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Line 231: l_frequency per_all_assignments_f.frequency%type;

227: l_salary number;
228: l_normal_hours number;
229: l_work_schedule varchar2(150);
230: l_annual_salary number;
231: l_frequency per_all_assignments_f.frequency%type;
232: --
233: Begin
234: --
235: hr_utility.set_location('hr_us_reports.get_salary',5);

Line 933: per_all_assignments_f pas,

929: begin
930: SELECT ppa.display_run_number || '-' || ppe.full_name
931: INTO l_payroll_action_name
932: FROM per_people_f ppe,
933: per_all_assignments_f pas,
934: pay_assignment_actions paa,
935: pay_payroll_actions ppa
936: WHERE ppe.person_id = pas.person_id
937: AND pas.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id

Line 1699: -- change to per_all_assignments_f (speedier)

1695: and eloc.region_2 = P_STATE);
1696: --
1697: -- 2. Count employees within the establishment
1698: --
1699: -- change to per_all_assignments_f (speedier)
1700: cursor c_tot_emps is
1701: select count('ass')
1702: from
1703: per_all_assignments_f ass,

Line 1703: per_all_assignments_f ass,

1699: -- change to per_all_assignments_f (speedier)
1700: cursor c_tot_emps is
1701: select count('ass')
1702: from
1703: per_all_assignments_f ass,
1704: per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pgn
1705: where
1706: ass.business_group_id = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
1707: and ass.assignment_type = 'E'

Line 1717: from per_all_assignments_f paf2

1713: and ass.effective_start_date <= P_DATE_END
1714: and ass.effective_end_date >= P_DATE_START
1715: */
1716: and ass.effective_start_date = (select max(paf2.effective_start_date)
1717: from per_all_assignments_f paf2
1718: where paf2.person_id = ass.person_id
1719: and paf2.primary_flag = 'Y'
1720: and paf2.assignment_type = 'E'
1721: and paf2.effective_start_date