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Line 1383: if not FA_XLA_EVENTS_PVT.create_transaction_event

1379: -- SLA UPTAKE
1380: -- assign an event for the transaction
1381: -- at this point key info asset/book/trx info is known from initialize
1382: -- call and the above code (i.e. trx_type, etc)
1383: if not FA_XLA_EVENTS_PVT.create_transaction_event
1384: (p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
1385: p_asset_type_rec => p_asset_type_rec,
1386: px_trans_rec => p_trans_rec,
1387: p_event_status => NULL,

Line 1396: l_secondary_sob_id := FA_XLA_EVENTS_PVT.get_secondary_sob_id(p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code);

1392: /*=================================================================
1393: Secondary Changes Start
1394: If primary and secondary sob_id is different then we need to
1395: create event for secondary ledger*/
1396: l_secondary_sob_id := FA_XLA_EVENTS_PVT.get_secondary_sob_id(p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code);
1398: if(l_secondary_sob_id is not null)then
1399: l_secondary_trans_rec := p_trans_rec;
1400: l_secondary_asset_hdr_rec := p_asset_hdr_rec;

Line 1402: if not fa_xla_events_pvt.create_transaction_event

1398: if(l_secondary_sob_id is not null)then
1399: l_secondary_trans_rec := p_trans_rec;
1400: l_secondary_asset_hdr_rec := p_asset_hdr_rec;
1401: l_secondary_asset_hdr_rec.set_of_books_id := l_secondary_sob_id;
1402: if not fa_xla_events_pvt.create_transaction_event
1403: (p_asset_hdr_rec => l_secondary_asset_hdr_rec,
1404: p_asset_type_rec=> p_asset_type_rec,
1405: px_trans_rec => l_secondary_trans_rec,
1406: p_event_status => NULL,