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APPS.PAY_CA_T4_CANCEL_MAG dependencies on DUAL

Line 207: FROM dual;

203: hr_utility.trace('Effective End Date : '|| to_char(l_effective_end_date,'DD-Mon-YYYY'));
204: hr_utility.trace('x------------------------------------------------x');
205: SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
206: INTO lockingactid
207: FROM dual;
208: hr_utility.trace('New T4 Cancel Action = ' ||to_char(lockingactid));
209: hr_utility.set_location('pay_ca_t4_cancel_mag.action_creation', 30);
210: hr_nonrun_asact.insact(lockingactid
211: ,l_assignment_id

Line 560: FROM dual;

556: end if; */
558: fnd_global.local_chr(13) || fnd_global.local_chr(10)
560: FROM dual;
561: IF p_null_allowed = 'N'
562: AND (TRIM(p_data) IS NULL
563: OR (p_datatype IN ('N','C')
564: AND to_number(p_data) = 0)) THEN

Line 584: INTO l_data FROM dual;

580: -- hr_utility.trace('l_output='||l_output);
581: ELSIF p_datatype = 'N' OR p_datatype = 'C' THEN
582: IF TRIM(p_format) IS NOT NULL THEN
583: SELECT to_char(to_number(p_data), p_format)
584: INTO l_data FROM dual;
585: ELSIF p_datatype = 'C' THEN -- Currency should be two decimal places
586: SELECT to_char(to_number(p_data), '99999999999999999999999999999999999990.99')
587: INTO l_data FROM dual;
588: END IF;

Line 587: INTO l_data FROM dual;

583: SELECT to_char(to_number(p_data), p_format)
584: INTO l_data FROM dual;
585: ELSIF p_datatype = 'C' THEN -- Currency should be two decimal places
586: SELECT to_char(to_number(p_data), '99999999999999999999999999999999999990.99')
587: INTO l_data FROM dual;
588: END IF;
589: l_output := '<' || trim(p_tag) || '>' || trim(l_data)
590: || ''||EOL;
591: ELSIF p_datatype = 'Z' then