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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 11

   PROCEDURE Select_Printer(	p_concurrent_program_id IN NUMBER,
				p_organization_id       IN NUMBER,
				p_level_type_id         IN NUMBER,
				p_level_value_id        IN VARCHAR2,
				p_equipment_instance    IN VARCHAR2,
				x_printer               OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
Line: 156

	-- Now, Populate pl/sql table so that we can do the SELECT in a loop.
        /* Bug 7341536 --Increased the Iteration of the for loop from 8 to 9 as there* are 9 Level
                       -- This is regression due to fix done in RFID project done in R12 in
		          version 115.13 (No Bug no specified) */
	for i in 1..9  -- hardcoded 8 since we have 8 levels. 8th value added for Bug 3534965(3510460 Frontport)

	   level_table(i).priority_seq := i; -- priority seq is not used. Populating it anyway..
Line: 211

	-- Call Select_Printer in a loop starting with equipment instance.
	-- If you find a printer, just return. Otherwise, continue with the next
	-- level and so on until you find an appropriate printer.

	for i in 1..level_table.count
	  if ( level_table(i).level_value_id is not null ) then
	    -- Pass l_organization_id instead of p_organization_id since it gets manipulated above.
            -- Removed Label_Id parameter for Bug 2996792.
	    Select_Printer( p_concurrent_program_id, l_organization_id, level_table(i).level_type_id,
			    level_table(i).level_value_id,  p_equipment_instance, x_printer);
Line: 245

	-- Therefore, we will include the condition of "label_id is null" in the following select.
	-- Similarly, with equipment_instance.
	-- For safety, include rownum=1.

  --Bug fix 2726195 replaced table name with view wsh_report_printers_v

	if (p_equipment_instance is not null ) then
                -- Removed Label_Id from Query for Bug 2996792.
		select printer_name
		into   x_printer
		from   wsh_report_printers_v
		where  nvl(default_printer_flag,'N') = 'Y'
		and    enabled_flag = 'Y'
		and    concurrent_program_id = p_concurrent_program_id
		and    level_type_id = 10001   -- site level
		and    level_value_id = 0 	 -- site value
		and    (equipment_instance is null and p_equipment_instance is not null)
		and    rownum = 1; -- make sure we get only 1 row.
Line: 407

   PROCEDURE Select_Printer(  p_concurrent_program_id IN NUMBER,
						p_organization_id       IN NUMBER,
						p_level_type_id         IN NUMBER,
						p_level_value_id        IN VARCHAR2,
						p_equipment_instance    IN VARCHAR2,
						x_printer               OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) is
--Bug fix 2726195 replaced table name with view wsh_report_printers_v
          cursor printer is
		select printer_name
		from   wsh_report_printers_v
		where  nvl(default_printer_flag,'N') = 'Y'
		and    enabled_flag = 'Y'
		and    concurrent_program_id = p_concurrent_program_id
		and    level_type_id = p_level_type_id
		and    nvl(equipment_instance,'NOTHING') = nvl(p_equipment_instance, 'NOTHING')
		and    decode(level_type_id, 10006, subinventory, level_value_id) = p_level_value_id
                -- consider organization_id only for Zone or Equipment type only. Bugfix 3980388
                and    decode(level_type_id, 10006, nvl(organization_id,-9),
                                             10007, nvl(organization_id,-9),
                                             nvl(p_organization_id,-9)) = nvl(p_organization_id,-9);
Line: 435

l_module_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'wsh.plsql.' || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || 'SELECT_PRINTER';
Line: 465

                WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'Printer Selected : ',x_printer);
Line: 479

   END Select_Printer;