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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 55

                                         query= select psif.sit_exists
                                          into l_sit_exists...
                                          This query was returning multiple rows and
                                          the Multi Work Site report was failing.
    12-OCT-2004 rmonge   115.16  3909329   Changed/Modified the cursor
                                          'c_derive_wksite_estab due to performance problems.
    12-OCT-2004 rmonge   115.17            No changes.
    15-DEC-2004 rmonge   115.18  4047812   Modified c_derive_wksite_estab due to
                                           performance problems.
   14-MAR-2005 sackumar  115.19  4222032 Change in the Range Cursor removing redundant
							   use of bind Variable (:payroll_action_id)
   18-aug-2005 sackumar  115.20  3613544  changed the c_get_sui_code cursor introduce use_nl hint.

   18-aug-2006 schowta 115.21   5399921  added code fix to include the work at home employee count in load_rpt_totals
   08-Aug-2011 nkjaladi 115.28  11936382 Modified procedure load_rpt_totals to handle the
                                         following scenarios:
                                         1. If SUI state change happens in middle of the quarer
                                            then the employee would be reported in corresponding
                                            location of the quarter instead of 'Invalid Location'.
                                         2. For 'MA' resident employees SQWL archives these
                                            employees even if the earnigs in resident state
                                            is zero. These employees gets picked  up by
                                            the multi work site report and get reported
                                            under 'Invalid Location'. Such employees shouldn't
                                            be counted as they are getting reported under the
                                            corresponding employee earnings state
                                         3. If Location of the employee has override
                                            payroll tax state then these MWSR is not
                                            considering the override tax state. Modified
                                            code to consider the override tax state of
                                            the assignment location.
  ** Package Local Variables
  gv_package varchar2(50) := 'pay_us_mwr_reporting_pkg';
Line: 103

      select ppa.start_date
       from pay_payroll_actions ppa
      where payroll_action_id = cp_payroll_action_id;
Line: 192

        'select distinct paa.assignment_id
            from pay_assignment_actions  paa  -- SQWL assignment action
            , pay_payroll_actions   ppa
         where ppa.business_group_id  = ' || ln_business_group_id || '
           and  ppa.effective_date between to_date(''' || to_char(ld_start_date, 'dd-mon-yyyy')   || ''', ''dd-mon-yyyy'') --Bug 3362257
                                       and to_date(''' || to_char(ld_end_date, 'dd-mon-yyyy')   || ''', ''dd-mon-yyyy'') --Bug 3362257
           and ppa.action_type = ''X''
           and   ppa.report_type = ''SQWL''
           and ppa.action_status =''C''
           and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
           and :payroll_action_id is not null
           order by paa.assignment_id
Line: 227

        select paa.assignment_id,
            from pay_assignment_actions  paa  -- SQWL assignment action
            , pay_payroll_actions   ppa
         where ppa.business_group_id  = cp_business_group_id
           and  ppa.effective_date between cp_start_date
                                       and cp_end_date
           and ppa.action_type = 'X'
           and   ppa.report_type = 'SQWL'
           and ppa.action_status ='C'
           and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
           and paa.assignment_id between cp_start_assignment_id
                                 and cp_end_assignment_id;
Line: 288

      select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
        into ln_locking_action_id
        from dual;
Line: 302

      update pay_assignment_actions paa
         set paa.serial_number = ln_assignment_action_id
       where paa.assignment_action_id = ln_locking_action_id;
Line: 320

      SELECT paa.assignment_id
      FROM  pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
            pay_assignment_actions paa
      WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
      AND   ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 332

   SELECT fai.value,
          pus.state_code || '-000-0000',
   FROM   ff_archive_items fai
         ,ff_user_entities ue
         ,pay_us_states pus
         ,hr_locations  hl
   where hl.location_id = fai.value
   and fai.user_entity_id = ue.user_entity_id
   and ue.user_entity_name =
         decode(p_mon_of_qtr,4,'A_SQWL_LOC_QTR_END','A_SQWL_LOC_MON_' || to_char(p_mon_of_qtr))
   and nvl(hl.loc_information17,hl.region_2) = pus.state_abbrev --#11936382 added nvl(hl.loc_information17)
   and fai.context1 = to_char(p_ass_act_id);  -- context of assignment action id
Line: 348

    SELECT /*+ use_nl (hoi1, hoi2)*/
    FROM   pay_state_rules SR,
           hr_organization_information hoi1,
           hr_organization_information hoi2
    WHERE hoi1.organization_id = p_tax_unit_id
    AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'State Tax Rules'
    AND hoi1.org_information1 = SR.state_code
    AND SR.jurisdiction_code = substr(p_jurisdiction,1,2)||'-000-0000'
    AND hoi2.organization_id = hoi1.organization_id
    AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'Employer Identification' ;
Line: 366

         SELECT fai.value
         FROM   ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
                ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
                ff_contexts fc3,
                ff_contexts fc2,
                ff_archive_items fai
         WHERE fai.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id
         and   fai.context1 = to_char(p_ass_act_id)
	  	   /* context assignment action id */
         and fc2.context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID'
         and con2.archive_item_id = fai.archive_item_id
         and con2.context_id = fc2.context_id
         and ltrim(rtrim(con2.context)) = to_char(p_tax_unit_id)
		   /* 2nd context of tax_unit_id */
         and fc3.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
         and con3.archive_item_id = fai.archive_item_id
         and con3.context_id = fc3.context_id
         and substr(con3.context,1,2) = substr(p_jurisdiction_code,1,2)
             /* 3rd context of state jurisdiction_code*/;
Line: 392

      SELECT pghn2.entity_id
      FROM  per_gen_hierarchy pgh
           ,per_gen_hierarchy_versions pghv
           ,per_gen_hierarchy_nodes    pghn2  -- establishment organizations
           ,pay_payroll_actions        ppa
      where ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
      and   pgh.hierarchy_id = p_est_hierarchy_id
      and   pgh.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
      and   pgh.hierarchy_id = pghv.hierarchy_id
      and   pghv.HIERARCHY_VERSION_id = p_hierarchy_ver_id
      and   pghv.hierarchy_version_id = pghn2.hierarchy_version_id
      and  ( ( pghn2.node_type            = 'EST'
               and pghn2.entity_id             = p_location_id
             ( pghn2.node_type            = 'EST'
               AND p_location_id in
                    ( SELECT pghn3.entity_id
                      FROM   per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn3
                      WHERE  pghn3.node_type = 'LOC'
                      AND    pghn3.hierarchy_version_id = pghv.HIERARCHY_VERSION_id
                      AND    pghn3.parent_hierarchy_node_id = pghn2.hierarchy_node_id
Line: 427

      SELECT pghn2.entity_id
      FROM  per_gen_hierarchy_nodes    pghn2  -- establishment organizations

      where p_hierarchy_ver_id = pghn2.hierarchy_version_id
      and  ( ( pghn2.node_type            = 'EST'
               and pghn2.entity_id             = p_location_id
             ( pghn2.node_type            = 'EST'
               AND p_location_id in
                    ( SELECT /*+ pghn3 PER_GEN_HIER_NOD_VER_N4 */ pghn3.entity_id
                      FROM   per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn3
                      WHERE  pghn3.node_type = 'LOC'
                      AND    pghn3.hierarchy_version_id =
                             pghn2.hierarchy_version_id      --p_hierarchy_ver_id
                      AND    pghn3.parent_hierarchy_node_id =
Line: 454

select fai.value,
from ff_archive_items fai,
     ff_user_entities ue,
     pay_assignment_actions paa,
     pay_payroll_actions ppa
where fai.context1 = cp_sqwl_assact
and   paa.assignment_action_id = fai.context1
and   fai.user_entity_id       = ue.user_entity_id
and   ue.user_entity_name     = 'A_SQWL_MONTH' || to_char(cp_month_of_quarter) || '_COUNT'
and   ppa.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id ;
Line: 509

         SELECT fai.value
         FROM   ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
                ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
                ff_contexts fc3,
                ff_contexts fc2,
                ff_archive_items fai
         WHERE fai.user_entity_id = cp_user_entity_id
         and   fai.context1 = to_char(cp_ass_act_id)
	  	   /* context assignment action id */
         and fc2.context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID'
         and con2.archive_item_id = fai.archive_item_id
         and con2.context_id = fc2.context_id
         and ltrim(rtrim(con2.context)) = to_char(cp_tax_unit_id)
		   /* 2nd context of tax_unit_id */
         and fc3.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
         and con3.archive_item_id = fai.archive_item_id
         and con3.context_id = fc3.context_id
         and substr(con3.context,1,2) = substr(cp_jurisdiction_code,1,2)
             /* 3rd context of state jurisdiction_code*/;
Line: 533

       SELECT fue.user_entity_id
       INTO   l_user_entity_id
       FROM   ff_user_entities fue
       WHERE  fue.user_entity_name = 'A_SUI_ER_PRE_TAX_REDNS_PER_JD_GRE_QTD'
       AND    fue.legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 569

        SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT peft.sui_state_code)
          FROM pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f peft,
               per_all_assignments_f paa,
               hr_soft_coding_keyflex hscf
         WHERE peft.effective_end_date >=  trunc(p_effective_date,'Q')
           AND peft.effective_start_date <=  p_effective_date
           AND peft.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
           AND peft.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
           AND peft.sui_state_code in (p_loc_state_code,p_sqwl_state_code)
           AND paa.assignment_id = peft.assignment_id
           AND paa.business_group_id = peft.business_group_id
           AND paa.effective_end_date >=  trunc(p_effective_date,'Q')
           AND paa.effective_start_date <=  p_effective_date
           AND paa.business_group_id = peft.business_group_id
           AND hscf.segment1 = p_tax_unit_id
           AND hscf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
Line: 621

        SELECT paaf.location_id
          FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf,
               hr_locations_all hl,
               pay_us_states pus
         WHERE paaf.effective_start_date <=  p_effective_date
           AND paaf.effective_end_date >=  trunc(p_effective_date,'Q')
           AND paaf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
           AND paaf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
           AND paaf.location_id = hl.location_id
           AND nvl(hl.loc_information17,hl.region_2) = pus.state_abbrev
           AND pus.state_code = p_state_code
           AND EXISTS
                SELECT null
                  FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,
                       pay_payroll_actions ppa
                 WHERE ppa.effective_date BETWEEN trunc(p_effective_date,'Q')
                                              AND p_effective_date
                   AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
                   AND paa.tax_unit_id = p_tax_unit_id
                   AND paa.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
      ORDER BY paaf.effective_end_date desc;
Line: 646

        SELECT paaf.location_id
          FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf,
               hr_locations_all hl,
               pay_us_states pus
         WHERE paaf.effective_start_date <=  p_effective_date
           AND paaf.effective_end_date >=  trunc(p_effective_date,'Q')
           AND paaf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
           AND paaf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
           AND paaf.location_id = hl.location_id
           AND nvl(hl.loc_information17,hl.region_2) = pus.state_abbrev
           AND pus.state_code = p_state_code
      ORDER BY paaf.effective_end_date desc;
Line: 694

    SELECT userenv('sessionid')
    INTO v_session_id
    FROM dual;
Line: 699

    SELECT ppa.legislative_parameters
    INTO   l_ppa_legislative_parameters
    FROM   pay_payroll_actions ppa
    where  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 753

              SELECT ue.user_entity_id
              INTO   l_user_entity_id
              FROM   ff_user_entities ue
              WHERE  ue.user_entity_name = 'A_SIT_GROSS_PER_JD_GRE_MON_' || to_char(i)
              AND    ue.legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 759

              SELECT ue.user_entity_id
              INTO   l_user_entity_id
              FROM   ff_user_entities ue
              WHERE  ue.user_entity_name = 'A_SUI_ER_SUBJ_WHABLE_PER_JD_GRE_QTD'
              AND    ue.legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 797

                     SELECT psr.jurisdiction_code
                     INTO l_sqwl_jurisdiction_code
                     FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,
                          pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
                          pay_state_rules        psr
                     WHERE paa.assignment_action_id = l_sqwl_assact
                     AND   ppa.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id
                     AND   psr.state_code = ppa.report_qualifier;
Line: 851

                        SELECT report_qualifier
                        INTO   l_state_abbrev
                        FROM   pay_assignment_actions paa,
                               pay_payroll_actions   ppa
                        WHERE  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
                        AND    paa.assignment_action_id =  l_sqwl_assact;
Line: 862

                         SELECT hoi1.org_information2
                         INTO   l_sui_id
                         FROM   pay_state_rules SR,
                                hr_organization_information hoi1
                         WHERE hoi1.organization_id = l_tax_unit_id
                         AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'State Tax Rules'
                         AND hoi1.org_information1 = SR.state_code
                         AND SR.jurisdiction_code =
Line: 879

                                  SELECT NVL(paf.work_at_home,'N')
                                  INTO l_work_at_home
                                  FROM per_all_assignments_f paf
                                  WHERE  paf.assignment_id = l_ass_id
                                  AND l_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 914

                Select psif.sit_exists
                into   l_sit_exists
                from pay_us_state_tax_info_f psif,
                     pay_payroll_actions ppa
               where ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
               and psif.state_code = substr(l_jurisdiction,1,2)
               and ppa.effective_date
                  BETWEEN psif.effective_start_date AND psif.effective_end_date
               and sta_information_category = 'State tax limit rate info';
Line: 939

                  SELECT state_code INTO l_month_count_code
                  FROM pay_us_states
                  WHERE state_abbrev = l_month_count_state_code;
Line: 977

                    SELECT psr.jurisdiction_code
                     INTO l_sqwl_jurisdiction_code
                     FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,
                          pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
                          pay_state_rules        psr
                     WHERE paa.assignment_action_id = l_sqwl_assact
                     AND   ppa.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id
                     AND   psr.state_code = ppa.report_qualifier;
Line: 986

                        SELECT hoi1.org_information2
                         INTO   l_sui_id
                         FROM   pay_state_rules SR,
                                hr_organization_information hoi1
                          WHERE hoi1.organization_id = l_tax_unit_id
                          AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'State Tax Rules'
                          AND hoi1.org_information1 = SR.state_code
                         AND SR.jurisdiction_code = substr(l_sqwl_jurisdiction_code,1,2)||'-000-0000';
Line: 1001

	                     SELECT '1'
	                     INTO l_ma_resides_true
	                     FROM dual
	                     WHERE EXISTS (
		                                  SELECT '1'
		                                    FROM per_assignments_f paf,
		                                         per_addresses pad
		                                   WHERE paf.assignment_id = l_ass_id
                                         AND paf.person_id = pad.person_id
                                         AND pad.date_from <= l_effective_date
                                         AND NVL(pad.date_to ,l_effective_date) >= trunc(l_effective_date,'Q')
                                         AND pad.region_2 = l_state_abbrev
                                         AND pad.primary_flag = 'Y');
Line: 1022

                        SELECT ue.user_entity_id
                        INTO   l_user_entity_id
                        FROM   ff_user_entities ue
                        WHERE  ue.user_entity_name = 'A_SUI_ER_SUBJ_WHABLE_PER_JD_GRE_QTD'
                        AND    ue.legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1105

              IF i = 1 THEN      -- UPDATING / INSERTING into column value1
              hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 90);
Line: 1107

              UPDATE pay_us_rpt_totals prt
              SET prt.value1 = NVL(prt.value1,0) + 1
              WHERE prt.session_id  = v_session_id
              AND   prt.organization_id = p_payroll_action_id
              AND   prt.location_id = l_worksite
              AND   prt.state_abbrev  = l_state_abbrev
              AND   prt.attribute1  = 'MWS_EST'
              and   prt.attribute2  = l_sui_id
              and   prt.attribute3  = l_fed_ein;
Line: 1117

                 IF SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 THEN  --- Row doesn't exist in table must insert.
                    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 100);
Line: 1120

                    INSERT into pay_us_rpt_totals
                    ( session_id
                     ( v_session_id
Line: 1139

              ELSIF i = 2 THEN -- UPDATING / INSERTING into Column value2
                hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 110);
Line: 1141

                UPDATE pay_us_rpt_totals prt
                 SET prt.value2 = NVL(prt.value2,0) + 1
                 WHERE prt.session_id  = v_session_id
                 AND   prt.organization_id = p_payroll_action_id
                 AND   prt.location_id = l_worksite
                 AND   prt.state_abbrev  = l_state_abbrev
                 AND   prt.attribute1  = 'MWS_EST'
                 and   prt.attribute2  = l_sui_id
                 and   prt.attribute3  = l_fed_ein;
Line: 1151

                 IF SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 THEN  --- Row doesn't exist in table must insert.
                    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 120);
Line: 1154

                    INSERT into pay_us_rpt_totals
                    ( session_id
                     ( v_session_id
Line: 1173

              ELSIF i = 3 THEN -- UPDATING / INSERTING into column value3
                 hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 130);
Line: 1175

                 UPDATE pay_us_rpt_totals prt
                 SET prt.value3 = NVL(prt.value3,0) + 1
                 WHERE prt.session_id  = v_session_id
                 AND   prt.organization_id = p_payroll_action_id
                 AND   prt.location_id = l_worksite
                 AND   prt.state_abbrev  = l_state_abbrev
                 AND   prt.attribute1  = 'MWS_EST'
                 and   prt.attribute2  = l_sui_id
                 and   prt.attribute3  = l_fed_ein;
Line: 1185

                 IF SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 THEN  --- Row doesn't exist in table must insert.
                    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 140);
Line: 1188

                    INSERT into pay_us_rpt_totals
                    ( session_id
                     ( v_session_id
Line: 1207

              ELSE               -- UPDATING / INSERTING into column value4
                 hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 150);
Line: 1210

                 UPDATE pay_us_rpt_totals prt
                 SET prt.value4 = NVL(prt.value4,0) + l_archive_value
                 WHERE prt.session_id  = v_session_id
                 AND   prt.organization_id = p_payroll_action_id
                 AND   prt.location_id = l_worksite
                 AND   prt.state_abbrev  = l_state_abbrev
                 AND   prt.attribute1  = 'MWS_EST'
                 and   prt.attribute2  = l_sui_id
                 and   prt.attribute3  = l_fed_ein;
Line: 1220

                 IF SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 THEN  --- Row doesn't exist in table must insert.
                    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 160);
Line: 1223

                    INSERT into pay_us_rpt_totals
                    ( session_id
                     ( v_session_id
Line: 1277

     SELECT state_code
     INTO   l_state_code
     FROM   pay_state_rules
     where  fips_code = to_number(p_fips_code);
Line: 1283

     SELECT nvl(sum(prt.value1),0),
     INTO   l_month_1_count,
     FROM   pay_us_rpt_totals prt
     WHERE  prt.organization_id = p_payroll_action_id
     AND    prt.location_id = to_number(p_est_id)
     AND    prt.state_abbrev  = l_state_code
     AND    prt.attribute2  = p_sui_id
     AND    prt.attribute3  = p_fed_ein
     and    prt.attribute1  = 'MWS_EST';
Line: 1320

      FROM pay_us_rpt_totals prt
      WHERE prt.organization_id = p_payroll_action_id
      AND   prt.attribute1  = 'MWS_EST';
Line: 1533

FUNCTION update_global_values(p_estab_ID number,
                              p_state_abbrev varchar2)


      IF p_estab_id <> pay_us_mwr_reporting_pkg.est_id
         OR p_state_abbrev <> pay_us_mwr_reporting_pkg.state_abbrev
         OR pay_us_mwr_reporting_pkg.estab_count = 20 THEN
         pay_us_mwr_reporting_pkg.estab_count := 0;
Line: 1552

END update_global_values;