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Line 59: pn_var_rents_all pvr,

55: pl.lease_class_code,
56: pl.org_id
57: FROM pn_leases pl,
58: pn_lease_details_all pld,
59: pn_var_rents_all pvr,
60: pn_locations_all ploc,
61: pn_var_periods_all per
62: WHERE pl.lease_id = pvr.lease_id
63: AND pld.lease_id = pvr.lease_id

Line 90: FROM pn_var_rents_all pvr,

86: per.period_id,
87: per.period_num,
88: pl.lease_class_code,
89: pl.org_id
90: FROM pn_var_rents_all pvr,
91: pn_leases pl,
92: pn_lease_details_all pld,
93: pn_var_periods_all per
94: WHERE pl.lease_id = pvr.lease_id

Line 183: l_rent_num pn_var_rents.rent_num%type;

179: WHERE invoice_date = p_invoice_date
180: AND var_rent_id = p_var_rent_id);
183: l_rent_num pn_var_rents.rent_num%type;
184: l_invoice_on pn_var_rents.invoice_on%type;
185: l_period_id pn_var_periods.period_id%type;
186: l_period_num pn_var_periods.period_num%type;
187: l_lease_id pn_var_rents.lease_id%type;

Line 184: l_invoice_on pn_var_rents.invoice_on%type;

180: AND var_rent_id = p_var_rent_id);
183: l_rent_num pn_var_rents.rent_num%type;
184: l_invoice_on pn_var_rents.invoice_on%type;
185: l_period_id pn_var_periods.period_id%type;
186: l_period_num pn_var_periods.period_num%type;
187: l_lease_id pn_var_rents.lease_id%type;
188: l_location_id pn_var_rents.location_id%type;

Line 187: l_lease_id pn_var_rents.lease_id%type;

183: l_rent_num pn_var_rents.rent_num%type;
184: l_invoice_on pn_var_rents.invoice_on%type;
185: l_period_id pn_var_periods.period_id%type;
186: l_period_num pn_var_periods.period_num%type;
187: l_lease_id pn_var_rents.lease_id%type;
188: l_location_id pn_var_rents.location_id%type;
189: l_var_rent_id pn_var_rents.var_rent_id%type;
190: l_pre_var_rent_id pn_var_rents.var_rent_id%type;
191: l_context VARCHAR2(2000);

Line 188: l_location_id pn_var_rents.location_id%type;

184: l_invoice_on pn_var_rents.invoice_on%type;
185: l_period_id pn_var_periods.period_id%type;
186: l_period_num pn_var_periods.period_num%type;
187: l_lease_id pn_var_rents.lease_id%type;
188: l_location_id pn_var_rents.location_id%type;
189: l_var_rent_id pn_var_rents.var_rent_id%type;
190: l_pre_var_rent_id pn_var_rents.var_rent_id%type;
191: l_context VARCHAR2(2000);
192: l_errmsg VARCHAR2(2000);

Line 189: l_var_rent_id pn_var_rents.var_rent_id%type;

185: l_period_id pn_var_periods.period_id%type;
186: l_period_num pn_var_periods.period_num%type;
187: l_lease_id pn_var_rents.lease_id%type;
188: l_location_id pn_var_rents.location_id%type;
189: l_var_rent_id pn_var_rents.var_rent_id%type;
190: l_pre_var_rent_id pn_var_rents.var_rent_id%type;
191: l_context VARCHAR2(2000);
192: l_errmsg VARCHAR2(2000);
193: l_org_id pn_leases.org_id%type;

Line 190: l_pre_var_rent_id pn_var_rents.var_rent_id%type;

186: l_period_num pn_var_periods.period_num%type;
187: l_lease_id pn_var_rents.lease_id%type;
188: l_location_id pn_var_rents.location_id%type;
189: l_var_rent_id pn_var_rents.var_rent_id%type;
190: l_pre_var_rent_id pn_var_rents.var_rent_id%type;
191: l_context VARCHAR2(2000);
192: l_errmsg VARCHAR2(2000);
193: l_org_id pn_leases.org_id%type;
194: l_term_temp_id pn_payment_terms.term_template_id%TYPE;

Line 662: -- 21-JUN-05 hareesha o Bug 4284035 - Replaced pn_var_rents, pn_distributions,

658: -- payment DFF of new VR term and not in AR Projects DFF
659: -- Bug # 3841542
660: -- 21-APR-05 ftanudja o Added area_type_code, area defaulting. #4324777
661: -- 15-JUL-05 ftanudja o R12 changes: add logic for tax_clsfctn_code. #4495054
662: -- 21-JUN-05 hareesha o Bug 4284035 - Replaced pn_var_rents, pn_distributions,
663: -- pn_term_templates, pn_leases with _ALL table.
664: -- 23-NOV-05 pikhar o Passed org_id in pn_mo_cache_utils.get_profile_value
665: -- 13-DEC-05 rdonthul o Changed the l_payment_term_date for bug 5700403
666: -- 15-MAR-07 pikhar o Bug 5930387. Added include_in_var_rent

Line 706: FROM pn_var_rents_all

702: IS
703: SELECT *
704: FROM pn_distributions_all
705: WHERE term_template_id = (SELECT term_template_id
706: FROM pn_var_rents_all
707: WHERE var_rent_id = p_var_rent_id);
709: CURSOR csr_template (p_var_rent_id IN NUMBER)
710: IS

Line 714: FROM pn_var_rents_all

710: IS
711: SELECT *
712: FROM pn_term_templates_all
713: WHERE term_template_id = (SELECT term_template_id
714: FROM pn_var_rents_all
715: WHERE var_rent_id = p_var_rent_id);
717: CURSOR currency_code_cur IS
718: SELECT currency_code

Line 719: FROM pn_var_rents_all

715: WHERE var_rent_id = p_var_rent_id);
717: CURSOR currency_code_cur IS
718: SELECT currency_code
719: FROM pn_var_rents_all
720: WHERE var_rent_id = p_var_rent_id;
722: rec_template pn_term_templates_all%ROWTYPE;
723: term_count NUMBER := 0;

Line 724: l_currency_code pn_var_rents_all.currency_code%TYPE;

720: WHERE var_rent_id = p_var_rent_id;
722: rec_template pn_term_templates_all%ROWTYPE;
723: term_count NUMBER := 0;
724: l_currency_code pn_var_rents_all.currency_code%TYPE;
725: --l_global_rec pn_mo_cache_utils.GlobalsRecord;
727: -- Get the details of
728: /*CURSOR invoice_date_c IS

Line 1230: FROM pn_var_rents_all

1227: -- Get the VR details
1228: CURSOR vrent_cur(p_vr_id IN NUMBER) IS
1229: SELECT proration_rule, commencement_date, termination_date
1230: FROM pn_var_rents_all
1231: WHERE var_rent_id = p_vr_id;
1233: -- Get partial period information
1234: CURSOR partial_prd(p_vr_id IN NUMBER) IS