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Line 131: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i

127: elsif x_period_type = 'G' then
129: select p.period_name, p.start_date, p.end_date
130: bulk collect into t_period_name, t_start_date, t_end_date
131: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i
132: where i.set_of_books_id = p.set_of_books_id
133: and p.application_id = pa_period_process_pkg.application_id
134: and p.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
135: order by p.start_date;

Line 281: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i

277: elsif x_period_type = 'G' then
279: select p.start_date
280: into x_period_start_date1
281: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i
282: where i.set_of_books_id = p.set_of_books_id
283: and p.application_id = pa_period_process_pkg.application_id
284: and p.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
285: and x_start_date1 between p.start_date and p.end_date;

Line 289: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i

285: and x_start_date1 between p.start_date and p.end_date;
287: select p.start_date
288: into x_period_start_date2
289: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i
290: where i.set_of_books_id = p.set_of_books_id
291: and p.application_id = pa_period_process_pkg.application_id
292: and p.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
293: and x_start_date2 between p.start_date and p.end_date;

Line 297: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i

293: and x_start_date2 between p.start_date and p.end_date;
295: select count(1) - 1
296: into x_periods
297: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i
298: where i.set_of_books_id = p.set_of_books_id
299: and p.application_id = pa_period_process_pkg.application_id
300: and p.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
301: and p.start_date between least(x_period_start_date1,x_period_start_date2)

Line 1210: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i

1206: elsif x_time_phased_type_code = 'G' then
1208: select start_date
1209: into x_fbp_start_date
1210: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i
1211: where i.set_of_books_id = p.set_of_books_id
1212: and p.application_id = pa_period_process_pkg.application_id
1213: and p.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
1214: and p.period_name = x_first_budget_period;

Line 2124: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i

2120: ELSIF x_time_phase_type_code = 'G' THEN
2122: select p.period_name
2123: into x_start_period_name
2124: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i
2125: where i.set_of_books_id = p.set_of_books_id
2126: and p.application_id = pa_period_process_pkg.application_id
2127: and p.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
2128: and x_start_date between p.start_date and p.end_date;

Line 2132: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i

2128: and x_start_date between p.start_date and p.end_date;
2130: select p.period_name
2131: into x_end_period_name
2132: from gl_period_statuses p, pa_implementations i
2133: where i.set_of_books_id = p.set_of_books_id
2134: and p.application_id = pa_period_process_pkg.application_id
2135: and p.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
2136: and x_end_date between p.start_date and p.end_date;

Line 2217: pa_implementations i

2213: select p.period_name,
2214: p.start_date,
2215: p.end_date
2216: from gl_period_statuses p,
2217: pa_implementations i
2218: where p.application_id = 101
2219: and p.set_of_books_id = i.set_of_books_id
2220: and p.start_date between x_start_period_start_date
2221: and x_end_period_end_date

Line 2311: pa_implementations pi,

2307: x_uncat_unit_of_measure
2308: from pa_resources r,
2309: pa_resource_list_members m,
2310: --gms_implementations gia, -- Commented out NOCOPY for Bug:2113499
2311: pa_implementations pi,
2312: pa_resource_lists l
2313: where l.uncategorized_flag = 'Y'
2314: and l.resource_list_id = m.resource_list_id
2315: --and gia.org_id = l.business_group_id -- Commented out NOCOPY for Bug:2113499

Line 2341: pa_implementations i

2337: else
2338: select start_date
2339: into x_start_period_start_date
2340: from gl_period_statuses p,
2341: pa_implementations i
2342: where p.period_name = x_start_period
2343: and p.application_id = 101
2344: and p.set_of_books_id = i.set_of_books_id;

Line 2349: pa_implementations i

2346: select end_date
2347: into x_end_period_end_date
2348: from gl_period_statuses p,
2349: pa_implementations i
2350: where p.period_name = x_end_period
2351: and p.application_id = 101
2352: and p.set_of_books_id = i.set_of_books_id;

Line 2986: FROM pa_implementations imp,

2983: CURSOR seltxnaccums_g (x_prd_start_date IN DATE, x_prd_end_date IN DATE) IS
2984: SELECT gmsb.actual_period_to_date tot_burdened_cost,
2985: gmsb.actual_period_to_date tot_billable_burdened_cost
2986: FROM pa_implementations imp,
2987: gl_period_statuses glp,
2988: gms_balances gmsb
2989: WHERE gmsb.project_id = x_project_id
2990: AND gmsb.budget_version_id = x_current_budget_version_id

Line 3100: FROM pa_implementations imp,

3097: CURSOR selresaccums_g (x_prd_start_date IN DATE, x_prd_end_date IN DATE) IS
3098: SELECT gmsb.actual_period_to_date tot_burdened_cost,
3099: gmsb.actual_period_to_date tot_billable_burdened_cost
3100: FROM pa_implementations imp,
3101: gl_period_statuses glp,
3102: gms_balances gmsb
3103: WHERE gmsb.project_id = x_project_id
3104: AND gmsb.budget_version_id = x_current_budget_version_id