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Line 570: from mfg_lookups mfg_l

566: and p_sub_type = wip_job_details.wip_add
567: )
568: or ( count_point_type is not null
569: and not exists (select 1
570: from mfg_lookups mfg_l
571: where mfg_l.lookup_type = 'BOM_COUNT_POINT_TYPE'
572: and mfg_l.lookup_code = wjdi.count_point_type )
573: )
574: );

Line 610: from mfg_lookups mfg_l

606: and p_sub_type = wip_job_details.wip_add
607: )
608: or ( count_point_type is not null
609: and not exists (select 1
610: from mfg_lookups mfg_l
611: where mfg_l.lookup_type = 'BOM_COUNT_POINT_TYPE'
612: and mfg_l.lookup_code = wjdi.count_point_type )
613: )
614: );

Line 642: from mfg_lookups mfg_l

638: and p_sub_type = wip_job_details.wip_add
639: )
640: or ( backflush_flag is not null
641: and not exists (select 1
642: from mfg_lookups mfg_l
643: where mfg_l.lookup_type = 'SYS_YES_NO'
644: and mfg_l.lookup_code = wjdi.backflush_flag)
645: )
646: );

Line 682: from mfg_lookups mfg_l

678: and p_sub_type = wip_job_details.wip_add
679: )
680: or ( backflush_flag is not null
681: and not exists (select 1
682: from mfg_lookups mfg_l
683: where mfg_l.lookup_type = 'SYS_YES_NO'
684: and mfg_l.lookup_code = wjdi.backflush_flag)
685: )
686: );