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Line 704: /*lv_mobile_txn_flag rcv_transactions_interface.mobile_txn%TYPE;

701: /* Start Vijay Shankar for Bug#4199929 */
702: lv_tax_change_on_roi_recpts JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.tax_change_on_open_int_recpts%TYPE;
703: lv_tax_change_on_wms_recpts JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.tax_change_on_wms_recpts%TYPE;
704: /*lv_mobile_txn_flag rcv_transactions_interface.mobile_txn%TYPE;
705: above declaration fails incase client has a lower BASE VERSION like 11.5.5
706: So modified as below so that the procedure gets compiled. 4252036(4245089)
707: */
708: lv_mobile_txn_flag VARCHAR2(2);

Line 709: lv_open_interace_receipt_flag rcv_transactions_interface.validation_flag%TYPE;

705: above declaration fails incase client has a lower BASE VERSION like 11.5.5
706: So modified as below so that the procedure gets compiled. 4252036(4245089)
707: */
708: lv_mobile_txn_flag VARCHAR2(2);
709: lv_open_interace_receipt_flag rcv_transactions_interface.validation_flag%TYPE;
710: lv_dynamic_sql VARCHAR2(1000);
711: lv_profile_val VARCHAR2(10);
713: CURSOR c_interface_trx_dtl(cp_interface_transaction_id IN NUMBER) IS

Line 715: * from rcv_transactions_interface. We should check rcv_headers_interface table instead,

711: lv_profile_val VARCHAR2(10);
713: CURSOR c_interface_trx_dtl(cp_interface_transaction_id IN NUMBER) IS
714: /*cursor query changed for bug 8486273 - on successful import, rows will be deleted
715: * from rcv_transactions_interface. We should check rcv_headers_interface table instead,
716: * where data would be retained until being purged. It should be noted that the group_id
717: * link between rcv_transactions and rcv_headers_interface is not one-one, but it is enough
718: * to establish that the receipt is imported through open interface.
719: bug 8594501 - earlier query caused mutating table error, as it hit the rcv_transactions

Line 725: FROM rcv_transactions_interface

721: * group_id is being passed as a procedure parameter from the trigger.*/
722: /* Code added from the above bugs needs to be Reverted as they are not supported in R12*/
723: --SELECT nvl(validation_flag, 'N') validation_flag commented by Vijay Shankar for bug#4240265
724: SELECT decode(header_interface_id, null, 'N', 'Y') imported_receipt_flag
725: FROM rcv_transactions_interface
726: WHERE interface_transaction_id = cp_interface_transaction_id;
727: /*End Vijay Shankar for Bug#4199929 */
728: /* Reverted the change in R12 Query added by nprashar for bug # 8566481
729: SELECT 'Y'

Line 767: lv_dynamic_sql := 'select nvl(mobile_txn, ''N'') mobile_txn FROM rcv_transactions_interface WHERE interface_transaction_id = :1';

763: END LOOP;
765: /* Start, Vijay Shankar for Bug#4199929 */
766: /* following is written to give control to clients so that for open interface receipts the value returned is 'Y' */
767: lv_dynamic_sql := 'select nvl(mobile_txn, ''N'') mobile_txn FROM rcv_transactions_interface WHERE interface_transaction_id = :1';
768: BEGIN
769: execute immediate lv_dynamic_sql into lv_mobile_txn_flag using p_interface_transaction_id;