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Line 61: hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');

57: PROCEDURE local_error(p_procedure varchar2,
58: p_step number) IS
60: --
61: hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
62: hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
63: 'pay_us_tax_balance_perf.'||p_procedure);
64: hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP',p_step);
65: hr_utility.raise_error;

Line 62: hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',

58: p_step number) IS
60: --
61: hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
62: hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
63: 'pay_us_tax_balance_perf.'||p_procedure);
64: hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP',p_step);
65: hr_utility.raise_error;
66: --

Line 64: hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP',p_step);

60: --
61: hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
62: hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
63: 'pay_us_tax_balance_perf.'||p_procedure);
64: hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP',p_step);
65: hr_utility.raise_error;
66: --
67: END local_error;
68: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 65: hr_utility.raise_error;

61: hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
62: hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
63: 'pay_us_tax_balance_perf.'||p_procedure);
64: hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP',p_step);
65: hr_utility.raise_error;
66: --
67: END local_error;
68: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69: --

Line 108: hr_utility.trace('Looking for def_bal: ' || p_balance_name ||

104: --
105: if (l_found = FALSE) then
106: BEGIN
107: --
108: hr_utility.trace('Looking for def_bal: ' || p_balance_name ||
109: ' : ' || p_dimension_suffix);
110: --
111: SELECT creator_id
112: INTO l_defined_balance_id

Line 123: hr_utility.trace('Calling core balance user exit');

119: --
120: g_defbal_tbl_name(g_nxt_free_defbal) := l_defbal_name;
121: g_defbal_tbl_id(g_nxt_free_defbal) := l_defined_balance_id;
122: g_nxt_free_defbal := g_nxt_free_defbal + 1;
123: hr_utility.trace('Calling core balance user exit');
124: --
125: EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN
126: hr_utility.trace('Error: Failure to find defined balance');
127: local_error('call_balance_user_exit',1);

Line 126: hr_utility.trace('Error: Failure to find defined balance');

122: g_nxt_free_defbal := g_nxt_free_defbal + 1;
123: hr_utility.trace('Calling core balance user exit');
124: --
125: EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN
126: hr_utility.trace('Error: Failure to find defined balance');
127: local_error('call_balance_user_exit',1);
128: --
129: END;
130: --

Line 202: hr_utility.trace('Year from Assignment Action ID: '||l_year);

198: OPEN get_year(p_assignment_action_id);
199: FETCH get_year INTO l_year;
200: CLOSE get_year;
202: hr_utility.trace('Year from Assignment Action ID: '||l_year);
204: ELSE
206: l_year := TO_CHAR(p_virtual_date,'YYYY');

Line 208: hr_utility.trace('Year from Virtual Date: '||l_year);

204: ELSE
206: l_year := TO_CHAR(p_virtual_date,'YYYY');
208: hr_utility.trace('Year from Virtual Date: '||l_year);
210: END IF;
212: l_direct_bal_year := NVL(fnd_profile.value('PAY_US_DIRECT_BALANCE_START_YEAR'),'0001');

Line 220: hr_utility.trace('US Federal Balances will be fetched from Direct Values');

216: l_direct_fed_bal_call := 'N';
218: ELSE
220: hr_utility.trace('US Federal Balances will be fetched from Direct Values');
222: END IF;
224: END IF;

Line 237: hr_utility.trace('Error: Invalid tax balance category');

233: WHERE lookup_type = 'US_TAX_BALANCE_CATEGORY'
234: AND lookup_code = p_tax_balance_category;
235: --
236: IF l_valid = 0 THEN
237: hr_utility.trace('Error: Invalid tax balance category');
238: local_error('us_tax_balance',1);
239: END IF;
240: --
241: SELECT count(*)

Line 249: hr_utility.trace('Error: Invalid tax type');

245: AND lookup_code = p_tax_type;
246: --
247: IF l_valid = 0 THEN
248: IF instr(l_tax_type,'PSD') = 0 THEN -- #11926304 Added If to support PSD tax
249: hr_utility.trace('Error: Invalid tax type');
250: local_error('us_tax_balance',2);
251: END IF; -- #11926304
252: END IF;
253: --

Line 260: hr_utility.trace('Error: Invalid asg_type parameter');

256: FROM dual
257: WHERE p_asg_type in ('ASG','PER','GRE');
258: --
259: IF l_valid = 0 THEN
260: hr_utility.trace('Error: Invalid asg_type parameter');
261: local_error('us_tax_balance',3);
262: END IF;
263: --
264: SELECT count(*)

Line 270: hr_utility.trace('Error: Invalid time_type parameter');

266: FROM dual
267: WHERE p_time_type in ('RUN','PTD','MONTH','QTD','YTD', 'PAYMENTS', 'PYDATE');
268: --
269: IF l_valid = 0 THEN
270: hr_utility.trace('Error: Invalid time_type parameter');
271: local_error('us_tax_balance',4);
272: END IF;
273: --
274: -- Set the contexts used in the bal user exit. Same throughout, so set

Line 277: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',30);

273: --
274: -- Set the contexts used in the bal user exit. Same throughout, so set
275: -- them up front
276: --
277: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',30);
278: --
279: IF p_jd_context IS NOT NULL THEN
280: IF (p_tax_type = 'SCHOOL' and length(p_jd_context) > 11) THEN
281: pay_balance_pkg.set_context('JURISDICTION_CODE',substr(p_jd_context,1,2)||

Line 288: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',40);

284: pay_balance_pkg.set_context('JURISDICTION_CODE',p_jd_context);
285: END IF;
286: END IF;
287: --
288: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',40);
289: --
290: l_assignment_id := p_assignment_id;
291: l_assignment_action_id := p_assignment_action_id;
292: l_tax_type := p_tax_type;

Line 298: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',50);

294: l_virtual_date := p_virtual_date;
295: --
296: -- Check if assignment exists at l_virtual_date, if using date mode
297: --
298: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',50);
299: --
300: --
301: -- Convert "WITHHELD" to proper balance categories;
302: --

Line 303: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',80);

299: --
300: --
301: -- Convert "WITHHELD" to proper balance categories;
302: --
303: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',80);
304: --
305: IF l_tax_balance_category = 'WITHHELD' THEN
306: IF p_ee_or_er = 'ER' or l_tax_type = 'FUTA' or l_tax_type = 'HT' THEN
307: l_tax_balance_category := 'LIABILITY';

Line 318: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',90);

314: END IF;
315: --
316: -- Check if illegal tax combo (FIT and TAXABLE, FUTA and SUBJ_NWHABLE, etc.)
317: --
318: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',90);
319: --
320: IF (l_tax_type = 'FIT' or l_tax_type = 'SIT' or l_tax_type = 'COUNTY' or
321: l_tax_type = 'CITY' or l_tax_type = 'EIC' or l_tax_type = 'HT' or
322: l_tax_type = 'SCHOOL') THEN -- income tax

Line 325: hr_utility.trace('Error: Illegal tax category for tax type');

321: l_tax_type = 'CITY' or l_tax_type = 'EIC' or l_tax_type = 'HT' or
322: l_tax_type = 'SCHOOL') THEN -- income tax
323: IF (l_tax_balance_category = 'TAXABLE' or
324: l_tax_balance_category = 'EXCESS') THEN
325: hr_utility.trace('Error: Illegal tax category for tax type');
326: local_error('us_tax_balance',5);
327: END IF;
328: --
329: -- return 0 for currently unsupported EIC balances.

Line 347: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',100);

343: return 0;
344: END IF;
345: END IF;
346: --
347: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',100);
348: --
349: l_ee_or_er := ltrim(rtrim(p_ee_or_er));
350: --
351: --------------- Some Error Checking -------------

Line 358: hr_utility.trace('Error: ER not allowed for tax type');

354: if (l_tax_type = 'FIT' or l_tax_type = 'SIT' or l_tax_type = 'CITY' or
355: l_tax_type = 'COUNTY' or l_tax_type = 'EIC' or l_tax_type = 'SCHOOL'
356: or instr(l_tax_type,'PSD') <> 0 ) THEN --#11926304
357: if l_ee_or_er = 'ER' THEN
358: hr_utility.trace('Error: ER not allowed for tax type');
359: local_error('us_tax_balance',6);
360: else
361: l_ee_or_er := NULL;
362: end if;

Line 365: hr_utility.trace('Error: EE not allowed for tax type');

361: l_ee_or_er := NULL;
362: end if;
363: elsif (l_tax_type = 'FUTA' or l_tax_type = 'HT') THEN
364: if l_ee_or_er = 'EE' THEN
365: hr_utility.trace('Error: EE not allowed for tax type');
366: local_error('us_tax_balance',7);
367: else
368: l_ee_or_er := NULL;
369: end if;

Line 373: hr_utility.trace('Error: EE or ER required for tax type');

369: end if;
370: elsif (l_tax_type = 'SS' or l_tax_type = 'MEDICARE' or l_tax_type = 'SDI' or
371: l_tax_type = 'SUI') THEN
372: if (l_ee_or_er <> 'EE' and l_ee_or_er <> 'ER') THEN
373: hr_utility.trace('Error: EE or ER required for tax type');
374: local_error('us_tax_balance',8);
375: end if;
376: elsif (l_tax_type = 'SUI1') OR (l_tax_type = 'SDI1')THEN
377: if (l_ee_or_er <> 'EE' ) THEN

Line 378: hr_utility.trace('Error: EE required for tax type');

374: local_error('us_tax_balance',8);
375: end if;
376: elsif (l_tax_type = 'SUI1') OR (l_tax_type = 'SDI1')THEN
377: if (l_ee_or_er <> 'EE' ) THEN
378: hr_utility.trace('Error: EE required for tax type');
379: local_error('us_tax_balance',9);
380: end if;
381: end if;
382: --

Line 383: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',110);

379: local_error('us_tax_balance',9);
380: end if;
381: end if;
382: --
383: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',110);
385: -- As of implementation of the SUI1 EE Tax, we only maintain
386: -- a WIthheld balance. As the SUI1 tax type should match
387: -- balances with SUI We will return the SUI balances.

Line 401: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',120);

397: END IF;
398: --
399: -- Force space at end of this parameter if necessary
400: --
401: hr_utility.set_location('pay_tax_bals_pkg',120);
402: --
403: IF l_ee_or_er IS NOT NULL THEN
404: l_ee_or_er := rtrim(l_ee_or_er)||' ';
405: END IF;

Line 999: hr_utility.trace('Returning : ' || l_return_value);

995: p_business_group_id);
996: END IF;
997: END IF;
998: --
999: hr_utility.trace('Returning : ' || l_return_value);
1000: --
1001: return l_return_value;
1002: --
1003: END us_tax_balance;