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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

SELECT project_id
FROM   pa_projects
WHERE  segment1 BETWEEN  c_from_project_number AND  c_to_project_number
AND    NVL(c_project_type,project_type) = project_type
AND    DECODE(c_project_statuses,'ALL','ACTIVE',project_status_code) <> 'CLOSED';  --Bug 5194368
Line: 47

SELECT project_id
FROM   pa_projects
WHERE  segment1 BETWEEN  NVL(c_from_project_number,segment1) AND  NVL(c_to_project_number,segment1)
AND    c_project_type = project_type
AND    DECODE(c_project_statuses,'ALL','ACTIVE',project_status_code) <> 'CLOSED';  --Bug 5194368
Line: 59

SELECT project_id
FROM   pa_projects
WHERE  segment1 BETWEEN  NVL(c_from_project_number,segment1) AND  NVL(c_to_project_number,segment1)
AND    NVL(c_project_type,project_type) = project_type
AND    project_status_code <> 'CLOSED';  --Bug 5194368
Line: 72

SELECT project_id
FROM   pa_projects
WHERE  segment1 BETWEEN  NVL(c_from_project_number,segment1) AND  NVL(c_to_project_number,segment1)
AND    NVL(c_project_type,project_type) = project_type
AND    DECODE(c_project_statuses,'ALL','ACTIVE',project_status_code) <> 'CLOSED';  --Bug 5194368
Line: 82

SELECT  allow_cost_budget_entry_flag
       ,org_project_flag -- bug 2788983
FROM    pa_project_types ppt
       ,pa_projects  pp
WHERE  pp.project_id = c_project_id
AND    ppt.project_type = pp.project_type;
Line: 97

SELECT  pt.fin_plan_type_id  fin_plan_type_id
       ,bt.budget_Type_code  budget_Type_code
FROM   pa_fin_plan_types_b pt /* Bug# 2661650 - Replaced _vl by _b for performance reasons */
       ,pa_budget_types     bt
WHERE  DECODE(c_budget_types,'ALL','Y', bt.upgrade_budget_type_flag) = 'Y'
AND    bt.budget_type_code  = pt.migrated_frm_bdgt_typ_code
AND    NVL(bt.plan_type,'BUDGET') = 'BUDGET'
AND    not exists
           (SELECT 1
            FROM   pa_proj_fp_options ppfo
            WHERE  ppfo.project_id = c_project_id
            AND    ppfo.fin_plan_type_id = pt.fin_plan_type_id
            AND    ppfo.fin_plan_option_level_code = PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_OPTION_LEVEL_PLAN_TYPE)
AND    exists
          (SELECT 1
           FROM   pa_budget_versions pbv
           WHERE  pbv.project_id = c_project_id
           AND    pbv.budget_type_code = bt.budget_type_code);
Line: 129

SELECT budget_version_id
       , bt.budget_type_code
       , bv.resource_list_id  /* bug 3673111, 07-JUN-4, jwhite: New Column */
       , bv.budget_status_code -- Bug# 7187487
FROM   pa_budget_versions bv,
       pa_budget_types  bt
WHERE  bv.project_id = c_project_id
AND    bt.budget_type_code = bv.budget_type_code
AND    bv.budget_type_code IS NOT NULL
AND    DECODE(c_budget_types,'ALL','Y',bt.upgrade_budget_type_flag) = 'Y'
AND    NVL(bt.plan_type,'BUDGET') = 'BUDGET' /* Bug 2758786 */
                SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
                WHERE  c_budget_statuses = 'ALL'
                UNION  ALL
                SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
                WHERE  (current_original_flag = 'Y' OR
                        original_flag         = 'Y' OR
                        current_flag          = 'Y' OR
                        budget_status_code    IN (PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_BUDGET_STATUS_WORKING) )
                AND    c_budget_statuses = 'CWB')
AND    (c_mode = 'PRE_UPGRADE' OR EXISTS (
                SELECT 1
                FROM   pa_proj_fp_options pfo,
                       pa_fin_plan_types_b pt /* Bug# 2661650 - Replaced _vl by _b for performance reasons */
                WHERE  pfo.project_id = c_project_id
                AND    pfo.fin_plan_option_level_code = PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_OPTION_LEVEL_PLAN_TYPE
                AND    pt.fin_plan_type_id = pfo.fin_plan_type_id
                AND    pt.migrated_frm_bdgt_typ_code = bv.budget_type_code));
Line: 197

SELECT pbv.budget_entry_method_code budget_entry_method_code
FROM   pa_budget_versions pbv,
       pa_budget_entry_methods pbem
WHERE  pbv.budget_version_id = c_budget_version_id
AND    pbem.budget_entry_method_code = pbv.budget_entry_method_code;
Line: 215

SELECT cost_budget_entry_method_code
FROM   pa_projects a,
       pa_project_types b
WHERE  a.project_id = c_project_id
AND    b.project_type = a.project_type;
Line: 230

SELECT entry_level_code
FROM   pa_budget_entry_methods
WHERE  budget_entry_method_code = c_budget_entry_method_code;
Line: 496

                   SELECT fin_plan_type_id
                   INTO   x_upgrade_elements_rec.curr_option_plan_type_id
                   FROM   pa_fin_plan_types_b /* Bug# 2661650 - Replaced _vl by _b for performance reasons */
                   WHERE  migrated_frm_bdgt_typ_code = p_budget_type_code;
Line: 503

                   INTO  x_upgrade_elements_rec.curr_option_preference_code
                   FROM  pa_budget_types
                   WHERE budget_type_code = p_budget_type_code;
Line: 636

                   SELECT fin_plan_type_id
                   INTO   x_upgrade_elements_rec.curr_option_plan_type_id
                   FROM   pa_fin_plan_types_b /* Bug# 2661650 - Replaced _vl by _b for performance reasons */
                   WHERE  migrated_frm_bdgt_typ_code = p_budget_type_code;
Line: 643

                   INTO  x_upgrade_elements_rec.curr_option_preference_code
                   FROM  pa_budget_types
                   WHERE budget_type_code = p_budget_type_code;
Line: 1092

                   SELECT proj_fp_options_id
                   INTO   l_proj_fp_options_id
                   FROM   pa_proj_fp_options
                   WHERE  project_id = l_project_id
                   AND    fin_plan_option_level_code = PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_OPTION_LEVEL_PROJECT;
Line: 1148

                                    SELECT fin_plan_preference_code, plan_in_multi_curr_flag
                                      INTO l_fp_preference_code, l_multi_curr_flag
                                      FROM pa_proj_fp_options
                                     WHERE proj_fp_options_id = l_proj_fp_options_id;
Line: 1170

                                                 p_project_id                     =>   l_project_id
                                                ,p_budget_type_code               =>   NULL
                                                ,p_proj_fp_options_id             =>   l_proj_fp_options_id
                                                ,p_fin_plan_option_level_code     =>   PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_OPTION_LEVEL_PROJECT
                                                ,p_basis_cost_version_id          =>   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_cost_version_id
                                                ,p_basis_rev_version_id           =>   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_rev_version_id
                                                ,p_basis_cost_bem                 =>   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_cost_bem
                                                ,p_basis_rev_bem                  =>   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_rev_bem
                                                ,p_upgraded_flag                  =>   'Y'
                                                ,p_failure_reason_code            =>   NULL);
Line: 1329

selected for upgrade. IF plan type for a budget type already exists then this
api will skip such budget types. Users can submit the upgrade process either
for all budget types or only those which are selected on budget type from
PROCEDURE Upgrade_Budget_Types(
          p_budget_types            IN        VARCHAR2
          ,x_return_status         OUT        NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
          ,x_msg_count             OUT        NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
          ,x_msg_data              OUT        NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

l_return_status                 VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 1354

SELECT  budget_type_code
FROM   pa_budget_types  bt
WHERE  DECODE(c_budget_types, 'ALL' ,'Y', upgrade_budget_type_flag) = 'Y'
AND    not exists
         (SELECT 1
          FROM   pa_fin_plan_types_b pt /* Bug# 2661650 - Replaced _vl by _b for performance reasons */
          WHERE  pt.migrated_frm_bdgt_typ_code = bt.budget_type_code);
Line: 1444

         PA_FIN_PLAN_TYPES_PKG.Insert_Row (
                  x_rowid                            =>         l_rowid
                 ,x_fin_plan_type_id                 =>         NULL
                 ,x_fin_plan_type_code               =>         NULL
                 ,x_pre_defined_flag                 =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.predefined_flag
                 ,x_generated_flag                   =>         'N'
                 ,x_edit_generated_amt_flag          =>         'N'
                 ,x_used_in_billing_flag             =>         'N'
                 ,x_enable_wf_flag                   =>         NVL(budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.enable_wf_flag,'N')
                 ,x_start_date_active                =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.start_date_active
                 ,x_end_date_active                  =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.end_date_active
                 ,x_record_version_number            =>         1
                 ,x_name                             =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.budget_type
                 ,x_description                      =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.description
                 ,x_plan_class_code                  =>         l_plan_class_code
                 ,x_approved_cost_plan_type_flag     =>         l_approved_cost_plan_type_flag
                 ,x_approved_rev_plan_type_flag      =>         l_approved_rev_plan_type_flag
                 ,x_projfunc_cost_rate_type          =>         NULL
                 ,x_projfunc_cost_rate_date_type     =>         NULL
                 ,x_projfunc_cost_rate_date          =>         NULL
                 ,x_projfunc_rev_rate_type           =>         NULL
                 ,x_projfunc_rev_rate_date_type      =>         NULL
                 ,x_projfunc_rev_rate_date           =>         NULL
                 ,x_project_cost_rate_type           =>         NULL
                 ,x_project_cost_rate_date_type      =>         NULL
                 ,x_project_cost_rate_date           =>         NULL
                 ,x_project_rev_rate_type            =>         NULL
                 ,x_project_rev_rate_date_type       =>         NULL
                 ,x_project_rev_rate_date            =>         NULL
                 ,x_attribute_category               =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute_category
                 ,x_attribute1                       =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute1
                 ,x_attribute2                       =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute2
                 ,x_attribute3                       =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute3
                 ,x_attribute4                       =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute4
                 ,x_attribute5                       =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute5
                 ,x_attribute6                       =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute6
                 ,x_attribute7                       =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute7
                 ,x_attribute8                       =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute8
                 ,x_attribute9                       =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute9
                 ,x_attribute10                      =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute10
                 ,x_attribute11                      =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute11
                 ,x_attribute12                      =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute12
                 ,x_attribute13                      =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute13
                 ,x_attribute14                      =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute14
                 ,x_attribute15                      =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.attribute15
                 ,x_creation_date                    =>         sysdate
                 ,x_created_by                       =>         fnd_global.user_id
                 ,x_last_update_date                 =>         sysdate
                 ,x_last_updated_by                  =>         fnd_global.user_id
                 ,x_last_update_login                =>         fnd_global.login_id
                 ,x_migrated_frm_bdgt_typ_code       =>         budget_types_for_upgrade_rec.budget_type_code
                 ,X_ENABLE_PARTIAL_IMPL_FLAG         =>         'N'
                 ,X_PRIMARY_COST_FORECAST_FLAG       =>         'N'
                 ,X_PRIMARY_REV_FORECAST_FLAG        =>         'N'
                 ,X_EDIT_AFTER_BASELINE_FLAG         =>         'Y'
                 ,X_USE_FOR_WORKPLAN_FLAG            =>         'N');
Line: 1691

             SET   cost_fin_plan_level_code     =   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_cost_planning_level
                  ,cost_time_phased_code        =   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_cost_time_phased_code
                  ,cost_resource_list_id        =   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_cost_res_list_id
                  ,cost_amount_set_id           =   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_cost_amount_set_id
                  ,approved_cost_plan_type_flag =   l_approved_cost_plan_type_flag
                  ,approved_rev_plan_type_flag  =   l_approved_rev_plan_type_flag
                  --Bug 4174907
                  ,primary_cost_forecast_flag   = 'N'
                  ,primary_rev_forecast_flag    = 'N'
             WHERE proj_fp_options_id = l_target_proj_fp_option_id;
Line: 1710

             SET   revenue_fin_plan_level_code  =   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_rev_planning_level
                  ,revenue_time_phased_code     =   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_rev_time_phased_code
                  ,revenue_resource_list_id     =   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_rev_res_list_id
                  ,revenue_amount_set_id        =   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_rev_amount_Set_id
                  ,approved_cost_plan_type_flag =   l_approved_cost_plan_type_flag
                  ,approved_rev_plan_type_flag  =   l_approved_rev_plan_type_flag
                  --Bug 4174907
                  ,primary_cost_forecast_flag   = 'N'
                  ,primary_rev_forecast_flag    = 'N'
             WHERE proj_fp_options_id = l_target_proj_fp_option_id;
Line: 1752

                SET   projfunc_cost_rate_type      =  l_projfunc_cost_rate_type
                     ,projfunc_cost_rate_date_type =  PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_RATE_DATE_TYPE_START_DATE
                     ,projfunc_rev_rate_type       =  l_projfunc_bil_rate_type
                     ,projfunc_rev_rate_date_type  =  PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_RATE_DATE_TYPE_START_DATE
                     ,project_cost_rate_type       =  l_project_cost_rate_type
                     ,project_cost_rate_date_type  =  PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_RATE_DATE_TYPE_START_DATE
                     ,project_rev_rate_type        =  l_project_bil_rate_type
                     ,project_rev_rate_date_type   =  PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_RATE_DATE_TYPE_START_DATE
                WHERE proj_fp_options_id = l_target_proj_fp_option_id;
Line: 1935

                    SELECT fin_plan_preference_code, plan_in_multi_curr_flag
                      INTO l_fp_preference_code, l_multi_curr_flag
                      FROM pa_proj_fp_options
                     WHERE proj_fp_options_id = l_proj_fp_options_id;
Line: 1958

                                   p_project_id                     =>   p_project_id
                                  ,p_budget_type_code               =>   attached_plan_types_rec.budget_type_code
                                  ,p_proj_fp_options_id             =>   l_proj_fp_options_id
                                  ,p_fin_plan_option_level_code     =>   PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_OPTION_LEVEL_PLAN_TYPE
                                  ,p_basis_cost_version_id          =>   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_cost_version_id
                                  ,p_basis_rev_version_id           =>   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_rev_version_id
                                  ,p_basis_cost_bem                 =>   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_cost_bem
                                  ,p_basis_rev_bem                  =>   l_upgrade_elements_rec.basis_rev_bem
                                  ,p_upgraded_flag                  =>   'Y'
                                  ,p_failure_reason_code            =>   NULL);
Line: 2035

         3.Update Budget Version in PA_BUDGET_VERSIONS
         4.Create resource assignments
         5.Roll up resource assignments
         6.Create period denorm records for the budget.

-- 07-JUN-04 jwhite   Bug 3673111
--                    When I closely reviewed this package for
--                    FP.M resource list and RBS modifications,
--                    I found so many issues that I decided to do
--                    following:
--                    1) Move most of the calls to this
--                       private Upgrade_Budget_Versions api.
--                    2) Change the FP.M Uprade api calls to process one
--                       budget_version_id at a time per the budget_version
--                       cursor in this procedure.
-- 12-Dec-06 nkumbi  Bug 5676682 :Same local variables cannot be passed as both
--                   IN and OUT variables to an api. Fixed the issue
--                   in upgrade_budget_versions api while calling
--                   apply_calculate_fpm_rules.
PROCEDURE Upgrade_Budget_Versions (
           p_project_id            IN    pa_projects.project_id%TYPE
          ,p_budget_types          IN    VARCHAR2
          ,p_budget_statuses       IN    VARCHAR2
          ,x_return_status         OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
          ,x_msg_count             OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
          ,x_msg_data              OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

l_return_status                 VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 2211

                    SELECT fin_plan_preference_code, plan_in_multi_curr_flag
                      INTO l_fp_preference_code, l_multi_curr_flag
                      FROM pa_proj_fp_options
                     WHERE proj_fp_options_id = l_proj_fp_options_id;
Line: 2268

                    UPDATE PA_BUDGET_VERSIONS
                    SET   budget_type_code               =       NULL,
                          version_name                   =       nvl(version_name,to_char(version_number)),-- Added for Bug 6722317
                          fin_plan_type_id               =       l_upgrade_elements_rec.curr_option_plan_type_id,
                          version_type                   =       l_version_type,
                          approved_cost_plan_type_flag   =       l_approved_cost_plan_type_flag,
                          approved_rev_plan_type_flag    =       l_approved_rev_plan_type_flag,
                          record_version_number          =       NVl(record_version_number,0) + 1, -- null handling ,bug 2788983
                          first_budget_period            =       NULL,
                          request_id                     =       FND_GLOBAL.conc_request_id,
                          last_update_date               =       sysdate,
                          last_updated_by                =       fnd_global.user_id,
                          creation_date                  =       sysdate,
                          created_by                     =       fnd_global.user_id,
                          last_update_login              =       fnd_global.login_id,
                          current_working_flag           =       DECODE(budget_status_code,
                          --Bug 4174907
                          ,primary_cost_forecast_flag    = 'N'
                          ,primary_rev_forecast_flag     = 'N'
                     WHERE budget_version_id = l_budget_ver_tbl(j);
Line: 2296

                     SET    resource_assignment_type = PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_USER_ENTERED
                     WHERE  budget_version_id = l_budget_ver_tbl(j);
Line: 2306

                     UPDATE PA_BUDGET_LINES
                     SET    txn_raw_cost            =    raw_cost,
                            txn_burdened_cost       =    burdened_cost,
                            txn_revenue             =    revenue
                     WHERE  budget_version_id = l_budget_ver_tbl(j);
Line: 2343

                     SELECT migration_code
                     INTO   l_migration_code
                     FROM   pa_resource_lists_all_bg
                     WHERE  resource_list_id = l_res_list_tbl(j);
Line: 2465

                     FROM   PA_BUDGET_LINES BL
                     WHERE  bl.budget_version_id = l_budget_ver_tbl(m)
                     AND    NVL(bl.quantity,0) = 0
                     AND    NVL(bl.txn_raw_cost,0) = 0
                     AND    NVL(bl.txn_burdened_cost,0) = 0
                     AND    NVL(bl.txn_revenue,0) = 0 ;
Line: 2473

                     SELECT  bl.budget_line_id
                            ,nvl(ra.rate_based_flag,'N') rate_based_flag
                     BULK COLLECT INTO
                     FROM    pa_budget_lines bl
                            ,pa_resource_assignments ra
                     WHERE  bl.resource_assignment_id=ra.resource_assignment_id
                     AND    bl.budget_version_id=l_budget_ver_tbl(m)
                     ORDER  BY bl.resource_assignment_id ,bl.quantity NULLS FIRST;
Line: 2496

                         SELECT fin_plan_preference_code
                         INTO   l_pref_code
                         FROM   pa_proj_fp_options
                         WHERE  fin_plan_version_id=l_budget_ver_tbl(m);
Line: 2539

                            UPDATE PA_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENTS ra
                            SET    ra.rate_based_flag = 'N'
                                  ,ra.unit_of_measure = 'DOLLARS'
                            WHERE  ra.resource_assignment_id = l_upg_non_rb_ra_id_tbl(j);
Line: 2546

                            UPDATE PA_BUDGET_LINES bl
                            SET    bl.quantity                  = l_upg_quantity_tbl(j)
                                  ,bl.txn_raw_cost              = l_upg_txn_raw_cost_tbl(j)
                                  ,bl.txn_cost_rate_override    = l_upg_raw_cost_rate_tbl(j)
                                  ,bl.txn_standard_cost_rate    = l_upg_raw_cost_rate_tbl(j)
                                  ,bl.txn_burdened_cost         = l_upg_txn_burdened_cost_tbl(j)
                                  ,bl.burden_cost_rate_override = l_upg_burd_cost_rate_tbl(j)
                                  ,bl.burden_cost_rate          = l_upg_burd_cost_rate_tbl(j)
                                  ,bl.txn_revenue               = l_upg_txn_revenue_tbl(j)
                                  ,bl.txn_bill_rate_override    = l_upg_bill_rate_tbl(j)
                                  ,bl.txn_standard_bill_rate    = l_upg_bill_rate_tbl(j)
                            WHERE  bl.budget_line_id = l_upg_bl_id_tbl(j);
Line: 2605

                        *  i. update the display_quantity new column in pa_budget_lines
                        * ii. insert planning transaction records in the new entity pa_resource_asgn_curr
                        *     with the appropriate records.
                           (p_budget_version_id     => l_budget_ver_tbl(m),
                            p_context               => 'FINANCIAL',
                            x_return_status         => l_return_status);
Line: 2638

                       /* calling the maintenance api to insert data into the new planning transaction level table */
                           (p_fp_cols_rec          => l_fp_cols_rec_var,
                            p_calling_module       => 'UPGRADE',
                            p_rollup_flag          => 'Y',
                            p_version_level_flag   => 'Y',
                            x_return_status        => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count            => l_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data             => l_msg_data);
Line: 2658

                        * to insert those resource assignment with default applicable currency
                           (p_budget_version_id => l_budget_ver_tbl(m),
                            p_calling_module    => 'UPGRADE',
                            x_return_status     => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count         => l_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data          => l_msg_data);
Line: 2834

PROCEDURE Insert_Audit_Record(
         p_project_id                      IN        PA_FP_UPGRADE_AUDIT.PROJECT_ID%TYPE
        ,p_budget_type_code                IN        PA_FP_UPGRADE_AUDIT.BUDGET_TYPE_CODE%TYPE
        ,p_proj_fp_options_id              IN        PA_FP_UPGRADE_AUDIT.PROJ_FP_OPTIONS_ID%TYPE
        ,p_fin_plan_option_level_code      IN        PA_FP_UPGRADE_AUDIT.FIN_PLAN_OPTION_LEVEL_CODE%TYPE
        ,p_basis_cost_version_id           IN        PA_FP_UPGRADE_AUDIT.BASIS_COST_VERSION_ID%TYPE
        ,p_basis_rev_version_id            IN        PA_FP_UPGRADE_AUDIT.BASIS_REV_VERSION_ID%TYPE
        ,p_basis_cost_bem                  IN        PA_FP_UPGRADE_AUDIT.BASIS_COST_BEM%TYPE
        ,p_basis_rev_bem                   IN        PA_FP_UPGRADE_AUDIT.BASIS_REV_BEM%TYPE
        ,p_upgraded_flag                   IN        PA_FP_UPGRADE_AUDIT.UPGRADED_FLAG%TYPE
        ,p_failure_reason_code             IN        PA_FP_UPGRADE_AUDIT.FAILURE_REASON_CODE%TYPE
        ,p_proj_fp_options_id_rup          IN        PA_FP_UPGRADE_AUDIT.PROJ_FP_OPTIONS_ID%TYPE DEFAULT NULL) IS


                ,proj_fp_options_id_rup )
Line: 2886

END Insert_Audit_Record;
Line: 2891

   upgrade budgets report. The api would insert the exception records
   into pa_fp_upgrade_audit table and pa_fp_upgrade_exceptions_tmp as

           p_from_project_number        IN           VARCHAR2
          ,p_to_project_number          IN           VARCHAR2
          ,p_budget_types               IN           VARCHAR2
          ,p_budget_statuses            IN           VARCHAR2
          ,p_project_type               IN           VARCHAR2
          ,p_project_statuses           IN           VARCHAR2
          ,x_return_status              OUT          NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
          ,x_msg_count                  OUT          NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
          ,x_msg_data                   OUT          NOCOPY VARCHAR2) --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

l_msg_count                     NUMBER := 0;
Line: 2923

SELECT bt.budget_type_code  budget_type_code
FROM   pa_budget_types     bt
WHERE  DECODE(c_budget_types,'ALL','Y', bt.upgrade_budget_type_flag) = 'Y'
AND    NVL(bt.plan_type,'BUDGET') = 'BUDGET'
           (SELECT 1
            FROM   pa_proj_fp_options ppfo
                   ,pa_fin_plan_types_b pt
            WHERE  pt.migrated_frm_bdgt_typ_code = bt.budget_type_code
            AND    ppfo.project_id = c_project_id
            AND    ppfo.fin_plan_type_id = pt.fin_plan_type_id
            AND    ppfo.fin_plan_option_level_code = PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_OPTION_LEVEL_PLAN_TYPE)
          (SELECT 1
           FROM   pa_budget_versions pbv
           WHERE  pbv.project_id = c_project_id
           AND    pbv.budget_type_code = bt.budget_type_code);
Line: 3332

                     p_project_id                     =>   p_project_id
                    ,p_budget_type_code               =>   NULL
                    ,p_proj_fp_options_id             =>   NULL
                    ,p_fin_plan_option_level_code     =>   PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_OPTION_LEVEL_PROJECT
                    ,p_basis_cost_version_id          =>   NULL
                    ,p_basis_rev_version_id           =>   NULL
                    ,p_basis_cost_bem                 =>   NULL
                    ,p_basis_rev_bem                  =>   NULL
                    ,p_upgraded_flag                  =>   'N'
                    ,p_failure_reason_code            =>   'NO_CONV_ATTR_FOR_PROJ');
Line: 3508

                             p_project_id                     =>   p_project_id
                            ,p_budget_type_code               =>   p_budget_type_code
                            ,p_proj_fp_options_id             =>   NULL
                            ,p_fin_plan_option_level_code     =>   PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_OPTION_LEVEL_PLAN_TYPE
                            ,p_basis_cost_version_id          =>   NULL
                            ,p_basis_rev_version_id           =>   NULL
                            ,p_basis_cost_bem                 =>   NULL
                            ,p_basis_rev_bem                  =>   NULL
                            ,p_upgraded_flag                  =>   'N'
                            ,p_failure_reason_code            =>   'BUDGET_INTEGRATION_EXISTS');
Line: 3551

                SELECT budget_status_code
                INTO   l_budget_status_code
                FROM   pa_budget_versions
                WHERE  budget_version_id = l_draft_version_id;
Line: 3575

                                  p_project_id                     =>   p_project_id
                                 ,p_budget_type_code               =>   p_budget_type_code
                                 ,p_proj_fp_options_id             =>   NULL
                                 ,p_fin_plan_option_level_code     =>   PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.G_OPTION_LEVEL_PLAN_TYPE
                                 ,p_basis_cost_version_id          =>   NULL
                                 ,p_basis_rev_version_id           =>   NULL
                                 ,p_basis_cost_bem                 =>   NULL
                                 ,p_basis_rev_bem                  =>   NULL
                                 ,p_upgraded_flag                  =>   'N'
                                 ,p_failure_reason_code            =>   'SUBMIT_STATUS_VERSION_EXISTS');
Line: 3675

SELECT project_id,
FROM   pa_budget_versions
WHERE  budget_Version_id = c_budget_version_id;
Line: 4382

   SELECT prj.project_id,
   FROM   pa_projects prj,
          pa_budget_versions bv,
          pa_fin_plan_types_b fp,
          pa_control_items ci,
          pa_proj_fp_options op
   WHERE  segment1 BETWEEN  NVL(c_from_project_number,segment1) AND  NVL(c_to_project_number,segment1)
   AND    DECODE(c_project_statuses,'ALL','ACTIVE',prj.project_status_code) = 'ACTIVE'
   AND   bv.project_id = prj.project_id
   and   bv.fin_plan_type_id = fp.fin_plan_type_id
   and   bv.budget_version_id = op.fin_plan_version_id
   and   op.project_id = bv.project_id
   and   nvl(c_fin_plan_type_id,fp.fin_plan_type_id) = fp.fin_plan_type_id
   and   nvl(fp.FIN_PLAN_TYPE_CODE,'x') <> 'ORG_FORECAST'
   and   bv.budget_status_code = 'W'
   and   bv.ci_id = ci.ci_id(+)
   and   NVL(pa_project_structure_utils.check_struc_ver_published(bv.project_id,bv.project_structure_version_id),'N') = 'N'
   and NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pa_fp_upgrade_audit aud
                    WHERE aud.project_id = op.project_id
                      AND aud.proj_fp_options_id_rup = op.PROJ_FP_OPTIONS_ID
                      AND aud.upgraded_flag = 'Y')
   and EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pa_budget_lines bl
                WHERE bl.budget_version_id = bv.budget_version_id
                  AND (  bl.cost_rejection_code  IS NOT NULL
                           OR bl.revenue_rejection_code IS NOT NULL
                           OR bl.burden_rejection_code IS NOT NULL
                           OR bl.pfc_cur_conv_rejection_code IS NOT NULL
                           OR bl.pc_cur_conv_rejection_code IS NOT NULL
   and bv.prc_generated_flag = 'M';  --IPM Optional Upgrade Process
Line: 4491

                       /* Check if ci is in updateable status - following code got from ci team */

                       IF l_ci_id IS NOT NULL THEN

                                 select 'Y'
                                 into   l_process_flag
                                 from   pa_project_statuses ps ,
                                        pa_project_status_controls psc
                                 where  ps.project_Status_code = l_ci_status_code
                                 and    ps.project_system_status_code = nvl(psc.project_system_status_code,psc.project_Status_code)
                                 and    psc.status_type = 'CONTROL_ITEM'
                                 and    psc.action_code = 'CONTROL_ITEM_ALLOW_UPDATE'
                                 and    psc.enabled_flag = 'N'
                                 and    rownum < 2;
Line: 4546

Line: 4547

                          l_ra_id_tbl.delete ;
Line: 4550

                           pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'Successfully Deleted the pl/sql tables.';
Line: 4554

                          SELECT bv.budget_version_id INTO l_budg_ver_id
                            FROM pa_budget_versions bv
                           WHERE bv.budget_version_id = l_bv_id
                           FOR UPDATE OF bv.budget_version_id NOWAIT;
Line: 4564

                          SELECT rtx.resource_assignment_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_rtx_ra_id_tbl
                            FROM pa_resource_asgn_curr rtx
                           WHERE rtx.budget_version_id = l_bv_id
                           FOR UPDATE OF rtx.resource_assignment_id NOWAIT;
Line: 4575

                          SELECT ra.resource_assignment_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_ra_id_tbl
                            FROM pa_resource_assignments ra
                           WHERE ra.budget_version_id = l_bv_id
                           FOR UPDATE OF ra.resource_assignment_id NOWAIT;
Line: 4589

                       /* Bug 5098818 - Start - Replaced exclusive update stmt with a call to maintain_data api */
                       /* populating fp_cols_rec to call the new entity maintenace API */
                           (p_budget_version_id              => l_bv_id,
                            x_fp_cols_rec                    => l_fp_cols_rec_var,
                            x_return_status                  => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count                      => l_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data                       => l_msg_data);
Line: 4606

                       /* calling the maintenance api to insert data into the new planning transaction level table */
                           (p_fp_cols_rec          => l_fp_cols_rec_var,
                            p_calling_module       => 'UPGRADE',
                            p_rollup_flag          => 'Y',
                            p_version_level_flag   => 'Y',
                            x_return_status        => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count            => l_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data             => l_msg_data);
Line: 4623

                       /* Bug 5098818 - End - Replaced exclusive update stmt with a call to maintain_data api */

                       IF p_pa_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
                           pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'Updated the resource assign curr amts from budget lines';
Line: 4632

                       /* Bug 5098818 - Start - Replaced exclusive update stmt with a call to already existing rollup_budget api */

                            p_budget_version_id      => l_bv_id
                           ,p_entire_version        => 'Y'
                           ,p_context               => NULL
                           ,x_return_status         => l_return_status
                           ,x_msg_count             => l_msg_count
                           ,x_msg_data              => l_msg_data);
Line: 4642

                       /* Bug 5098818 - End - Replaced exclusive update stmt with a call to already existing rollup_budget api */
                       IF p_pa_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
                           pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'Updated the resource assignment amts from resource assign curr';
Line: 4651

                       INSERT INTO pa_budget_lines_m_upg_dtrange(
                       VALUES (         sysdate
Line: 4687

                           pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'Before calling PJI API PLAN_DELETE for budget ver '||l_bv_id;
Line: 4691

                               PJI_FM_XBS_ACCUM_MAINT.PLAN_DELETE (
                                             p_fp_version_ids   => l_budget_ver_tbl,
                                             x_return_status    => x_return_status,
                                             x_msg_code         => l_error_msg_code);
Line: 4697

                           pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'The rtn sts of PJI API PLAN_DELETE is '||x_return_status;
Line: 4700

                           pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'The msg code of PJI API PLAN_DELETE is '||l_error_msg_code;
Line: 4738

                                 p_project_id                     =>   l_project_id
                                ,p_budget_type_code               =>   NULL
                                ,p_proj_fp_options_id             =>   NULL
                                ,p_fin_plan_option_level_code     =>   NULL
                                ,p_basis_cost_version_id          =>   NULL
                                ,p_basis_rev_version_id           =>   NULL
                                ,p_basis_cost_bem                 =>   NULL
                                ,p_basis_rev_bem                  =>   NULL
                                ,p_upgraded_flag                  =>   'Y'
                                ,p_failure_reason_code            =>   NULL
                                ,p_proj_fp_options_id_rup         =>   l_op_id);
Line: 4768

                                 p_project_id                     =>   l_project_id
                                ,p_budget_type_code               =>   NULL
                                ,p_proj_fp_options_id             =>   NULL
                                ,p_fin_plan_option_level_code     =>   NULL
                                ,p_basis_cost_version_id          =>   NULL
                                ,p_basis_rev_version_id           =>   NULL
                                ,p_basis_cost_bem                 =>   NULL
                                ,p_basis_rev_bem                  =>   NULL
                                ,p_upgraded_flag                  =>   'N'
                                ,p_failure_reason_code            =>   'Record Locked'
                                ,p_proj_fp_options_id_rup         =>   l_op_id);
Line: 4795

                                 p_project_id                     =>   l_project_id
                                ,p_budget_type_code               =>   NULL
                                ,p_proj_fp_options_id             =>   NULL
                                ,p_fin_plan_option_level_code     =>   NULL
                                ,p_basis_cost_version_id          =>   NULL
                                ,p_basis_rev_version_id           =>   NULL
                                ,p_basis_cost_bem                 =>   NULL
                                ,p_basis_rev_bem                  =>   NULL
                                ,p_upgraded_flag                  =>   'N'
                                ,p_failure_reason_code            =>   sqlcode
                                ,p_proj_fp_options_id_rup         =>   l_op_id);
Line: 4810

Line: 4811

                          l_ra_id_tbl.delete ;
Line: 4812
