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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 75

    SELECT COUNT(*)  l_num_rows
         , mmtt.cartonization_id
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp   mmtt
     WHERE mmtt.move_order_header_id = p_mo_hdr_id
       AND mmtt.cartonization_id IS NOT NULL
     GROUP BY mmtt.cartonization_id;
Line: 85

    SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp   mmtt
     WHERE mmtt.move_order_header_id = p_mo_hdr_id
       AND mmtt.parent_line_id IS NULL
         ( SELECT 'x'
             FROM wms_user_task_type_attributes   wutta
            WHERE wutta.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
              AND wutta.user_task_type_id = mmtt.standard_operation_id
              AND wutta.honor_case_pick_flag = 'Y'
    -- Bulk pick parent tasks
    SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp   mmtt
     WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id IN
         ( SELECT DISTINCT mmtt2.parent_line_id
             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp   mmtt2
            WHERE mmtt2.move_order_header_id = p_mo_hdr_id
              AND mmtt2.parent_line_id IS NOT NULL
              AND mmtt2.transaction_temp_id <> mmtt2.parent_line_id
         ( SELECT 'x'
             FROM wms_user_task_type_attributes   wutta
            WHERE wutta.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
              AND wutta.user_task_type_id = mmtt.standard_operation_id
              AND wutta.honor_case_pick_flag = 'Y'
Line: 117

    SELECT COUNT(*)   l_num_rows
         , mmtt.inventory_item_id
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp   mmtt
     WHERE mmtt.move_order_header_id = p_mo_hdr_id
     GROUP BY mmtt.inventory_item_id;
Line: 126

    SELECT COUNT(*)   l_num_rows
         , mmtt.inventory_item_id
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp   mmtt
     WHERE ( mmtt.move_order_header_id = p_mo_hdr_id
             AND mmtt.parent_line_id IS NULL)
        OR ( mmtt.transaction_temp_id IN
             ( SELECT DISTINCT mmtt2.parent_line_id
                 FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp   mmtt2
                WHERE mmtt2.move_order_header_id = p_mo_hdr_id
                  AND mmtt2.parent_line_id IS NOT NULL
                  AND mmtt2.transaction_temp_id <> mmtt2.parent_line_id
     GROUP BY mmtt.inventory_item_id;
Line: 167

             INSERT INTO wms_pr_workers( batch_id
                                       , worker_mode
                                       , processed_flag
                                       , organization_id
                                       , mo_header_id
                                       , cartonization_id
                                       , detailed_count
             VALUES ( p_batch_id
                    , 'CRTN_LBL'       -- Carton label
                    , 'N'
                    , p_organization_id
                    , p_mo_header_id
                    , l_crt_ids(ii)
                    , l_counts(ii)
Line: 193

          print_debug( 'Inserted ' || l_num_sub_batches ||
                       ' worker records for cartonization label printing.'
                     , l_api_name);
Line: 208

          INSERT INTO wms_pr_workers( batch_id
                                    , worker_mode
                                    , processed_flag
                                    , organization_id
                                    , mo_header_id
                                    , transaction_batch_id
                                    , detailed_count
          VALUES ( p_batch_id
                 , 'CSPK_LBL'       -- Case pick label
                 , 'N'
                 , p_organization_id
                 , p_mo_header_id
                 , mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval
                 , l_detail_count
          RETURNING transaction_batch_id INTO l_sub_batch_id;
Line: 229

             UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp   mmtt
                SET mmtt.transaction_batch_id = l_sub_batch_id
              WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = l_tmp_ids(ii);
Line: 263

             INSERT INTO wms_pr_workers( batch_id
                                       , worker_mode
                                       , processed_flag
                                       , organization_id
                                       , mo_header_id
                                       , transaction_batch_id
                                       , detailed_count
             VALUES ( p_batch_id
                    , p_mode
                    , 'N'
                    , p_organization_id
                    , p_mo_header_id
                    , mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval
                    , l_counts(ii)
             RETURNING transaction_batch_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_sub_ids;
Line: 284

             UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp   mmtt
                SET mmtt.transaction_batch_id = l_sub_ids(jj)
              WHERE mmtt.inventory_item_id = l_itm_ids(jj)
                AND ( ( mmtt.move_order_header_id = p_mo_header_id
                        AND mmtt.parent_line_id IS NULL)
                    OR ( p_mode = 'TTA'
                         AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id IN
                         ( SELECT DISTINCT mmtt2.parent_line_id
                             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp   mmtt2
                            WHERE mmtt2.move_order_header_id = p_mo_header_id
                              AND mmtt2.parent_line_id IS NOT NULL
                              AND mmtt2.transaction_temp_id <> mmtt2.parent_line_id
Line: 308

          print_debug('Done inserting worker records for ' || p_mode, l_api_name);
Line: 491

    SELECT 'x' FROM dual
         ( SELECT 'x'
             FROM wms_rules       rules
                , wms_op_plans_b  wop
            WHERE rules.organization_id IN (p_org_id,-1)
              AND rules.type_code      = 7
              AND rules.enabled_flag   = 'Y'
              AND rules.type_hdr_id    = wop.operation_plan_id
              AND wop.activity_type_id = 2  -- Outbound
              AND wop.enabled_flag     = 'Y'
Line: 610

       UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
       SET operation_plan_id = l_op_plan_id
       WHERE move_order_header_id = p_mo_header_id;
Line: 670

    SELECT 'x' FROM dual
         ( SELECT 'x'
             FROM wms_rules   rules
            WHERE rules.organization_id IN (p_org_id,-1)
              AND rules.type_code    = 3
              AND rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
Line: 782

       UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
       SET standard_operation_id = l_ttype_id
       WHERE move_order_header_id = p_mo_header_id;
Line: 842

    SELECT 'x' FROM dual
         ( SELECT 'x'
             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt1
            WHERE mmtt1.move_order_header_id = p_mo_header_id
              AND mmtt1.cartonization_id IS NOT NULL
        OR EXISTS
         ( SELECT 'x'
             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt2
            WHERE mmtt2.move_order_header_id = p_mo_header_id
              AND EXISTS
                ( SELECT 'x'
                    FROM wms_user_task_type_attributes   wutta1
                   WHERE wutta1.organization_id = mmtt2.organization_id
                     AND wutta1.user_task_type_id = mmtt2.standard_operation_id
                     AND wutta1.honor_case_pick_flag = 'Y'
        OR EXISTS
         ( SELECT 'x'
             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt3
            WHERE mmtt3.transaction_temp_id IN
                ( SELECT DISTINCT mmtt4.parent_line_id
                    FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp   mmtt4
                   WHERE mmtt4.move_order_header_id = p_mo_header_id
                     AND mmtt4.parent_line_id IS NOT NULL
                     AND mmtt4.transaction_temp_id <> mmtt4.parent_line_id
              AND EXISTS
                ( SELECT 'x'
                    FROM wms_user_task_type_attributes   wutta2
                   WHERE wutta2.organization_id = mmtt3.organization_id
                     AND wutta2.user_task_type_id = mmtt3.standard_operation_id
                     AND wutta2.honor_case_pick_flag = 'Y'
Line: 1117

    UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
       SET transaction_batch_id = NULL
       , lock_flag = NULL  -- newly added
     WHERE move_order_header_id = p_mo_header_id;
Line: 1123

       UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
          SET transaction_batch_id = NULL,
	  lock_flag = NULL -- bug 9130704
        WHERE transaction_temp_id IN
            ( SELECT DISTINCT mmtt2.parent_line_id
                FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt2
               WHERE move_order_header_id = p_mo_header_id
                 AND parent_line_id IS NOT NULL
Line: 1134

    DELETE wms_pr_workers
     WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id
       AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1168

    UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
       SET wms_task_status = 1
     WHERE move_order_header_id = p_mo_header_id;
Line: 1173

       UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
          SET wms_task_status = 1
        WHERE transaction_temp_id IN
            ( SELECT DISTINCT mmtt2.parent_line_id
                FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt2
               WHERE move_order_header_id = p_mo_header_id
                 AND parent_line_id IS NOT NULL
Line: 1476

       ( p_organization_id   => p_organization_id
       , p_mo_header_id      => p_mo_header_id
       , x_return_status     => l_api_return_status
Line: 1483

             print_debug('Error status from wms_postalloc_pvt.insert_device_requests: '
                         || l_api_return_status, l_api_name);
Line: 1672

    SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
         , mmtt.parent_line_id
         , msi.lot_control_code
         , msi.serial_number_control_code
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
         , mtl_system_items                msi
     WHERE mmtt.move_order_header_id = p_mo_header_id
       AND mmtt.parent_line_id IS NOT NULL
       AND msi.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id
       AND msi.organization_id   = mmtt.organization_id;
Line: 1766

       SELECT mtrh.header_id
            , mtrh.grouping_rule_id
            , DECODE(mp.mo_pick_confirm_required,1,'N','Y')
         INTO l_mo_header_id
            , l_grouping_rule_id
            , l_auto_pick_confirm
         FROM mtl_txn_request_headers  mtrh
            , mtl_parameters           mp
        WHERE mtrh.request_number  = p_pickrel_batch
          AND mtrh.organization_id = p_organization_id
          AND mtrh.move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_pick_wave
          AND mp.organization_id   = p_organization_id;
Line: 1803

          SELECT 'x' INTO l_dummy
            FROM dual
           WHERE EXISTS
               ( SELECT 'x'
                   FROM wms_pr_workers
                  WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
                    AND (batch_id = l_batch_id
                        OR worker_mode = 'WMSBLKPR')
Line: 1837

          SELECT 'x' INTO l_dummy
            FROM dual
           WHERE EXISTS
               ( SELECT 'x'
                   FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
                  WHERE move_order_header_id = l_mo_header_id
                    AND wms_task_status = 8  -- Unreleased
Line: 1872

          SELECT 'x' INTO l_dummy
            FROM dual
           WHERE EXISTS
               ( SELECT 'x'
                   FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
                  WHERE move_order_header_id = l_mo_header_id
                    AND wms_task_status = 1  -- Released
Line: 1909

          SELECT 'x' INTO l_dummy FROM dual
           WHERE EXISTS
               ( SELECT 'x' FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
                  WHERE move_order_header_id = l_mo_header_id
                    AND parent_line_id IS NOT NULL
Line: 1941

                UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
                   SET parent_line_id = NULL
                 WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_child_task_id(ll);
Line: 1947

                 ( x_return_status       => l_api_return_status
                 , p_parent_line_id      => l_parent_task_id(ii)
                 , p_child_line_id       => l_child_task_id(ii)
                 , p_lot_control_code    => l_lot_control_code(ii)
                 , p_serial_control_code => l_serial_control_code(ii)
Line: 1956

                       print_debug('Error status from inv_trx_util_pub.update_parent_mmtt: '
                                   || l_api_return_status, l_api_name);
Line: 1967

Line: 1968

Line: 1979

       UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
          SET cartonization_id  = NULL
            , container_item_id = NULL
        WHERE move_order_header_id = l_mo_header_id
          AND cartonization_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 1991

       DELETE wms_packaging_hist
        WHERE header_id = l_mo_header_id
          AND packaging_mode = wms_cartnzn_pub.pr_pkg_mode;