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Line 411: per_assignments_f pa,

407: l_expiry_date date;
408: cursor csr_hire_date is
409: select pps.date_start
410: from per_periods_of_service pps,
411: per_assignments_f pa,
412: pay_assignment_actions paa
413: where paa.assignment_action_id = p_owner_assignment_action_id
414: and pa.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
415: and p_owner_effective_date

Line 443: per_assignments_f pa

439: cursor csr_start_date is
440: select ppos.date_start
441: from per_periods_of_service ppos,
442: pay_assignment_actions pac,
443: per_assignments_f pa
444: Where pac.assignment_action_id = p_asg_action
445: and pac.assignment_id = pa.assignment_id
446: and ppos.period_of_service_id = pa.period_of_service_id
447: and p_effective_date

Line 474: per_assignments_f pa,

470: l_hire_date date;
471: cursor csr_hire_date is
472: select pps.date_start
473: from per_periods_of_service pps,
474: per_assignments_f pa,
475: pay_assignment_actions paa
476: where paa.assignment_action_id = p_owner_assignment_action_id
477: and pa.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
478: and p_owner_effective_date