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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 70

select nvl(to_number(p.prl_information8),0) upper_compensation_threshold
,      greatest(start_of_year
               ,ee.effective_start_date) start_date
,      least(end_of_year
            ,ee.effective_end_date) end_date
from   pay_element_entries_f ee
,      pay_element_links_f el
,      pay_element_types_f et
,      pay_payrolls_f p
where  et.element_name = 'FR_OVERTIME'
and    p_effective_date
          between et.effective_start_date and et.effective_end_date
and    el.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
and    p_effective_date
          between el.effective_start_date and el.effective_end_date
and    el.element_link_id = ee.element_link_id
and    ee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and    p.effective_start_date <= ee.effective_end_date
and    p.effective_end_date >= ee.effective_start_date
and    fnd_number.canonical_to_number(ee.ENTRY_INFORMATION1) = p.payroll_id
and    p.effective_start_date <= end_of_year
and    p.effective_end_date >= start_of_year
and    ee.effective_start_date <= end_of_year
and    ee.effective_end_date >= start_of_year
order by greatest(start_of_year,p.effective_start_date,ee.effective_start_date);
Line: 162

Select to_char(SCHEME.PAYROLL_ID)
,PRL_INFORMATION1 -- Overtime_Scheme_Type
,PRL_INFORMATION2 -- Threshold
,PRL_INFORMATION3 -- Annual_Quota
,PRL_INFORMATION4 -- Weekly_Offset_Threshold
,PRL_INFORMATION7 -- Weekly_Compensation_Threshold
,'0' -- Upper_Compensation_Threshold
,PRL_INFORMATION9 -- Lower_Compensation_Factor
,PRL_INFORMATION10 -- Higher_Compensation_Factor
,PRL_INFORMATION11 -- Overtime_Band_Table
,PRL_INFORMATION12 -- Regularisation_Period_Type
,PRL_INFORMATION13 -- Regularisation_Period_Weeks
,PRL_INFORMATION14 -- Regularisation_Threshold
,PRL_INFORMATION15 -- Regularisation_Offset
,PRL_INFORMATION16 -- Regularisation_Payment_Basis
,nvl(TARGET.ENTRY_INFORMATION4,PRL_INFORMATION17) -- Regularisation_Start_Date
,nvl(PRL_INFORMATION18,'-1') -- Overtime Formula ID
,nvl(PRL_INFORMATION19,'-1') -- Regularisation Formula ID
from pay_element_entries_f                  TARGET
,       pay_element_links_f                    LINK
,       pay_element_types_f                    ELEMENT
,       pay_payrolls_f                         SCHEME
where   TARGET.assignment_id   = p_assignment_id
and     p_date BETWEEN TARGET.effective_start_date
                 AND TARGET.effective_end_date
and     TARGET.element_link_id = LINK.element_link_id
and     p_date BETWEEN LINK.effective_start_date
                 AND LINK.effective_end_date
and     LINK.element_type_id = ELEMENT.element_type_id
and     p_date BETWEEN ELEMENT.effective_start_date
                 AND ELEMENT.effective_end_date
and     ELEMENT.element_name = 'FR_OVERTIME'
and     fnd_number.canonical_to_number(TARGET.ENTRY_INFORMATION1)
                                            = SCHEME.payroll_id
and     p_date BETWEEN SCHEME.effective_start_date
                AND SCHEME.effective_end_date;
Line: 202

,    decode(scheme.overtime_scheme_type,'F',ci1.VALUE,null) hours_value
,    decode(scheme.overtime_scheme_type,'P',ci1.VALUE,null) working_hours_value
,      ci2.VALUE factor_value
from   pay_user_rows_f r
,      pay_user_column_instances_f ci1
,      pay_user_column_instances_f ci2
,      pay_user_columns c1
,      pay_user_columns c2
where  r.user_table_id = p_band_table_id
and    p_date BETWEEN r.effective_start_date and r.effective_end_date
and    c1.user_table_id = p_band_table_id
and    c1.user_column_id = ci1.user_column_id
and    ci1.user_row_id = r.user_row_id
and    p_date BETWEEN ci1.effective_start_date and ci1.effective_end_date
and    c1.user_column_name = decode(scheme.overtime_scheme_type,
and    c2.user_table_id = p_band_table_id
and    c2.user_column_id = ci2.user_column_id
and    ci2.user_row_id = r.user_row_id
and    p_date BETWEEN ci2.effective_start_date and ci2.effective_end_date
and    c2.user_column_name = 'FACTOR'
order by r.display_sequence;
Line: 563

select /*+ORDERED index(pet PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F_UK2) */
      max(decode(pet.element_name,p_orig_ele,pet.element_type_id)) orig_ele_id,
      max(decode(pet.element_name,p_retr_ele,pet.element_type_id)) retr_ele_id
from   pay_element_types_f pet
where  pet.element_name in (p_orig_ele,p_retr_ele)
and    pet.legislation_code = 'FR'
and    pet.business_group_id is null
and    p_date_earned between pet.effective_start_date
                         and pet.effective_end_date;
Line: 577

select /*+ordered use_nl(i i2) */ rr.result_value,
from pay_assignment_actions a
,pay_run_results r
,pay_input_values_f i
,pay_run_result_values rr
,pay_input_values_f i2
,pay_run_result_values rr2
where i.element_type_id = r.element_type_id
and   i.name = 'End Date'
and   i.business_group_id is null
and   i.legislation_code = 'FR'
and   p_date_earned
       between i.effective_start_date and i.effective_end_date
and   i2.element_type_id = r.element_type_id
and   i2.name = 'Processing Sequence'
and   i2.business_group_id is null
and   i2.legislation_code = 'FR'
and   p_date_earned
       between i2.effective_start_date and i2.effective_end_date
and   a.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and   a.assignment_action_id = r.assignment_action_id
and   r.element_type_id in (p_orig_ele_id,p_retr_ele_id)
and   rr.run_result_id = r.run_result_id
and   i.input_value_id = rr.input_value_id
and   rr2.run_result_id = r.run_result_id
and   i2.input_value_id = rr2.input_value_id
and rr.result_value <= p_range_end_chr
and rr.result_value >= p_range_start_chr
and   r.status in ('P','PA')
group by rr.result_value
having sum(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(rr2.result_value)) >0
order by rr.result_value desc;
Line: 659

select max(start_date)
from per_time_periods
where payroll_id = p_payroll_id
and   p_date >= start_date;
Line: 666

select max(end_date)
from per_time_periods
where payroll_id = p_payroll_id
and   p_date >= end_date;
Line: 760

select 'Y'
from pay_element_entries_f ee
,    pay_element_links_f el
,    pay_element_types_f et
where ee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and   ee.element_link_id = el.element_link_id
and   el.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
and   et.element_name in ('FR_OVERTIME_WEEK','FR_OVERTIME_EXCEPTION_WEEK')
and   exists
   (select null
    from pay_element_entry_values_f eev
    ,    pay_input_values_f iv
    where eev.input_value_id = iv.input_value_id
    and   eev.element_entry_id = ee.element_entry_id
    and   iv.name = 'Start Date'
    and   eev.screen_entry_value =
and   exists
   (select null
    from pay_element_entry_values_f eev
    ,    pay_input_values_f iv
    where eev.input_value_id = iv.input_value_id
    and   eev.element_entry_id = ee.element_entry_id
    and   iv.name = 'End Date'
    and   eev.screen_entry_value =
Line: 815

select 'Y'
from per_time_periods o
where o.payroll_id = p_overtime_payroll_id
and   o.start_date = p_week_start_date
and   o.end_date   = p_week_end_date;
Line: 856

select o.start_date,o.end_date
from per_time_periods o
,    per_time_periods p
where o.prd_information2 = p.time_period_id
and p.start_date = p_payroll_start_date
and o.payroll_id = p_overtime_payroll_id
order by o.start_date;
Line: 903

select o.start_date,o.end_date
from per_time_periods o
,    per_time_periods p
where o.prd_information2 = p.time_period_id
and p.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
and p.start_date = p_payroll_start_date
and o.payroll_id = p_overtime_payroll_id
order by o.start_date;
Line: 960

    select ff.formula_id,
    from   ff_formulas_f ff
    where  ff.formula_id = p_formula_id
    and    p_effective_date
       between ff.effective_start_date and ff.effective_end_date
    and    ff.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1122

    select ff.formula_id,
    from   ff_formulas_f ff
    where  ff.formula_id = p_formula_id
    and    p_effective_date
       between ff.effective_start_date and ff.effective_end_date;
Line: 1346

select /*+ORDERED index(pet PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F_UK2) */
      max(decode(pet.element_name,p_orig_ele,pet.element_type_id)) orig_ele_id,
      max(decode(pet.element_name,p_retr_ele,pet.element_type_id)) retr_ele_id
from   pay_element_types_f pet
where  pet.element_name in (p_orig_ele,p_retr_ele)
and    pet.legislation_code = 'FR'
and    pet.business_group_id is null
and    p_date_earned between pet.effective_start_date
                         and pet.effective_end_date;
Line: 1359

select /*+ordered use_nl(i i2) */
from pay_assignment_actions a
,pay_run_results r
,pay_input_values_f i
,pay_run_result_values rr
,pay_input_values_f i2
,pay_run_result_values rr2
where i.element_type_id = r.element_type_id
and   i.name = 'End Date'
and   i.business_group_id is null
and   i.legislation_code = 'FR'
and   p_date_earned
       between i.effective_start_date and i.effective_end_date
and   i2.element_type_id = r.element_type_id
and   i2.name = 'Processing Sequence'
and   i2.business_group_id is null
and   i2.legislation_code = 'FR'
and   p_date_earned
       between i2.effective_start_date and i2.effective_end_date
and   a.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and   a.assignment_action_id = r.assignment_action_id
and   r.element_type_id in (p_orig_ele_id,p_retr_ele_id)
and   rr.run_result_id = r.run_result_id
and   i.input_value_id = rr.input_value_id
and   rr2.run_result_id = r.run_result_id
and   i2.input_value_id = rr2.input_value_id
and   rr.result_value = p_week_end
and   r.status in ('P','PA');
Line: 1428

select /*+ORDERED index(pet PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F_UK2) */ pet.element_type_id,
       max(decode(piv.name,p_value_input,piv.input_value_id)) value_iv,
       max(decode(piv.name,p_start_input,piv.input_value_id)) start_iv,
       max(decode(piv.name,p_end_input,  piv.input_value_id)) end_iv
from   pay_element_types_f pet,
       pay_input_values_f  piv
where  pet.element_name = p_element
and   (pet.legislation_code = 'FR' or
       pet.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
and    p_date_earned between pet.effective_start_date
                         and pet.effective_end_date
and    piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
and    p_date_earned between piv.effective_start_date
                         and piv.effective_end_date
and    piv.name in (p_value_input,p_start_input,p_end_input)
group  by pet.element_type_id;
Line: 1449

select /*+ORDERED */
from pay_assignment_actions a
,    pay_run_results r
,    pay_run_result_values rrsd
,    pay_run_result_values rred
,    pay_run_result_values rr
where a.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and   a.assignment_action_id = r.assignment_action_id
and   r.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
and   rr.run_result_id = r.run_result_id
and   rr.input_value_id = p_value_iv
and   rrsd.run_result_id = r.run_result_id
and   rrsd.input_value_id = p_start_iv
and   rred.run_result_id = r.run_result_id
and   rred.input_value_id = p_end_iv
and   rred.result_value <= p_end_date_chr
and   rrsd.result_value >= p_start_date_chr
and   r.status in ('P','PA');
Line: 1508

select normal_hours,frequency
from per_all_assignments_f
where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and   p_effective_date
   between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;