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1 PACKAGE BODY eam_metr_processor AS
2 /* $Header: EAMETRPB.pls 115.5 2003/11/20 01:12:56 lllin ship $ */
4   procedure start_processing(p_group_id in number,
5                              p_retcode out NOCOPY varchar2);
6   procedure process_one_meter_data(p_group_id in number,
7                                    p_meter_id in number,
8                                    p_retcode  out NOCOPY varchar2);
9   procedure insert_one_row(p_rowid rowid);
10   procedure end_processing(p_group_id in number);
13   procedure process_meter_reading_requests(
14                    errbuf     out NOCOPY varchar2,
15                    retcode    out NOCOPY varchar2,
16                    p_group_id in number,
17                    p_commit   in boolean default true) is
18     cursor allmeters is
19       select distinct meter_id
20         from eam_meter_readings_interface
21        where group_id = p_group_id
22          and process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION
23          and process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING;
25     x_meter_id number;
26     x_retcode varchar2(1);
27     x_has_error boolean := false;
28     x_all_error boolean := true;
29   begin
30     retcode := '0';
31     start_processing(p_group_id, retcode);
32     if ( retcode = '2' ) then
33       errbuf := 'The meter entity information provides are all incorrect. ' ||
34                 'Please come back after correct them.';
35       return;
36     end if;
38     open allmeters;
39     LOOP
40       fetch allmeters into x_meter_id;
41       EXIT WHEN ( allmeters%NOTFOUND );
42       process_one_meter_data(p_group_id, x_meter_id, x_retcode);
43       if ( x_retcode = '2' ) then
44         x_has_error := true;
45       else
46         x_all_error := false;
47       end if;
48     END LOOP;
49     close allmeters;
51     end_processing(p_group_id);
53     if ( x_all_error AND retcode = '2') then
54       retcode := '2';
55     elsif ( x_has_error OR retcode = '1') then
56       retcode := '1';
57     else
58       retcode := '0';
59     end if;
61     if ( retcode <> '0' ) then
62       errbuf := 'Please go to meter reading interface form to check the problems.';
63     end if;
65     if ( p_commit ) then
66       commit;
67     end if;
68   end process_meter_reading_requests;
71   procedure start_processing(p_group_id in number,
72                              p_retcode out NOCOPY varchar2) is
73     cursor allrows is
74       select rowid, interface_id
75         from eam_meter_readings_interface
76        where group_id = p_group_id
77          and process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION
78          and process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING;
80     x_current_rowid rowid;
81     x_interface_id number;
82     x_retcode varchar2(1);
83     x_has_error boolean := false;
84     x_all_error boolean := true;
85   begin
86     p_retcode := '0';
87     -- generates the interface id and lock the rows
88     update eam_meter_readings_interface
89        set interface_id = wip_interface_s.nextval,
90            process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING
91      where group_id = p_group_id
92        and process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION
93        and process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.PENDING;
95     -- validate meter name and meter id field for all rows.
96     open allrows;
97     LOOP
98       fetch allrows into x_current_rowid, x_interface_id;
99       EXIT WHEN ( allrows%NOTFOUND );
100       eam_metr_validator.meter_name(x_current_rowid, x_interface_id, x_retcode);
101       if ( x_retcode = '2' ) then
102         x_has_error := true;
103       else
104         x_all_error := false;
105       end if;
106       eam_metr_validator.meter_id(x_current_rowid, x_interface_id, x_retcode);
107       if ( x_retcode = '2' ) then
108         x_has_error := true;
109       elsif ( x_retcode <> '#' ) then
110         x_all_error := false;
111       end if;
113       if ( x_all_error ) then
114         p_retcode := '2';
115       elsif ( x_has_error ) then
116         p_retcode := '1';
117       else
118         p_retcode := '0';
119       end if;
120     END LOOP;
121     close allrows;
122   end start_processing;
125   procedure process_one_meter_data(p_group_id in number,
126                                    p_meter_id in number,
127                                    p_retcode  out NOCOPY varchar2) is
128     cursor meter is
129       select rowid, interface_id, disable_flag, meter_id, reading_date
130         from eam_meter_readings_interface
131        where group_id = p_group_id
132          and meter_id = p_meter_id
133          and process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION
134          and process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING
135              order by reading_date;
137     x_rowid rowid;
138     x_interface_id number;
139     l_disable_flag varchar2(1);
140     l_msg_count number;
141     l_msg_data varchar2(5000);
142     l_return_status varchar2(1);
143     l_meter_id number;
144     l_reading_date date;
145   begin
146     p_retcode := '0';
147     open meter;
148     LOOP
149       fetch meter into x_rowid, x_interface_id, l_disable_flag, l_meter_id, l_reading_date;
150       EXIT WHEN ( meter%NOTFOUND );
152       savepoint eam_meter_reading_start;
154       eam_metr_validator.validate(x_rowid, x_interface_id);
156       -- check to see whether the current record errors out or not
157       -- due the validation
158       if ( eam_int_utils.has_errors ) then
159         -- rollback the default, etc.
160         rollback to savepoint eam_meter_reading_start;
161         -- set the error status for the current record
162         update eam_meter_readings_interface
163            set process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.ERROR
164          where rowid = x_rowid;
165         -- set the return code
166         p_retcode := '2';
167       else
168         -- if the row passed validation, then we set the process phase
169         -- and then do the insertion
170         update eam_meter_readings_interface
171            set process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_INSERTION
172          where rowid = x_rowid;
174         if (l_disable_flag is not null and l_disable_flag='Y') then
175                 eam_meterreading_pub.disable_meter_reading
176                 (p_api_version =>1.0,
177                 x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
178                 x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
179                 x_return_status=> l_return_status,
180                 p_meter_id=>l_meter_id,
181                 p_meter_reading_date=> l_reading_date);
184                 if (l_return_status <> 'S') then
185                         fnd_message.set_name('EAM', 'EAM_METINT_DISABLE_ERROR');                        eam_int_utils.record_error(x_interface_id,
186                                  fnd_message.get,
187                                  FALSE);
188                         update eam_meter_readings_interface
189                         set process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION,
190                             process_status =  WIP_CONSTANTS.ERROR
191                         where rowid = x_rowid;
192                 else
193                         update eam_meter_readings_interface
194                         set process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_COMPLETE,
195                         process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.COMPLETED
196                         where rowid = x_rowid;
197                 end if;
198         else
199         	insert_one_row(x_rowid);
201         	update eam_meter_readings_interface
202            	set process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_COMPLETE,
203                	process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.COMPLETED
204          	where rowid = x_rowid;
205       	end if;
206       end if;
208       eam_int_utils.load_errors('eam_meter_readings_interface');
209     END LOOP;
210     close meter;
212   end process_one_meter_data;
215   procedure insert_one_row(p_rowid rowid) is
216   begin
217     insert into eam_meter_readings(
218       meter_reading_id,
219       meter_id,
220       current_reading,
221       current_reading_date,
222       reset_flag,
223       life_to_date_reading,
224       wip_entity_id,
225       description,
226       source_line_id,
227       source_code,
228       created_by,
229       creation_date,
230       last_update_login,
231       last_update_date,
232       last_updated_by,
233       attribute_category,
234       attribute1,
235       attribute2,
236       attribute3,
237       attribute4,
238       attribute5,
239       attribute6,
240       attribute7,
241       attribute8,
242       attribute9,
243       attribute10,
244       attribute11,
245       attribute12,
246       attribute13,
247       attribute14,
248       attribute15,
249       disable_flag
250     )
251     select eam_meter_readings_s.nextval,
252            meter_id,
253            reading_value,
254            reading_date,
255            reset_flag,
256            life_to_date_reading,
257            wip_entity_id,
258            description,
259            source_line_id,
260            source_code,
261            created_by,
262            creation_date,
263            last_update_login,
264            last_update_date,
265            last_updated_by,
266            attribute_category,
267            attribute1,
268            attribute2,
269            attribute3,
270            attribute4,
271            attribute5,
272            attribute6,
273            attribute7,
274            attribute8,
275            attribute9,
276            attribute10,
277            attribute11,
278            attribute12,
279            attribute13,
280            attribute14,
281            attribute15,
282 	   disable_flag
283       from eam_meter_readings_interface
284      where rowid = p_rowid;
286   end insert_one_row;
289   procedure end_processing(p_group_id in number) is
290   begin
291     -- delete completed records
292     delete from wip_interface_errors
293      where interface_id in
294            (select interface_id
295               from eam_meter_readings_interface
296              where process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_COMPLETE
297                and group_id = p_group_id
298                and process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.COMPLETED);
300     delete from eam_meter_readings_interface
301      where process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_COMPLETE
302       and group_id = p_group_id
303       and process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.COMPLETED;
305   end end_processing;
307 END eam_metr_processor;