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1 package hr_entry AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: pyeentry.pkh 120.2 2010/09/20 14:31:22 asnell ship $ */
3 --
4  -- Global TYPE definitions
5  type number_table   is table of number not null
6                         index by binary_integer;
7 /*Changed the size from 80-240 for bug 9350651*/
8  type varchar2_table is table of varchar2(240)
9                         index by binary_integer;
10 --
11 -- ----------------- Assignment_eligible_for_link -----------------------------
12 --
13 -- NAME
14 -- hr_entry.Assignment_eligible_for_link
15 --
17 -- Returns 'Y' if the specified assignment and link match as at the
18 -- specified date. A match indicates that the assignment is eligible for
19 -- the link as at that date. This function may be called from within SQL.
20 -- If no match is found then 'N' will be returned (it never returns NULL).
21 --
22 function Assignment_eligible_for_link (
23 --
24 p_assignment_id         in natural,
25 p_element_link_id       in natural,
26 p_effective_date        in date
27 ) return varchar2;
28 --
29 --pragma restrict_references (Assignment_eligible_for_link, WNDS, WNPS);
30 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 --
32 -- NAME
33 -- hr_entry.return_termination_date
34 --
36 -- Returns the actual_termination_date if an assignment has been
37 -- terminated.
38 -- If the assignment has not been terminated then the returned
39 -- actual_termination_date date will be null.
40 --
41  function return_termination_date(p_assignment_id in number,
42                                   p_session_date  in date)
43           return date;
44 --
45 -- NAME
46 -- hr_entry.get_nonrecurring_dates
47 --
49 -- Called when a nonrecurring entry is about to be created. Makes sure that
50 -- the assignment is to a payroll and also a time period exists. Returns the
51 -- start and end dates of the nonrecurring entry taking into account
52 -- changes in payroll.
53 --
54  procedure get_nonrecurring_dates
55  (
56   p_assignment_id         in            number,
57   p_session_date          in            date,
58   p_effective_start_date     out nocopy date,
59   p_effective_end_date       out nocopy date,
60   p_payroll_id               out nocopy number,
61   p_period_start_date        out nocopy date,
62   p_period_end_date          out nocopy date
63  );
64 --
65 --
66 -- --------------------- return_qualifying_conditions -------------------------
67 --
68 -- Name: return_qualifying_conditions
69 --
70 -- Description: If the element entry link is discretionary and has
71 --              qualifying conditions then check the length of
72 --              service and age conditions.
73 --
74 -- Returns: p_los_date --> date at which the los is eligible.
75 --          p_age_date --> date at which the age is eligible.
76 --
77 --          If dates return null then check is not valid.
78 --
79 procedure return_qualifying_conditions
80 (
81  p_assignment_id        in        number,
82  p_element_link_id      in        number,
83  p_session_date         in        date,
84  p_los_date            out nocopy date,
85  p_age_date            out nocopy date
86 );
87 --
88  /*
89  NAME
90  hr_entry.generate_entry_id
93  Generates then next sequence value for inserting an element entry into the
94  PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F base table.
95  */
96 --
97  FUNCTION generate_entry_id return number;
98 --
99  /*
100  NAME
101  hr_entry.generate_run_result_id
104  Generates then next sequence value for inserting a run result into
105  PAY_RUN_RESULTS base table.
106  */
107 --
108  FUNCTION generate_run_result_id return number;
109 --
110  /*
111  NAME
112  hr_entry.entry_process_in_run
115  This function return a boolean value for the specified element_type_id
116  depending on the process_in_run_flag attribute. The function returns TRUE
117  if the process_in_run_flag = 'Y' or FALSE if the process_in_run_flag = 'N'
118  */
119 --
120  FUNCTION entry_process_in_run(p_element_type_id in number,
121                                p_session_date    in date) return boolean;
122 --
123  /*
124  NAME
125  hr_entry.get_eligibility_period
128  This procedure selects the minimum or maximum (or both) effective assignment
129  dates where the assignment is eligible for a given element link.
130  */
131  PROCEDURE get_eligibility_period (
132     p_assignment_id         in number,
133     p_element_link_id       in number,
134     p_session_date          in date,
135     p_min_eligibility_date in out nocopy date,
136     p_max_eligibility_date in out nocopy date
137  );
138 --
139  /*
140  NAME
141  hr_entry.entry_asg_pay_link_dates
144  This procedure returns the min(effective_start/end_date) for a specified
145  element link and payroll. Also, if the specified employee assignment has
146  been terminated the element termination date as of the termination rule
147  is returned.
148  */
149  PROCEDURE entry_asg_pay_link_dates (p_assignment_id            in number,
150               p_element_link_id          in number,
151               p_session_date             in date,
152               p_element_term_rule_date  out nocopy date,
153               p_element_link_start_date out nocopy date,
154               p_element_link_end_date   out nocopy date,
155               p_payroll_start_date      out nocopy date,
156               p_payroll_end_date        out nocopy date,
157               p_entry_mode               in boolean default true);
158 --
159  /*
160  NAME
161  hr_entry.recurring_entry_end_date
164  This function is used to return the valid effective end of a recurring entry.
165  */
166  function recurring_entry_end_date
167  (
168   p_assignment_id             in number,
169   p_element_link_id           in number,
170   p_session_date              in date,
171   p_overlap_chk               in varchar2 default 'Y',
172   p_mult_entries_allowed_flag in varchar2,
173   p_element_entry_id          in number,
174   p_original_entry_id         in number
175  ) return date;
176 --
177  /*
178  NAME
179  hr_entry.chk_element_entry_eligbility
182  This procedure is used to check if entries (which are defined below) are
183  eligble to be inserted/deleted.
184  This procedure is only called when:
185  1) Inserting an NONRECURRING element entry
186     (which is defined as: Nonrecurring, Additional, Override, Adjustment,
187      Balance Adjustment etc).
188     e.g. when (p_usage = 'INSERT'         and
189              ((p_processing_type  = 'R'   and
190                p_entry_type      != 'E')  or
191                p_processing_type  = 'N'))
193  2) DateTrack deleting (Next/Future Changes) of a RECURRING element entry.
194     e.g. (p_dt_delete_mode    = 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE' or
195           p_dt_delete_mode    = 'FUTURE_CHANGES')
196  */
197  PROCEDURE chk_element_entry_eligbility (p_assignment_id         in number,
198                                          p_element_link_id       in number,
199                                          p_session_date          in date,
200                                          p_usage                 in varchar2,
201                                          p_validation_start_date in date,
202                                          p_validation_end_date   in date,
203                                          p_min_eligibility_date out nocopy date,
204                                          p_max_eligibility_date out nocopy date);
205  /*
206  NAME
207  hr_entry.chk_element_entry_open
210  This procedure does the following checks:
211  1) Ensure that the element type is not closed for entry currently
212     or in the future by determining the value of the
214  2) If the employee assignment is to a payroll then ensure that
215     the current and future periods as of session date are open.
216     If the period is closed, you can only change entries providing
217  */
218  PROCEDURE chk_element_entry_open (p_element_type_id          in number,
219                                    p_session_date             in date,
220                                    p_validation_start_date    in date,
221                                    p_validation_end_date      in date,
222                                    p_assignment_id            in number);
223 --
224  /*
225  NAME
226  hr_entry.derive_default_value
229  This procedure is used to return default screen and database formatted
230  values in either a cold or hot format for the specified link and
231  input value. The default value can be for Minimum, Maximum or Default
232  values.
233  Therefore, it hot defaults are being used the returned database value
234  will be null but, the return screen value will be encapsulated in
235  */
236  PROCEDURE derive_default_value (p_element_link_id         in number,
237                                  p_input_value_id          in number,
238                                  p_session_date            in date,
239                                  p_input_currency_code     in varchar2,
240                                  p_min_max_def             in varchar2
241                                                               default 'DEF',
242                                  v_screen_format_value    out nocopy varchar2,
243                                  v_database_format_value  out nocopy varchar2);
244 --
245  /*
246  NAME
247  hr_entry.chk_mandatory_input_value
250  This procedure produces an error is any input value which is defined as
251  having a mandatory value is null.
252  */
253  PROCEDURE chk_mandatory_input_value (p_input_value_id  in number,
254                                       p_entry_value     in varchar2,
255                                       p_session_date    in date,
256                                       p_element_link_id in number);
257 --
258    /*
259    NAME
260    hr_entry.chk_element_entry
263    This procedure is a cover to chk_element_entry_main and simply calls
264    chk_element_entry_main with a null p_creator_type.
265    This change has been made because overloading can't be used because
266    chk_element_entry is called from forms.
267    */
268 --
269  procedure chk_element_entry
270  (
271   p_element_entry_id         in number,
272   p_original_entry_id        in number,
273   p_session_date             in date,
274   p_element_link_id          in number,
275   p_assignment_id            in number,
276   p_entry_type               in varchar2,
277   p_effective_start_date in out nocopy date,
278   p_effective_end_date   in out nocopy date,
279   p_validation_start_date    in date,
280   p_validation_end_date      in date,
281   p_dt_update_mode           in varchar2,
282   p_dt_delete_mode           in varchar2,
283   p_usage                    in varchar2,
284   p_target_entry_id          in number
285  );
286 --
287    /*
288    NAME
289    hr_entry.chk_element_entry_main
292    This procedure is used for referential/standard checks when inserting/
293    updating or deleteing element enries.
294    */
295 --
296  procedure chk_element_entry_main
297  (
298   p_element_entry_id         in number,
299   p_original_entry_id        in number,
300   p_session_date             in date,
301   p_element_link_id          in number,
302   p_assignment_id            in number,
303   p_entry_type               in varchar2,
304   p_effective_start_date in out nocopy date,
305   p_effective_end_date   in out nocopy date,
306   p_validation_start_date    in date,
307   p_validation_end_date      in date,
308   p_dt_update_mode           in varchar2,
309   p_dt_delete_mode           in varchar2,
310   p_usage                    in varchar2,
311   p_target_entry_id          in number,
312   p_creator_type             in varchar2
313  );
314 --
315    /*
316    NAME
317    hr_entry.del_3p_entry_values
320    This procedure is used for third party deletes from:
321    PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F      (If an abscence etc).
322    PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F (Entry Values are always deleted).
323    PAY_RUN_RESULTS            (If nonrecurring, and exist).
324    PAY_RUN_RESULT_VALUES      (If nonrecurring, and exist).
325    */
326 --
327  PROCEDURE del_3p_entry_values (p_assignment_id                  in number,
328                                 p_element_entry_id               in number,
329                                 p_element_type_id                in number,
330                                 p_element_link_id                in number,
331                                 p_entry_type                     in varchar2,
332                                 p_processing_type                in varchar2,
333                                 p_creator_type                   in varchar2,
334                                 p_creator_id                     in varchar2,
335                                 p_dt_delete_mode                 in varchar2,
336                                 p_session_date                   in date,
337                                 p_validation_start_date          in date,
338                                 p_validation_end_date            in date);
339 --
340 --
341    /*
342    NAME
343    hr_entry.trigger_workload_shifting
346    This procedure is used for triggering workload shifting.
347    */
348 --
349  PROCEDURE trigger_workload_shifting(p_mode                 varchar2,
350                                      p_assignment_id          number,
351                                      p_effective_start_date   date,
352                                      p_effective_end_date     date);
353 --
354 -- NAME
355 -- hr_entry.check_format
356 --
358 -- Makes sure that the entry value is correct for the UOM and also convert the
359 -- screen value into the database value ie. internal format.
360 --
361  procedure check_format
362  (
363   p_element_link_id     in            number,
364   p_input_value_id      in            number,
365   p_session_date        in            date,
366   p_formatted_value     in out nocopy varchar2,
367   p_database_value      in out nocopy varchar2,
368   p_nullok              in            varchar2 default 'Y',
369   p_min_max_failure     in out nocopy varchar2,
370   p_warning_or_error       out nocopy varchar2,
371   p_minimum_value          out nocopy varchar2,
372   p_maximum_value          out nocopy varchar2
373  );
374 --
375 -- NAME
376 -- hr_entry.maintain_cost_keyflex
377 --
379 --
380  function maintain_cost_keyflex(
381             p_cost_keyflex_structure     in number,
382             p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id in number,
383             p_concatenated_segments      in varchar2,
384             p_summary_flag               in varchar2,
385             p_start_date_active          in date,
386             p_end_date_active            in date,
387             p_segment1                   in varchar2,
388             p_segment2                   in varchar2,
389             p_segment3                   in varchar2,
390             p_segment4                   in varchar2,
391             p_segment5                   in varchar2,
392             p_segment6                   in varchar2,
393             p_segment7                   in varchar2,
394             p_segment8                   in varchar2,
395             p_segment9                   in varchar2,
396             p_segment10                  in varchar2,
397             p_segment11                  in varchar2,
398             p_segment12                  in varchar2,
399             p_segment13                  in varchar2,
400             p_segment14                  in varchar2,
401             p_segment15                  in varchar2,
402             p_segment16                  in varchar2,
403             p_segment17                  in varchar2,
404             p_segment18                  in varchar2,
405             p_segment19                  in varchar2,
406             p_segment20                  in varchar2,
407             p_segment21                  in varchar2,
408             p_segment22                  in varchar2,
409             p_segment23                  in varchar2,
410             p_segment24                  in varchar2,
411             p_segment25                  in varchar2,
412             p_segment26                  in varchar2,
413             p_segment27                  in varchar2,
414             p_segment28                  in varchar2,
415             p_segment29                  in varchar2,
416             p_segment30                  in varchar2)
417           return number;
418 --
419 -- NAME
420 -- hr_entry.return_entry_display_status
421 --
423 -- Used by PAYEEMEE/PAYWSMEE to return current entry statuses during a
424 -- post-query.
425 --
426  procedure return_entry_display_status(p_element_entry_id  in number,
427                                        p_element_type_id   in number,
428                                        p_element_link_id   in number,
429                                        p_assignment_id     in number,
430                                        p_entry_type        in varchar2,
431                                        p_session_date      in date,
432                                        p_additional       out nocopy varchar2,
433                                        p_adjustment       out nocopy varchar2,
434                                        p_overridden       out nocopy varchar2,
435                                        p_processed        out nocopy varchar2);
436 --
437 -- NAME
438 -- hr_entry.Ins_3p_entry_values
439 --
441 -- This function is used for third party inserts into:
442 -- PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F      (If an abscence, or DT functions are being used).
443 -- PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F (Entry Values are always inserted).
444 -- PAY_RUN_RESULTS            (If nonrecurring).
445 -- PAY_RUN_RESULT_VBALUES     (If nonrecurring).
446 --
447 -- NB. this function is OVERLOADED !
448 --
449  procedure ins_3p_entry_values
450  (
451   p_element_link_id    number,
452   p_element_entry_id   number,
453   p_session_date       date,
454   p_num_entry_values   number,
455   p_input_value_id_tbl hr_entry.number_table,
456   p_entry_value_tbl    hr_entry.varchar2_table
457  );
458 --
459 --
460 -- NAME
461 -- hr_entry.ins_3p_entry_values
462 --
464 -- This function is used for third party inserts into:
465 -- PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F      (If an abscence, or DT functions are being used).
466 -- PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F (Entry Values are always inserted).
467 -- PAY_RUN_RESULTS            (If nonrecurring).
468 -- PAY_RUN_RESULT_VBALUES     (If nonrecurring).
469 --
470 -- NB. this function is OVERLOADED !
471 --
472  procedure ins_3p_entry_values
473  (
474   p_element_link_id  number,
475   p_element_entry_id number,
476   p_session_date     date,
477 /** sbilling **/
478   p_creator_type     varchar2,
479   p_entry_type       varchar2,
480   p_input_value_id1  number,
481   p_input_value_id2  number,
482   p_input_value_id3  number,
483   p_input_value_id4  number,
484   p_input_value_id5  number,
485   p_input_value_id6  number,
486   p_input_value_id7  number,
487   p_input_value_id8  number,
488   p_input_value_id9  number,
489   p_input_value_id10 number,
490   p_input_value_id11 number,
491   p_input_value_id12 number,
492   p_input_value_id13 number,
493   p_input_value_id14 number,
494   p_input_value_id15 number,
495   p_entry_value1     varchar2,
496   p_entry_value2     varchar2,
497   p_entry_value3     varchar2,
498   p_entry_value4     varchar2,
499   p_entry_value5     varchar2,
500   p_entry_value6     varchar2,
501   p_entry_value7     varchar2,
502   p_entry_value8     varchar2,
506   p_entry_value12    varchar2,
503   p_entry_value9     varchar2,
504   p_entry_value10    varchar2,
505   p_entry_value11    varchar2,
507   p_entry_value13    varchar2,
508   p_entry_value14    varchar2,
509   p_entry_value15    varchar2
510  );
511 --
512 -- NAME
513 -- hr_entry.upd_3p_entry_values
514 --
516 -- This procedure is used for third party updates into:
518 -- PAY_RUN_RESULTS           (If nonrecurring).
519 -- PAY_RUN_RESULT_VALUES     (If nonrecurring).
520 --
521 -- NB. this procedure is OVERLOADED !
522 --
523  procedure upd_3p_entry_values
524  (
525   p_element_entry_id           number,
526   p_element_type_id            number,
527   p_element_link_id            number,
528   p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id number,
529   p_entry_type                 varchar2,
530   p_processing_type            varchar2,
531   p_creator_type               varchar2,
532   p_creator_id                 number,
533   p_assignment_id              number,
534   p_input_currency_code        varchar2,
535   p_output_currency_code       varchar2,
536   p_validation_start_date      date,
537   p_validation_end_date        date,
538   p_session_date               date,
539   p_dt_update_mode             varchar2,
540   p_num_entry_values           number,
541   p_input_value_id_tbl         hr_entry.number_table,
542   p_entry_value_tbl            hr_entry.varchar2_table
543  );
544 --
545 -- NAME
546 -- hr_entry.upd_3p_entry_values
547 --
549 -- This procedure is used for third party updates into:
551 -- PAY_RUN_RESULTS           (If nonrecurring).
552 -- PAY_RUN_RESULT_VALUES     (If nonrecurring).
553 --
554 -- NB. this Procedure is OVERLOADED !
555 --
556  procedure upd_3p_entry_values
557  (
558   p_element_entry_id           number,
559   p_element_type_id            number,
560   p_element_link_id            number,
561   p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id number,
562   p_entry_type                 varchar2,
563   p_processing_type            varchar2,
564   p_creator_type               varchar2,
565   p_creator_id                 number,
566   p_assignment_id              number,
567   p_input_currency_code        varchar2,
568   p_output_currency_code       varchar2,
569   p_validation_start_date      date,
570   p_validation_end_date        date,
571   p_session_date               date,
572   p_dt_update_mode             varchar2,
573   p_input_value_id1            number,
574   p_input_value_id2            number,
575   p_input_value_id3            number,
576   p_input_value_id4            number,
577   p_input_value_id5            number,
578   p_input_value_id6            number,
579   p_input_value_id7            number,
580   p_input_value_id8            number,
581   p_input_value_id9            number,
582   p_input_value_id10           number,
583   p_input_value_id11           number,
584   p_input_value_id12           number,
585   p_input_value_id13           number,
586   p_input_value_id14           number,
587   p_input_value_id15           number,
588   p_entry_value1               varchar2,
589   p_entry_value2               varchar2,
590   p_entry_value3               varchar2,
591   p_entry_value4               varchar2,
592   p_entry_value5               varchar2,
593   p_entry_value6               varchar2,
594   p_entry_value7               varchar2,
595   p_entry_value8               varchar2,
596   p_entry_value9               varchar2,
597   p_entry_value10              varchar2,
598   p_entry_value11              varchar2,
599   p_entry_value12              varchar2,
600   p_entry_value13              varchar2,
601   p_entry_value14              varchar2,
602   p_entry_value15              varchar2
603  );
604 --
605 procedure chk_creator_type(p_element_entry_id      in number,
606                            p_creator_type          in varchar2,
607                            p_quickpay_mode         in varchar2,
608                            p_dml_operation         in varchar2,
609                            p_dt_update_mode        in varchar2,
610                            p_dt_delete_mode        in varchar2,
611                            p_validation_start_date in date,
612                            p_validation_end_date   in date);
613 --
614 --------------------------------------
615 --
616 -- NAME hr_entry.delete_covered_dependants
617 --
618 -- DESCRIPTION deals with calls to update BEN_COVERED_DPENDENTS for a given
619 --             element_entry
620 --
621 ---------------------------------------
622 procedure delete_covered_dependants(
623    p_validation_start_date in date,
624    p_element_entry_id      in number,
625    p_start_date            in date DEFAULT NULL,
626    p_end_date              in date DEFAULT NULL);
630 ------------------------------------------
631 --
632 -- NAME hr_entry.delete_beneficiaries
633 --
634 -- DESCRIPTION deals with calls to update BEN_BENEFICIARIES for a given
635 --             element_entry
636 --
637 -------------------------------------------
638 procedure delete_beneficiaries(
639    p_validation_start_date in date,
640    p_element_entry_id      in number,
641    p_start_date            in date DEFAULT NULL,
642    p_end_date              in date DEFAULT NULL);
644 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
645 -- NAME  maintain_covered_dependants
646 --
647 -- DESCRIPTION Deals with calls to update the covered dependents of an
648 --             Element entry.
649 --             Called by :
650 --                       : hrentmnt.maintain_dependent_entities
651 --
652 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
654 procedure maintain_covered_dependants
656    (p_element_entry_id in number,
657     p_element_entry_ESD in date,
658     p_element_entry_EED in date,
659     p_new_element_entry_id in number,
660     p_new_element_entry_ESD in date,
661     p_new_element_entry_EED in date);
663 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
664 -- NAME  maintain_beneficiaries
665 --
666 -- DESCRIPTION Deals with calls to update the beneficiaries of an
667 --             Element entry.
668 --             Called by :
669 --                       : hrentmnt.maintain_dependent_entities
670 --
671 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
673 procedure maintain_beneficiaries
675    (p_element_entry_id in number,
676     p_element_entry_ESD in date,
677     p_element_entry_EED in date,
678     p_new_element_entry_id in number,
679     p_new_element_entry_ESD in date,
680     p_new_element_entry_EED in date);
681 end hr_entry;