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Line 206: from dual

202: where ics.ind_rate_sch_revision_id = x_ind_rate_sch_revision_id ;
204: cursor c0 (l_ind_compile_set_id number) is
205: select 1
206: from dual
207: where exists (select null
208: /* from pa_expenditure_items ei */ /* for bug 6334295 */
209: from pa_expenditure_items_all ei
210: where tp_ind_compiled_set_id = l_ind_compile_set_id );

Line 214: from dual

210: where tp_ind_compiled_set_id = l_ind_compile_set_id );
212: cursor c1 (l_ind_compile_set_id number) is
213: select 1
214: from dual
215: where exists (select /*+ index(ei PA_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS_N11) */ null --added hint for bug 5845101
216: /* from pa_expenditure_items ei */ /* for bug 6334295 */
217: from pa_expenditure_items_all ei
218: where cost_ind_compiled_set_id = l_ind_compile_set_id);

Line 222: from dual

218: where cost_ind_compiled_set_id = l_ind_compile_set_id);
220: cursor c2 (l_ind_compile_set_id number ) is
221: select 1
222: from dual
223: where exists (select null
224: /* from pa_expenditure_items */ /* for bug 6334295 */
225: from pa_expenditure_items_all
226: where rev_ind_compiled_set_id = l_ind_compile_set_id);

Line 230: from dual

226: where rev_ind_compiled_set_id = l_ind_compile_set_id);
228: cursor c3 (l_ind_compile_set_id number ) is
229: select 1
230: from dual
231: where exists (select null
232: /* from pa_expenditure_items */ /* for bug 6334295 */
233: from pa_expenditure_items_all
234: where inv_ind_compiled_set_id = l_ind_compile_set_id);

Line 242: from sys.dual

238: -- End bug 1718170
239: /*c_cint cursor is added for Bug 3041364 added for Capital Interest */
240: cursor c_cint is
241: select 1
242: from sys.dual
243: where exists (select 1
244: from pa_alloc_txn_details
245: where ind_rate_sch_revision_id = x_ind_rate_sch_revision_id);

Line 250: select 1 from dual where exists (

247: /*Start ---- Added this cursor for 5877935 */
248: /* Code commented for Bug 6312921 - */
249: /*cursor c4 is
250: select 1 from dual where exists (
251: select 1 from pa_ind_compiled_sets ICS
252: WHERE ics.ind_rate_sch_revision_id = x_ind_rate_sch_revision_id and
253: (exists
254: (SELECT NULL FROM pa_cost_distribution_lines_all CDL

Line 271: select 1 from dual where exists

267: ); */
268: /* Code added for Bug 6312921 :- starts */
270: cursor c4 (l_ind_compile_set_id number ) is
271: select 1 from dual where exists
273: (SELECT NULL FROM pa_cost_distribution_lines_all CDL
274: WHERE CDL.ind_compiled_set_id = l_ind_compile_set_id
275: )

Line 304: from sys.dual

301: /* This select does a full table scan on pa_expenditure_item
302: select 1
303: into x_dummy
304: from sys.dual
305: where not exists
306: (select 1
307: from pa_expenditure_items ei,
308: pa_ind_compiled_sets ics

Line 508: select 1 from dual where exists (select 1 from pa_ind_compiled_sets ICS

504: where inv_ind_compiled_set_id = ics.ind_compiled_set_id and expenditure_item_date > x_end_date_active);
506: /* Bug6081362 */
507: cursor c4 is
508: select 1 from dual where exists (select 1 from pa_ind_compiled_sets ICS
509: WHERE ics.ind_rate_sch_revision_id =x_ind_rate_sch_revision_id and
510: exists (SELECT NULL FROM gms_encumbrance_items_all gei
511: WHERE ICS.ind_compiled_set_id = gei.ind_compiled_set_id
512: and ENCUMBRANCE_ITEM_DATE > x_end_date_active

Line 784: FROM sys.dual

780: x_stage := 100;
781: x_return_status := 0;
783: SELECT 1 INTO dummy
784: FROM sys.dual
786: (SELECT 1
787: FROM pa_ind_cost_multipliers
788: WHERE ind_rate_sch_revision_id = x_ind_rate_sch_revision_id);

Line 822: FROM dual

818: /***2933915 :This is to check if ready to compile multipliers are existing i.e if multipliers have changed*/
819: Begin
820: SELECT 'Y'
821: INTO x_ready_for_compile
822: FROM dual
823: WHERE exists (select 1
824: from pa_ind_cost_multipliers
825: WHERE ind_rate_sch_revision_id = x_ind_rate_sch_revision_id
826: AND nvl(ready_to_compile_flag,'N') in ('Y','X'));