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Line 939: from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, csi_item_instances inst , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK

937: Cursor l_dup_sr_InstSerNum_csr is
938: select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
939: from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, csi_item_instances inst , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
940: where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
941: sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
942: sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
943: sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and

Line 956: from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, csi_item_instances inst ,cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK

952: l_dup_sr_InstSerNum_rec l_dup_sr_InstSerNum_csr%rowtype;
954: Cursor l_dup_sr_InstSerNumUpd_csr is
955: select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
956: from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, csi_item_instances inst ,cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
957: where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
958: sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
959: sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
960: sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and

Line 1380: from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, csi_item_instances inst , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK

1376: l_dup_sr_custprodsrupd_rec l_dup_sr_custprodsrUpd_csr%rowtype;
1378: Cursor l_dup_sr_CustProdInsSer_csr is
1379: select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
1380: from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, csi_item_instances inst , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
1381: where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
1382: sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
1383: sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
1384: sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and

Line 1399: from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, csi_item_instances inst , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK

1395: l_dup_sr_CustProdInsSer_rec l_dup_sr_CustProdInsSer_csr%rowtype;
1397: Cursor l_dup_sr_CustProdInsSerUpd_csr is
1398: select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
1399: from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, csi_item_instances inst , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
1400: where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
1401: sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
1402: sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
1403: sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and