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1 package body pay_nz_exc as
2 /* $Header: pynzexc.pkb 120.11 2011/03/01 07:50:04 jmarupil noship $ */
3 --
4 -- Change List
5 -- ----------
6 -- DATE        Name            Vers     Bug No    Description
7 -- -----------+---------------+--------+--------+-----------------------+
8 -- 13-Aug-1999 sclarke          1.0                 Created
9 -- 03-Dec-2002 srrajago         1.1     2689221  Included 'nocopy' option for the 'out'
10 --                                               parameters of all the procedures,dbdrv
11 --                                               and checkfile commands.
12 -- 22-Jul-2003 puchil           1.2     3004603  Added overloaded function to populate
13 --                                               latest balances for balance adjustment
14 --                                               correctly
15 -- 05-Aug-2003 puchil           1.3     3062941  Changed the package name from pynzexc
16 --                                               to pay_nz_exc
17 -- 10-Aug-2004 sshankar         1.4     3181581  Changed function ASG_SPAN_EC to use
18 --                                               effective_date instead of
19 --                                               regular_payment_date and removed function
20 --                                               ASG_PTD_EC, expiry checking code for
21 --                                               _ASG_PTD.
22 -- 11-Aug-2004 sshankar         1.5     3181581  Removed gscc warnings.
23 -- 16-Nov-2004 snekkala         1.6     3828575  Added Start Date Code Procedures
24 -- 25-Nov-2004 snekkala         1.7     3998117  Changed the p_expiry_information
25 --                                               Values in asg_span_ec
26 -- 27-Nov-2004 snekkala         1.8     3998117  Changed p_user_effective_date to
27 --                                               p_owncer_effective_date and reset
28 --                                               p_expiry_information in asg_span_ec
29 -- 01-Aug-2005 snekkala         1.9     4259438  Modified cursor csr_get_business_group
30 --                                               as part of performance
31 -- 12-Apr-2007 dduvvuri         1.10    5846247  Added Procedure start_code_11mths_prev
32 --                                               for KiwiSaver Statutory Requirement from
33 --                                               1st Jul 2007
34 -- 27-Apr-2007 dduvvuri         1.11    5846247  Changed procedure start_code_11mths_prev.
35 --                                               Changed Tab characters to spaces
36 -- 02-AUG-2007 dduvvuri         1.12    6263808  Added Expiry Check for Dimension _ASG_TD in procedure asg_span_ec
37 -- 30-Jul-2008 avenkatk         1.14    7260523  Modified Start Date returned by start_code_12mths_prev.
38 -- 03-Feb-2009 dduvvuri         1.15    7509317  Modified Start Date returned by start_code_11mths_prev
39 -- 28-Feb-2011 jmarupil         1.16    11062054  Added Procedure start_code_52weeks_prev for statutory update
40 -- -----------+---------------+--------+--------+-----------------------+
41 --
42   --
43   g_nz_fin_year_start             constant varchar2(6) := '01-04-';
44   --
45 --
46 -------------------------------- asg_span_ec -----------------------------------------------
47 --
48 --  name
49 --     asg_span_ec - assignment processing year to date expiry check.
50 --  description
51 --     expiry checking code for the following:
52 --       nz assignment-level process year to date balance dimension
53 --  notes
54 --     the associated dimension is expiry checked at payroll action level
55 --
56 procedure asg_span_ec
57 (   p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number    -- run created balance.
58 ,   p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number    -- current run.
59 ,   p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number    -- assact created balance.
60 ,   p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number    -- current assact.
61 ,   p_owner_effective_date       in     date      -- eff date of balance.
62 ,   p_user_effective_date        in     date      -- eff date of current run.
63 ,   p_dimension_name             in     varchar2  -- balance dimension name.
64 ,   p_expiry_information         out nocopy number    -- dimension expired flag.
65 ) is
66   --
67   CURSOR  csr_get_business_group
68   IS
69     SELECT ppa.business_group_id
70       FROM pay_assignment_actions     paa
71          , pay_payroll_actions        ppa
72      WHERE paa.assignment_action_id = p_user_assignment_action_id
73        AND ppa.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id;
75   --
76   -- Bug 3181581
77   -- Removed cursors csr_user_span_start and csr_owner_start
78   --
80   --
81   l_user_span_start     date;
82   l_owner_start         date;
83   l_date_dd_mm          varchar2(11);
84   l_fy_user_span_start  date;
85   l_frequency           number;
86   l_dimension_name      pay_balance_dimensions.dimension_name%type ;
87   l_business_group_id   pay_payroll_actions.business_group_id%type;
88   --
89 begin
91   l_dimension_name := upper(p_dimension_name);
93  --
94   -- select the start span for the using action.
95   -- if the owning action associated with the latest balance, is
96   -- before the start of the span for the using regular payment date
97   -- then it has expired.
98   --
99    if lower(l_dimension_name) = '_asg_td' then -- Added for bug 6263808
100       p_expiry_information := 0;
101       RETURN;
102   elsif lower(l_dimension_name) = '_asg_ytd' then
103     --
104     l_frequency := 1;
105     l_date_dd_mm := g_nz_fin_year_start;
106     --
107   elsif lower(l_dimension_name) in ('_asg_fy_ytd','_asg_fy_qtd') then
108     --
109     open csr_get_business_group;
110     fetch csr_get_business_group into l_business_group_id;
111     close csr_get_business_group;
112     --
113     l_fy_user_span_start := hr_nz_routes.get_fiscal_date( l_business_group_id);
114     --
115     if lower(l_dimension_name) = '_asg_fy_ytd' then
116       l_frequency := 1;
117     else
118       l_frequency := 4;
119     end if;
120     --
121     l_date_dd_mm := to_char(l_fy_user_span_start,'dd-mm-');
122     --
123   elsif lower(l_dimension_name) = '_asg_hol_ytd' then
124     --
125     l_frequency := 1;
126     l_date_dd_mm := to_char(hr_nz_routes.get_anniversary_date ( p_user_assignment_action_id
127                                                               , p_user_effective_date), 'dd-mm-');
128     --
129   end if;
130   --
132   --
133   -- Bug 3181581
134   -- Changed to use effective date instead of regular_payment_date
135   --
136   l_user_span_start := hr_nz_routes.span_start(p_user_effective_date
137                                               ,l_frequency
138                                               ,l_date_dd_mm);
139   if p_owner_effective_date < l_user_span_start then
140     --
141      p_expiry_information := 1;
142   else
143     --
144     p_expiry_information  := 0;
145     --
146   end if;
147   --
148   -- Bug 3181581
149   -- End
150   --
151 end asg_span_ec;
152 --
154 /*
155  * Bug 3004603 - Overloaded procedures added to prevent loss of latest balances.
156  *               Also added supporting functions.
157  */
158 -------------------------------- next_period ------------------------------------
159 /*
160  * NAME        : next_period
161  * DESCRIPTION : Given a date and a payroll action id, returns the date after the
162  *               end of the containing payroll action id's pay period.
163  */
164 --
165 function next_period
166 ( p_payroll_action_id in number
167 , p_given_date in date )
168 RETURN date is
169    l_next_to_end_date date := NULL;
171    /* Get the date next to the end date of the given period,
172       having the payroll action id */
173    cursor csr_end_date is
174      select PTP.end_date
175      from   per_time_periods ptp,
176             pay_payroll_actions pact
177      where  pact.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
178      and    pact.payroll_id = ptp.payroll_id
179      and    p_given_date between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date;
181 begin
182    open csr_end_date;
183    fetch csr_end_date into l_next_to_end_date;
184    close csr_end_date;
186    return l_next_to_end_date;
187 end next_period;
188 -------------------------------  next_quarter --------------------------------------------------
189 /*
190  * NAME            : next_quarter
191  * DESCRIPTION : Given a date returns the next quarter's start date.
192  */
193 --
194 function next_quarter
195 (p_given_date in date)
196 RETURN date is
197 begin
198    /* Return the next quarter's start date */
199    RETURN trunc(add_months(p_given_date,3),'Q');
200 end next_quarter;
202 ------------------------------  next_year -----------------------------------------------------
203 /*
204  * NAME            : next_year
205  * DESCRIPTION : Given a date returns the next year's start date.
206  */
207 --
208 function next_year
209 (p_given_date in date)
210 RETURN date is
211 begin
212    /* Return the next year's start date */
213    RETURN trunc(add_months(p_given_date,12),'Y');
214 end next_year;
216 ------------------------------- next_fin_quarter -------------------------------------------
217 /*
218  * NAME            : next_fin_quarter
219  * DESCRIPTION : Given a date returns the next fiscal quarter's start date.
220  */
221 --
222 function next_fin_quarter
223 ( p_beg_of_the_year in date
224 , p_given_date in date )
225 RETURN date is
227    -- get offset of fin year start with reference to calender year in months and days
228    l_finyr_months_offset NUMBER(2) ;
229    l_finyr_days_offset   NUMBER(2) ;
231 begin
233    l_finyr_months_offset := to_char(p_beg_of_the_year,'MM') - 1;
234    l_finyr_days_offset   := to_char(p_beg_of_the_year,'DD') - 1;
236    /* Return the next fiscal quarter's start date */
237    RETURN (add_months(next_quarter(add_months(p_given_date,-l_finyr_months_offset)
238                 -l_finyr_days_offset),l_finyr_months_offset)+ l_finyr_days_offset);
239 end next_fin_quarter;
241 ------------------------------- next_fin_year -------------------------------------------
242 /*
243  * NAME            : next_fin_year
244  * DESCRIPTION : Given a date returns the next fiscal quarter's start date.
245  */
246 --
247 function next_fin_year
248 ( p_beg_of_the_year in date
249 , p_given_date in date )
250 RETURN date is
252    -- get offset of fin year start with reference to calender year in months and days
253    l_finyr_months_offset NUMBER(2);
254    l_finyr_days_offset   NUMBER(2);
256 begin
257    l_finyr_months_offset  := to_char(p_beg_of_the_year,'MM') - 1;
258    l_finyr_days_offset   := to_char(p_beg_of_the_year,'DD') - 1;
260    /* Return the next fiscal quarter's start date */
261    RETURN (add_months(next_year(add_months(p_given_date,-l_finyr_months_offset)
262              -l_finyr_days_offset),l_finyr_months_offset)+ l_finyr_days_offset);
263 end next_fin_year;
264 --
265 ---------------------------- Overloaded asg_span_ec ------------------------------------
266 /*
267  *
268  *  name
269  *     asg_span_ec - assignment processing span to date expiry check.
270  *  description
271  *     Overloaded expiry checking code for the following:
272  *          nz assignment-level process year to date balance dimension
273  *          nz assignment-level process fiscal year to date balance dimension
274  *          nz assignment-level process fiscal quarter to date balance dimension
275  *          nz assignment-level process holiday year to date balance dimension
276  *  notes
277  *     the associated dimension is expiry checked at assignment action level
278  */
279 --
280 procedure asg_span_ec
281 (   p_owner_payroll_action_id    in     number    -- run created balance.
282 ,   p_user_payroll_action_id     in     number    -- current run.
283 ,   p_owner_assignment_action_id in     number    -- assact created balance.
284 ,   p_user_assignment_action_id  in     number    -- current assact.
285 ,   p_owner_effective_date       in     date      -- eff date of balance.
286 ,   p_user_effective_date        in     date      -- eff date of current run.
287 ,   p_dimension_name             in     varchar2  -- balance dimension name.
288 ,   p_expiry_information         out nocopy date  -- dimension expired flag.
289 ) is
290    l_beg_of_fiscal_year date;
291    l_dimension_name pay_balance_dimensions.dimension_name%type ;
293    cursor get_beg_of_fiscal_year(c_owner_payroll_action_id number) is
294    select fnd_date.canonical_to_date(org_information11)
295    from   pay_payroll_actions PACT,
296           hr_organization_information HOI
297    where  UPPER(HOI.org_information_context) = 'BUSINESS GROUP INFORMATION'
298    and    HOI.organization_id = PACT.business_group_id
299    and    PACT.payroll_action_id = c_owner_payroll_action_id;
300 begin
301    l_dimension_name := upper(p_dimension_name);
303    IF l_dimension_name = '_ASG_TD' THEN   --Added check for bug 6263808
304       p_expiry_information := fnd_date.canonical_to_date('4712/12/31'); --Added check for bug 6263808
305    elsif l_dimension_name = '_ASG_YTD' then
306       p_expiry_information := next_fin_year(to_date(g_nz_fin_year_start,'DD-MM-'), p_owner_effective_date)-1;
307    elsif l_dimension_name = '_ASG_FY_QTD' then
308       open get_beg_of_fiscal_year(p_owner_payroll_action_id);
309       fetch get_beg_of_fiscal_year into l_beg_of_fiscal_year;
310       close get_beg_of_fiscal_year;
312       p_expiry_information := next_fin_quarter(l_beg_of_fiscal_year, p_owner_effective_date)-1;
313    elsif l_dimension_name = '_ASG_FY_YTD' then
314       open get_beg_of_fiscal_year(p_owner_payroll_action_id);
315       fetch get_beg_of_fiscal_year into l_beg_of_fiscal_year;
316       close get_beg_of_fiscal_year;
318       p_expiry_information := next_fin_year(l_beg_of_fiscal_year, p_owner_effective_date)-1;
319    end if;
320 end asg_span_ec;
321 --
322 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 --                                                                      --
324 -- Name           : START_CODE_4WEEK                                    --
325 -- Type           : PROCEDURE                                           --
326 -- Access         : Public                                              --
327 -- Description    : This procedure finds the start date based on the    --
328 --                  effective date for the dimension name _ASG_4WEEK    --
329 --                                                                      --
330 -- Parameters     :                                                     --
331 --             IN : p_effective_date       DATE                         --
332 --                  p_payroll_id           NUMBER                       --
333 --                  p_bus_grp              NUMBER                       --
334 --                  p_asg_action           NUMBER                       --
335 --            OUT : p_start_date           DATE                         --
336 --         RETURN : N/A                                                 --
337 --                                                                      --
338 -- Change History :                                                     --
339 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
340 -- Rev#  Date        Userid      Description                            --
341 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
342 -- 1.0  16-Nov-2004  snekkala    Created the procedure                  --
343 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
344 PROCEDURE start_code_4week( p_effective_date  IN         DATE
345                           , p_start_date      OUT NOCOPY DATE
346                           , p_payroll_id      IN         NUMBER
347                           , p_bus_grp         IN         NUMBER
348                           , p_asg_action      IN         NUMBER
349                           )
350 IS
352      p_start_date := p_effective_date - 28;
353 END start_code_4week;
355 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
356 --                                                                      --
357 -- Name           : START_CODE_4WEEKS_PREV                              --
358 -- Type           : PROCEDURE                                           --
362 --                                                                      --
359 -- Access         : Public                                              --
360 -- Description    : This procedure finds the start date based on the    --
361 --                  effective date for dimension  _ASG_4WEEKS_PREV      --
363 -- Parameters     :                                                     --
364 --             IN : p_effective_date       DATE                         --
365 --                  p_payroll_id           NUMBER                       --
366 --                  p_bus_grp              NUMBER                       --
367 --                  p_asg_action           NUMBER                       --
368 --            OUT : p_start_date           DATE                         --
369 --         RETURN : N/A                                                 --
370 --                                                                      --
371 -- Change History :                                                     --
372 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
373 -- Rev#  Date        Userid      Description                            --
374 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 -- 1.0  16-Nov-2004  snekkala    Created the procedure                  --
376 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
377 PROCEDURE start_code_4weeks_prev( p_effective_date  IN         DATE
378                                 , p_start_date      OUT NOCOPY DATE
379                                 , p_payroll_id      IN         NUMBER
380                                 , p_bus_grp         IN         NUMBER
381                                 , p_asg_action      IN         NUMBER
382                                 )
383 IS
384             CURSOR csr_get_start_date
385             IS
386               SELECT ptp.start_date - 28
387               FROM   per_time_periods       ptp
388               WHERE ptp.payroll_id            = p_payroll_id
389                AND p_effective_date    between ptp.start_date
390                                              and ptp.end_date;
393     OPEN csr_get_start_date;
394     FETCH csr_get_start_date INTO p_start_date;
395     CLOSE csr_get_start_date;
397 END start_code_4weeks_prev;
399 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
400 --                                                                      --
401 -- Name           : START_CODE_HOL_YTD                                  --
402 -- Type           : PROCEDURE                                           --
403 -- Access         : Public                                              --
404 -- Description    : This procedure finds the start date based on the    --
405 --                  effective date for the dimension name _ASG_HOL_YTD  --
406 --                                                                      --
407 -- Parameters     :                                                     --
408 --             IN : p_effective_date       DATE                         --
409 --                  p_payroll_id           NUMBER                       --
410 --                  p_bus_grp              NUMBER                       --
411 --                  p_asg_action           NUMBER                       --
412 --            OUT : p_start_date           DATE                         --
413 --         RETURN : N/A                                                 --
414 --                                                                      --
415 -- Change History :                                                     --
416 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
417 -- Rev#  Date        Userid      Description                            --
418 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
419 -- 1.0  16-Nov-2004  snekkala    Created the procedure                  --
420 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
421 PROCEDURE start_code_hol_ytd( p_effective_date  IN         DATE
422                             , p_start_date      OUT NOCOPY DATE
423                             , p_payroll_id      IN         NUMBER
424                             , p_bus_grp         IN         NUMBER
425                             , p_asg_action      IN         NUMBER
426                             )
427 IS
429     p_start_date:= hr_nz_routes.anniversary_span_start(
430                                             p_asg_action
431                                            ,p_effective_date);
433 END start_code_hol_ytd;
435 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
436 --                                                                      --
437 -- Name           : START_CODE_12MTHS_PREV                              --
438 -- Type           : PROCEDURE                                           --
439 -- Access         : Public                                              --
440 -- Description    : This procedure finds the start date based on the    --
441 --                  effective date for dimension _ASG_12MTHS_PREV       --
442 --                                                                      --
443 -- Parameters     :                                                     --
444 --             IN : p_effective_date       DATE                         --
445 --                  p_payroll_id           NUMBER                       --
449 --         RETURN : N/A                                                 --
446 --                  p_bus_grp              NUMBER                       --
447 --                  p_asg_action           NUMBER                       --
448 --            OUT : p_start_date           DATE                         --
450 --                                                                      --
451 -- Change History :                                                     --
452 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
453 -- Rev#  Date        Userid      Description                            --
454 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
455 -- 1.0  16-Nov-2004  snekkala    Created the procedure                  --
456 -- 2.0  30-Jul-2008  avenkatk    Modified the Start Date
457 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
458 PROCEDURE start_code_12mths_prev( p_effective_date  IN         DATE
459                                 , p_start_date      OUT NOCOPY DATE
460                                 , p_payroll_id      IN         NUMBER
461                                 , p_bus_grp         IN         NUMBER
462                                 , p_asg_action      IN         NUMBER
463                                 )
464 IS
466     p_start_date := last_day(add_months(p_effective_date,-14)) + 1;
467 END start_code_12mths_prev;
469 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
470 --                                                                      --
471 -- Name           : START_CODE_11MTHS_PREV                              --
472 -- Type           : PROCEDURE                                           --
473 -- Access         : Public                                              --
474 -- Description    : This procedure finds the start date based on the    --
475 --                  effective date for dimension _ASG_11MTHS_PREV       --
476 --                                                                      --
477 -- Parameters     :                                                     --
478 --             IN : p_effective_date       DATE                         --
479 --                  p_payroll_id           NUMBER                       --
480 --                  p_bus_grp              NUMBER                       --
481 --                  p_asg_action           NUMBER                       --
482 --            OUT : p_start_date           DATE                         --
483 --         RETURN : N/A                                                 --
484 --                                                                      --
485 -- Change History :                                                     --
486 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
487 -- Rev#  Date        Userid      Description                            --
488 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
489 -- 1.0  12-Apr-2007  dduvvuri    Created the procedure                  --
490 -- 1.1  27-Apr-2007  dduvvuri    Changed the code                       --
491 -- 1.2  03-Feb-2009  dduvvuri    Changed the code for bug 7509317
492 -- 1.3  03-Feb-2009  dduvvuri    Reverted the changes done in previous version
493 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
494 PROCEDURE start_code_11mths_prev( p_effective_date  IN         DATE
495                                 , p_start_date      OUT NOCOPY DATE
496                                 , p_payroll_id      IN         NUMBER
497                                 , p_bus_grp         IN         NUMBER
498                                 , p_asg_action      IN         NUMBER
499                                 )
500 IS
503            p_start_date := last_day(add_months(p_effective_date,-12))+1;
505 END start_code_11mths_prev;
507 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
508 --                                                                      --
509 -- Name           : START_CODE_52WEEKS_PREV                              --
510 -- Type           : PROCEDURE                                           --
511 -- Access         : Public                                              --
512 -- Description    : This procedure finds the start date based on the    --
513 --                  effective date for dimension _ASG_52WEEKS_PREV       --
514 --                                                                      --
515 -- Parameters     :                                                     --
516 --             IN : p_effective_date       DATE                         --
517 --                  p_payroll_id           NUMBER                       --
518 --                  p_bus_grp              NUMBER                       --
519 --                  p_asg_action           NUMBER                       --
520 --            OUT : p_start_date           DATE                         --
521 --         RETURN : N/A                                                 --
522 --                                                                      --
523 -- Change History :                                                     --
524 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
525 -- Rev#  Date        Userid      Description                            --
526 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
527 -- 1.0  28-Feb-2011 jmarupil    Created the procedure                  --
528 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
529 PROCEDURE start_code_52weeks_prev( p_effective_date  IN         DATE
530                                 , p_start_date      OUT NOCOPY DATE
531                                 , p_payroll_id      IN         NUMBER
532                                 , p_bus_grp         IN         NUMBER
533                                 , p_asg_action      IN         NUMBER
534                                 )
535 IS
536             CURSOR csr_get_start_date
537             IS
538               SELECT ptp.start_date - 364
539               FROM   per_time_periods       ptp
540               WHERE ptp.payroll_id            = p_payroll_id
541                AND p_effective_date    between ptp.start_date
542                                              and ptp.end_date;
545     OPEN csr_get_start_date;
546     FETCH csr_get_start_date INTO p_start_date;
547     CLOSE csr_get_start_date;
549 END start_code_52weeks_prev;
550 --
551 end pay_nz_exc;