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Line 54: FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,pay_payroll_actions ppa

50: NVL(fcr.actual_completion_date,
51: DECODE(cp_done,'Y',ppa.last_update_date,SYSDATE)
52: ) end_time,
53: SYSDATE current_time
54: FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,pay_payroll_actions ppa
55: WHERE fcr.request_id(+) = ppa.request_id
56: AND ppa.payroll_action_id = cp_id;
57: --
58: -- Get the information we need to pass to the existing function

Line 59: -- in the pay_payroll_actions_pkg package, which works out the

55: WHERE fcr.request_id(+) = ppa.request_id
56: AND ppa.payroll_action_id = cp_id;
57: --
58: -- Get the information we need to pass to the existing function
59: -- in the pay_payroll_actions_pkg package, which works out the
60: -- name of the run.
61: CURSOR csr_action(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
62: SELECT payroll_action_id,
63: action_type,

Line 71: FROM pay_payroll_actions

67: element_set_id,
68: assignment_set_id,
69: effective_date,
70: dbms_lob.substr(comments,4000,1) comments_1
71: FROM pay_payroll_actions
72: WHERE payroll_action_id = cp_id;
73: --
74: l_progress progress_info_r;
75: l_action csr_action%ROWTYPE;

Line 154: l_progress.run_description := pay_payroll_actions_pkg.v_name(

150: OPEN csr_action(g_action_id);
151: FETCH csr_action INTO l_action;
152: CLOSE csr_action;
153: --
154: l_progress.run_description := pay_payroll_actions_pkg.v_name(
155: l_action.payroll_action_id,
156: l_action.action_type,
157: l_action.consolidation_set_id,
158: l_action.display_run_number,