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Line 153: from pay_payroll_actions PACTION

149: IS
150: select TPERIOD.start_date
151: ,TPERIOD.end_date
152: ,PACTION.payroll_action_id
153: from pay_payroll_actions PACTION
154: ,pay_assignment_actions ASSACTION
155: ,per_time_periods TPERIOD
156: ,per_time_period_types TPTYPE
157: where ASSACTION.assignment_action_id = p_asg_action_id

Line 342: from pay_payroll_actions ppa

338: -- to get the element_type_id of 'WG Results'
339: --
340: CURSOR csr_prev_payout_bal_adj(p_element_type_id IN NUMBER) IS
341: SELECT fnd_date.canonical_to_date(prrv.result_value)
342: from pay_payroll_actions ppa
343: ,pay_assignment_actions paa
344: ,pay_run_results prr
345: ,pay_run_result_values prrv
346: ,pay_run_result_values prrv1

Line 1966: -- Bug 2762097 Fetch payoutdate from legislative_parameters in pay_payroll_actions table

1962: OPEN csr_pay_period(p_assignment_action_id);
1963: FETCH csr_pay_period INTO l_period_start_date, l_period_end_date, l_payroll_action_id;
1964: CLOSE csr_pay_period;
1966: -- Bug 2762097 Fetch payoutdate from legislative_parameters in pay_payroll_actions table
1967: -- Bug 3021794 payout date is now stored in canonical format in legislative parameter.
1968: -- Thus modified the function call to get_legislative_parameter
1970: l_payout_date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pay_kr_ff_functions_pkg.get_legislative_parameter(