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1 package pay_sg_iras_archive_setup AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: pysgirsu.pkh 120.0 2005/05/29 08:47:25 appldev noship $ */
3   --------------------------------------------------------------------
4   -- These are PUBLIC procedures are required by the Archive process.
5   -- Their names are stored in PAY_REPORT_FORMAT_MAPPINGS_F so that
6   -- the archive process knows what code to execute for each step of
7   -- the archive.
8   --------------------------------------------------------------------
9   procedure range_code
10     ( p_payroll_action_id  in   pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
11       p_sql                out  nocopy varchar2);
12   procedure assignment_action_code
13     ( p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
14       p_start_person_id    in per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
15       p_end_person_id      in per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
16       p_chunk              in number);
17   procedure archive_code
18     ( p_assignment_action_id  in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type,
19       p_effective_date        in date);
20   procedure deinit_code
21     ( p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type );
22 end pay_sg_iras_archive_setup;