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Line 6027: -- FROM gl_aloc_mst x

6023: -- UPDATE gl_aloc_bas a
6024: -- SET a.basis_account_id
6025: -- = (
6026: -- SELECT gmf_migration.get_account_id(a.basis_Account_key, x.co_code)
6027: -- FROM gl_aloc_mst x
6028: -- WHERE x.alloc_id = a.alloc_id
6029: -- ),
6030: -- a.basis_type = decode(a.alloc_method, 0, a.basis_type, 1),
6031: -- (

Line 6078: FROM gl_aloc_mst x

6074: UPDATE gl_aloc_bas a
6075: SET a.basis_account_id
6076: = (
6077: SELECT decode(a.alloc_method,0, gmf_migration.get_account_id(a.basis_Account_key, x.co_code), NULL)
6078: FROM gl_aloc_mst x
6079: WHERE x.alloc_id = a.alloc_id
6080: ),
6081: a.basis_type = decode(a.alloc_method, 0, a.basis_type, 1),
6082: (

Line 6318: FROM gl_aloc_mst x

6314: )
6315: = (
6316: SELECT gmf_migration.get_account_id(a.from_account, x.co_code),
6317: gmf_migration.get_account_id(a.to_account, x.co_code)
6318: FROM gl_aloc_mst x
6319: WHERE x.alloc_id = a.alloc_id
6320: )
6321: WHERE (
6322: (from_account_id IS NULL AND from_account IS NOT NULL)

Line 9481: FROM gl_aloc_mst h

9477: FROM gl_aloc_inp x, (
9478: SELECT a.alloc_id,
9479: (
9480: SELECT MIN(h.alloc_id)
9481: FROM gl_aloc_mst h
9482: WHERE (h.legal_entity_id, h.alloc_code) IN (
9483: SELECT i.legal_entity_id, i.alloc_code
9484: FROM gl_aloc_mst i
9485: WHERE i.alloc_id = a.alloc_id

Line 9484: FROM gl_aloc_mst i

9480: SELECT MIN(h.alloc_id)
9481: FROM gl_aloc_mst h
9482: WHERE (h.legal_entity_id, h.alloc_code) IN (
9483: SELECT i.legal_entity_id, i.alloc_code
9484: FROM gl_aloc_mst i
9485: WHERE i.alloc_id = a.alloc_id
9486: )
9487: ) mina
9488: FROM gl_aloc_inp a

Line 9556: FROM gl_aloc_mst x

9553: UPDATE gl_aloc_inp a
9554: SET a.account_id = (
9555: SELECT gmf_migration.get_account_id(a.account_key, x.co_code)
9556: FROM gl_aloc_mst x
9557: WHERE x.alloc_id = a.alloc_id
9558: )
9559: WHERE (account_id IS NULL AND a.account_key IS NOT NULL);

Line 10202: FROM gl_aloc_mst h

10198: FROM gl_aloc_bas x, (
10199: SELECT a.alloc_id,
10200: (
10201: SELECT MIN(h.alloc_id)
10202: FROM gl_aloc_mst h
10203: WHERE (h.legal_entity_id, h.alloc_code) IN (
10204: SELECT i.legal_entity_id, i.alloc_code
10205: FROM gl_aloc_mst i
10206: WHERE i.alloc_id = a.alloc_id

Line 10205: FROM gl_aloc_mst i

10201: SELECT MIN(h.alloc_id)
10202: FROM gl_aloc_mst h
10203: WHERE (h.legal_entity_id, h.alloc_code) IN (
10204: SELECT i.legal_entity_id, i.alloc_code
10205: FROM gl_aloc_mst i
10206: WHERE i.alloc_id = a.alloc_id
10207: )
10208: ) mina
10209: FROM gl_aloc_bas a

Line 10227: FROM gl_aloc_mst h

10223: FROM gl_aloc_exp x, (
10224: SELECT a.alloc_id,
10225: (
10226: SELECT MIN(h.alloc_id)
10227: FROM gl_aloc_mst h
10228: WHERE (h.legal_entity_id, h.alloc_code) IN (
10229: SELECT i.legal_entity_id, i.alloc_code
10230: FROM gl_aloc_mst i
10231: WHERE i.alloc_id = a.alloc_id

Line 10230: FROM gl_aloc_mst i

10226: SELECT MIN(h.alloc_id)
10227: FROM gl_aloc_mst h
10228: WHERE (h.legal_entity_id, h.alloc_code) IN (
10229: SELECT i.legal_entity_id, i.alloc_code
10230: FROM gl_aloc_mst i
10231: WHERE i.alloc_id = a.alloc_id
10232: )
10233: ) mina
10234: FROM gl_aloc_exp a

Line 10253: FROM gl_aloc_mst h

10249: FROM gl_aloc_inp x, (
10250: SELECT a.alloc_id,
10251: (
10252: SELECT MIN(h.alloc_id)
10253: FROM gl_aloc_mst h
10254: WHERE (h.legal_entity_id, h.alloc_code) IN (
10255: SELECT i.legal_entity_id, i.alloc_code
10256: FROM gl_aloc_mst i
10257: WHERE i.alloc_id = a.alloc_id

Line 10256: FROM gl_aloc_mst i

10252: SELECT MIN(h.alloc_id)
10253: FROM gl_aloc_mst h
10254: WHERE (h.legal_entity_id, h.alloc_code) IN (
10255: SELECT i.legal_entity_id, i.alloc_code
10256: FROM gl_aloc_mst i
10257: WHERE i.alloc_id = a.alloc_id
10258: )
10259: ) mina
10260: FROM gl_aloc_inp a

Line 10276: G_Table_name := 'GL_ALOC_MST';

10273: BEGIN
10275: G_Migration_run_id := P_migration_run_id;
10276: G_Table_name := 'GL_ALOC_MST';
10277: G_Context := 'Expense Allocation Codes Migration';
10278: X_failure_count := 0;
10280: /********************************

Line 10299: UPDATE gl_aloc_mst a

10295: /*****************************************
10296: * Update rows For Legal Entity *
10297: *****************************************/
10299: UPDATE gl_aloc_mst a
10300: SET a.legal_entity_id = (
10301: SELECT x.legal_entity_id
10302: FROM gl_plcy_mst x
10303: WHERE x.co_code = a.co_code

Line 10314: UPDATE gl_aloc_mst a

10310: * from the allocation tables. Since there are some references too the allocation codes in Allocation basis *
10311: * we have to delete the records from those tables as well. *
10312: **************************************************************************************************************/
10314: UPDATE gl_aloc_mst a
10315: SET a.delete_mark = 1
10318: FROM gl_aloc_mst x

Line 10318: FROM gl_aloc_mst x

10314: UPDATE gl_aloc_mst a
10315: SET a.delete_mark = 1
10318: FROM gl_aloc_mst x
10319: WHERE x.alloc_code = a.alloc_code
10320: AND x.legal_entity_id = a.legal_Entity_id
10321: AND x.delete_mark <> 1
10322: );

Line 10385: FROM gl_aloc_mst

10381: **********************************************/
10383: SELECT count(*)
10384: INTO x_failure_count
10385: FROM gl_aloc_mst
10386: WHERE (legal_entity_id IS NULL AND co_code IS NOT NULL);
10388: IF nvl(x_failure_count,0) > 0 THEN