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2 /* $Header: WSHDDTHS.pls 120.5 2010/08/06 16:18:26 anvarshn ship $ */
4 --==============DECLARE CONSTANTS =======================================
5 -- Declare Constants for Various released status of delivery detail
7   C_READY_TO_RELEASE             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := 'R';
9   C_STAGED                       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := 'Y';
10   C_SHIP_CONFIRMED               CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := 'C';
11   C_INTERFACED                   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := 'I';
12   C_BACKORDERED                  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := 'B';
13   C_PLANNED_FOR_XDOCK            CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := 'K';
14   C_NOT_APPLICABLE               CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := 'X';
15   C_CANCELLED                    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := 'D';
19 --==============DECLARE RECORD/TABLE STRUCTURES=======================================
17 --========================================================================
21 /* Do not use Delivery_Details_Rec_Type, use the record defined in
22    wsh_glbl_var_strct_grp
23 */
24 TYPE Delivery_Details_Rec_Type IS RECORD
25 	(delivery_detail_id			NUMBER,
26 	source_code				VARCHAR2(30),
27 	source_header_id			NUMBER,
28 	source_line_id				NUMBER,
29 	customer_id				NUMBER,
30 	sold_to_contact_id			NUMBER,
31 	inventory_item_id			NUMBER,
32 	item_description			VARCHAR2(250),
33 	hazard_class_id			NUMBER,
34 	country_of_origin			VARCHAR2(50),
35 	classification				VARCHAR2(30),
36 	ship_from_location_id		NUMBER,
37 	ship_to_location_id			NUMBER,
38 	ship_to_contact_id			NUMBER,
39 	ship_to_site_use_id			NUMBER,
40 	deliver_to_location_id		NUMBER,
41 	deliver_to_contact_id		NUMBER,
42 	deliver_to_site_use_id		NUMBER,
43 	intmed_ship_to_location_id	NUMBER,
44 	intmed_ship_to_contact_id	NUMBER,
45 	hold_code					VARCHAR2(1),
46 	ship_tolerance_above		NUMBER,
47 	ship_tolerance_below		NUMBER,
48 	requested_quantity			NUMBER,
49 	shipped_quantity			NUMBER,
50 	delivered_quantity			NUMBER,
51 	requested_quantity_uom		VARCHAR2(3),
52 	subinventory				VARCHAR2(10),
53 	revision					VARCHAR2(3),
54 -- HW OPMCONV. Need to expand length of lot_number to 80
55 	lot_number				VARCHAR2(80),
56 	customer_requested_lot_flag	VARCHAR2(1),
57 	serial_number				VARCHAR2(30),
58 	locator_id				NUMBER,
59 	date_requested				DATE,
60 	date_scheduled				DATE,
61 	master_container_item_id		NUMBER,
62 	detail_container_item_id		NUMBER,
63 	load_seq_number			NUMBER,
64 	ship_method_code			VARCHAR2(30),
65 	carrier_id				NUMBER,
66 	freight_terms_code			VARCHAR2(30),
67 	shipment_priority_code		VARCHAR2(30),
68 	fob_code					VARCHAR2(30),
69 	customer_item_id			NUMBER,
70 	dep_plan_required_flag		VARCHAR2(1),
71 	customer_prod_seq			VARCHAR2(50),
72 	customer_dock_code			VARCHAR2(50),
73         cust_model_serial_number                VARCHAR2(50),
74         customer_job                            VARCHAR2(50),
75         customer_production_line                VARCHAR2(50),
76 	net_weight				NUMBER,
77 	weight_uom_code			VARCHAR2(3),
78 	volume					NUMBER,
79 	volume_uom_code			VARCHAR2(3),
80 	tp_attribute_category		VARCHAR2(240),
81 	tp_attribute1				VARCHAR2(240),
82 	tp_attribute2				VARCHAR2(240),
83 	tp_attribute3				VARCHAR2(240),
84 	tp_attribute4				VARCHAR2(240),
85 	tp_attribute5				VARCHAR2(240),
86 	tp_attribute6				VARCHAR2(240),
87 	tp_attribute7				VARCHAR2(240),
88 	tp_attribute8				VARCHAR2(240),
89 	tp_attribute9				VARCHAR2(240),
90 	tp_attribute10				VARCHAR2(240),
91 	tp_attribute11				VARCHAR2(240),
92 	tp_attribute12				VARCHAR2(240),
93 	tp_attribute13				VARCHAR2(240),
94 	tp_attribute14				VARCHAR2(240),
95 	tp_attribute15				VARCHAR2(240),
96 	attribute_category			VARCHAR2(150),
97 	attribute1				VARCHAR2(150),
98 	attribute2				VARCHAR2(150),
99 	attribute3				VARCHAR2(150),
100 	attribute4				VARCHAR2(150),
101 	attribute5				VARCHAR2(150),
102 	attribute6				VARCHAR2(150),
103 	attribute7				VARCHAR2(150),
104 	attribute8				VARCHAR2(150),
105 	attribute9				VARCHAR2(150),
106 	attribute10				VARCHAR2(150),
107 	attribute11				VARCHAR2(150),
108 	attribute12				VARCHAR2(150),
109 	attribute13				VARCHAR2(150),
110 	attribute14				VARCHAR2(150),
111 	attribute15				VARCHAR2(150),
112 	created_by				NUMBER,
113 	creation_date				DATE,
114 	last_update_date			DATE,
115 	last_update_login			NUMBER,
116 	last_updated_by			NUMBER,
117 	program_application_id		NUMBER,
118 	program_id				NUMBER,
119 	program_update_date			DATE,
120 	request_id				NUMBER,
121 	mvt_stat_status			VARCHAR2(30),
122 	released_flag				VARCHAR2(1),
123 	organization_id			NUMBER,
124 	transaction_temp_id			NUMBER,
125 	ship_set_id				NUMBER,
126 	arrival_set_id				NUMBER,
127 	ship_model_complete_flag      VARCHAR2(1),
128 	top_model_line_id			NUMBER,
129 	source_header_number		VARCHAR2(150),
130 	source_header_type_id		NUMBER,
131 	source_header_type_name		VARCHAR2(240),
132 	cust_po_number				VARCHAR2(50),
133 	ato_line_id				NUMBER,
134 	src_requested_quantity		NUMBER,
135 	src_requested_quantity_uom	VARCHAR2(3),
136 	move_order_line_id			NUMBER,
137 	cancelled_quantity			NUMBER,
138 	quality_control_quantity		NUMBER,
139 	cycle_count_quantity		NUMBER,
140 	tracking_number			VARCHAR2(30),
141 	movement_id				NUMBER,
142 	shipping_instructions		VARCHAR2(2000),
143 	packing_instructions		VARCHAR2(2000),
144 	project_id				NUMBER,
145 	task_id					NUMBER,
146 	org_id					NUMBER,
147 	oe_interfaced_flag			VARCHAR2(1),
148 	split_from_detail_id		NUMBER,
149 	inv_interfaced_flag			VARCHAR2(1),
150 	source_line_number			VARCHAR2(150),
151 	inspection_flag               VARCHAR2(1),
152 	released_status			VARCHAR2(1),
153 	container_flag				VARCHAR2(1),
154 	container_type_code 		VARCHAR2(30),
155 	container_name				VARCHAR2(30),
156 	fill_percent				NUMBER,
157 	gross_weight				NUMBER,
158 	master_serial_number		VARCHAR2(30),
159 	maximum_load_weight			NUMBER,
160 	maximum_volume				NUMBER,
161 	minimum_fill_percent		NUMBER,
162 	seal_code					VARCHAR2(30),
163 	unit_number  				VARCHAR2(30),
164 	unit_price				NUMBER,
168 -- hverddin 26-jun-2000 start of OPM changes
165 	currency_code				VARCHAR2(15),
166 	freight_class_cat_id          NUMBER,
167 	commodity_code_cat_id         NUMBER,
169 -- HW OPMCONV. Need to expand length of grade to 150
170      preferred_grade               VARCHAR2(150),
171      src_requested_quantity2       NUMBER,
172      src_requested_quantity_uom2   VARCHAR2(3),
173      requested_quantity2           NUMBER,
174      shipped_quantity2             NUMBER,
175      delivered_quantity2           NUMBER,
176      cancelled_quantity2           NUMBER,
177      quality_control_quantity2     NUMBER,
178      cycle_count_quantity2         NUMBER,
179      requested_quantity_uom2       VARCHAR2(3),
180 -- HW OPMCONV. No need for sublot anymore
181 --   sublot_number                 VARCHAR2(32) ,
182 -- hverddin 26-jun-2000 end of OPM changes
183      lpn_id                         NUMBER ,
184 	pickable_flag                  VARCHAR2(1),
185 	original_subinventory          VARCHAR2(10),
186         to_serial_number               VARCHAR2(30),
187 	picked_quantity			NUMBER,
188 	picked_quantity2		NUMBER,
189 	received_quantity		NUMBER,
190 	received_quantity2		NUMBER,
191 	source_line_set_id		NUMBER,
192         batch_id                        NUMBER,
193 	ROWID				VARCHAR2(4000),
194         transaction_id                  NUMBER,  -----2803570
195         VENDOR_ID                       NUMBER,
196         SHIP_FROM_SITE_ID               NUMBER,
197         LINE_DIRECTION                  VARCHAR2(30),
198         PARTY_ID                        NUMBER,
199         ROUTING_REQ_ID                  NUMBER,
200         SHIPPING_CONTROL                VARCHAR2(30),
203         PO_SHIPMENT_LINE_ID             NUMBER,
205         RETURNED_QUANTITY               NUMBER,
206         RETURNED_QUANTITY2              NUMBER,
207         RCV_SHIPMENT_LINE_ID            NUMBER,
208         SOURCE_LINE_TYPE_CODE           VARCHAR2(30),
209         SUPPLIER_ITEM_NUMBER            VARCHAR2(50),
210         IGNORE_FOR_PLANNING             VARCHAR2(1),
211         EARLIEST_PICKUP_DATE            DATE,
212         LATEST_PICKUP_DATE              DATE,
213         EARLIEST_DROPOFF_DATE           DATE,
214         LATEST_DROPOFF_DATE             DATE,
215         REQUEST_DATE_TYPE_CODE          VARCHAR2(30),
216         tp_delivery_detail_id           NUMBER,
217         source_document_type_id         NUMBER,
218         -- J: W/V Changes
219         unit_weight                     NUMBER,
220         unit_volume                     NUMBER,
221         filled_volume                   NUMBER,
222         wv_frozen_flag                  VARCHAR2(1),
223         mode_of_transport               VARCHAR2(30),
224         service_level                   VARCHAR2(30),
225         po_revision_number              NUMBER,
226         release_revision_number         NUMBER,
227         consignee_flag                  VARCHAR2(1)     --RTV changes
228       );
230 	TYPE Delivery_Assignments_Rec_Type IS RECORD(
231 	delivery_assignment_id		NUMBER,
232 	delivery_id				NUMBER,
233 	parent_delivery_id			NUMBER,
234 	delivery_detail_id			NUMBER,
235 	parent_delivery_detail_id	NUMBER,
236 	creation_date				DATE,
237 	created_by				NUMBER,
238 	last_update_date			DATE,
239 	last_updated_by			NUMBER,
240 	last_update_login			NUMBER,
241 	program_application_id		NUMBER,
242 	program_id				NUMBER,
243 	program_update_date			DATE,
244 	request_id				NUMBER,
245 	active_flag				VARCHAR2(1),
246         received_quantity                       NUMBER,
247         received_quantity2                      NUMBER,
248         source_line_set_id                      NUMBER,
249         TYPE                                    VARCHAR2(30)
250 	);
252 /* Do not use Delivery_Details_Attr_Tbl_Type, use the table defined in
253    wsh_glbl_var_strct_grp
254 */
255 TYPE Delivery_Details_Attr_Tbl_Type is TABLE of Delivery_Details_Rec_Type index by binary_integer;
257 --========================================================================
259 --==============DECLARE PROCEDURES =======================================
260 --
262 	--
263 	--  Procedure:   create_new_detail_from_old
264 	--  Parameters:  A Delivery Detail RecType with values only in the columns to be changed,
265         --               Old delivery detail id from which the new to be copied
266 	--               Row_id out
267 	--               Delivery_Detail_id out
268 	--               Return_Status out
269 	--  Description: This procedure will create a new delivery detail.
270         --               It copies values of unchanged attributes from the old delivery detail
271 	--               It will return the delivery_detail_id
272 	--  Prereq:      Use initialize_detail() to initialize the record type
273         --               Then (optionally) modify whichever attributes you need to in that record
274         --               And then pass it along with the old delivery delivery detail id to be copied from
275         PROCEDURE create_new_detail_from_old(
276             p_delivery_detail_rec   IN WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.Delivery_Details_Rec_Type,
277             p_delivery_detail_id    IN NUMBER,
278             x_row_id         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
279             x_delivery_detail_id OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
280             x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
282 -- This API has been created for
283 -- BULK OPERATION in Auto Packing
284         PROCEDURE create_dd_from_old_bulk(
285             p_delivery_detail_rec   IN WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.Delivery_Details_Rec_Type,
289             x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
286             p_delivery_detail_id    IN NUMBER,
287             p_num_of_rec    IN NUMBER,
288             x_dd_id_tab OUT NOCOPY  WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
290             );
292 -- This API has been created for
293 -- BULK OPERATION in Auto Packing
294 -- used after call to create_delivery_details as well as
295 -- create_new_dd_from_old
297 	PROCEDURE Create_Deliv_Assignment_bulk(
298 	    p_delivery_assignments_info	IN Delivery_Assignments_Rec_TYPE,
299             p_num_of_rec    IN NUMBER,
300             p_dd_id_tab                     IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
301             x_da_id_tab                     OUT NOCOPY  WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
302             x_return_status			OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
303 	    );
306 	--
307 	--  Procedure:   Create_Delivery_Detail
308 	--  Parameters:  All Attributes of a Delivery Detail Record,
309 	--               Row_id out
310 	--               Delivery_Detail_id out
311 	--               Return_Status out
312 	--  Description: This procedure will create a delivery detail.
313 	--               It will return to the use the delivery_detail_id
314 	--               if not provided as a parameter.
315 	--
318 -- added new parameter to use this API
319 	PROCEDURE Create_Delivery_Details(
320 		p_delivery_details_info	IN WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.Delivery_Details_Rec_Type,
321 		x_rowid			OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
322 		x_delivery_detail_id	OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
323 		x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
324                );
326 	PROCEDURE Create_Delivery_Details_Bulk(
327 		p_delivery_details_info	IN WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.Delivery_Details_Rec_Type,
328                 p_num_of_rec            IN NUMBER,
329                 -- lpn conv
330                 p_container_info_rec    IN  WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.ContInfoRectype,
331 		x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
332                 x_dd_id_tab             OUT NOCOPY  WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type
333                );
335 	--
336    	--  Procedure:   Delete_Delivery_Detail
337 	--  Parameters:  All Attributes of a Delivery Detail Record
338 	--  Description: This procedure will delete a delivery detail.
339 	--
341     PROCEDURE Delete_Delivery_Details(
342 		p_rowid 		IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
343 		p_delivery_detail_id 	IN NUMBER := NULL,
344                 p_cancel_flag           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
345 		x_return_status 	OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
348 	--
349 	--  Procedure:   Lock_Delivery_Details
350 	--  Parameters:  All Attributes of a Delivery Detail Record
351 	--  Description: This procedure will lock a delivery detail
352 	--               record. It is specifically designed for
353 	--               use by the form.
354 	--
356     PROCEDURE Lock_Delivery_Details(
357 		p_rowid			IN VARCHAR2,
358 		p_delivery_details_info	IN WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.Delivery_Details_Rec_Type);
361 	--
362 	--  Procedure:   Update_Delivery_Line
363 	--  Parameters:  All Attributes of a Delivery Line Record
364 	--  Description: This procedure will update attributes of
365 	--               a delivery line.
366 	--
369     	PROCEDURE Update_Delivery_Details(
370 		p_rowid			IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
371 		p_delivery_details_info	IN WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.Delivery_Details_Rec_Type,
372 		x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
373                 );
374 	--
375 	--  Procedure:   Create_Delivery_Assignments
376 	--  Parameters:  All Attributes of a Delivery Assignment Record,
377 	--               Row_id out
378 	--               Delivery_Assignment_id out
379 	--               Return_Status out
380 	--  Description: This procedure will create a delivery_assignment
381 	--               It will return to the use the delivery_assignment_id
382 	--               if not provided as a parameter.
383 	--
385 	PROCEDURE Create_Delivery_Assignments(
386 		p_delivery_assignments_info	IN Delivery_Assignments_Rec_TYPE,
387 		x_rowid				OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
388 		x_delivery_assignment_id	OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
389 		x_return_status			OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
390 		);
391 	--
392 	--  Procedure:   Delete_Delivery_Assignments
393 	--  Parameters:  All Attributes of a Delivery Assignment Record,
394 	--               Row_id out
395 	--               Delivery_Assignment_id out
396 	--               Return_Status out
397 	--  Description: This procedure will delete a delivery assignment.
398 	--               It will return to the use the delivery_assignment id
399 	--               if not provided as a parameter.
400 	--
401         --  OTM R12 : This procedure was reviewed during OTM R12 frontport
402         --            but not modified since it's not called from anywhere.
403         --            Procedure body should be modified properly when it will be
404         --            in use. Refer to TDD for the details of expected changes.
407 	PROCEDURE Delete_Delivery_Assignments(
408 		p_rowid				IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
409 		p_delivery_assignment_id	IN NUMBER := NULL,
410 		x_return_status			OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
411 		);
413 	--
414 	--  Procedure:   Update_Delivery_Assignments
415 	--  Parameters:
416 	--               Row_id in
417 	--               Return_Status out
418 	--  Description: This procedure will update a delivery assignment.
419 	--
420         --  OTM R12 : This procedure was reviewed during OTM R12 frontport
421         --            but not modified since it's not called from anywhere.
422         --            Procedure body should be modified properly when it will be
423         --            in use. Refer to TDD for the details of expected changes.
425 	PROCEDURE Update_Delivery_Assignments(
426 		p_rowid				IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
427 		p_delivery_assignments_info	IN Delivery_Assignments_Rec_Type,
428 		x_return_status			OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
429 	--
430 	--  Procedure:   Lock_Delivery_Assignments
431 	--  Parameters:  All Attributes of a Delivery Assignment Record,
432 	--               Row_id in
433 	--               Return_Status out
434 	--  Description: This procedure will lock a delivery assignment.
435 	--
437 	PROCEDURE Lock_Delivery_Assignments(
438 		p_rowid                  	IN VARCHAR2,
439 		p_delivery_assignments_info   	IN Delivery_Assignments_Rec_Type,
440 		x_return_status			OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
442 	--
443 	--  Procedure:   Lock_Delivery_Details Wrapper
444 	--  Parameters:  A table of all attributes of a Delivery detail Record,
445 	--               Caller in
446 	--               Return_Status,Valid_index_id_tab out
447 	--  Description: This procedure will lock multiple delivery details.
449         procedure Lock_Delivery_Details(
450 	        p_rec_attr_tab		IN		WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.Delivery_Details_Attr_Tbl_Type,
451                 p_caller		IN		VARCHAR2,
452                 p_valid_index_tab       IN              wsh_util_core.id_tab_type,
453                 x_valid_ids_tab         OUT             NOCOPY wsh_util_core.id_tab_type,
454 	        x_return_status		OUT		NOCOPY VARCHAR2
455 );
458 /*    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
459      Procedure:	Lock_Detail_No_Compare
461      Parameters:	Delivery_Detail Id DEFAULT NULL
462                          Delivery Id        DEFAULT NULL
464      Description:  This procedure is used for obtaining locks of lines/lpns
465                     using the delivery_detail_id or the delivery_id.
466                     This is called by delivery detail's wrapper lock API when the p_caller is NOT WSHFSTRX.
467                    It is also called by delivery's wrapper lock API when the
468                    action is CONFIRM, AUTO-PACK or AUTO-PACK-MASTER.
469                     This procedure does not compare the attributes. It just
470                     does a SELECT using FOR UPDATE NOWAIT
471      Created:   Harmonization Project. Patchset I
472      ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
474         Procedure lock_detail_no_compare(
475                 p_delivery_detail_id   IN    NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
476                 p_delivery_id          IN    NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);
478 	--  Bug 3292364
479 	--  Procedure:   Table_To_Record
480 	--  Parameters:  x_delivery_detail_rec: A record of all attributes of a Delivery detail Record
481 	--               p_delivery_detail_id : delivery_detail_id of the detail that is to be copied
482 	--               Return_Status,
483 	--  Description: This procedure will copy the attributes of a delivery detail in wsh_delivery_details
484         --               and copy it to a record.
487         Procedure Table_To_Record(
488           p_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER,
489           x_delivery_detail_rec OUT NOCOPY WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.Delivery_Details_Rec_Type,
490           x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
493       -- Locks wsh_delivery assignments based on delivery or delivery detail entered.
494       Procedure lock_wda_no_compare(
495                 p_delivery_detail_id   IN    NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
496                 p_delivery_id          IN    NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);