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Line 16266: --FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'l_dml_operation: '||l_dml_operation);

16262: If the plan year period overlaps with any of the current plan year
16263: periods, then log the skipping of plan year period creation in the
16264: log file.
16265: */
16266: --FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'l_dml_operation: '||l_dml_operation);
16267: --FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'l_PGM_ID: '||l_PGM_ID||' l_PL_ID: '||l_PL_ID||' l_YR_PERD_ID: '||l_YR_PERD_ID);
16268: if l_dml_operation = 'INSERT' and l_PGM_ID is null and l_PL_ID is not null then
16269: open c_pl_yrp(l_YR_PERD_ID,l_PL_ID);
16270: loop

Line 16267: --FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'l_PGM_ID: '||l_PGM_ID||' l_PL_ID: '||l_PL_ID||' l_YR_PERD_ID: '||l_YR_PERD_ID);

16263: periods, then log the skipping of plan year period creation in the
16264: log file.
16265: */
16266: --FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'l_dml_operation: '||l_dml_operation);
16267: --FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'l_PGM_ID: '||l_PGM_ID||' l_PL_ID: '||l_PL_ID||' l_YR_PERD_ID: '||l_YR_PERD_ID);
16268: if l_dml_operation = 'INSERT' and l_PGM_ID is null and l_PL_ID is not null then
16269: open c_pl_yrp(l_YR_PERD_ID,l_PL_ID);
16270: loop
16271: fetch c_pl_yrp into l_c_start_date,l_c_end_date,l_n_start_date,l_n_end_date;

Line 16279: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Skipping plan year period creation for plan "'||l_pl_name.name||'"');

16275: l_skip_pl_yrp := true;
16276: open c_pl_name(l_PL_ID);
16277: fetch c_pl_name into l_pl_name;
16278: close c_pl_name;
16279: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Skipping plan year period creation for plan "'||l_pl_name.name||'"');
16280: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'This plan year period "'||l_c_start_date||' - '||l_c_end_date||'" overlaps with another plan year period "'||l_n_start_date||' - '||l_n_end_date||'" for the plan "'||l_pl_name.name||'"' );
16281: end loop;
16282: close c_pl_yrp;
16283: if not l_skip_pl_yrp then

Line 16280: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'This plan year period "'||l_c_start_date||' - '||l_c_end_date||'" overlaps with another plan year period "'||l_n_start_date||' - '||l_n_end_date||'" for the plan "'||l_pl_name.name||'"' );

16276: open c_pl_name(l_PL_ID);
16277: fetch c_pl_name into l_pl_name;
16278: close c_pl_name;
16279: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Skipping plan year period creation for plan "'||l_pl_name.name||'"');
16280: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'This plan year period "'||l_c_start_date||' - '||l_c_end_date||'" overlaps with another plan year period "'||l_n_start_date||' - '||l_n_end_date||'" for the plan "'||l_pl_name.name||'"' );
16281: end loop;
16282: close c_pl_yrp;
16283: if not l_skip_pl_yrp then
16284: open c_dup_pl_yrp(l_YR_PERD_ID,l_PL_ID);