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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 30

  l_dynamic_insert_allowed  varchar2(1);
Line: 34

     select   null
     from     per_cagr_grades_def pcg
     where    pcg.id_flex_num = p_cagr_id_flex_num
     and      pcg.cagr_grade_def_id = p_cagr_grade_def_id;
Line: 40

     select   dynamic_insert_allowed, cagr_grade_structure_id
     from     per_cagr_grade_structures cgs
     where    cgs.id_flex_num = p_cagr_id_flex_num
     and      cgs.collective_agreement_id = p_collective_agreement_id;
Line: 46

     select   null
     from     per_cagr_grades pcg
     where    pcg.cagr_grade_def_id = p_cagr_grade_def_id
     and      pcg.cagr_grade_structure_id = l_cagr_grade_structure_id;
Line: 116

    Fetch csr_in_cagr_grade_structs Into l_dynamic_insert_allowed,
Line: 129

      If l_dynamic_insert_allowed = 'N' THEN
        -- Check that the grade id is a reference grade.
        Open csr_in_cagr_grades;
Line: 135

          hr_utility.set_message(800, 'PER_52809_CAGR_ONLY_SELECT');
Line: 166

     select   null
     from     fnd_id_flex_structures fnd
     where    fnd.id_flex_code = 'CAGR';
Line: 171

     select   null
     from     per_cagr_grade_structures cgs
     where    cgs.id_flex_num = p_cagr_id_flex_num
     and      cgs.collective_agreement_id = p_collective_agreement_id;
Line: 282

     select   pc.effective_start_date, pc.business_group_id, pc.person_id
     from     per_contracts_f pc
     where    pc.contract_id = p_contract_id
     and      pc.effective_start_date =
                       (select min(pc1.effective_start_date)
                        from per_contracts_f pc1
                        where pc1.contract_id = p_contract_id
                        and   pc1.contract_id = pc.contract_id);
Line: 403

     select   business_group_id
     from     per_collective_agreements pca
     where    pca.collective_agreement_id = p_collective_agreement_id;
Line: 408

     select   business_group_id
     from     hr_estab_coll_agrs_v eca
     where    eca.establishment_organization_id  = p_establishment_id
     and      eca.collective_agreement_id  = p_collective_agreement_id;
Line: 550

     select   null
     from     hr_all_organization_units hou
     where    hou.organization_id       = p_establishment_id
     and      hou.business_group_id   = p_business_group_id
     and p_effective_date between date_from and nvl(date_to, p_effective_date);
Line: 557

     select   null
     from hr_fr_establishments_v frv
     where    frv.organization_id       = p_establishment_id
     and      frv.business_group_id   = p_business_group_id;
Line: 895

    SELECT   pop.business_group_id,
    FROM     per_periods_of_placement pop
    WHERE    pop.person_id  = p_person_id
   AND      pop.date_start = p_pop_date_start
   AND      p_validation_start_date BETWEEN pop.date_start AND
                                     NVL(actual_termination_date, hr_api.g_eot);
Line: 1044

  SELECT pov.vendor_id
  FROM   po_vendors pov
  WHERE  pov.vendor_id = p_vendor_id
  AND    p_effective_date BETWEEN
         NVL(pov.start_date_active, p_effective_date) AND
         NVL(pov.end_date_active, p_effective_date)
  AND    pov.enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1180

  SELECT povs.vendor_site_id
  FROM   po_vendor_sites_all povs
  WHERE  povs.vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 1318

  SELECT poh.po_header_id
  FROM   po_temp_labor_headers_v poh
  WHERE  poh.po_header_id = p_po_header_id
  AND    poh.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
        (SELECT NULL
         FROM   po_temp_labor_lines_v pol
         WHERE  pol.po_header_id = p_po_header_id
               (SELECT NULL
                FROM   per_all_assignments_f paaf
                WHERE (p_assignment_id IS NULL
                   OR (p_assignment_id IS NOT NULL AND
                       p_assignment_id <> paaf.assignment_id))
                AND    paaf.assignment_type = 'C'
                AND    paaf.po_line_id IS NOT NULL
                AND    paaf.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id));
Line: 1483

  SELECT pol.po_line_id
  FROM   po_temp_labor_lines_v pol
  WHERE  pol.po_line_id = p_po_line_id
        (SELECT NULL
         FROM   per_all_assignments_f paaf
         WHERE (p_assignment_id IS NULL
            OR (p_assignment_id IS NOT NULL AND
                p_assignment_id <> paaf.assignment_id))
         AND    paaf.assignment_type = 'C'
         AND    paaf.po_line_id IS NOT NULL
         AND    paaf.po_line_id = p_po_line_id);
Line: 1753

  SELECT povs.vendor_id
  FROM   po_vendor_sites_all povs
  WHERE  povs.vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 1871

  SELECT pol.po_header_id
  FROM   po_temp_labor_lines_v pol
  WHERE  pol.po_header_id = p_po_header_id;
Line: 1990

  SELECT NVL(poh.vendor_id, p_vendor_id) vendor_id
        ,NVL(poh.vendor_site_id, p_vendor_site_id) vendor_site_id
  FROM   po_temp_labor_headers_v poh
  WHERE  poh.po_header_id = p_po_header_id;
Line: 2099

  SELECT NVL(pol.job_id, hr_api.g_number) job_id
  FROM   po_temp_labor_lines_v pol
  WHERE  pol.po_line_id = p_po_line_id;
Line: 2416

    select null
    from  ben_pgm_f
    where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    and   pgm_typ_cd = 'GSP'
    and   pgm_id = p_grade_ladder_pgm_id
    and   p_effective_date
          between effective_start_date
          and   effective_end_date;
Line: 2427

     select null
     from  ben_plip_f plip
          ,ben_pl_f   plan
          ,ben_pgm_f  pgm
     where plan.mapping_table_name = 'PER_GRADES'
     and   plan.mapping_table_pk_id = p_grade_id
     and   plan.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and   plan.pl_stat_cd = 'A'
     and   p_effective_date
           between plan.effective_start_date and
     and   plan.pl_id = plip.pl_id
     and   plip.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and   plip.plip_stat_cd = 'A'
     and   p_effective_date
           between plip.effective_start_date and
     and   pgm.pgm_id = p_grade_ladder_pgm_id
     and   pgm.pgm_id = plip.pgm_id
     and   pgm.pgm_typ_cd = 'GSP'
     and   pgm.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and   p_effective_date
           between pgm.effective_start_date and
Line: 2553

    SELECT paf.assignment_id
    INTO   l_assignment_id
    FROM   per_assignments_f2 paf
    WHERE  paf.person_id = p_person_id
    AND    p_effective_date BETWEEN
           paf.effective_start_date AND paf.effective_end_date
    AND    paf.assignment_type = p_assignment_type
    AND    paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
    AND    rownum = 1;