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1 package body ecx_tp_merge_pkg as
2   /* $Header: ECXPMRGB.pls 120.1.12020000.3 2013/01/22 12:38:36 dhragarw ship $ */
3   --
4   -- Procedure: ecx_party_merge
5   --
6   -- Description: This routine takes care of the party merge for ECX_TP_HEADERS
7   -- table
8 procedure ecx_party_merge(
9     p_entity_name in varchar2,
10     p_from_id     in number,
11     x_to_id out nocopy number,
12     p_from_fk_id         in number,
13     p_to_fk_id           in number,
14     p_parent_entity_name in varchar2,
15     p_batch_id           in number,
16     p_batch_party_id     in number,
17     x_return_status out nocopy varchar2 )
18 is
19 begin
20   x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
21   -- if parent has not changed
22   if (p_from_fk_id = p_to_fk_id) then
23     x_to_id       := p_from_id;
24     return;
25   end if;
26   -- update ECX_TP_HEADERS for the merge
27   update ecx_tp_headers
28   set party_id        = p_to_fk_id,
29     last_updated_by   = hz_utility_pub.user_id,
30     last_update_login = hz_utility_pub.last_update_login
31   where party_id      = p_from_fk_id
32   and party_type     in ('C', 'E', 'CARRIER');
33   -- update ecx_doclogs for the merge
34   update ecx_doclogs
35   set partyid     = to_char(p_to_fk_id)
36   where partyid   = to_char(p_from_fk_id)
37   and party_type in ('C', 'E', 'CARRIER');
38   -- update ECX_OUTBOUND_LOGS for the merge
39   update ecx_outbound_logs
40   set party_id    = to_char(p_to_fk_id)
41   where party_id  = to_char(p_from_fk_id)
42   and party_type in ('C', 'E', 'CARRIER');
43 exception
44 when others then
45   fnd_message.set_name('ECX', 'ECX_MERGE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR');
46   fnd_message.set_token('ERROR_CODE', SQLCODE);
47   fnd_message.set_token('ERROR_MESSAGE', SQLERRM);
48   fnd_msg_pub.add;
50 end ecx_party_merge;
52 procedure ecx_party_sites_merge(
53     p_entity_name in varchar2,
54     p_from_id     in number,
55     x_to_id out nocopy number,
56     p_from_fk_id         in number,
57     p_to_fk_id           in number,
58     p_parent_entity_name in varchar2,
59     p_batch_id           in number,
60     p_batch_party_id     in number,
61     x_return_status out nocopy varchar2 )
62 is
63 type t_tp_details_rec
64 is
65   record
66   (
67     v_ext_process_id ecx_tp_details.ext_process_id%type,
68     v_source_tp_location_code ecx_tp_details.source_tp_location_code%type);
69 type t_tp_details_tab
70 is
71   table of t_tp_details_rec;
72   v_tp_details_source_tab t_tp_details_tab;
73   v_tp_details_target_tab t_tp_details_tab;
74   l_exists pls_integer;
75   v_target_header_id ecx_tp_headers.tp_header_id%type;
76 begin
77   x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
78   -- if parent has not changed
79   if (p_from_fk_id = p_to_fk_id) then
80     x_to_id       := p_from_id;
81     return;
82   end if;
84   select count(1), max(tp_header_id)--though there will be a single tp_header_id for
85   into l_exists, v_target_header_id--a party_site_id, max is used to retrieve tp_header_id
86   from ecx_tp_headers --in the same query if it exists.
87   where party_site_id =p_to_fk_id
88   and party_type     in ('C', 'E', 'CARRIER') ;
90   if l_exists = 1 then
92     select count(1)
93     into l_exists
94     from ecx_tp_headers
95     where party_site_id =p_from_fk_id
96     and party_type     in ('C', 'E', 'CARRIER') ;
98     if l_exists         =1 then
100       select etd.ext_process_id,
101         etd.source_tp_location_code bulk collect
102       into v_tp_details_target_tab
103       from ecx_tp_headers eth,
104         ecx_tp_details etd
105       where eth.tp_header_id= etd.tp_header_id
106       and eth.party_site_id =p_to_fk_id;
108       select etd.ext_process_id,
109         etd.source_tp_location_code bulk collect
110       into v_tp_details_source_tab
111       from ecx_tp_headers eth,
112         ecx_tp_details etd
113       where eth.tp_header_id= etd.tp_header_id
114       and eth.party_site_id =p_from_fk_id;
116       for i  in 1..v_tp_details_source_tab.count
117       loop
118         for j in 1..v_tp_details_target_tab.count
119         loop
120           if v_tp_details_source_tab(i).v_ext_process_id= v_tp_details_target_tab(j).v_ext_process_id and v_tp_details_source_tab(i).v_source_tp_location_code= v_tp_details_target_tab(j).v_source_tp_location_code then
121             fnd_message.set_name('ECX', 'ECX_MERGE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR');
122             -- fnd_message.set_token('ERROR_CODE', SQLCODE);
123             fnd_message.set_token('ERROR_MESSAGE', 'Source and Destination TPs with Common TP Details');
124             fnd_msg_pub.add;
125             x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
126             return; --abort the procedure execution
127           end if;
128         end loop;
129       end loop;
130     end if;
131     update ecx_tp_details
132     set tp_header_id    = v_target_header_id
133     where tp_header_id in
134       (select tp_header_id
135       from ecx_tp_headers
136       where party_site_id = p_from_fk_id
137       and party_type     in ('C', 'E', 'CARRIER')
138       );
139     delete
140     from ecx_tp_headers
141     where party_site_id = p_from_fk_id
142     and party_type     in ('C', 'E', 'CARRIER');
143   else
144     -- update ecx_tp_headers for the merge
145     update ecx_tp_headers
146     set party_site_id   = p_to_fk_id,
147       last_updated_by   = hz_utility_pub.user_id,
148       last_update_login = hz_utility_pub.last_update_login
149     where party_site_id = p_from_fk_id
150     and party_type     in ('C', 'E', 'CARRIER');
151   end if;
152   -- update ecx_doclogs for the merge
153   update ecx_doclogs
154   set party_site_id   = to_char(p_to_fk_id)
155   where party_site_id = to_char(p_from_fk_id)
156   and party_type     in ('C', 'E', 'CARRIER');
157   -- update ecx_outbound_logs for the merge
158   update ecx_outbound_logs
159   set party_site_id   = to_char(p_to_fk_id)
160   where party_site_id = to_char(p_from_fk_id)
161   and party_type     in ('C', 'E', 'CARRIER');
162 exception
163 when others then
166   fnd_message.set_token('ERROR_MESSAGE', sqlerrm);
167   fnd_msg_pub.add;
168   x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
169 end ecx_party_sites_merge;
170 end ecx_tp_merge_pkg;