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1 package fnd_ldap_util AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: AFSCOLTS.pls 120.8.12010000.4 2009/04/24 18:37:40 rsantis ship $ */
3 --
4 /*****************************************************************************/
6 type ldap_user_type is record (
7     object_name                 varchar2(1024)
8   , uid                         varchar2(1024)
9   , sn                          varchar2(4000)
10   , cn                          varchar2(4000)
11   , userPassword                varchar2(4000)
12   , telephoneNumber             varchar2(4000)
13   , street                      varchar2(4000)
14   , postalCode                  varchar2(4000)
15   , physicalDeliveryOfficeName  varchar2(4000)
16   , st                          varchar2(4000)
17   , l                           varchar2(4000)
18   , displayName                 varchar2(4000)
19   , givenName                   varchar2(4000)
20   , homePhone                   varchar2(4000)
21   , mail                        varchar2(4000)
22   , c                           varchar2(4000)
23   , facsimileTelephoneNumber    varchar2(4000)
24   , description                 varchar2(4000)
25   , orclisEnabled               varchar2(4000)
26   , orclActiveStartDate         varchar2(4000)
27   , orclActiveEndDate           varchar2(4000)
28   , orclGUID                    varchar2(4000)
29 );
32 type ldap_record_values  is table of dbms_ldap.STRING_COLLECTION index by varchar2(200);
34 type ldap_record_type is record (
35    dn varchar2(4000),
36    data ldap_record_values
37 );
40 -- Start of Package Globals
42   G_SUCCESS             constant  pls_integer := 1;
43   G_FAILURE             constant  pls_integer := 0;
44   G_TRUE                constant  pls_integer := 1;
45   G_FALSE               constant  pls_integer := 0;
47   G_MAIL constant varchar2(4) := 'MAIL';
49 	G_COM_PROD_ORCLECTX constant varchar2(4000) := 'cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext';
51   G_INTERNAL            constant varchar2(9) := '#INTERNAL';
52   G_LDAP_SYNCH          constant varchar2(10) := 'LDAP_SYNCH';
53   G_HOST                constant varchar2(4) := 'HOST';
54   G_PORT                constant varchar2(4) := 'PORT';
55   G_USERNAME            constant varchar2(8) := 'USERNAME';
56   G_EPWD                constant varchar2(4) := 'EPWD';
57   G_LDAP_PWD            constant varchar2(8) := 'LDAP_PWD';
58   G_DBLDAPAUTHLEVEL     constant varchar2(15) := 'dbldapauthlevel';
59   G_DBWALLETDIR         constant varchar2(11) := 'dbwalletdir';
60   G_DBWALLETPASS        constant varchar2(12) := 'dbwalletpass';
61  -- default DAS operation url base
62    G_DEFAULT_BASE constant varchar2(100) := 'cn=OperationURLs,cn=DAS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext';
63 -- End of Package Globals
64 --
65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 /*
67 ** Name      : get_oid_session
68 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
69 ** Desc      :
70 ** Pre-Reqs   :
71 ** Parameters  :
72 */
73 function get_oid_session return dbms_ldap.session;
75 function c_get_oid_session(flag in out nocopy pls_integer) return dbms_ldap.session;
76 procedure c_unbind(ldap in out nocopy dbms_ldap.session , flag in out nocopy pls_integer);
77 --
78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 /*
80 ** Name      : unbind
81 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
82 ** Desc      : This function unbinds an ldap_session
83 ** Pre-Reqs   :
84 ** Parameters  :
85 ** Notes      :
86 */
87 function unbind(p_session in out nocopy dbms_ldap.session) return pls_integer;
88 --
89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 /*
91 ** Name      : get_orclappname
92 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
93 ** Desc      : This function returns orclAppName from Workflow
94 ** Pre-Reqs   :
95 ** Parameters  :
96 ** Notes      :
97 */
98 function get_orclappname return varchar2;
99 --
100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 /*
102 ** Name      : get_users_nodes
103 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
104 ** Desc      : This function gets the value of orclcommondefaultusercreatebase
105                from OID
106 ** Pre-Reqs   :
107 ** Parameters  :
108 ** Notes      :
110 **     get_user_create_base(username)
111 **     get_user_search_base(username)
113 **
114 */
115  -- function get_users_nodes return dbms_ldap.string_collection;
117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 /*
119 ** Name      : get_user_create_base
120 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
121 ** Desc      : This function returns the DN where the user should be created
122 ** Pre-Reqs   :
123 ** Parameters  :
124 ** Notes      :
125 **
126 */
127 --function get_user_create_base(username in out nocopy varchar2) return varchar2;
129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 /*
131 ** Name      : get_user_search_base
132 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
133 ** Desc      : This function returns the DN where the user can be searched
134 ** Pre-Reqs   :get_user_create_base
135 ** Parameters  :
136 ** Notes      :
137 **
138 */
139 --function get_users_search_base(username in out nocopy varchar2) return varchar2;
142 --
143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 /*
145 ** Name      : get_search_nodes
146 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
147 ** Desc      : This function gets the value of orclcommonusersearchbase
148                from OID
149 ** Pre-Reqs   :
150 ** Parameters  :
151 ** Notes      : REMOVED , use get_User_create_base(username)/ get_user_search_base(username)
152 */
153 -- function get_search_nodes return dbms_ldap.string_collection;
154 --
155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 /*
157 ** Name      : get_mandatory_user_attrib
158 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
159 ** Desc      : This function gets the value of orclcommonnicknameattribute from
160                OID
161 ** Pre-Reqs   :
162 ** Parameters  :
163 ** Notes      :
164 */
165 --function get_orclcommonnicknameattr(username in out nocopy varchar2)  return varchar2;
166 --
167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
168 /*
169 ** Name      : get_dn_for_guid
170 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
171 ** Desc      : This function gets the dn for user specified by the guid
172 ** Pre-Reqs   :
173 ** Parameters : orcl_guid
174 ** Notes      :
175 */
176 function get_dn_for_guid(p_orclguid in fnd_user.user_guid%type) return varchar2;
177 --
178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 /*
180 ** Name      : get_dn_for_guid
181 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
182 ** Desc      : This function gets the dn for user specified by the guid
183 ** Pre-Reqs   :
184 ** Parameters : orcl_guid
185 ** Notes      :
186 */
187 function get_dn_for_guid(p_orclguid in fnd_user.user_guid%type,
188 			 p_ldap_session in dbms_ldap.session) return varchar2;
189 --
190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 /*
192 ** Name      : get_default_realm
193 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
194 ** Desc      : This function gets the default realm from OID
195 ** Pre-Reqs   :
196 ** Parameters :
197 ** Notes      : removed , use get_realm(username) instead
198 */
199 -- function get_default_realm return varchar2;
201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 /*
203 ** Name      : get_realm
204 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
205 ** Desc      : This function gets the default realm from OID
206 ** Pre-Reqs   :
207 ** Parameters :
208 ** Notes      : removed , use get_realm(username) instead
209 */
210 -- function get_default_realm(username in out nocopy varchar2) return varchar2;
212 --
213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
214 /*
215 ** Name      : get_guid_for_dn
216 ** Type      : Private (? , probably others will need this ,
217 **              is it a candidate for the API ?
218 ** Desc      : Given and DN return its orclguid
219 **             if DN is not found, the raise "NO_DATA_FOUND'
221 ** Parameters  :
222 **        aDN: the application DN, for example
223 **              orclApplicationCommonName=PROD1,cn=EBusiness,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
224 ** Returns :
225 **      Its orclguid
226 **       If it is NULL then the DN does not have a orcGuild attribute
227 ** Exceptions:
228 **      DATA_NOT_FOUND if search_s raise DBMS_LDAP.GENERAL_EXCEPTION
229 **             NOte that this DBMS_LDAP exception maybe risen by other reasons
230 **
231 */
232 function get_guid_for_dn(ldapSession in dbms_ldap.session,p_dn in varchar2) return varchar2;
234 --
235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 /*
237 ** Name      : proxy_as_user
238 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
239 ** Desc      : This procedure proxies as the given user. This is used when we don't
240 **             want to expire a user's password in cases such as a user updating
241 **             one's own password
242 ** Pre-Reqs   :
243 ** Parameters : p_orclguid: GUID of the user that acts a proxy user
244 **              x_ldap_session: returns a valid OID session. Must be released bu caller of
245 **              the API
246 ** Notes      :
247 */
248 procedure proxy_as_user(p_orclguid in fnd_user.user_guid%type, x_ldap_session out nocopy dbms_ldap.session);
249 --
250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
252  /*
253  ** Name      : get_DAS_OperationUrl
254  ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
255  ** Desc      : This functions return and URL suitable for the requested operation
256  **              Support multiple realms specific definitions.
257  ** Pre-Reqs   :
258  ** Parameters : p_orclguid: GUID of the user that acts a proxy user
259  **              x_ldap_session: returns a valid OID session. Must be released bu caller of
260  **              the API
261  ** Notes      :
262  **             There are  lot of Urls, most used maybe
263  **                   Password Change
264  **                   TimeZone
265  **                   Edit My Profile
266  **                   View User Profile
267  **                   Reset Password
268  */
270  function get_DAS_OperationUrl(p_realm in varchar2, p_operation in varchar2) return varchar2;
271  --
272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
273 /*
274 ** Name      : add_attribute_M
275 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
276 ** Desc      : This procedure add an attribute to an entry when then attribute has
277 **             multiple values
278 ** Pre-Reqs   :
279 ** Parameters : p_orclguid: GUID of the user that acts a proxy user
280 **              x_ldap_session: returns a valid OID session. Must be released bu caller of
281 **              the API
282 ** Notes      :
283 */
284 procedure add_attribute_M(x_ldap  in dbms_ldap.session, dn in varchar2, name in  varchar2, value in  varchar2 );
285 --
286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
289 /**
291 **/
293 function getLDAPAttribute(
294         ldap in out nocopy dbms_ldap.session,
295         dn in  varchar2,
296         attrName in varchar2,
297         filterExp in varchar2 default 'objectclass=*')
298  return varchar2;
299 --
300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
302 G_GUID_KEY pls_integer :=0;
303 G_DN_KEY pls_integer :=1;
305 function loadLdapRecord( ldapSession in out nocopy dbms_ldap.session, rec in out nocopy ldap_record_type,
306            key in varchar2, key_type in pls_integer default G_DN_KEY ) return boolean;
308 function loadLdapRecord( ldapSession in out nocopy dbms_ldap.session, rec in out nocopy ldap_record_values, dn out nocopy varchar2,
309            key in varchar2, key_type in pls_integer default G_DN_KEY ) return boolean;
311 end fnd_ldap_util;