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Line 208: -- procedure will also insert a row into fnd_exception_notes to indicate

204: --
205: -- Purpose
206: -- To change the state of a set of system alerts to 'O' - Open or 'C'
207: -- to close the alert. Newly generated alerts have the state 'N'. This
208: -- procedure will also insert a row into fnd_exception_notes to indicate
209: -- that the alert's state has been changed by the given user.
210: --
211: -- Input Arguments
212: -- p_logidset - a single logid or a set of ',' delimited log ids. e.g.

Line 248: -- now need to insert a line into fnd_exception_notes for each exceptions

244: if instr(v_idset, delim, length(v_idset)) > 0 then
245: v_idset := substr(v_idset, 1, length(v_idset) - 1);
246: end if;
248: -- now need to insert a line into fnd_exception_notes for each exceptions
249: -- so, retrieve user id
251: select user_id into v_userid
252: from fnd_user where upper(user_name) = upper(p_username);

Line 290: from fnd_exception_notes

286: declare
287: v_notes CLOB;
288: begin
289: select notes into v_notes
290: from fnd_exception_notes
291: where unique_exception_id = to_number(v_curr_id)
292: for update;
294: dbms_lob.writeappend(v_notes, length(v_ack_phrase),

Line 298: insert into fnd_exception_notes (

294: dbms_lob.writeappend(v_notes, length(v_ack_phrase),
295: v_ack_phrase);
296: exception
297: when no_data_found then
298: insert into fnd_exception_notes (
299: notes, creation_date, created_by,
300: last_update_date, last_updated_by,
301: last_update_login,
302: log_sequence,