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Line 10: * Returns : The party id for a user idenitfied by fnd user name

7: -- Get_User_Party_Id
8: /*****************************************************************************
9: * Function : Get_User_Party_Id
10: * Returns : The party id for a user idenitfied by fnd user name
11: * NULL if no matching party is found
12: * Purpose : Convert the user name into a party id.
13: *
14: * Bug No: 4327218

Line 15: * Changing all reference to FND_USER.customer_id as FND_USER.person_party_id

11: * NULL if no matching party is found
12: * Purpose : Convert the user name into a party id.
13: *
14: * Bug No: 4327218
15: * Changing all reference to FND_USER.customer_id as FND_USER.person_party_id
16: * Changing the variable name also to avoid confusion.
17: *****************************************************************************/
18: FUNCTION Get_User_Party_Id
19: ( p_user_name IN VARCHAR2

Line 34: FROM fnd_user

32: SELECT employee_id, person_party_id, supplier_id
33: INTO l_employee_id, l_person_party_id, l_supplier_id
34: FROM fnd_user
35: WHERE user_name = upper(p_user_name);--Bug No 3463516
36: -- Since the internal value of user_name is always upper case
37: -- removed the upper fn from the column, to fix perfoemance bug
38: -- 4950315