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APPS.JE_ES_WHTAX dependencies on FND_FILE

Line 5: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, msg);

2: /* $Header: jeeswhtb.pls 120.35.12020000.3 2013/03/07 12:14:08 abhijsar ship $ */
3: PROCEDURE plsqlmsg ( msg IN VARCHAR2) IS
5: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, msg);
6: END plsqlmsg;
7: PROCEDURE dbmsmsg( msg IN VARCHAR2) IS
9: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,msg);

Line 9: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,msg);

5: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, msg);
6: END plsqlmsg;
7: PROCEDURE dbmsmsg( msg IN VARCHAR2) IS
9: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,msg);
10: END dbmsmsg;
11: /* Delete EXTERNAL transactions */
12: PROCEDURE del_trans_x ( -- p_org_name IN VARCHAR2,-- Bug 5207771 org_id removed
13: p_legal_entity_name IN VARCHAR2,

Line 2421: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Parameters :');

2417: p_fetch_tax_rate := nvl(l_tax_rate,p_fetch_tax_rate);
2418: p_fetch_tax_name := nvl(l_tax_name,p_fetch_tax_name);
2419: end;
2420: BEGIN
2421: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Parameters :');
2422: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Selection Criteria : ' || p_pay_inv_sel );
2423: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Summary Report : ' || p_summary );
2424: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date From : ' || p_date_from );
2425: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date To : ' || p_date_to );

Line 2422: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Selection Criteria : ' || p_pay_inv_sel );

2418: p_fetch_tax_name := nvl(l_tax_name,p_fetch_tax_name);
2419: end;
2420: BEGIN
2421: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Parameters :');
2422: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Selection Criteria : ' || p_pay_inv_sel );
2423: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Summary Report : ' || p_summary );
2424: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date From : ' || p_date_from );
2425: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date To : ' || p_date_to );
2426: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Tax Type : ' || p_wht_tax_type );

Line 2423: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Summary Report : ' || p_summary );

2419: end;
2420: BEGIN
2421: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Parameters :');
2422: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Selection Criteria : ' || p_pay_inv_sel );
2423: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Summary Report : ' || p_summary );
2424: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date From : ' || p_date_from );
2425: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date To : ' || p_date_to );
2426: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Tax Type : ' || p_wht_tax_type );
2427: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Legal Entity id : ' || p_legal_entity_id );

Line 2424: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date From : ' || p_date_from );

2420: BEGIN
2421: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Parameters :');
2422: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Selection Criteria : ' || p_pay_inv_sel );
2423: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Summary Report : ' || p_summary );
2424: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date From : ' || p_date_from );
2425: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date To : ' || p_date_to );
2426: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Tax Type : ' || p_wht_tax_type );
2427: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Legal Entity id : ' || p_legal_entity_id );
2428: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Organization id : ' || p_org_id );

Line 2425: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date To : ' || p_date_to );

2421: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Parameters :');
2422: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Selection Criteria : ' || p_pay_inv_sel );
2423: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Summary Report : ' || p_summary );
2424: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date From : ' || p_date_from );
2425: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date To : ' || p_date_to );
2426: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Tax Type : ' || p_wht_tax_type );
2427: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Legal Entity id : ' || p_legal_entity_id );
2428: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Organization id : ' || p_org_id );
2429: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,' ');

Line 2426: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Tax Type : ' || p_wht_tax_type );

2422: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Selection Criteria : ' || p_pay_inv_sel );
2423: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Summary Report : ' || p_summary );
2424: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date From : ' || p_date_from );
2425: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date To : ' || p_date_to );
2426: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Tax Type : ' || p_wht_tax_type );
2427: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Legal Entity id : ' || p_legal_entity_id );
2428: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Organization id : ' || p_org_id );
2429: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,' ');

Line 2427: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Legal Entity id : ' || p_legal_entity_id );

2423: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Summary Report : ' || p_summary );
2424: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date From : ' || p_date_from );
2425: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date To : ' || p_date_to );
2426: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Tax Type : ' || p_wht_tax_type );
2427: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Legal Entity id : ' || p_legal_entity_id );
2428: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Organization id : ' || p_org_id );
2429: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,' ');
2431: date_from := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(P_DATE_FROM); --bug1411547

Line 2428: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Organization id : ' || p_org_id );

2424: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date From : ' || p_date_from );
2425: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date To : ' || p_date_to );
2426: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Tax Type : ' || p_wht_tax_type );
2427: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Legal Entity id : ' || p_legal_entity_id );
2428: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Organization id : ' || p_org_id );
2429: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,' ');
2431: date_from := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(P_DATE_FROM); --bug1411547
2432: date_to := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(P_DATE_TO); --bug1411547

Line 2429: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,' ');

2425: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Date To : ' || p_date_to );
2426: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Tax Type : ' || p_wht_tax_type );
2427: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Legal Entity id : ' || p_legal_entity_id );
2428: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,'Organization id : ' || p_org_id );
2429: fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log,' ');
2431: date_from := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(P_DATE_FROM); --bug1411547
2432: date_to := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(P_DATE_TO); --bug1411547

Line 2510: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'In Magnetic');

2506: tax_name1,
2507: l_parent_reversal_flag;
2508: EXIT WHEN detail_paid%NOTFOUND;
2509: first_record := first_record + 1;
2510: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'In Magnetic');
2511: -- Retain Old data
2512: if ( first_record = 1 ) then
2513: old_remun_type := remun_type1;
2514: old_sub_remun_type := sub_remun_type1;

Line 2792: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Net Amount: '||to_char(net_amount1));

2788: net_amount1 := round((((paid_amount + nvl(discount_amount,0))/ (invoice_amount - invoice_prepaid_amount - invoice_withheld_amount))* net_amount1),func_curr_precision);
2789: withholding_tax_amount1 := round((((paid_amount + nvl(discount_amount,0))/ (invoice_amount - invoice_prepaid_amount - invoice_withheld_amount))* invoice_withheld_amount * -1),func_curr_precision);
2790: end if; -- if nvl(inv_payment_status_flag,'N') ='Y' or <> 'Y'
2791: end if; -- if wht_mode = 'M'
2792: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Net Amount: '||to_char(net_amount1));
2793: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'WHT Amount: '||to_char(withholding_tax_amount1));
2794: if ( withholding_tax_amount1 <>0 )
2795: or (tax_rate1 = 0) then -- Bug 1212074
2796: countrecs := countrecs + 1;

Line 2793: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'WHT Amount: '||to_char(withholding_tax_amount1));

2789: withholding_tax_amount1 := round((((paid_amount + nvl(discount_amount,0))/ (invoice_amount - invoice_prepaid_amount - invoice_withheld_amount))* invoice_withheld_amount * -1),func_curr_precision);
2790: end if; -- if nvl(inv_payment_status_flag,'N') ='Y' or <> 'Y'
2791: end if; -- if wht_mode = 'M'
2792: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Net Amount: '||to_char(net_amount1));
2793: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'WHT Amount: '||to_char(withholding_tax_amount1));
2794: if ( withholding_tax_amount1 <>0 )
2795: or (tax_rate1 = 0) then -- Bug 1212074
2796: countrecs := countrecs + 1;
2797: ins_trans( legal_entity_id => p_legal_entity_id,

Line 2943: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Before No data');

2939: l_parent_reversal_flag,
2940: awt_invoice_payment_id --Bug 12616975
2941: );
2942: end if;
2943: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Before No data');
2944: -- Automatic Withholding
2945: -- Withholding calculated at invoice payment time.
2946: if ( wht_mode = 'A' ) then
2947: if (nvl(inv_awt_flag,'N') = 'N') then

Line 2982: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Net Amount:' ||to_char(net_amount1));

2978: net_amount1 := round((((paid_amount + nvl(discount_amount,0))/ (invoice_amount - invoice_prepaid_amount - invoice_withheld_amount))* net_amount1),func_curr_precision);
2979: withholding_tax_amount1 := round((((paid_amount + nvl(discount_amount,0))/ (invoice_amount - invoice_prepaid_amount - invoice_withheld_amount))* invoice_withheld_amount * -1),func_curr_precision);
2980: end if; -- if nvl(inv_payment_status_flag,'N') = 'Y' or 'N'
2981: end if; -- if wht_mode = 'M'
2982: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Net Amount:' ||to_char(net_amount1));
2983: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'WHT Amount:' ||to_char(withholding_tax_amount1));
2984: if ( withholding_tax_amount1 <>0 )
2985: or (tax_rate1 = 0) then -- Bug 1212074
2986: countrecs := countrecs + 1;

Line 2983: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'WHT Amount:' ||to_char(withholding_tax_amount1));

2979: withholding_tax_amount1 := round((((paid_amount + nvl(discount_amount,0))/ (invoice_amount - invoice_prepaid_amount - invoice_withheld_amount))* invoice_withheld_amount * -1),func_curr_precision);
2980: end if; -- if nvl(inv_payment_status_flag,'N') = 'Y' or 'N'
2981: end if; -- if wht_mode = 'M'
2982: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Net Amount:' ||to_char(net_amount1));
2983: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'WHT Amount:' ||to_char(withholding_tax_amount1));
2984: if ( withholding_tax_amount1 <>0 )
2985: or (tax_rate1 = 0) then -- Bug 1212074
2986: countrecs := countrecs + 1;
2987: ins_trans( legal_entity_id => p_legal_entity_id,