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Line 84: --| loop for every unique mtl_onhand_quantities_detail record |

80: --| instead if private api to update the material status. |
81: --| PLOWE Bug 12829066 01-Nov-2011 Bug is that with multiple LPNs |
82: --| associated with lot the updates were not occurring with call to |
83: --| the INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_PUB.update_status API. Now we call in a |
84: --| loop for every unique mtl_onhand_quantities_detail record |
85: --| instead if private api to update the material status. |
86: --| Also handles one call with one LPN passed thru from Sample |
87: --| Also handles any loose material update of status if WMS enabled. |
88: --| |

Line 2510: SELECT UNIQUE moqd.lpn_id FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd

2506: WHERE organization_id = l_organization_id;
2509: cursor cur_get_lpn IS -- 12829066 new cursor
2510: SELECT UNIQUE moqd.lpn_id FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd
2511: --lpn_id IS NOT NULL -- 12829066 taking this out
2512: WHERE inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
2513: AND organization_id = l_organization_id
2514: and lot_number = l_inv_status_upd_rec_type.lot_number;

Line 2517: SELECT moqd.lpn_id FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd

2513: AND organization_id = l_organization_id
2514: and lot_number = l_inv_status_upd_rec_type.lot_number;
2516: cursor cur_get_loose_lpn IS -- 12829066 new cursor - -- adding this so that update for loose material as well - will pick up lpns and also any null values
2517: SELECT moqd.lpn_id FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd
2518: where lpn_id IS NULL
2519: AND inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
2520: AND organization_id = l_organization_id
2521: and lot_number = l_inv_status_upd_rec_type.lot_number;

Line 3208: gmd_debug.put_line('lot number is not null ; NO LOOSE MATERIAL IN THIS mtl_onhand_quantities_detail FOR ORG, LOCATOR AND LOT . LOT = :'|| l_inv_status_upd_rec_type.lot_number);

3205: IF cur_get_loose_lpn%NOTFOUND then
3207: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
3208: gmd_debug.put_line('lot number is not null ; NO LOOSE MATERIAL IN THIS mtl_onhand_quantities_detail FOR ORG, LOCATOR AND LOT . LOT = :'|| l_inv_status_upd_rec_type.lot_number);
3209: END IF;
3212: CLOSE cur_get_loose_lpn;

Line 3217: gmd_debug.put_line('calling INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_PUB.update_status ; lot number is not null - LOOSE MATERIAL IN THIS mtl_onhand_quantities_detail FOR ORG, LOCATOR AND LOT . LOT = :'|| l_inv_status_upd_rec_type.lot_number);

3213: else
3214: CLOSE cur_get_loose_lpn;
3216: IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
3217: gmd_debug.put_line('calling INV_MATERIAL_STATUS_PUB.update_status ; lot number is not null - LOOSE MATERIAL IN THIS mtl_onhand_quantities_detail FOR ORG, LOCATOR AND LOT . LOT = :'|| l_inv_status_upd_rec_type.lot_number);
3218: END IF;
3220: l_inv_status_upd_rec_type.LPN_ID := NULL;