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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 26

	asn_debug.put_line('Entering UPDATE_RTI_WITH_LC.update_rti' || to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS'));
Line: 27

        asn_debug.put_line('no of records to be updated : ' || p_int_rec.COUNT);
Line: 34

	SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
          INTO l_group_id
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 38

	asn_debug.put_line('group_id to be updated with: ' || l_group_id);
Line: 46

            UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
              SET lcm_shipment_line_id = p_int_rec(i).lcm_shipment_line_id,
                  unit_landed_cost =  p_int_rec(i).unit_landed_cost
            WHERE interface_transaction_id = p_int_rec(i).interface_id
	      AND processing_status_code = 'LC_INTERFACED'
	      AND lcm_shipment_line_id is NULL
	      AND unit_landed_cost is NULL;
Line: 56

	    asn_debug.put_line('updated interface id: ' || p_int_rec(i).interface_id);
Line: 57

	    asn_debug.put_line('Updated : '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows in RTI');
Line: 66

	    asn_debug.put_line('did not update interface id: ' || p_int_rec(i).interface_id);
Line: 75

	asn_debug.put_line('Updated : '||l_row_count||' rows in RTI');
Line: 81

	     select lpn_group_id
	       into l_lpn_group_id
	     from rcv_transactions_interface
	     where interface_transaction_id = p_int_rec(i).interface_id;
Line: 98

		select count(1)
		into   l_lpn_group_rti_count
		from   rcv_transactions_interface
		where  lpn_group_id = l_lpn_group_id
	        and    (lcm_shipment_line_id is NULL OR unit_landed_cost is NULL)
		and    processing_status_code in ('LC_PENDING','LC_INTERFACED');
Line: 109

                  UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
                     SET processing_status_code = 'PENDING',
		         group_id = l_group_id
                  WHERE lpn_group_id = l_lpn_group_id
	          and ( ( lcm_shipment_line_id is not NULL
		         and unit_landed_cost is not NULL
		         and processing_status_code = 'LC_INTERFACED'
                        OR processing_status_code = 'WLC_PENDING'
Line: 120

                  UPDATE rcv_headers_interface rhi
                     SET rhi.processing_status_code = 'PENDING',
                         group_id = l_group_id -- Bug 7677015
                  WHERE rhi.processing_status_code <> 'RUNNING'
	          and exists( select 'exists' from rcv_transactions_interface rti
                              WHERE rti.lpn_group_id = l_lpn_group_id
			      and rti.header_interface_id IS NOT NULL
			      and rti.header_interface_id = rhi.header_interface_id
	                      and ( ( rti.lcm_shipment_line_id is not NULL
		                      and rti.unit_landed_cost is not NULL
		                      and rti.processing_status_code = 'PENDING' -- Bug 7677015
                                     OR rti.processing_status_code = 'WLC_PENDING'

Line: 137

		  asn_debug.put_line('no of rtis updated: '||sql%rowcount||' for the lpn group id: '||l_lpn_group_id);
Line: 144

		    select rhi.asn_type, rhi.header_interface_id, rhi.group_id
		      into l_asn_type, l_header_interface_id, l_rhi_group_id
		    from rcv_transactions_interface rti, rcv_headers_interface rhi
		    where rhi.header_interface_id = rti.header_interface_id
		    and rti.interface_transaction_id = p_int_rec(i).interface_id;
Line: 162

                          select count(1)
                          into   l_lpn_group_rti_count
                          from   rcv_transactions_interface
                          where  header_interface_id = l_header_interface_id
			  and    group_id = l_rhi_group_id
	                  and    (lcm_shipment_line_id is NULL OR unit_landed_cost is NULL)
		          and    processing_status_code in ('LC_PENDING','LC_INTERFACED');
Line: 175

                            UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
                               SET processing_status_code = 'PENDING',
		                   group_id = l_group_id
                            WHERE  header_interface_id = l_header_interface_id
		            AND    group_id = l_rhi_group_id
	                    and    (( lcm_shipment_line_id is not NULL
			              and unit_landed_cost is not NULL
			              and processing_status_code = 'LC_INTERFACED'
                                     OR processing_status_code = 'WLC_PENDING'
Line: 187

                            UPDATE rcv_headers_interface rhi
                               SET rhi.processing_status_code = 'PENDING',
                                   group_id = l_group_id -- Bug 7677015
                             WHERE rhi.processing_status_code <> 'RUNNING'
	                     and exists( select 'exists' from rcv_transactions_interface rti
                                         WHERE rti.header_interface_id = rhi.header_interface_id
					 and rti.header_interface_id = l_header_interface_id
		                         and group_id = l_rhi_group_id
	                                 and ( ( rti.lcm_shipment_line_id is not NULL
		                                 and rti.unit_landed_cost is not NULL
		                                 and rti.processing_status_code = 'PENDING' -- Bug 7677015
                                                OR rti.processing_status_code = 'WLC_PENDING'

Line: 204

			    asn_debug.put_line('rtis updated: '||sql%rowcount||' for the header interface id: '||l_header_interface_id);
Line: 209

                          UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
                             SET processing_status_code = 'PENDING',
		                 group_id = l_group_id
                          WHERE  interface_transaction_id = p_int_rec(i).interface_id
	                  AND    processing_status_code = 'LC_INTERFACED'
                          and    lcm_shipment_line_id is not NULL
			  and    unit_landed_cost is not NULL;
Line: 218

			  UPDATE rcv_headers_interface rhi
                             SET rhi.processing_status_code = 'PENDING',
                                 group_id = l_group_id -- Bug 7677015
                          WHERE rhi.processing_status_code <> 'RUNNING'
	                  and exists( select 'exists' from rcv_transactions_interface rti
                                      WHERE rti.interface_transaction_id = p_int_rec(i).interface_id
			              and rti.header_interface_id IS NOT NULL
				      and rti.header_interface_id = rhi.header_interface_id
	                              AND    processing_status_code = 'PENDING' -- Bug 7677015
                                      and    lcm_shipment_line_id is not NULL
			              and    unit_landed_cost is not NULL
Line: 231

			  asn_debug.put_line('rti updated for the interface id: '||p_int_rec(i).interface_id);
Line: 256

	   asn_debug.put_line('request id: '||l_req_id, 'insertlcm', '9');
Line: 269

	  asn_debug.put_line('encountered an error in update_rti:  ' || sqlcode ||' '||substr(SQLERRM, 1, 1000));
Line: 270

	  asn_debug.put_line('Updated : '||l_row_count||' rows in RTI');
Line: 274

     END update_rti;
Line: 276