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2 /* $Header: faxtfrb.pls 120.8 2009/03/27 10:20:10 bridgway ship $ */
5 			X_Book_Type_Code		IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
6 			X_From_Block			VARCHAR2,
7 			X_Transaction_Date_Entered 	IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
8 			X_Acct_Flex_Num			IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
9 			X_Calendar_Period_Open_Date	IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
10 			X_Calendar_Period_Close_Date	IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
11 			X_Transfer_In_PC		IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
12 			X_Current_PC			IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
13 			X_FY_Start_Date			IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
14 			X_FY_End_Date			IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
15 			X_Max_Transaction_Date		IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
16 			X_Just_Added_To_Tax_Book	IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
17 			X_Asset_Type			IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
18 			X_Category_Id			IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
19 			X_Calling_Fn			VARCHAR2
20 			, p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type) IS
21   Lv_Count	Number;
22   Lv_Fiscal_Year	Number(4);
23   Lv_Fiscal_Year_Name 	Varchar2(30);
24   Lv_AH_Units	Number;
25   Lv_DH_Units	Number;
26   Lv_Message	Varchar2(30);
27   Validation_Error	Exception;
28   BEGIN
29 	if (X_From_Block = 'ASSETS_FDR' or X_From_Block = 'ASSET') then
30 	  begin
31 	    select bc.book_type_code
32 	    into X_Book_Type_Code
33 	    from fa_book_controls bc,
34 		 fa_books bk
35 	    where bk.asset_id = X_Asset_Id
36 	    and   bk.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
37 	    and   bk.date_ineffective is null
38 	    and   nvl(bc.date_ineffective, sysdate+1) > sysdate
39 	    and bc.book_class = 'CORPORATE';
40   	  exception
41 	    when no_data_found then
42 		lv_message := 'FA_TFR_ADD_ASSET_TO_BOOK';
43 		raise validation_error;
44 	    when others then raise;
45 	  end;
46 	  --
47 	  select greatest(calendar_period_open_date,
48 			 least(sysdate, calendar_period_close_date)),
49 		 calendar_period_open_date,
50 		 calendar_period_close_date,
51 		 period_counter
52 	  into X_Transaction_Date_Entered,
53 	       X_Calendar_Period_Open_Date,
54 	       X_Calendar_Period_Close_Date,
55 	       X_Current_PC
56 	  from fa_deprn_periods
57 	  where book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
58 	  and period_close_date is null;
59 	  --
60 	  select dp.period_counter
61 	  into X_Transfer_In_PC
62 	  from fa_deprn_periods dp, fa_transaction_headers th
63 	  where th.asset_id = X_Asset_Id
64 	  and th.book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
65 	  and th.transaction_type_code = 'TRANSFER IN'
66 	  and dp.book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
67 	  and th.date_effective between dp.period_open_date
68 			 and nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate);
69 	  --
70 	  select fiscal_year_name, current_fiscal_year
71 	  into lv_fiscal_year_name, lv_fiscal_year
72 	  from fa_book_controls
73 	  where book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code;
74 	  --
75 	  if X_Transfer_In_PC < X_Current_PC then
76 	     -- used for trans_date_entered validation only
77 	     select start_date, end_date
78 	     into X_FY_Start_Date, X_FY_End_Date
79 	     from fa_fiscal_year
80 	     where fiscal_year = lv_fiscal_year
81 	     and fiscal_year_name = lv_fiscal_year_name;
82 	     --
84 /*	     select max(transaction_date_entered)
85 	     into X_Max_Transaction_Date
86 	     from fa_transaction_headers
87 	     where asset_id = X_Asset_Id
88 	     and book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code; */
90              if not FA_UTIL_PVT.get_latest_trans_date
91                 (p_calling_fn        => 'fa_transfers_pkg.initialize'
92                  ,p_asset_id          => X_Asset_Id
93                  ,p_book              => X_Book_Type_Code
94                  ,x_latest_trans_date => X_Max_Transaction_Date, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
96                  raise FND_API.G_EXC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
97              end if;
99 	   end if; /* if X_Transfer_In_PC < X_Current_PC */
100 	end if; /* if X_From_Block = ASSET or ASSETS_FDR */
101 	--
102 	if X_From_Block <> 'FA_BOOKS' /* no asset_id yet for tfr in */ then
103 	   -- make sure units are in sync
104 	   select units into lv_ah_units
105 	   from fa_asset_history
106 	   where asset_id = X_Asset_Id
107 	   and date_ineffective is null;
108 	   --
109 	   select sum(units_assigned - nvl(transaction_units, 0))
110 	   into lv_dh_units
111 	   from fa_distribution_history
112 	   where asset_id = X_Asset_Id
113 	   and book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
114 	   and date_ineffective is null;
115 	   --
116 	   if lv_ah_units <> lv_dh_units then
117 		--units are out of sync.  Don't allow this transaction
118 		lv_message := 'FA_UNITS_DIFFERENT';
119 		raise validation_error;
120 	   end if;
121 	   --
122 	   select count(*)
123 	   into lv_count
124 	   from fa_books bk, fa_book_controls bc
125 	   where bk.asset_id = X_Asset_Id
126 	   and bk.date_ineffective is null
127 	   and bk.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
128 	   and bc.book_class = 'BUDGET'
129 	   and nvl(bc.date_ineffective, sysdate+1) > sysdate;
130 	   --
131 	   -- can't be in Budget book.  error.
132 	   if lv_count > 0 then
133 		lv_message := 'FA_CANT_TRANSACT';
134 		raise validation_error;
135 	   end if;
136 	   -- Pending Retirements?
137 	   select count(*)
138 	   into lv_count
139 	   from fa_retirements
140 	   where asset_id = X_Asset_Id
141 	   and book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
142 	   and status in ('PENDING','REINSTATE');
143 	   --
144 	   if lv_count > 0 then
145 		lv_message := 'FA_RET_PENDING_RETIREMENTS';
146 		raise validation_error;
147 	   end if;
148 	   -- Asset already fully retired?
149 	   select count(*)
150 	   into lv_count
151 	   from fa_books
152 	   where asset_id = X_Asset_Id
153 	   and book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
154 	   and date_ineffective is null
155 	   and period_counter_fully_retired is not null;
156 	   --
157 	   if lv_count > 0 then
158 		lv_message := 'FA_SHARED_RETIRED_ASSET';
159 		raise validation_error;
160 	   end if;
161 	   --
162 	   -- if asset in (CIP) ADDITION period in assoc TAX books, update
163 	   -- distributions in those books
164 	   -- do this in the form, using INS_DETAIL
165 	   select count(1)
166 	   into lv_count
167 	   from fa_transaction_headers th,
168 		fa_deprn_periods dp,
169 		fa_book_controls bc
170 	   where bc.book_class <> 'CORPORATE'
171 	   and bc.distribution_source_book = X_Book_Type_Code
172 	   and th.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
173 	   and th.asset_id = X_Asset_Id
174 	   and th.transaction_type_code||'' in ('ADDITION','CIP ADDITION')
175 	   and dp.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
176 	   and dp.period_close_date is null
177 	   and th.date_effective >= dp.period_open_date
178            and bc.date_ineffective is null;
179 	   --
180 	   if lv_count > 0 then
181 		   X_Just_Added_To_Tax_Book := 'TRUE';
182 	   end if;
183 	   --
184 	   -- used in Transfers user exit
185 	   select asset_type, category_id
186 	   into X_Asset_Type, X_Category_Id
187 	   from fa_asset_history
188 	   where asset_id = X_Asset_Id
189 	   and date_ineffective is null;
190 	end if; /* if X_From_Block <> 'BOOKS' */
191 	--
192 	select accounting_flex_structure
193 	into X_Acct_Flex_Num
194 	from fa_book_controls
195 	where book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code;
197 	WHEN Validation_Error THEN
199 			(Called_Fn => 'FA_TRANSFER_PKG.Initialize',
200 			Calling_Fn => X_Calling_Fn,
201 			Name => LV_Message, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
202 	WHEN Others THEN
204 			(Called_Fn => 'FA_TRANSFER_PKG.Initialize',
205 			Calling_Fn => X_Calling_Fn, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
206   END Initialize;