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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

|                                     -XLA_BALANCE_PKG.MASSIVE_UPDATE FOR    |
|                                        UPDATE OF balance                   |
|                                     -post_commit_procedure bug #2957496    |
|     06/16/2003    S. Singhania    Added code TO LOCK entities BEFORE       |
|                                     updating EVENTS TABLE. PROCEDURE       |
|                                     modified : BATCH_ACCOUNTING            |
|                                   Modified THE CURSOR TO REF CURSOR IN     |
|                                     ENQUEUE_MESSAGES. included filters     |
|                                     based ON xla_events.                   |
|     06/17/2003    S. Singhania    Changed THE NAME OF THE VIEW used        |
|                                     XLA_EVENT_ENTITIES_V TO                |
|                                     XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V                    |
|     06/26/2003    S. Singhania    Bug fix FOR bug # 3022532. (TABLE NAME   |
|                                     changes.)                              |
|     07/05/2003    S. Singhania    Modified code 'spawn child' TO make sure |
|                                     children are NOT spawned IF there are  |
|                                     NO EVENTS TO process.                  |
|     07/17/2003    S. Singhania    Fix FOR Bug # 3051978. THE STATEMENT FOR |
|                                     UPDATE OF EVENTS IN 'complete_entries' |
|                                     IS modified.                           |
|     07/22/2003    S. Singhania    Removed THE USE OF CHR FROM THE code     |
|     07/29/2003    S. Singhania    NAME CHANGE FOR objects used IN THE queue|
|                                   Removed THE code that does PAD           |
|                                     incompatibility CHECK.                 |
|                                   Added code TO INSERT program LEVEL errors|
|                                     INTO xla_accounting_errors.            |
|                                   Commented OUT code IN xla_accounting_log |
|                                     routine.                               |
|                                   Added THE funtion IS_PARENT_RUNNING      |
|     07/30/2003    S. Singhania    Modified ACCOUNTING_PROGRAM_BATCH,       |
|                                     UNIT_PROCESSOR_BATCH TO RETURN THE     |
|                                     p_retcode = 1 IN CASE OF EVENTS IN     |
|                                     error (bug # 2709397)                  |
|     07/31/2003    S. Singhania    Added anonymous BLOCK around EXECUTE     |
|                                     IMMEDIATE calls.                       |
|     08/05/2003    S. Singhania    Added parameter P_ACCOUNTING_FLAG TO     |
|                                     ACCOUNTING_PROGRAM_DOCUMENT            |
|                                   Document MODE routines are rewritten.    |
|                                   Added code IN UNIT_PROCESSOR TO CHECK THE|
|                                     error count AND EXIT OUT OF THE LOOP   |
|                                     AND STOP processing.                   |
|     08/06/2003    S. Singhania    Correct PARAMETERS are passed TO THE     |
|                                     calls TO THE 'pre-processing procedure,|
|                                     'post-processing procedure' AND 'post- |
|                                      COMMIT PROCEDURE'.                    |
|     09/09/2003    S. Singhania    TO SET error SOURCE, changed THE CALL TO |
|                                     XLA_ACCOUNTING_ERR_PKG.SET_ERROR_SOURCE|
|     09/17/2003    S. Singhania    Performance changes (bug # 3118344)      |
|                                     - Modified ACCOUNTING_PROGRAM_BATCH TO |
|                                       build WHERE condition FOR dynamic SQL|
|                                       based ON security PARAMETERS AND     |
|                                       process CATEGORY code                |
|                                     - Modified BATCH_ACCOUNTING TO WRITE   |
|                                       dynamic SQL TO prevent NVL.          |
|                                     - Modified cursors IN ENQUEUE_MESSAGES |
|                                   Added filter FOR MANUAL EVENTS.          |
|     10/01/2003    S. Singhania    NOTE:THIS IS BASED ON xlaapeng.pkb 116.12|
|     10/01/2003    S. Singhania    Made SOURCE Application Changes.         |
|                                     (major REWRITE)                        |
|                                   Added semicolon TO THE EXIT STATEMENT.   |
|                                     (Bug # 3165900)                        |
|                                   Handle THE CASE WHEN Extract PROCEDURE IS|
|                                     NOT defined FOR an application.        |
|                                     (Bug # 3182763)                        |
|     10/15/2003    S. Singhania    Fix FOR bug # 2709397 TO SET THE correct |
|                                     request status.                        |
|                                     - FOR this defined AND used EXCEPTION  |
|                                       'normal_termination'                 |
|     10/31/2003    Shishir Joshi   Bug 3220355. Modified INSERT INTO THE    |
|                                     XLA_EVENTS_GT TABLE.                   |
|     11/18/2003    S. Singhania    Bug 3220355. Modified INSERT INTO THE    |
|                                     XLA_EVENTS_GT TABLE.                   |
|                                   Removed THE NOWAIT FROM THE FOR UPDATE   |
|                                     statements IN THE batch MODE.          |
|                                     (Bug # 2697222)                        |
|     11/19/2003    S. Singhania    Initilaized 'g_report_request_id' IN THE |
|                                     ACCOUNTING_PROGRAM_DOCUMENT so that THE|
|                                     EVENTS are stamped correctly WITH THE  |
|                                     request_id IN THE OFFLINE MODE.        |
|     11/24/2003    Shishir Joshi   Bug 3275659. Modified INSERT INTO THE    |
|                                     XLA_EVENTS_GT TABLE.                   |
|     11/24/2003    S. Singhania    Bug 3275659.                             |
|                                     - Modified INSERT INTO XLA_EVENTS_GT.  |
|                                     - Added 'p_report_request_id' param TO |
|                                       UNIT_PROCESSOR_BATCH                 |
|                                     - Modified SPAWN_CHILD_PROCESSES TO    |
|                                       included THE NEW parameter WHILE     |
|                                       submitting XLAACCUP.                 |
|     11/24/2003    S. Singhania    Bug 3239212.                             |
|                                     - Added more IF condition TO SET OUT   |
|                                       variables IN ACCOUNTING_PROGRAM_BATCH|
|                                     - Added two OUT PARAMETERS TO routnie  |
|                                       WAIT_FOR_REQUESTS                    |
|     12/19/2003    S. Singhania    Added calls TO sequencing apis FOR THE   |
|                                     batch MODE.  Bug 3000020.              |
|                                     - modified specs UNIT_PROCESSOR_BATCH  |
|                                     - added routine SEQUENCING_BATCH_INIT  |
|                                     - added calls TO sequencing apis IN    |
|                                         - POST_ACCOUNTING                  |
|                                         - COMPLETE_ENTRIES                 |
|                                   moved COMMIT down AFTER CALL TO THE      |
|                                     pre-processing PROCEDURE               |
|     12/19/2003    S. Singhania    Modified THE CURSOR's where clause in    |
|                                     ENQUEUE_MESSAGES. Bug 3327641          |
|     01/12/2004    S. Singhania    Bug # 3365680. Added hint TO THE UPDATE  |
|                                     STATEMENT so that INDEX XLA_EVENTS_U1  |
|                                     IS always used.                        |
|     01/26/2004    W. Shen         Bug # 3339505. replace THE program hook  |
|                                     WITH workflow business event.          |
|     02/13/2004    S. Singhania    FIXED NOCOPY warnings.                   |
|     02/28/2004    S. Singhania    Bug 3416534. Added FND_LOG messages.     |
|     03/23/2004    S. Singhania    Added a parameter p_module TO THE TRACE  |
|                                     calls AND THE PROCEDURE.               |
|                                   Made changes FOR handling THE accounting |
|                                     OF THE gapless EVENTS. Ffg modified:   |
|                                     - PRE_ACCOUNTING                       |
|                                     - DOCUMENT_PROCESSOR                   |
|     03/26/2004    S. Singhania    Bug 3498491. Added CLEAR messages, WHERE |
|                                     ever possible, TO make sure IF there IS|
|                                     an EXCEPTION a CLEAR message IS given  |
|                                     IN THE log FILE.                       |
|     04/28/2004    S. Singhania    Cleaned THE FILE, removed commented  code|
|     05/05/2004    S. Singhania    Made changes TO CALL THE NEW api FOR     |
|                                     balance UPDATE/reversal.               |
|                                   Verified that ALL THE workflow EVENTS are|
|                                     raised IN FINAL AND DRAFT modes.       |
|                                   Document MODE accounting:                |
|                                     - Reviewed THE code path               |
|                                     - Verified CALL TO THE workflows EVENTS|
|                                     - Verified CALL TO THE Sequencing apis |
|     07/15/2004    W. Shen         NEW event status 'R' introduced.         |
|     08/03/2004    S. Singhania    Bug 3808349.                             |
|                                     Modified THE code that build THE string|
|                                     g_security_condition TO USE THE COLUMN |
|                                     'valuation_method'                     |
|     09/28/2004    K. Boussema    Modified procedures TO cleanup Accounting |
|                                  Event Extract Diagnostics data:           |
|                                      - delete_request_je() AND             |
|                                      - delete_transaction_je()             |
|     12/08/2004    K. Boussema    Renamed THE diagnostic framework TABLES:  |
|                                  - xla_extract_events BY xla_diag_events   |
|                                  - xla_extract_ledgers BY xla_diag_ledgers |
|                                  - xla_extract_sources BY xla_diag_sources |
|     01/04/2005    S. Singhania   Bug 3928357. g_total_error_Count IS SET TO|
|                                    have THE right value IN document MODE   |
|                                    API.                                    |
|                                  Bug 3571389. Made changes TO refer TO THE |
|                                    XLA_ACCTOUNTING_QTAB queue TABLE IN XLA |
|                                     SCHEMA.                                |
|                                    Made changes TO refer TO THE TYPE       |
|                                     XLA_QUEUE_MSG_TYPE IN APPS SCHEMA      |
|     01/04/2005    S. Singhania   Bug 4364612. WHILE loading xla_events_gt, |
|                                     valuation method COLUMN IS populated.  |
|     05/27/2005    V. Kumar       Bug 4339454 Added handle_accounting_hook  |
|                                     procedure to replace business event by |
|                                     APIS in accounting program             |
|     01/06/2005    W. Shen        Modify insert into xla_events_gt to insert|
|                                     transaction_date                       |
|     06/06/2005    M. Asada       Bug 4259032 Processing Unit Enhancement   |
|     14/06/2005    V. Swapna      Bug 4426342 Enabled business events for   |
|                                     all products                           |
|     15/06/2005    V. Swapna      Bug 3071916 Made changes to call balance  |
|                                     calculation routine only if there are  |
|                                     valid entries                          |
|     06/24/2005    S. Singhania   Bug 3443872. Added code to set security   |
|                                     context in unit_processor_batch for    |
|                                     child threads (XLAACCUP)               |
|     06/30/2005    V. Kumar       Bug 4459117 Added Cash Management in      |
|                                     handle_accounting_hooks                |
|     07/11/2005    A. Wan         Bug 4262811 MPA Project                   |
|     08/01/2005    W. Chan        4458381 - Public Sector Enhancement       |
|     09/12/2005    V.Swapna       4599690 - Added Process Manufacturing     |
|                                  Financials to handle_accounting_hooks     |
|     09/14/2005    W.Chan         4606566 - Pass budgetary_control_mode to  |
|                                  AP hook if calling for BC mode            |
|     10/12/2005    A.Wan          4645092 - MPA report changes              |
|     18-Oct-2005   V. Kumar       Removed code for Analytical Criteria      |
|     28-Oct-2005   W. Shen        Third party merge, add logic to prevent   |
|                                    third party merge event been processed  |
|                                  here                                      |
|     07-Nov-2005   S. Singhania   Modofied event_application_manager to     |
|                                    print accounting, transfer time in log  |
|     16-Nov-2005   Shishir Joshi  Bug #4677032. Performance Improvement.    |
|     17-Nov-2005   V. Kumar       Bug#4736699 Added hint for performance    |
|     23-Nov-2005   V. Kumar       Bug#4752936 Added join on  application_id |
|     30-Nov-2005   V.Swapna       4745309 - Added Payroll                   |
|                                    to handle_accounting_hooks              |
|     30-Nov-2005   V. Kumar       Bug#4769388/4769270 Added hints           |
|     12-Dec-2005   S. Singhania   Bug 4883192. Modified the delete statement|
|                                    that deletes from xla_distribution_links|
|     14-Dec-2005   V. Kumar       Bug#4727703 Added condition to avoid unne-|
|                                   -cessary execution of DELETE statements  |
|     29-Dec-2005   V. Kumar       Bug#4879954 Added hint for performance    |
|     12-Jan-2006   V. Kumar       Modified the logic to call GL transfer API|
|                                  within child thread when transfer mode is |
|                                  COMBINED (accounting and transfering to GL|
|     01-Feb-2006   V. Swapna      Bug 4963736: Modified the call to         |
|                                  event_application_manager                 |
|     10-Feb-2006   A.Wan          Bug 4670097 - budgetary control='N'       |
|     12-Feb-2006   A.Wan          4860037 - anytime process order issue     |
|     17-Feb-2006   V.Kumar        5034929 - Modified Cursor csr_event_class |
|     23-Feb-2006   V.Kumar        5056659 - Changed date mask to HH24:MI:SS |
|     02-Mar-2006   V. Swapna      Bug 5018098: Added an exception to handle |
|                                  no data found error in batch_accounting   |
|     19-Apr-2006   A.Wan          Bug 5149363 - performance fix             |
|     20-Apr-2006   A.Wan          Bug 5054831 - duplicate entires           |
|     11-May-2006   A.Wan          Bug 5221578 - log message is too long     |
|     08/31/2006    V. Swapna      Bug: 5257343. Add a new parameter to      |
|                                  unit_processor_batch, also, add this in   |
|                                  the call to submit the child program.     |
|     14-Sep-2006   A.Wan          Bug 5531502 - AAD_dbase_invalid need to   |
|                                  check if it is called in BC mode.  If so  |
|                                  then validate for _BC_PKG, else _PKG.     |
|     13-Oct-2009   VGOPISET       bug:8423174 UNIT_PROCESSOR cursor changed |
|                                  to exclude budgetary events               |
|     13-JUN-2012   VKANTETI       bug:14105024 To eliminate the duplicates  |
|                                  while building event classes list         |
|     17-JUL-2012   NMIKKILI	   Bug 14307411 Codefix to support new       |
|                                  costing security function                 |

--           ****************  declarations  ********************
-- declaring private constants and structures
C_QUEUE_TABLE         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'xla_accounting_qtab';
Line: 266

      SELECT /*+ leading(tab,evt) use_nl(evt) */
        FROM xla_events                 evt
            ,xla_event_types_b          xet
            ,TABLE(CAST(:1 AS xla_array_number_type))    tab
       WHERE evt.application_id        = :2
         AND evt.event_date           <= :3
         AND evt.entity_id             = tab.column_value
         AND evt.application_id        = xet.application_id
         AND evt.event_type_code       = xet.event_type_code
         AND xet.event_class_code     IN ($event_classes$)
         AND evt.event_type_code  NOT IN (''FULL_MERGE'', ''PARTIAL_MERGE'')
         AND evt.process_status_code  IN (''U'',''D'',''E'',''R'',''I'')
         AND evt.event_status_code    IN (''U'', DECODE(:4, ''F'',''N'',''U''))
	 AND nvl(evt.budgetary_control_flag,    ''N'') = ''N'' -- bug:8423174
FOR UPDATE OF evt.event_id skip locked
Line: 286

       INSERT INTO xla_events_gt
        FROM xla_events                 evt
            ,xla_transaction_entities   ent
            ,xla_event_types_b          xet
            ,xla_event_class_attrs      eca
       WHERE evt.application_id        = :1
         AND evt.event_date           <= :2
         AND evt.event_id              = :3
         AND evt.application_id        = ent.application_id
         AND evt.entity_id             = ent.entity_id
         AND evt.application_id        = xet.application_id
         AND evt.event_type_code       = xet.event_type_code
         AND eca.application_id        = xet.application_id
         AND eca.entity_code           = xet.entity_code
         AND eca.event_class_code      = xet.event_class_code
         AND xet.event_class_code IN ($event_classes$)
         AND evt.event_type_code NOT IN (''FULL_MERGE'', ''PARTIAL_MERGE'')
         AND evt.process_status_code  IN (''U'',''D'',''E'',''R'',''I'')
         AND evt.event_status_code IN
            (''U'', DECODE(:4, ''F'',''N'',''U''))
	 AND nvl(evt.budgetary_control_flag,    ''N'') = ''N'' -- bug:8423174
Line: 388

       INSERT INTO xla_events_gt
         FROM xla_events                evt
             ,xla_transaction_entities  ent
             ,xla_event_types_b         xet
             ,xla_event_class_attrs     eca
        WHERE evt.application_id        = :1
          AND evt.event_date           <= :2
          AND evt.event_id              = :3
          AND evt.application_id        = ent.application_id
          AND evt.entity_id             = ent.entity_id
          AND evt.application_id        = xet.application_id
          AND evt.event_type_code       = xet.event_type_code
          AND eca.application_id        = xet.application_id
          AND eca.entity_code           = xet.entity_code
          AND eca.event_class_code      = xet.event_class_code
          AND xet.event_class_code IN ($event_classes$)
          AND evt.event_type_code NOT IN (''FULL_MERGE'', ''PARTIAL_MERGE'')
          AND evt.process_status_code  IN (''U'',''D'',''E'',''R'',''I'')
	  AND nvl(evt.budgetary_control_flag,    ''N'') = ''N'' -- bug:8423174
          AND evt.event_status_code IN
            (''U'', DECODE(:4, ''F'',''N'',''U''))
          AND evt.event_number <
                 (SELECT NVL(MIN(evt2.event_number), evt.event_number + 1)
                    FROM xla_events                    evt2
                        ,xla_transaction_entities_upg  ent2
                        ,xla_event_types_b             xet2
                        ,xla_event_class_attrs         eca2
                   WHERE evt2.application_id        = evt.application_id
                     AND evt2.entity_id             = evt.entity_id
                     AND evt2.event_date            = :5
                     AND evt2.application_id        = ent2.application_id
                     AND evt2.entity_id             = ent2.entity_id
                     AND evt2.application_id        = xet2.application_id
                     AND evt2.event_type_code       = xet2.event_type_code
                     AND eca2.application_id        = xet2.application_id
                     AND eca2.entity_code           = xet2.entity_code
                     AND eca2.event_class_code      = xet2.event_class_code
                     AND xet2.event_class_code NOT IN ($event_class_current_order$)
                     AND xet2.event_class_code NOT IN ($event_class_anytime_order$)
                     AND evt2.event_type_code  NOT IN (''FULL_MERGE'', ''PARTIAL_MERGE'')
                     AND evt2.process_status_code  IN (''U'',''D'',''E'',''R'',''I'')
                     AND evt2.event_status_code IN
                       (''U'', DECODE(:6, ''F'',''N'',''U''))
Line: 514

   (selected_entity_count          NUMBER
   ,dequeued_msg_count             NUMBER
   ,selected_event_count           NUMBER);
Line: 611

PROCEDURE delete_batch_je;
Line: 613

PROCEDURE delete_request_je;
Line: 619

PROCEDURE delete_transaction_je
       (p_entity_id                  IN NUMBER);
Line: 960

   SELECT xla_accounting_batches_s.NEXTVAL INTO g_accounting_batch_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 981

   DECODE(p_valuation_method,NULL,NULL,'and valuation_method = '''||p_valuation_method||''' ')||
   --DECODE(p_security_id_int_1,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_int_1 = '||p_security_id_int_1||' ')|| --14307411
                                   ,DECODE(p_application_id,707, 'and NVL(security_id_int_1,'||p_security_id_int_1||') = '||p_security_id_int_1||' ',
                                                                  'and security_id_int_1 = '||p_security_id_int_1||' '))||   --14307411
   DECODE(p_security_id_int_2,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_int_2 = '||p_security_id_int_2||' ')||
   DECODE(p_security_id_int_3,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_int_3 = '||p_security_id_int_3||' ')||
   DECODE(p_security_id_char_1,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_char_1 = '''||p_security_id_char_1||''' ')||
   DECODE(p_security_id_char_2,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_char_2 = '''||p_security_id_char_2||''' ')||
   DECODE(p_security_id_char_3,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_char_3 = '''||p_security_id_char_3||''' ')
   INTO g_security_condition
Line: 999

   DECODE(p_process_category,NULL,NULL,'and event_class_group_code = '''||p_process_category||'''')
   INTO g_process_category_condition
Line: 1007

   DECODE(p_source_application_id,NULL,NULL,'and source_application_id = '||p_source_application_id)
   INTO g_source_appl_condition
Line: 1037

         'SELECT application_id
            FROM xla_entity_events_v
           WHERE source_application_id           = :2
             AND ledger_id                       = :3
             AND event_date                     <= :4
             AND process_status_code             IN (''R'',''I'',''E'',DECODE(:5,''N'',''D'',''E'')
             AND event_status_code               IN (''U'',DECODE(:7,''F'',''N'',''U''))
             AND entity_code                     <> '''||C_MANUAL||'''
             AND NVL(budgetary_control_flag,''N'') = ''N'' '||
             g_security_condition||' '||
             g_process_category_condition||' '||
             'GROUP BY application_id';
Line: 1224

      SELECT lower(iso_language),iso_territory
      INTO   l_iso_language,l_iso_territory
      WHERE  language_code = USERENV('LANG');
Line: 1339

Line: 1398

     xla_accounting_err_pkg.insert_errors; */
Line: 1431

	      (SELECT 1 FROM xla_events  xe, xla_ae_headers xah WHERE
	       xe.application_id= p_application_id AND
	       xe.application_id=xah.application_id AND
	       xe.process_status_code in ('I','R') AND
	       xe.event_status_code ='U' AND
	       xah.ledger_id = p_ledger_id AND
	       xah.accounting_batch_id = g_accounting_batch_id AND
	       xah.accounting_entry_status_code in ('R','I'));
Line: 1560

Line: 1599

Line: 1646

Line: 1804

   DECODE(p_valuation_method,NULL,NULL,'and valuation_method = '''||p_valuation_method||''' ')||
   --DECODE(p_security_id_int_1,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_int_1 = '||p_security_id_int_1||' ')|| --14307411
                                   ,DECODE(p_application_id,707, 'and NVL(security_id_int_1,p_security_id_int_1) = '||p_security_id_int_1||' ',
                                                                  'and security_id_int_1 = '||p_security_id_int_1||' '))||  --14307411
   DECODE(p_security_id_int_2,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_int_2 = '||p_security_id_int_2||' ')||
   DECODE(p_security_id_int_3,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_int_3 = '||p_security_id_int_3||' ')||
   DECODE(p_security_id_char_1,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_char_1 = '''||p_security_id_char_1||''' ')||
   DECODE(p_security_id_char_2,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_char_2 = '''||p_security_id_char_2||''' ')||
   DECODE(p_security_id_char_3,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_char_3 = '''||p_security_id_char_3||''' ')
   INTO g_security_condition
Line: 1822

   DECODE(p_process_category,NULL,NULL,'and event_class_group_code = '''||p_process_category||'''')
   INTO g_process_category_condition
Line: 1830

   DECODE(p_source_application_id,NULL,NULL,'and source_application_id = '||p_source_application_id)
   INTO g_source_appl_condition
Line: 1931

Line: 1970

Line: 2017

Line: 2429

Line: 2625

   g_child_data.selected_entity_count := 0;
Line: 2627

   g_child_data.selected_event_count  := 0;
Line: 2823

  SELECT gl.ledger_id, gl.name ledger_name
    FROM xla_acct_prog_events_gt xpa
       , gl_ledgers              gl
   WHERE xpa.ledger_id                 = gl.ledger_id
     AND enable_budgetary_control_flag = 'N'
     AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 2833

  SELECT xgl.ledger_id
       , xgl.name ledger_name
       , xam.name slam_name
    FROM xla_acct_prog_events_gt   xap
       , xla_gl_ledgers_v          xgl
       , xla_acctg_methods_tl      xam
       , xla_acctg_method_rules    xar
       , xla_aad_line_defn_assgns  xal
       , xla_line_definitions_b    xld
   WHERE xld.application_id(+)              = xal.application_id
     AND xld.amb_context_code(+)            = xal.amb_context_code
     AND xld.event_class_code(+)            = xal.event_class_code
     AND xld.event_type_code(+)             = xal.event_type_code
     AND xld.line_definition_owner_code(+)  = xal.line_definition_owner_code
     AND xld.line_definition_code(+)        = xal.line_definition_code
     AND xld.budgetary_control_flag(+)      = 'Y'
     AND xal.application_id(+)              = xar.application_id
     AND xal.amb_context_code(+)            = xar.amb_context_code
     AND xal.product_rule_type_code(+)      = xar.product_rule_type_code
     AND xal.product_rule_code(+)           = xar.product_rule_code
     AND xar.accounting_method_type_code(+) = xgl.sla_accounting_method_type
     AND xar.accounting_method_code(+)      = xgl.sla_accounting_method_code
     AND xar.application_id(+)              = p_application_id
     AND xar.amb_context_code(+)            = NVL(fnd_profile.value('XLA_AMB_CONTEXT'),'DEFAULT')
     AND xam.accounting_method_type_code(+) = xgl.sla_accounting_method_type
     AND xam.accounting_method_code(+)      = xgl.sla_accounting_method_code
     AND xam.language(+)                    = USERENV('LANG')
     AND xgl.ledger_id                      = xap.ledger_id
   GROUP BY xgl.ledger_id
          , xgl.name
          , xam.name
   HAVING count(*) = 0;
Line: 2867

    FROM xla_transaction_entities   xte
       , xla_events                 xe
       , xla_acct_prog_events_gt    xap
   WHERE xte.application_id = xe.application_id
     AND xte.entity_id      = xe.entity_id
     AND xe.application_id  = p_application_id
     AND xe.event_id        = xap.event_id
Line: 2879

  SELECT distinct entity_id
    FROM xla_acct_prog_events_gt xap
       , xla_events              xe
   WHERE xe.application_id   = p_application_id
     AND xe.event_id         = xap.event_id;
Line: 2887

    FROM xla_acct_prog_events_gt;
Line: 2893

l_ret_flag_bal_update     BOOLEAN;
Line: 3075

   SELECT xla_accounting_batches_s.nextval INTO p_accounting_batch_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 3083

     l_ret_flag_bal_update := xla_balances_pkg.massive_update_for_events
          (p_application_id    => g_application_id);
Line: 3088

         (p_msg      => 'Fucntion XLA_BALANCES_PKG.MASSIVE_UPDATE executed'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_EVENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3095

            (p_msg      => 'l_ret_flag_bal_update = '||CASE WHEN l_ret_flag_bal_update
                                                            THEN 'TRUE'
                                                            ELSE 'FALSE' END
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_EVENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3102

     IF NOT l_ret_flag_bal_update THEN
            (p_appli_s_name   => 'XLA'
            ,p_msg_name       => 'XLA_AP_BAL_UPDATE_FAILED'
            ,p_entity_id      => NULL
            ,p_event_id       => NULL);
Line: 3110

            ('Technical problem : Problem in submitting request for balance update');
Line: 3114

            ,p_msg_name       => 'XLA_AP_BAL_UPDATE_FAILED');
Line: 3126

Line: 3129

       UPDATE xla_events xe
          SET process_status_code     = 'U'
        WHERE xe.on_hold_flag         = 'N'
          AND xe.process_status_code <> 'P'
          AND xe.event_type_code not in ('FULL_MERGE', 'PARTIAL_MERGE')
          AND xe.event_id             = l_array_event_id(i);
Line: 3167

        SELECT DISTINCT xla_evt_class_orders_gt.processing_order
        FROM    xla_acct_prog_events_gt     ,
            xla_events                  ,
            xla_event_types_b           ,
        WHERE   xla_events.event_id                         = xla_acct_prog_events_gt.event_id
            AND xla_events.application_id                   = p_application_id
            AND xla_transaction_entities.application_id = p_application_id
            AND xla_events.entity_id                        = xla_transaction_entities.entity_id
            AND xla_event_types_b.application_id            = p_application_id
            AND xla_transaction_entities.entity_code    = xla_event_types_b.entity_code
            AND xla_events.event_type_code                  = xla_event_types_b.event_type_code
            AND xla_event_types_b.event_class_code          = xla_evt_class_orders_gt.event_class_code
	    AND xla_events.process_status_code <> 'P'  --condition added, bug8680284
        ORDER BY xla_evt_class_orders_gt.processing_order ASC)

        IF (C_LEVEL_EVENT >= g_log_level) THEN
             (p_msg      => 'BEGIN LOOP: event processor for order = ' || x.processing_order
             ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_EVENT
             ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3209

          l_ret_flag_bal_update := xla_balances_pkg.massive_update
                                   (p_application_id      => g_application_id
                                   ,p_ledger_id           => NULL
                                   ,p_entity_id           => NULL
                                   ,p_event_id            => NULL
                                   ,p_request_id          => NULL
                                   ,p_accounting_batch_id => g_accounting_batch_id
                                   ,p_update_mode         => 'A'
                                   ,p_execution_mode      => 'O');
Line: 3219

          l_ret_flag_bal_update := xla_balances_calc_pkg.massive_update
                                   (p_application_id      => g_application_id
                                   ,p_ledger_id           => g_ledger_id
                                   ,p_entity_id           => NULL
                                   ,p_event_id            => NULL
                                   ,p_request_id          => NULL
                                   ,p_accounting_batch_id => g_accounting_batch_id
                                   ,p_update_mode         => 'A'
                                   ,p_execution_mode      => 'O');
Line: 3232

               (p_msg      => 'l_ret_flag_bal_update = '||CASE WHEN l_ret_flag_bal_update
                                                               THEN 'TRUE'
                                                               ELSE 'FALSE' END
               ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_EVENT
               ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3239

          IF NOT l_ret_flag_bal_update THEN
            --bug 11666797
                 (p_appli_s_name   => 'XLA'
                 ,p_msg_name       => 'XLA_AP_BAL_UPDATE_FAILED'
                 ,p_entity_id      => NULL
                 ,p_event_id       => NULL);*/
Line: 3248

               ('Technical problem : Problem in submitting request for balance update');*/
Line: 3253

               ,p_msg_name       => 'XLA_AP_BAL_UPDATE_FAILED');*/
Line: 3369

Line: 3418

Line: 3444

Line: 3506

   INSERT INTO xla_acct_prog_events_gt (event_id, ledger_id)
     SELECT xe.event_id, xte.ledger_id
       FROM xla_events                         xe
          , xla_transaction_entities           xte
      WHERE xte.application_id                 = p_application_id
        AND xte.entity_id                      = p_entity_id
        AND xe.application_id                  = p_application_id
        AND xe.entity_id                       = p_entity_id
        AND (p_accounting_flag = 'N' OR
             NVL(xe.budgetary_control_flag,'N') = DECODE(p_accounting_mode
Line: 3527

         (p_msg      => 'Rows inserted into xla_acct_prog_events_gt = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3533

   INSERT INTO xla_evt_class_orders_gt
      SELECT xec.event_class_code
           , NVL(t.max_level, -1)
        FROM xla_event_classes_b xec
           , (SELECT application_id, event_class_code, max(LEVEL) AS max_level
                FROM (SELECT application_id, event_class_code, prior_event_class_code
                        FROM xla_event_class_predecs
                       WHERE application_id = p_application_id
                      SELECT application_id, prior_event_class_code, NULL
                        FROM xla_event_class_predecs
                       WHERE application_id = p_application_id) xep
                CONNECT BY application_id         = PRIOR application_id
                       AND prior_event_class_code = PRIOR event_class_code
                 GROUP BY application_id, event_class_code) t
       WHERE xec.event_class_code = t.event_class_code(+)
         AND xec.application_id   = t.application_id(+)
         AND xec.application_id   = p_application_id
         AND xec.event_class_code <> 'MANUAL';
Line: 3559

         (p_msg      => 'Number of rows inserted into xla_evt_class_orders_gt = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3652

l_ret_flag_bal_update             BOOLEAN     := FALSE;
Line: 3655

l_str_update_events               VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 3680

    SELECT xso.error_limit
      INTO g_error_limit
      FROM xla_subledger_options_v       xso
     WHERE xso.application_id          = g_application_id
       AND xso.ledger_id               = g_ledger_id;
Line: 3697

                                  'Please run Update Subledger Accounting Options program for your application.'
            ,p_token_2        => 'LOCATION'
            ,p_value_2        => 'xla_accounting_pkg.batch_accounting');
Line: 3860

   SELECT COUNT(1) INTO l_acct_batch_entries FROM DUAL
       (SELECT 'Y'
          FROM xla_events
         WHERE application_id      = g_application_id
           AND request_id          = g_report_request_id
           AND process_status_code IN ('P')
Line: 3873

          (p_msg      => 'Calling function XLA_BALANCES_PKG.MASSIVE_UPDATE'
          ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_EVENT
          ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3878

      l_ret_flag_bal_update :=
         (p_application_id          => g_application_id --NULL
         ,p_ledger_id               => NULL
         ,p_entity_id               => NULL
         ,p_event_id                => NULL
         ,p_request_id              => NULL
         ,p_accounting_batch_id     => g_accounting_batch_id
         ,p_update_mode             => 'A'
         ,p_execution_mode          => 'C');
Line: 3891

         (p_msg      => 'Fucntion XLA_BALANCES_PKG.MASSIVE_UPDATE executed'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_EVENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3898

          (p_msg      => 'Calling function xla_balances_calc_pkg.MASSIVE_UPDATE'
          ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_EVENT
          ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3903

      l_ret_flag_bal_update :=
         (p_application_id          => g_application_id --NULL
         ,p_ledger_id               => g_ledger_id
         ,p_entity_id               => NULL
         ,p_event_id                => NULL
         ,p_request_id              => NULL
         ,p_accounting_batch_id     => g_accounting_batch_id
         ,p_update_mode             => 'A'
         ,p_execution_mode          => 'C');
Line: 3916

         (p_msg      => 'Fucntion xla_balances_calc_pkg.MASSIVE_UPDATE executed'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_EVENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3923

      IF NOT l_ret_flag_bal_update THEN
         IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
               (p_msg      => 'l_ret_flag_bal_update = FALSE'
               ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
               ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3933

            ,p_msg_name       => 'XLA_AP_BAL_UPDATE_FAILED'
            ,p_entity_id      => NULL
            ,p_event_id       => NULL);
Line: 3937

         print_logfile('Technical problem : Problem in submitting request for balance update');
Line: 3941

            ,p_msg_name       => 'XLA_AP_BAL_UPDATE_FAILED');
Line: 3945

               (p_msg      => 'l_ret_flag_bal_update = TRUE'
               ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
               ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4027

l_str_update_events               VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 4100

PROCEDURE delete_request_je IS
l_log_module                      VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 4102

l_delete_count                    NUMBER;
Line: 4106

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.delete_request_je';
Line: 4110

         (p_msg      => 'BEGIN of procedure DELETE_REQUEST_JE'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4118

   DELETE FROM xla_accounting_errors
      WHERE event_id IN
               (SELECT event_id FROM xla_events_gt);
Line: 4124

         (p_msg      => 'Number of errors deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4132

   DELETE /*+ index(xdl,XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS_N3) */ FROM xla_distribution_links xdl
   WHERE ae_header_id IN
           (SELECT  /*+ cardinality(XE,10) leading(XE) use_nl(XH) unnest */ xh.ae_header_id
              FROM xla_events_gt            xe,
                   xla_ae_headers           xh
             WHERE xe.process_status_code in ('D','E','R','I')
               AND xh.application_id = xe.application_id
               AND xh.event_id       = xe.event_id
   AND application_id = g_application_id;
Line: 4143

   l_delete_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
Line: 4147

         (p_msg      => 'Number of distribution links deleted = '||l_delete_count
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4152

   IF l_delete_count > 0 THEN
      -- Delete from xla_ae_segment_values
        FROM xla_ae_segment_values
       WHERE ae_header_id IN
           (SELECT xh.ae_header_id
              FROM xla_events_gt            xe,
                   xla_ae_headers           xh
             WHERE xe.process_status_code in ('D','E','R', 'I')
               AND xh.application_id = xe.application_id
               AND xh.event_id       = xe.event_id
Line: 4169

            (p_msg      => 'Number of segment values deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4177

      DELETE /*+ use_nl_with_index(XLA_AE_LINE_ACS,XLA_AE_LINE_ACS_U1) leading(VW_NSO_1) */
           FROM xla_ae_line_acs

       WHERE ae_header_id IN
                  (SELECT/*+ cardinality(evt,10) unnest */ aeh.ae_header_id
                     FROM xla_events_gt     evt
                         ,xla_ae_headers    aeh
                    WHERE evt.process_status_code in ('D','E','R','I')
                      AND aeh.application_id       = evt.application_id
                      AND aeh.event_id             = evt.event_id);
Line: 4190

            (p_msg      => 'Number of line acs deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4198

      DELETE FROM xla_ae_header_acs
         WHERE ae_header_id IN
               (SELECT aeh.ae_header_id
                  FROM xla_events_gt     evt
                      ,xla_ae_headers    aeh
                 WHERE evt.process_status_code in ('D','E','R','I')
                   AND aeh.application_id       = evt.application_id
                   AND aeh.event_id             = evt.event_id);
Line: 4209

            (p_msg      => 'Number of header acs deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4217

      DELETE FROM xla_ae_lines
         WHERE application_id  = g_application_id
           AND ae_header_id IN
           (SELECT xh.ae_header_id
              FROM xla_events_gt     xe,
                   xla_ae_headers           xh
             WHERE xe.process_status_code in ('D','E','R','I')
               AND xh.application_id = xe.application_id
               AND xh.event_id       = xe.event_id
Line: 4230

            (p_msg      => 'Number of ae lines deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4238

      DELETE /*+ index(aeh, xla_ae_headers_n2) */
        FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
       WHERE application_id = g_application_id
         AND event_id IN (SELECT event_id
                            FROM xla_events_gt
                           WHERE process_status_code IN ('D','E','R','I'));
Line: 4247

            (p_msg      => 'Number of ae headers deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4266

      DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources
         WHERE event_id IN
               (SELECT event_id FROM xla_events_gt);
Line: 4272

            (p_msg      => 'Number of Extract sources rows deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4277

      DELETE FROM xla_diag_events
      WHERE event_id IN
               (SELECT event_id FROM xla_events_gt);
Line: 4283

            (p_msg      => 'Number of Extract events deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4288

      DELETE FROM xla_diag_ledgers d
	WHERE d.application_id = g_application_id
		(SELECT ledger_id,     request_id
		 FROM xla_diag_events
		WHERE application_id = d.application_id
		AND   request_id = d.accounting_request_id
		AND   ledger_id = d.primary_ledger_id
Line: 4300

         (p_msg      => 'Number of Extract ledgers deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4316

         (p_msg      => 'END of procedure DELETE_REQUEST_JE'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 4325

      (p_location => 'xla_accounting_pkg.delete_request_je');
Line: 4326

END delete_request_je;
Line: 4608

      'SELECT /*+ index(evt,XLA_EVENTS_N3) */ MIN(nvl(xjc.processing_unit_size,   :1))
  FROM xla_events evt,
       xla_transaction_entities ent,
       xla_event_types_b xet,
       xla_event_class_attrs eca,
       xla_evt_class_orders_gt xpo,
       xla_je_categories xjc
   WHERE ent.application_id = :3
     AND ent.ledger_id = :4
     AND evt.application_id = :5
     AND evt.entity_id = ent.entity_id
     AND xet.application_id = evt.application_id
     AND xet.event_type_code = evt.event_type_code
     AND eca.application_id = xet.application_id
     AND eca.entity_code = xet.entity_code
     AND eca.event_class_code = xet.event_class_code
     AND eca.event_class_group_code = nvl(:6,    eca.event_class_group_code)
     AND evt.event_type_code NOT IN(''FULL_MERGE'',    ''PARTIAL_MERGE'')
     AND evt.process_status_code IN(''I'',    ''E'',    ''R'',    decode(:7,    ''N'',    ''D'',    ''E''),    decode(:8,    ''N'',    ''U'',    ''E''))
     AND evt.event_status_code IN(''U'',    decode(:9,    ''F'',    ''N'',    ''U''))
     AND evt.on_hold_flag = ''N''
     AND evt.event_date <= :10
     AND ent.entity_code <> :11
     AND nvl(evt.budgetary_control_flag,    ''N'') = ''N''
     AND xet.event_class_code = xpo.event_class_code
     AND xpo.processing_order = :2
     AND xjc.application_id = :12
     AND xjc.ledger_id = :13
     AND xjc.event_class_code = xpo.event_class_code '
Line: 4640

   'SELECT /*+ leading(evt) use_nl(ent) index(evt,XLA_EVENTS_N3) */  -- Bug 5529420 reverted bug6369888 modified hint bug9192859
          DISTINCT evt.entity_id
     FROM xla_events                 evt
         ,xla_transaction_entities   ent
         ,xla_event_types_b          xet
         ,xla_event_class_attrs      eca
         ,xla_evt_class_orders_gt    xpo
    WHERE ent.application_id                    = :1
      AND ent.ledger_id                         = :2
      AND evt.application_id                    = :3
      AND evt.entity_id                         = ent.entity_id
      AND xet.application_id                    = evt.application_id
      AND xet.event_type_code                   = evt.event_type_code
      AND eca.application_id                    = xet.application_id
      AND eca.entity_code                       = xet.entity_code
      AND eca.event_class_code                  = xet.event_class_code
      AND eca.event_class_group_code            = NVL(:4, eca.event_class_group_code)
      AND evt.event_type_code              NOT IN (''FULL_MERGE'', ''PARTIAL_MERGE'')
      AND evt.process_status_code              IN (''I'',''E'', ''R'',DECODE(:5,''N'',''D'',''E'')
      AND evt.event_status_code                IN (''U'',DECODE(:7,''F'',''N'',''U''))
      AND evt.on_hold_flag                      = ''N''
      AND evt.event_date                       <= :8
      AND ent.entity_code                      <> :9
      AND NVL(evt.budgetary_control_flag,''N'')   = ''N''
      AND xet.event_class_code                  = xpo.event_class_code
      AND xpo.processing_order                  = :10 '
Line: 4695

   SELECT MAX(xjc.processing_unit_size)
   INTO l_unit_size
        FROM xla_je_categories xjc,
          FROM xla_evt_class_orders_gt xpo
          WHERE xpo.processing_order = p_processing_order
         )    tab1
   WHERE xjc.application_id   = g_application_id
   AND xjc.ledger_id        = g_ledger_id
   AND xjc.event_class_code = tab1.event_class_code;
Line: 4873

                                  Please run Update Subledger Accounting Options program for your
                                  application '||'ledger_id = '||g_ledger_id||
                                 ' application_id = '|| g_application_id
            ,p_token_2        => 'LOCATION'
            ,p_value_2        => 'xla_accounting_pkg.enqueue_messages');
Line: 5069

   INSERT INTO xla_evt_class_orders_gt
      SELECT xec.event_class_code
           , NVL(t.max_level, -1)
        FROM xla_event_classes_b xec
           , (SELECT application_id, event_class_code, max(LEVEL) AS max_level
                FROM (SELECT application_id, event_class_code, prior_event_class_code
                        FROM xla_event_class_predecs
                       WHERE application_id = g_application_id
                      SELECT application_id, prior_event_class_code, NULL
                        FROM xla_event_class_predecs
                       WHERE application_id = g_application_id) xep
                CONNECT BY application_id         = PRIOR application_id
                       AND prior_event_class_code = PRIOR event_class_code
                 GROUP BY application_id, event_class_code) t
       WHERE xec.event_class_code = t.event_class_code(+)
         AND xec.application_id   = t.application_id(+)
         AND xec.application_id   = g_application_id
         AND xec.event_class_code <> 'MANUAL';
Line: 5092

   SELECT max(processing_order)
     INTO l_max_processing_order
     FROM xla_evt_class_orders_gt;
Line: 5620

SELECT status
FROM   all_objects
WHERE  object_name = c_pad_name
and    owner = user
Line: 5627

select decode(o.status, 0, 'N/A', 1, 'VALID', 'INVALID')
from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u
where o.owner# = u.user#
  and o.linkname is null
  and (o.type# not in (1 ,
                      10 )
       (o.type# = 1 and 1 = (select 1
                              from sys.ind$ i
                             where i.obj# = o.obj#
                               and i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9))))
  and o.name <> '_NEXT_OBJECT'
  and o.name <> '_default_auditing_options_'
  and o.name  = p_pad_name
  and u.name  ='APPS'
order by 1 asc;
Line: 5837

     SELECT ledger_category_code,enable_budgetary_control_flag
     INTO l_ledger_category_code,l_enable_bc_flag
     FROM gl_ledgers
     WHERE ledger_id = l_array_ledgers(i);
Line: 6034

     SELECT ledger_category_code,enable_budgetary_control_flag
     INTO l_ledger_category_code,l_enable_bc_flag
     FROM gl_ledgers
     WHERE ledger_id = l_array_ledgers(i);
Line: 6144

l_str1_insert_events               VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 6145

l_str2_insert_events               VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 6157

l_event_insert_count              number;
Line: 6193

         SELECT gl_interface_control_s.NEXTVAL, l_array_base_ledgers(i)
           INTO g_array_group_id(i), g_array_ledger_id(i)
           FROM DUAL;
Line: 6365

      g_child_data.selected_entity_count :=
         g_child_data.selected_entity_count + g_message.entity_ids.COUNT;
Line: 6451

      l_str1_insert_events := C_CURR_INS_EVENTS;
Line: 6453

      l_str1_insert_events := REPLACE(l_str1_insert_events
Line: 6459

            (p_msg      => 'First l_str1_insert_events = '|| l_str1_insert_events
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 6469

         l_str2_insert_events := C_ANYTIME_INS_EVENTS;
Line: 6471

         l_str2_insert_events := REPLACE(l_str2_insert_events
Line: 6475

         l_str2_insert_events := REPLACE(l_str2_insert_events
Line: 6479

         l_str2_insert_events := REPLACE(l_str2_insert_events
                                        ,l_class_anytime_order);  -- 4860037
Line: 6485

               (p_msg      => 'Second l_str2_insert_events = '|| l_str2_insert_events
               ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
               ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 6509

            EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_str1_insert_events
            USING g_application_id
Line: 6515

            l_event_insert_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
Line: 6519

                  (p_msg      => 'l_event_insert_count = '||l_event_insert_count
                  ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
                  ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 6528

            l_event_count := l_event_count + l_event_insert_count;
Line: 6545

               EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_str2_insert_events
               USING g_application_id
Line: 6553

               l_event_insert_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
Line: 6557

                     (p_msg      => 'l_event_insert_count = '||l_event_insert_count
                     ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
                     ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 6566

               l_event_count := l_event_count + l_event_insert_count;
Line: 6583

Line: 6689

Line: 7095

   SELECT  xlr.ledger_id BULK COLLECT
      INTO l_seq_context_value
      FROM xla_ledger_relationships_v       xlr
          ,xla_subledger_options_v          xso
     WHERE xlr.relationship_enabled_flag    = 'Y'
       AND xlr.ledger_category_code         IN ('ALC','PRIMARY','SECONDARY')
       AND DECODE(xso.valuation_method_flag
                 )                           = g_ledger_id
       AND xso.application_id                = g_application_id
       AND xso.ledger_id                     = DECODE(xlr.ledger_category_code
       AND xso.enabled_flag                  = 'Y';
Line: 7263

SELECT distinct event_date
FROM   xla_events a
      ,xla_acct_prog_events_gt b
WHERE  a.application_id         = g_application_id
AND    a.event_id               = b.event_id
AND    a.process_status_code    = 'U'
AND    a.event_status_code     IN ('U',DECODE(g_accounting_mode,'F','N','U'))
AND    a.on_hold_flag           = 'N'
AND    a.event_type_code not in ('FULL_MERGE', 'PARTIAL_MERGE')
AND    b.ledger_id              = g_ledger_id
ORDER BY event_date asc;
Line: 7293

      FOR i in (select a.* from xla_acct_prog_events_gt b, xla_events a WHERE  a.application_id         = g_application_id
                                                                        AND    a.event_id               = b.event_id
                                                                        AND    a.process_status_code    = 'U'
                                                                        AND    a.event_status_code     IN ('U',DECODE(g_accounting_mode,'F','N','U'))
                                                                        AND    a.on_hold_flag           = 'N'
                                                                        AND    a.event_type_code not in ('FULL_MERGE', 'PARTIAL_MERGE')
                                                                        AND    b.ledger_id              = g_ledger_id) LOOP
            (p_msg      => 'event_id='||i.event_id||'  event_date='||i.event_date||'  status='||i.process_status_code
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7317

Line: 7320

         (p_msg      => '# rows deleted XLA_EVENTS_GT = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7324

Line: 7327

         (p_msg      => '# rows deleted  XLA_AE_LINES_GT = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7331

Line: 7334

         (p_msg      => '# rows deleted  XLA_AE_HEADERS_GT = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7338

Line: 7341

         (p_msg      => '# rows deleted  XLA_VALIDATION_LINES_GT = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7351

   INSERT INTO xla_events_gt
     SELECT xev.entity_id
       FROM xla_entity_events_v        xev
          , xla_acct_prog_events_gt    xap
      WHERE xev.application_id         = g_application_id
        AND xev.event_id               = xap.event_id
        AND xev.process_status_code    = 'U'
        AND xev.event_status_code     IN ('U',DECODE(g_accounting_mode,'F','N','U'))
        AND xev.on_hold_flag           = 'N'
        AND xev.event_type_code not in ('FULL_MERGE', 'PARTIAL_MERGE')
        AND xap.ledger_id              = g_ledger_id
        AND xap.event_id IN (
                          SELECT xla_events.event_id
                FROM    xla_acct_prog_events_gt     ,
                    xla_events                  ,
                    xla_event_types_b           ,
                WHERE   xla_events.event_id                         = xla_acct_prog_events_gt.event_id
                    AND xla_events.application_id                   = g_application_id
                    AND xla_transaction_entities.application_id = g_application_id
                    AND xla_events.entity_id                        = xla_transaction_entities.entity_id
                    AND xla_event_types_b.application_id            = g_application_id
                    AND xla_transaction_entities.entity_code    = xla_event_types_b.entity_code
                    AND xla_events.event_type_code                  = xla_event_types_b.event_type_code
                    AND xla_event_types_b.event_class_code          = xla_evt_class_orders_gt.event_class_code
		     AND xla_events.process_status_code <> 'P'  --condition added, bug8680284
                    AND xla_evt_class_orders_gt.processing_order = l_processing_order
      ORDER BY xev.entity_id, xev.event_number;
Line: 7456

         (p_msg      => '# rows inserted into xla_events_gt = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7465

   SELECT max(event_date)
     INTO l_max_event_date
     FROM xla_events_gt;
Line: 7551

PROCEDURE delete_batch_je

CURSOR c_headers IS
    FROM xla_ae_headers          xah
       , xla_events              xe
       , xla_acct_prog_events_gt xap
   WHERE xah.application_id                = xe.application_id
     AND xah.event_id                      = xe.event_id
     AND xah.accounting_entry_status_code <> 'F'
     AND xe.application_id                 = g_application_id
     AND xe.process_status_code           <> 'P'
     AND xe.event_id                       = xap.event_id;
Line: 7573

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.delete_batch_je';
Line: 7576

    trace(p_msg      => 'BEGIN of procedure delete_batch_je'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7581

  SELECT /*+ leading(xap,xe) use_nl(xe) index(xe,XLA_EVENTS_U1) */
    BULK COLLECT INTO l_array_event_id
    FROM xla_events              xe
       , xla_acct_prog_events_gt xap
   WHERE xe.application_id       = g_application_id
     AND xe.process_status_code <> 'P'
     AND xe.event_id             = xap.event_id;
Line: 7593

      DELETE FROM xla_accounting_errors
         WHERE application_id = g_application_id
           AND event_id = l_array_event_id(i);
Line: 7599

           (p_msg      => '# xla_accounting_errors deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
           ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
           ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7605

      DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources
        WHERE event_id = l_array_event_id(i);
Line: 7609

       trace(p_msg      => '# xla_diag_sources deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7615

      DELETE FROM xla_diag_events
       WHERE application_id = g_application_id
         AND event_id = l_array_event_id(i);
Line: 7620

       trace(p_msg      => '# xla_diag_events deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7625

    DELETE FROM xla_diag_ledgers d
	WHERE d.application_id = g_application_id
		(SELECT ledger_id,     request_id
		 FROM xla_diag_events
		WHERE application_id = d.application_id
		AND   request_id = d.accounting_request_id
		AND   ledger_id = d.primary_ledger_id
Line: 7637

         (p_msg      => '# xla_diag_ledgers deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7643

      DELETE FROM gl_bc_packets
       WHERE application_id = g_application_id
         AND event_id = l_array_event_id(i)
       RETURNING packet_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_array_packet_id;
Line: 7649

       trace(p_msg      => '# gl_bc_packets deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7656

        DELETE FROM gl_bc_packet_arrival_order
         WHERE packet_id = l_array_packet_id(i);
Line: 7660

         trace(p_msg      => '# gl_bc_packet_arrival_order deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
              ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
              ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7672

        DELETE FROM xla_distribution_links
         WHERE application_id = g_application_id
           AND ae_header_id = l_array_header_id(i);
Line: 7677

         trace(p_msg      => '# xla_distribution_links deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
              ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
              ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7683

        DELETE FROM xla_ae_segment_values
         WHERE ae_header_id = l_array_header_id(i);
Line: 7687

         trace (p_msg      => '# xla_ae_segment_values deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
               ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
               ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7693

        DELETE FROM xla_ae_line_acs
         WHERE ae_header_id = l_array_header_id(i);
Line: 7697

         trace (p_msg      => '# xla_ae_line_acs deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
               ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
               ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7703

        DELETE FROM xla_ae_header_acs
         WHERE ae_header_id = l_array_header_id(i);
Line: 7707

         trace (p_msg      => '# xla_ae_header_acs deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
               ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
               ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7713

        DELETE FROM xla_ae_lines
         WHERE application_id = g_application_id
           AND ae_header_id = l_array_header_id(i);
Line: 7718

          trace(p_msg      => '# xla_ae_lines deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
               ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
               ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7724

        DELETE FROM xla_ae_headers
         WHERE application_id = g_application_id
           AND ae_header_id = l_array_header_id(i);
Line: 7729

          trace(p_msg      => '# xla_ae_headers deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
               ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
               ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7737

    trace(p_msg      => 'END of procedure delete_batch_je'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 7746

      (p_location => 'xla_accounting_pkg.delete_batch_je');
Line: 7747

END delete_batch_je;
Line: 7894

         FOR c1 IN (SELECT /*+ leading(xsl,xeg,aeh) use_nl(aeh) index(xla_ae_headers_n2) */
                           aeh.ae_header_id                ae_header_id
                          ,aeh.ledger_id                   ledger_id
                          ,aeh.balance_type_code           balance_type_code
                          ,xsl.je_source_name              je_source_name
                          ,aeh.je_category_name            je_category_name
                          ,aeh.doc_category_code           doc_category_code
                          ,aeh.event_type_code             accounting_event_type_code
                          ,aeh.accounting_entry_type_code  accounting_entry_type_code
                          ,aeh.accounting_date             gl_date
                          ,aeh.completed_date              completion_date
                      FROM xla_ae_headers  aeh
                          ,xla_events_gt   xeg
                          ,xla_subledgers  xsl
                     WHERE aeh.application_id = xeg.application_id
                       AND aeh.event_id       = xeg.event_id
                       AND xsl.application_id = xeg.application_id
                       AND xsl.application_id = g_application_id
                       AND nvl(aeh.zero_amount_flag, 'N') = 'N')
            l_index                                         := l_index + 1;
Line: 7998

         UPDATE xla_ae_headers  aeh
            SET aeh.completed_date                 = l_array_completion_date(i)
               ,aeh.completion_acct_seq_assign_id  = l_array_assignment_id(i)
               ,aeh.completion_acct_seq_version_id = l_array_seq_version_id(i)
               ,aeh.completion_acct_seq_value      = l_array_sequence_number(i)
          WHERE aeh.ae_header_id = l_array_ae_header_id(i);
Line: 8020

   UPDATE (SELECT /*+ leading(tmp) index(evt, XLA_EVENTS_U1) use_nl(evt)*/ --4769388
		 ,evt.reference_char_4 --bug 13811614
                 --,DECODE(tmp.process_status_code,'P','P','U')  new_event_status_code -- bug 4961401
                 ,CASE WHEN evt.event_status_code = 'N' OR tmp.event_status_code = 'N' THEN 'N' --bug 13811614
                       WHEN tmp.process_status_code = 'P' THEN 'P'
                       ELSE 'U' END new_event_status_code
                 --,tmp.process_status_code                      new_process_status_code -- bug 4961401
                 ,DECODE(evt.event_status_code,'N','P',tmp.process_status_code) new_process_status_code
		 ,tmp.reference_char_4 new_reference_char_4 --bug 13811614
             FROM xla_events           evt
                 ,xla_events_gt        tmp
            WHERE evt.event_id            = tmp.event_id
              AND evt.application_id      = g_application_id
       SET event_status_code       = new_event_status_code
          ,process_status_code     = new_process_status_code
	  ,reference_char_4        = new_reference_char_4
          ,last_update_date        = sysdate
          ,last_updated_by         = xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id
          ,last_update_login       = xla_environment_pkg.g_login_id
          ,request_id              = g_report_request_id;
Line: 8054

         (p_msg      => 'Number of events updated = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 8063

 	    UPDATE xla_events xe
 	    SET    xe.event_status_code       = 'P'
 	          ,xe.process_status_code     = 'P'
 	          ,xe.last_update_date        = sysdate
 	          ,xe.last_updated_by         = xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id
 	          ,xe.last_update_login       = xla_environment_pkg.g_login_id
 	          ,xe.request_id              = g_report_request_id
 	    WHERE  xe.event_id IN (SELECT   xle.event_id
 	                           FROM     gl_ledgers glg
 	                                   ,xla_acctg_methods_b xam
 	                                   ,xla_acctg_method_rules xamr
 	                                   ,xla_prod_acct_headers xpah
 	                                   ,xla_event_types_b xetb
 	                                   ,xla_aad_line_defn_assgns xald
 	                                   ,xla_line_definitions_b xldb
 	                                   ,xla_ledger_relationships_v xlr
 	                                   ,xla_ledger_options xlo
 	                                   ,xla_events_gt xle
 	                           WHERE    glg.sla_accounting_method_code = xam.accounting_method_code
 	                                    AND glg.sla_accounting_method_type = xam.accounting_method_type_code
 	                                    AND xam.accounting_method_code = xamr.accounting_method_code
 	                                    AND xam.accounting_method_type_code = xamr.accounting_method_type_code
 	                                    AND xamr.application_id = xle.application_id
 	                                    AND xetb.application_id = xpah.application_id
 	                                    AND xetb.entity_code = xpah.entity_code
 	                                    AND xetb.event_class_code = xpah.event_class_code
 	                                    AND (Substr(xpah.event_type_code,-4) = '_ALL'
 	                                          OR xetb.event_type_code = xpah.event_type_code)
 	                                    AND xpah.application_id = xamr.application_id
 	                                    AND xpah.product_rule_type_code = xamr.product_rule_type_code
 	                                    AND xpah.product_rule_code = xamr.product_rule_code
 	                                    AND xpah.amb_context_code = xamr.amb_context_code
 	                                    AND xpah.amb_context_code = Nvl(xla_profiles_pkg.Get_value('XLA_AMB_CONTEXT'),
 	                                    AND xetb.event_type_code = xle.event_type_code
 	                                    AND xle.event_status_code = 'U'
 	                                    AND xle.process_status_code = 'U'
 	                                    AND glg.ledger_id = xlr.ledger_id
 	                                    AND xlr.primary_ledger_id = xle.ledger_id
 	                                    AND xlr.relationship_enabled_flag = 'Y'
 	                                    AND xlr.ledger_id = xlo.ledger_id
 	                                    AND xlo.application_id = xle.application_id
 	                                    AND xlo.enabled_flag = 'Y'
 	                                    AND xald.application_id(+) = xpah.application_id
 	                                    AND xald.amb_context_code(+) = xpah.amb_context_code
 	                                    AND xald.product_rule_type_code(+) =  xpah.product_rule_type_code
 	                                    AND xald.product_rule_code(+) = xpah.product_rule_code
 	                                    AND xald.event_class_code(+) = xpah.event_class_code
 	                                    AND xald.event_type_code(+) = xpah.event_type_code
 	                                    AND xald.application_id = xldb.application_id(+)
 	                                    AND xald.amb_context_code = xldb.amb_context_code(+)
 	                                    AND xald.event_class_code = xldb.event_class_code (+)
 	                                    AND xald.event_type_code = xldb.event_type_code(+)
 	                                    AND xald.line_definition_owner_code = xldb.line_definition_owner_code(+)
 	                                    AND xald.line_definition_code = xldb.line_definition_code(+)
 	                                    AND xldb.enabled_flag(+) = 'Y'
 	                           GROUP BY xle.event_id
 	                           HAVING   Sum(CASE
 	                                            WHEN xle.event_date BETWEEN Nvl(xamr.start_date_active,xle.event_date)
 	                                                 AND Nvl(xamr.end_date_active,xle.event_date)
 	                                            THEN Decode(Nvl(xpah.accounting_required_flag,'N'),'Y'
 	                                            ELSE 0
 	                                        END) = 0)
 	    AND    xe.event_status_code = 'U'
 	    AND    xe.process_status_code = 'U'
 	    AND    xe.application_id = g_application_id;
Line: 8134

 	          (p_msg      => 'Number of events updated (accounting not needed): = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
 	          ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
 	          ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 8317

Line: 8392

Line: 8748

      FOR c IN (SELECT event_class_code FROM xla_evt_class_orders_gt WHERE processing_order = p_processing_order) LOOP
         IF l_concat_classes IS NULL THEN
            l_concat_classes := C_QUOTE;
Line: 8757

      FOR c IN (SELECT xec.event_class_code
                  FROM xla_evt_class_orders_gt xec
                      ,xla_event_class_attrs xea
                 WHERE xea.application_id        = g_application_id
                   AND xea.event_class_code      = xec.event_class_code
                   AND xea.event_class_group_code = g_process_category
                   AND xec.processing_order = p_processing_order) LOOP
         IF l_concat_classes IS NULL THEN
            l_concat_classes := C_QUOTE;