta but could not access the blob valus in java routine.
2598: -- can be sorted later
2599: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );

Line 2599: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );

2595: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type
2596: -- only modification needed is it could be of type blob
2597: -- i tried thta but could not access the blob valus in java routine.
2598: -- can be sorted later
2599: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );
2600: l_xfdf_str varchar2(32000);
2601: l_ret_ref_cursor ref_cursor_typ;
2602: l_offset integer;
2603: l_varchar_buffer varchar2(32000);

Line 2769: from table (cast(l_xfdf_str_tab as per_gb_xfdftableType));

2765: end loop;
2766: end loop;
2767: open l_ret_ref_cursor for
2768: select *
2769: from table (cast(l_xfdf_str_tab as per_gb_xfdftableType));
2770: p_record_num := l_loop_count;
2771: return l_ret_ref_cursor;
2772: end ;

Line 3009: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type

3005: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3006: function fetch_ws2_ref_cursor (p_assignment_action_id Number,
3007: p_record_num out nocopy NUmber) return ref_cursor_typ
3008: is
3009: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type
3010: -- only modification needed is it could be of type blob
3011: -- i tried thta but could not access the blob valus in java routine.
3012: -- can be sorted later
3013: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );

Line 3013: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );

3009: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type
3010: -- only modification needed is it could be of type blob
3011: -- i tried thta but could not access the blob valus in java routine.
3012: -- can be sorted later
3013: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );
3014: l_xfdf_str varchar2(32000);
3015: l_ret_ref_cursor ref_cursor_typ;
3016: l_offset integer;
3017: l_varchar_buffer varchar2(32000);

Line 4078: from table (cast(l_xfdf_str_tab as per_gb_xfdftableType));

4074: end loop;
4075: end if;
4076: open l_ret_ref_cursor for
4077: select *
4078: from table (cast(l_xfdf_str_tab as per_gb_xfdftableType));
4079: p_record_num := l_loop_count;
4080: return l_ret_ref_cursor;
4081: end ;

Line 4086: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type

4083: function fetch_ws3_ref_cursor (p_assignment_action_id Number,
4084: p_record_num out nocopy NUmber) return ref_cursor_typ
4085: is
4086: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type
4087: -- only modification needed is it could be of type blob
4088: -- i tried thta but could not access the blob valus in java routine.
4089: -- can be sorted later
4090: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );

Line 4090: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );

4086: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type
4087: -- only modification needed is it could be of type blob
4088: -- i tried thta but could not access the blob valus in java routine.
4089: -- can be sorted later
4090: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );
4091: l_xfdf_str varchar2(32000);
4092: l_ret_ref_cursor ref_cursor_typ;
4094: cursor csr_vans_entries(p_pactid Number,

Line 4691: from table (cast(l_xfdf_str_tab as per_gb_xfdftableType));

4688: hr_utility.trace('10');
4689: open l_ret_ref_cursor for
4690: select *
4691: from table (cast(l_xfdf_str_tab as per_gb_xfdftableType));
4692: p_record_num := l_loop_count;
4693: return l_ret_ref_cursor;
4694: end ;

Line 4699: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type

4696: function fetch_ws4_ref_cursor (p_assignment_action_id Number,
4697: p_record_num out nocopy NUmber) return ref_cursor_typ
4698: is
4699: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type
4700: -- only modification needed is it could be of type blob
4701: -- i tried thta but could not access the blob valus in java routine.
4702: -- can be sorted later
4703: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );

Line 4703: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );

4699: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type
4700: -- only modification needed is it could be of type blob
4701: -- i tried thta but could not access the blob valus in java routine.
4702: -- can be sorted later
4703: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );
4704: l_xfdf_str varchar2(32000);
4705: l_ret_ref_cursor ref_cursor_typ;
4706: cursor csr_int_entries (p_pactid Number,
4707: p_person_id Number,

Line 4892: from table (cast(l_xfdf_str_tab as per_gb_xfdftableType));

4888: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_tab_index) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_tab_index) || ' ';
4889: end if;
4890: open l_ret_ref_cursor for
4891: select *
4892: from table (cast(l_xfdf_str_tab as per_gb_xfdftableType));
4893: p_record_num := l_tab_index;
4894: return l_ret_ref_cursor;
4895: end ;

Line 5055: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type

5052: function fetch_ws6_ref_cursor (p_assignment_action_id Number,
5053: p_record_num out nocopy NUmber) return ref_cursor_typ
5054: is
5055: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type
5056: -- only modification needed is it could be of type blob
5057: -- i tried thta but could not access the blob valus in java routine.
5058: -- can be sorted later
5059: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );

Line 5059: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );

5055: -- per_gb_xfdftableType is explicitly created type
5056: -- only modification needed is it could be of type blob
5057: -- i tried thta but could not access the blob valus in java routine.
5058: -- can be sorted later
5059: l_xfdf_str_tab per_gb_xfdftableType := per_gb_xfdftableType( );
5060: l_xfdf_str varchar2(32000);
5061: l_ret_ref_cursor ref_cursor_typ;
5062: l_offset integer;
5063: l_varchar_buffer varchar2(32000);

Line 5399: from table (cast(l_xfdf_str_tab as per_gb_xfdftableType));

5395: end loop;
5397: open l_ret_ref_cursor for
5398: select *
5399: from table (cast(l_xfdf_str_tab as per_gb_xfdftableType));
5400: p_record_num := l_loop_count;
5402: return l_ret_ref_cursor;
5403: end ;