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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 83

  select *
  from   ap_invoice_distributions_all
  where  invoice_id = cp_trx_id;
Line: 90

  select  aida.*
  from   ap_invoice_distributions_all aida
  where  aida.invoice_id = cp_trx_id
  and    aida.line_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAY'
  and    aida.amount > 0
  and    aida.prepay_distribution_id is not null
  and not exists (select 1
                      from   jai_ap_tds_prepayments
                      where  invoice_id = cp_trx_id
                      and    invoice_distribution_id_prepay = aida.parent_reversal_id
                      and    unapply_flag = 'Y');
Line: 107

  select invoice_id
  from   ap_invoice_distributions_all
  where  invoice_id = cp_trx_id
  and    match_status_flag is not null;
Line: 120

  select *
  from   OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL oola
  where  oola.HEADER_ID = cp_header_id
  and not exists (select 1
                    from   JAI_OM_OE_RMA_LINES joorl
                    where  joorl.RMA_HEADER_ID = cp_header_id
                    and    oola.LINE_ID = joorl.RMA_LINE_ID)
  and not exists (select 1
                    from   JAI_OM_OE_SO_LINES joosl
                    where  joosl.HEADER_ID = cp_header_id
                    and    oola.LINE_ID = joosl.LINE_ID);
Line: 133

  cursor c_order_lines_update(cp_header_id OE_ORDER_LINES.HEADER_ID%TYPE)
  select *
  from   OE_ORDER_LINES oola
  where  oola.HEADER_ID = cp_header_id
  and  (   exists (select 1
                  from   JAI_OM_OE_SO_LINES joosl
                  where  joosl.HEADER_ID = cp_header_id
                  and    oola.LINE_ID = joosl.LINE_ID)
         or exists (select 1
                  from   JAI_OM_OE_RMA_LINES joorl
                  where  joorl.RMA_HEADER_ID = cp_header_id
                  and    oola.LINE_ID = joorl.RMA_LINE_ID));
Line: 150

  select *
  where  HEADER_ID = cp_header_id
  and    LINE_ID = cp_line_id;
Line: 158

  select *
  where  RMA_HEADER_ID = cp_header_id
  and    RMA_LINE_ID = cp_line_id;
Line: 168

    select * from AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL
    where invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
    and line_number= cp_line_id;
Line: 189

        lv_action := JAI_CONSTANTS.inserting;
Line: 194

          Need update the latest match status flag before perform prepay application,
          otherwise jai_ap_tds_generation_pkg.status_update_chk_validate will prevent from unappying.
        FOR inv_dist_rec in c_get_inv_dist(p_transaction_rec.TRX_ID)
              update  jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
              set     match_status_flag = inv_dist_rec.match_status_flag
              where  invoice_id = inv_dist_rec.invoice_id
              and    invoice_distribution_id = inv_dist_rec.invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 281

            (p_event_class_rec.tax_event_type_code IN ('UPDATE') AND       --Added update by Chong for open interface issue 2013/04/09
             p_event_class_rec.event_type_code IN ('STANDARD UPDATED')
            )  THEN

              ( p_event_class_rec => p_event_class_rec,
                pv_return_status  => x_return_status
Line: 316

            lv_action := JAI_CONSTANTS.inserting;
Line: 330

            lv_action := JAI_CONSTANTS.inserting;
Line: 351

                 FND_LOG.STRING(G_LEVEL_PROCEDURE,G_MODULE_NAME||l_api_name, 'Call jai_po_proc_pkg.delete_po_taxes and  delete_jai_po_lines with p_trx_line_id ' || p_trx_line_id );
Line: 353

                 jai_po_proc_pkg.delete_po_taxes(pn_line_loc_id => p_trx_line_id );
Line: 354

                 jai_po_proc_pkg.delete_jai_po_lines(pn_line_loc_id  => p_trx_line_id);
Line: 373

          lv_action := JAI_CONSTANTS.inserting;
Line: 412

          FOR rec_ool in c_order_lines_update (p_event_class_rec.trx_id)

                 if (rec_ool.LINE_CATEGORY_CODE = 'ORDER') then

                     open c_jai_so_lines (rec_ool.HEADER_ID, rec_ool.LINE_ID);
Line: 466

                      jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.update_tax (
                                            pr_old            =>  rec_old_ool       ,
                                            pr_new            =>  rec_ool           ,
                                            pv_action         =>  lv_action         ,
                                            pv_return_code    =>  lv_return_code    ,
                                            pv_return_message =>  lv_return_message
Line: 496

                          sales order form should also update the same and redefault the taxes. This
                          has been achieved ny deleteing the order and tax lines in the
                          ja_in_oe_order_lines_aiu_trg trigger and then the inserts the same in the
                          normal course of execution.
                       2. Copy of Legacy Rma return order to another return order has also been made
                          possible due to this fix.
                       3. When ever a copied line is split then the line number and shipment line
                          number were not getting updated in the Localised Sales Order Line.
                       jai_om_tax_processing_pkg.populate_tax (
                                              pr_old            =>  rec_old_ool       ,
                                              pr_new            =>  rec_ool           ,
                                              pv_action         =>  lv_action         ,
                                              pv_return_code    =>  lv_return_code    ,
                                              pv_return_message =>  lv_return_message
Line: 615

  select *
  from   ap_invoice_distributions_all
  where  invoice_id = cp_trx_id
  and    match_status_flag is not null
  and    line_type_lookup_code <> 'PREPAY';  --Added by Chong for bug#13802244, sync flag should exclude prepayements line
Line: 624

  select aida.*
  from   ap_invoice_distributions_all aida
  where  aida.invoice_id = cp_trx_id
  and    line_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAY'
  and    amount < 0
  and    prepay_distribution_id is not null
  and not exists (select  1
                from   jai_ap_tds_prepayments
                where  invoice_id = cp_trx_id
                and    invoice_distribution_id_prepay  = aida.invoice_distribution_id);
Line: 645

         lv_action := JAI_CONSTANTS.inserting;
Line: 648

          Need update the latest match status flag before perform prepay application,
          otherwise jai_ap_tds_generation_pkg.status_update_chk_validate will prevent from Appying.
        FOR inv_dist_rec in c_get_inv_dist(p_event_class_rec.TRX_ID)
              update  jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
              set     match_status_flag = inv_dist_rec.match_status_flag
              where  invoice_id = inv_dist_rec.invoice_id
              and    (invoice_distribution_id = inv_dist_rec.invoice_distribution_id
                      or invoice_distribution_id = 1
Line: 749

    select set_of_books_id
    from   ap_invoices_all
    where  invoice_id = cp_trx_id;
Line: 754

      select set_of_books_id
      from ra_customer_trx_all
      where customer_trx_id = cp_trx_id;
Line: 761

    select org_id
    from   oe_order_headers_all
    where  header_id = cp_trx_id;
Line: 768

      SELECT org_id
Line: 773

      SELECT org_id
      WHERE PO_HEADER_ID = cp_trx_id;
Line: 779

      select set_of_books_id
      from hr_operating_units
      Where organization_id = cp_org_id;
Line: 796

      if pn_application_id = 200 then -- called from AP   --Updated by Cholei for bug#14189751
        --derive ledger id from invoice id
        open c_get_ledger_id(pn_trx_id);  ----Updated by Cholei for bug#14189751
Line: 810

        fetch c_get_om_org_id into ln_org_id;   --Updated by Chong from l_ledger_id 20130419
Line: 893

    SELECT *
    WHERE CUSTOMER_TRX_ID = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 899

    SELECT *
    WHERE CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID = p_customer_trx_line_id;
Line: 906

    SELECT *
    WHERE CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID = p_customer_trx_line_id;
Line: 912

    SELECT customer_trx_line_id
    WHERE  CUSTOMER_TRX_ID = p_customer_trx_id
    AND    LINE_TYPE       = 'LINE';
Line: 953

          lv_action := JAI_CONSTANTS.inserting;
Line: 976

              INTO ln_trx_line_id
              FROM DUAL
              --AND ZX_GLOBAL_STRUCTURES_PKG.TRX_LINE_DIST_TBL.event_class_code(i) = 'INVOICE'
              --AND ZX_GLOBAL_STRUCTURES_PKG.TRX_LINE_DIST_TBL.event_type_code(i) = 'INV_CREATE'
Line: 1140

    SELECT *
    WHERE CUSTOMER_TRX_ID = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 1146

    SELECT *
    WHERE CUSTOMER_TRX_ID = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 1152

    SELECT *
    WHERE CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID = p_customer_trx_line_id;
Line: 1194

                                                      pr_old            =>  t_jai_ar_trx_rec
                                                     ,pr_new            =>  t_ra_customer_trx_rec
                                                     ,pv_action         =>  lv_action
                                                     ,pv_return_code    =>  lv_return_code
                                                     ,pv_return_message =>  lv_return_message
Line: 1209

                                                pr_old            =>  t_jai_ar_trx_rec
                                               ,pr_new            =>  t_ra_customer_trx_rec
                                               ,pv_action         =>  lv_action
                                               ,pv_return_code    =>  lv_return_code
                                               ,pv_return_message =>  lv_return_message
Line: 1323

  SELECT aia.invoice_id
       , aia.source
       , aia.vendor_id
  FROM   ap_invoices_all aia
  WHERE  aia.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
Line: 1331

  SELECT count(1) cnt
  FROM 	 jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
  WHERE  vendor_id = cp_vendor_id;
Line: 1337

  SELECT invoice_to_tds_authority_id  invoice_id
       , invoice_to_tds_authority_num invoice_num
  FROM 		jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs
  WHERE 	invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
Line: 1344

  SELECT  payment_status_flag
  FROM    ap_invoices_all
  WHERE   invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
Line: 1408

  | Purpose             :  Call CREATE_ACCOUNTING to insert jai journal entry to gl interface table                                |
  | TDD Reference       :  Section 8.5                                                                                             |
  | Assumptions         :                                                                                                          |
  | Called From         :  ZX_SRVC_TYP_PKG.synchronize_tax                                                                         |
  |    parameters                IN/OUT                   Type            Required         Description and Purpose                 |
  |   ------------              --------                 ------          ----------       -------------------------                |
  |   pv_return_status           OUT                      VARCHAR2           YES           Return status                           |
  |                                                                                                                                |

-- cursor to get invoice distributions
cursor c_get_inv_dists(cp_trx_id ap_invoices_all.INVOICE_ID%TYPE)
select  aida.*
from   ap_invoice_distributions_all aida
where  aida.invoice_id = cp_trx_id;
Line: 1487

  | Purpose             :  Insert jai journal entry to gl interface table                                                          |
  | TDD Reference       :  Section 8.5                                                                                             |
  | Assumptions         :                                                                                                          |
  | Called From         :  JAI_TAX_PROCESSING_PKG.create_accounting                                                                |
  |    parameters                IN/OUT                   Type            Required         Description and Purpose                 |
  |   ------------              --------                 ------          ----------       -------------------------                |
  |   pr_rec                      IN                      RECORD           yes             ap distribution record                  |
  |   pv_action                   IN                      VARCHAR2         yes             distribution level action               |
  |   pv_return_code              IN                      NUMBER           yes             Return status                           |
  |   pv_return_message           IN                      VARCHAR2         yes             Return message                          |
( pr_rec ap_invoice_distributions_all%rowtype ,
  pv_action varchar2 ,
  pv_return_code out nocopy varchar2 ,
  pv_return_message out nocopy varchar2

     Cursor check_loc_tax(ln_invoice_id number) is
     select 'Y'
     where invoice_id = ln_invoice_id ;
Line: 1524

    SELECT invoice_type_lookup_code
      FROM ap_invoices_all
     WHERE invoice_id = pr_rec.invoice_id;
Line: 1529

    SELECT jcta.tax_type
      FROM jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt
         , jai_cmn_taxes_all      jcta
         , jai_ap_invoice_lines   jail
         , jai_rgm_registrations jrr
         , jai_rgm_definitions jrd
     WHERE jcdt.source_doc_id = pr_rec.invoice_id
       AND jail.invoice_id = pr_rec.invoice_id
       AND jail.invoice_line_number = jcdt.source_doc_line_id
       AND jail.invoice_line_number = pr_rec.invoice_line_number
       AND jcdt.modvat_flag = 'Y'
       AND jcdt.tax_id = jcta.tax_id
       AND jcta.tax_type = jrr.attribute_code
       AND jrr.regime_id = jrd.regime_id
       AND jrr.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types
       AND jrd.regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime;
Line: 1547

    SELECT jamt.tax_amount,jcta.tax_type
      FROM jai_ap_match_inv_taxes jamt
         , jai_cmn_taxes_all      jcta
         , jai_rgm_registrations jrr
         , jai_rgm_definitions jrd
     WHERE jamt.invoice_id = pr_rec.invoice_id
       AND jamt.invoice_line_number = pr_rec.invoice_line_number
       AND jamt.tax_id=jcta.tax_id
       AND jamt.recoverable_flag = 'Y'
       AND jcta.tax_type = jrr.attribute_code
       AND jrr.regime_id = jrd.regime_id
       AND jrr.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types
       AND jrd.regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime;
Line: 1562

  SELECT line.match_type,line.line_number
    FROM ap_invoice_lines_all line, jai_ap_match_inv_taxes jamt
   WHERE line.invoice_id = pr_rec.invoice_id
   and jamt.invoice_id=line.invoice_id
   and jamt.invoice_distribution_id=pr_rec.invoice_distribution_id
   and jamt.po_distribution_id=pr_rec.po_distribution_id
   and line.line_number=jamt.parent_invoice_line_number
   -- AND line.po_distribution_id = line.po_distribution_id
   AND line.line_type_lookup_code ='ITEM'
   AND line.match_type IS NOT NULL;
Line: 1575

   SELECT exchange_date
        , exchange_rate
        , exchange_rate_type
        , invoice_date
        , invoice_currency_code
     FROM ap_invoices_all
    WHERE invoice_id = pr_rec.invoice_id ;
Line: 1584

   SELECT regime_id
     FROM jai_rgm_definitions
    WHERE regime_code = jai_constants.service_regime;
Line: 1589

   SELECT organization_id,location_id
     FROM jai_ap_invoice_lines
    WHERE invoice_id = pr_rec.invoice_id
      AND invoice_line_number = (SELECT parent_invoice_line_number
                                   FROM jai_ap_invoice_lines jail
                                  WHERE jail.invoice_line_number = pr_rec.invoice_line_number
                                    AND jail.invoice_id = pr_rec.invoice_id)
      AND parent_invoice_line_number IS NULL;
Line: 1599

   SELECT po.ship_to_organization_id, po.ship_to_location_id
     FROM po_line_locations_all po,ap_invoice_lines_all ap
    WHERE po.line_location_id = ap.po_line_location_id
      AND ap.invoice_id = pr_rec.invoice_id
      AND ap.line_number = pn_line_number;
Line: 1606

   SELECT rcv.organization_id, rcv.location_id
    FROM jai_rcv_transactions rcv, ap_invoice_lines_all ap
   WHERE ap.rcv_transaction_id = rcv.transaction_id
     AND ap.invoice_id = pr_rec.invoice_id
     AND ap.line_number = pn_line_number;
Line: 1613

   select to_date(attribute_value, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
   where regime_id  = p_regime_id
   and organization_id = p_organization_id
   and location_id = p_location_id
   AND attribute_code = 'EFF_DATE_ST_PT'
   AND attribute_type_code = 'OTHERS'
   AND registration_type = 'OTHERS'
        (select '1'
         from JAI_RGM_ORG_REGNS_V
         where regime_id  = p_regime_id
         and attribute_code IN 'INV_ORG_CLASSIFICATION'
         and attribute_value <> 'ORGANIZATION'
         and organization_id = p_organization_id
         and location_id = p_location_id)
        NOT EXISTS
        (select '1'
         from JAI_RGM_ORG_REGNS_V
         where regime_id  = p_regime_id
         and attribute_code IN 'SERVICE TYPE'
         and attribute_value <> 'OTHER'
         and organization_id = p_organization_id
         and location_id = p_location_id)
Line: 1641

   SELECT cancelled_date
     FROM ap_invoices_all
    WHERE invoice_id = pr_rec.invoice_id;
Line: 1646

    select 'Y'
    from jai_cmn_journal_entries jje
    where jje.source_table_name = 'AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL'
      AND jje.source_trx_id = P_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTION_ID;
Line: 1692

      SELECT 'Y'
      FROM   ap_invoice_distributions_all
      WHERE  invoice_id = pr_rec.invoice_id
      AND    invoice_distribution_id = pr_rec.parent_reversal_id
      AND    period_name = pr_rec.period_name;
Line: 1987

select  ai.*
from   ap_invoices_all ai
where  ai.invoice_id = cp_trx_id;
Line: 1994

select  ail.*
from   ap_invoice_lines_all ail
where  ail.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
  and  ail.match_type in  ('ITEM_TO_RECEIPT', 'ITEM_TO_PO', 'PO_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT')
  and  ail.discarded_flag = 'N';
Line: 2003

select  apsa.*
from   ap_payment_schedules_all apsa
where  apsa.invoice_id = cp_trx_id;
Line: 2008

select   parent_inv_payment_priority
  from   jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs
  where  invoice_to_vendor_id = cp_invoice_id;
Line: 2016

select *
  from JAI_PO_RCV_TAXES_V jpr
  where jpr.match_type = cp_match_type
    and jpr.trx_id = cp_trx_id
    and jpr.vendor_id = cp_vendor_id;
Line: 2023

   select sum(nvl(amount,0))
     from ap_invoice_lines_all
     where invoice_id=cp_trx_id
     and   line_type_lookup_code in ('ITEM', 'MISCELLANEOUS', 'FREIGHT')  --Added by Chong for bug#16743694 2013/05/07
Line: 2069

      (p_event_class_rec.tax_event_type_code IN ('UPDATE') AND       --Added update by Chong for open interface issue 2013/04/09
       p_event_class_rec.event_type_code IN ('STANDARD UPDATED')
      )  THEN

     lv_action := JAI_CONSTANTS.inserting;
Line: 2102

		          update ap_payment_schedules_all
		          set payment_priority  =  ln_parent_inv_payment_priority
  	          where payment_num = inv_ps_rec.payment_num
                and invoice_id = inv_rec.invoice_id;
Line: 2138

     update ap_invoices_all
       set  invoice_amount = nvl(l_total_line_amount,0)
      where invoice_id=  p_event_class_rec.trx_id;