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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 449

       select hold_lookup_code from ap_holds_all
       where invoice_id= p_invoice_id
       and hold_lookup_code in ('Pay When Paid','PO Deliverable','Project Hold') --bug 9525493
       and release_reason IS NULL
 and hold_lookup_code not in (select decode(FND_PROFILE.value('PA_PAY_WHEN_PAID'),'N','Pay When Paid','Y','#######','Pay When Paid') from dual);
Line: 456

       select hold_lookup_code from ap_holds_all
       where invoice_id= p_invoice_id
       and hold_lookup_code in ('Pay When Paid','PO Deliverable','Project Hold') --bug 9525493
       and release_reason IS NULL
	   and hold_lookup_code = decode(p_hold_type,
									 'REL_PWP_HOLD','Pay When Paid',
									 'REL_DEL_HOLD','PO Deliverable',
									 'REL_PROJ_HOLD','Project Hold', --bug 9525493
Line: 471

    Select hold_lookup_code, hold_reason, 'PWP/DLV' HoldType From ap_holds_all
       Where invoice_id= P_Invoice_Id
       And hold_lookup_code In ('Pay When Paid','PO Deliverable')
       and RELEASE_REASON is null
    Select hold_lookup_code, hold_reason, 'OTH' HoldType From ap_holds_all
       Where invoice_id= P_Invoice_Id
       And hold_lookup_code Not In ('Pay When Paid','PO Deliverable')
       and RELEASE_REASON is null;
Line: 521

		    Update PA_PWP_AP_INV_HDR Set RELHOLD_REJ_REASON = SubStr(l_err_msg,1,2000)
		    Where  invoice_id = p_inv_tbl(Inv_RelHOld_rec);
Line: 552

		    Update PA_PWP_AP_INV_HDR Set RELHOLD_REJ_REASON = SubStr(l_err_msg,1,2000)
		    Where  invoice_id = p_inv_tbl(Inv_RelHOld_rec);
Line: 589

       Update PA_PWP_AP_INV_HDR Set HOLD_REASON = l_hold_reason1,
                                    PWP_HOLD_FLAG = l_inv_pwp_hold,
                                    DLV_HOLD_FLAG = l_inv_dlv_hold,
                                    HOLD_FLAG = l_inv_hold,
                                    HOLD_APPLIED_YN = l_hold_applied_yn
	   Where  Invoice_Id = p_inv_tbl(Inv_RelHOld_rec)
	   And    RELHOLD_REJ_REASON Is Null;
Line: 656

     select apinv.invoice_id                               Invoice_Id,
            apinv.invoice_num                              invoice_num,
            vend.vendor_id                                 vendor_Id,
            vend.vendor_name                               Supplier_name,
			vend.segment1                                  Supplier_Num,
            apinv.Invoice_Date                             Invoice_Date,
            P_project_id                                   Project_Id,
            apinv.invoice_Currency_code                    invoice_Currency,
            apinv.payment_Currency_code                    Payment_Currency,
            appay.payment_cross_rate                       Exchange_Rate, /* Bug# 8785535*/
            (select vendor_site_code from
             where  vendor_id = apinv.vendor_id
             and vendor_site_id = apinv.vendor_site_id)    Supplier_Site,
            decode(apinv.payment_Currency_code, apinv.invoice_Currency_code,
	               sum(amount_remaining)/nvl(appay.payment_cross_rate,1)) UnPaid_Inv_Amt, /* Bug# 8785535*/
	                sum(gross_amount)/nvl(appay.payment_cross_rate,1)) - /* Bug# 8785535*/
                    sum(amount_remaining)/nvl(appay.payment_cross_rate,1))) Paid_Inv_Amt, /* Bug# 8785535*/
                    apinv.invoice_Type_Lookup_code  invoice_type, /*Added for bug 8293625 */
                    apinv.cancelled_date  Cancelled_Date /*Added for bug 8293625 */
     from   ap_invoices_all apinv,
            ap_payment_schedules_all appay,
            po_vendors vend
     where  exIsts (select 1 from
                           ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd
                    where  apd.project_id = P_project_Id
                    and    apd.posted_flag ='Y'
                    and    apinv.invoice_id = apd.invoice_id)
     and    appay.invoice_id(+)=apinv.invoice_id
     and    vend.vendor_id = apinv.vendor_id
     --and    apinv.invoice_amount !=0 -- Bug# 7713608
     and    apinv.invoice_type_lookup_code <> 'EXPENSE REPORT'
     and    apinv.invoice_id = NVL(G_Invoice_Id,apinv.invoice_id)
     group by apinv.invoice_id, apinv.invoice_num,
              vend.vendor_name,apinv.invoice_Date, apinv.invoice_Currency_code,
              apinv.vendor_id,apinv.vendor_site_id, apinv.Invoice_Amount, vend.vendor_id,
              apinv.invoice_Type_Lookup_code, --Bug# 8717502
              apinv.cancelled_date --Bug# 8717502
     order by apinv.invoice_id;
Line: 707

    select nvl(sum(apd.amount),0) InvRtngAmount from
           ap_invoices_all aia,
           ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd
    where  aia.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and  nvl(aia.Cancelled_Date,Sysdate+1) = (Sysdate+1)
      and  apd.invoice_id = aia.invoice_id
      and  aia.invoice_type_lookup_code <> 'RETAINAGE RELEASE'
      and  apd.posted_flag = 'Y'
      and  apd.line_type_lookup_code = 'RETAINAGE'
     group by apd.invoice_id;
Line: 720

	select  nvl((decode(apinv.payment_Currency_code,
	                sum(gross_amount)/nvl(appay.payment_cross_rate,1)) -
                    sum(amount_remaining)/nvl(appay.payment_cross_rate,1))),0) Paid_Inv_Amt
    from    ap_invoices_all apinv,
            ap_payment_schedules_all appay
    where   apinv.invoice_id = p_invoice_id and exIsts (select 1 from
                           ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd
                    where  apd.project_id = P_project_Id
                    and    apd.posted_flag ='Y'
                    and    apinv.invoice_id = apd.invoice_id)
     and    appay.invoice_id(+)=apinv.invoice_id
     and    apinv.invoice_type_lookup_code <> 'EXPENSE REPORT'
     and    exists (
               (SELECT 1
                FROM   ap_invoice_payments_all invpay ,
                       pa_projects_all proj,
                       pa_implementations_all imp,
				       GL_PERIOD_STATUSES glp
                WHERE  proj.project_id = p_project_id
                and    invpay.invoice_id = appay.invoice_id
				and    invpay.payment_num = appay.payment_num
				and    glp.application_id = 101
                AND    glp.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
                AND    glp.set_of_books_id = imp.set_of_books_id --Bug# 7713608
                AND    glp.closing_status = 'O'
                and    imp.org_id = proj.org_id
                GROUP BY glp.application_id,glp.adjustment_period_flag,glp.closing_status
                HAVING max(invpay.accounting_date)
				BETWEEN MAX(glp.start_date) AND MAX(glp.end_date)
              )) group by apinv.payment_Currency_code,
 	                apinv.invoice_Currency_code, appay.payment_cross_rate;
Line: 760

    select apd.invoice_id,
           --sum(apd.amount) ProjInvAmount,/*Commeneted this line for
           sum(nvl(rc_tax.amount,0)) rc_tax,
           sum(ap_pay_hd.amount) Disc_Taken_On_Invoice /* Bug# 7833675 */
    ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd,
    ap_invoice_dIstributions_all rc_tax,
    po_dIstributions_all pod,
    ap_payment_hist_dists ap_pay_hd
    where apd.project_Id = p_project_Id
      and rc_tax.line_type_lookup_code(+) = 'REC_TAX'
      and rc_tax.tax_recoverable_flag(+) = 'Y'
      and rc_tax.charge_applicable_to_dist_id(+)=apd.invoice_distribution_id
      and rc_tax.posted_flag(+) = 'Y'
      and apd.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and rc_tax.invoice_id(+) = p_invoice_id
      and apd.posted_flag = 'Y'
      and pod.po_dIstribution_id(+) = apd.po_distribution_id
	  and nvl(rc_tax.reversal_flag(+),'N') = 'N' /* Additional scenario mentioned by UMA */
      and ap_pay_hd.invoice_distribution_id(+) = apd.invoice_distribution_id /* Bug# 7833675 */
      and ap_pay_hd.pay_dist_lookup_code(+) = 'DISCOUNT' /* Bug# 7833675 */
      -- and apd.line_type_lookup_code <> 'RETAINAGE' /* Bug# 8310848 */
    group by apd.invoice_id, apd.project_id, apd.task_id, apd.Expenditure_Item_Date,
    order by apd.project_id, apd.task_id, apd.Expenditure_Item_Date, apd.invoice_id,pod.po_header_id;
Line: 801

    select sum(apd.amount) ProjRtngAmount,
           -- sum(retained_amount_remaining) Outstanding_Retained
           sum(apd1.amount) RtngReleaseAmount
    ap_invoices_all aia,
    ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd,
    ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd1, /* Bug# 8310848 */
    po_dIstributions_all pod
    where aia.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and nvl(aia.Cancelled_Date,Sysdate+1) = (Sysdate+1)
      and aia.invoice_type_lookup_code <> 'RETAINAGE RELEASE'
      and apd.invoice_id = aia.invoice_id
      and apd.project_Id = p_project_id
      and apd.posted_flag = 'Y'
      and pod.po_dIstribution_id(+) = apd.po_distribution_id
      and pod.po_header_id(+)=p_po_header_id
      and apd.line_type_lookup_code = 'RETAINAGE'
      and apd.task_id = p_task_id
      and apd.expenditure_item_date = p_expenditure_item_date
      and apd1.retained_invoice_dist_id(+) = apd.invoice_distribution_id /* Bug# 8310848 */
	  and apd1.project_id(+) = apd.project_id /* Bug# 8310848 */
	  and apd1.task_id(+) = apd.task_id /* Bug# 8310848 */
	  and apd1.expenditure_item_date(+) = apd.expenditure_item_date /* Bug# 8310848 */
	  and apd1.po_distribution_id(+) = apd.po_distribution_id /* Bug# 8310848 */
      and nvl(apd1.reversal_flag(+),'N') = 'N' /* Bug# 8310848 */
      and nvl(apd1.posted_flag(+), 'N') = 'Y' /* Bug# 8310848 */
     group by apd.invoice_id, apd.project_Id, apd.task_id, apd.po_dIstribution_id, apd.expenditure_item_date;
Line: 832

    Select hold_lookup_code, hold_reason, 'PWP/DLV' HoldType From ap_holds_all
       Where invoice_id= P_Invoice_Id
       And hold_lookup_code In ('Pay When Paid','PO Deliverable')
       and RELEASE_REASON is null
    Select hold_lookup_code, hold_reason, 'OTH' HoldType From ap_holds_all
       Where invoice_id= P_Invoice_Id
       And hold_lookup_code Not In ('Pay When Paid','PO Deliverable')
       and RELEASE_REASON is null;
Line: 844

	Select distinct draft_invoice_num,link_type From (
    Select   draft_invoice_num, 'M' link_type From PA_PWP_LINKED_INVOICES PWP
      Where  PWP.AP_INVOICE_ID = p_invoice_id
      And    PWP.PROJECT_ID = p_project_id
    Select   pdii.draft_invoice_num, 'A' From PA_DRAFT_INVOICE_ITEMS PDII ,
                                                  PA_CUST_REV_DIST_LINES CRDL ,
                                                  PA_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS EI
        Where    PDII.project_id          = crdl.project_id
             And pdii.draft_invoice_num   = crdl.draft_invoice_num
             And pdii.line_num            = crdl.draft_invoice_item_line_num
             And crdl.expenditure_item_id = ei.expenditure_item_id
             And ei.system_linkage_function  = 'VI'
             And ei.document_header_id =p_invoice_id
             And ei.transaction_source like 'AP%'
             And ei.project_id =p_project_id);
Line: 863

	Select Segment1 PO_NUMBER From po_headers_all
	Where  po_header_id in (Select distinct po_header_id
	                        from pa_pwp_ap_inv_dtl where invoice_id = p_Invoice_id);
Line: 869

	Select distinct Invoice_Id From (
    Select   AP_Invoice_Id Invoice_Id From PA_PWP_LINKED_INVOICES PWP
      Where  PWP.draft_invoice_num = P_Draft_Inv_Num
      And    PWP.PROJECT_ID = p_project_id
      And    ap_Invoice_Id is not null
    Select   ei.document_header_id From PA_DRAFT_INVOICE_ITEMS PDII ,
                             PA_CUST_REV_DIST_LINES CRDL ,
                             PA_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS EI
        Where    PDII.project_id          = crdl.project_id
             And pdii.draft_invoice_num   = P_Draft_Inv_Num
             AND pdii.draft_invoice_num   = crdl.draft_invoice_num
             And pdii.line_num            = crdl.draft_invoice_item_line_num
             And crdl.expenditure_item_id = ei.expenditure_item_id
             And ei.system_linkage_function  = 'VI'
             And ei.transaction_source like 'AP%'
             And ei.project_id =p_project_id);
Line: 893

           sum(rc_tax.amount) ProjInv_RCTax_Amount
    ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd,
    po_dIstributions_all pod,
    ap_invoice_dIstributions_all rc_tax
    where apd.project_Id = p_project_Id
      and apd.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and apd.task_id = p_task_id
      and apd.expenditure_item_date = p_expenditure_item_date
      and apd.posted_flag = 'Y'
      and pod.po_dIstribution_id(+) = apd.po_distribution_id
      and pod.po_header_id(+) = p_po_header_id
      and rc_tax.line_type_lookup_code = 'REC_TAX'
      and rc_tax.tax_recoverable_flag = 'Y'
      and rc_tax.charge_applicable_to_dist_id=apd.invoice_distribution_id
      and rc_tax.posted_flag = 'Y'
      and apd.line_type_lookup_code <> 'RETAINAGE'
    group by apd.invoice_id, apd.project_id, apd.task_id, apd.Expenditure_Item_Date,
Line: 918

   select app.Description,
   (select meaning from FND_LOOKUP_VALUES where lookup_type = 'INVOICE TYPE'
   and view_application_id =200 and language = USERENV('LANG') and lookup_code=app.invoice_type_lookup_code) invoice_type,
   (select min(psd.due_date) from ap_payment_schedules_all psd where psd.invoice_id=app.invoice_id) earliest_due_date,
   (select user_conversion_type from GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES where conversion_type=app.exchange_rate_type) exchange_rate_type1,-- Bug 8904838
   from ap_invoices_all app where app.invoice_id=p_invoice_id
   exists (select 1 from
                           ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd
                    where  apd.project_id = P_project_Id
                    and    apd.posted_flag ='Y'
                    and     apd.invoice_id=p_invoice_id);
Line: 938

select sum(dist.amount) prepaid_amount from ap_prepay_app_dists dist, ap_invoice_dIstributions_all  apd
where dist.invoice_distribution_id = apd.invoice_distribution_id
and apd.project_id=P_Project_Id
and apd.invoice_id=p_invoice_id
group by apd.invoice_id;
Line: 1033

       Delete from PA_PWP_AP_INV_HDR where project_id = P_Project_Id;
Line: 1034

	   Delete from PA_PWP_AP_INV_DTL where project_id = P_Project_Id;
Line: 1048

           Delete from PA_PWP_AP_INV_HDR where project_id = P_Project_Id And Invoice_Id = G_Invoice_Id;
Line: 1049

	       Delete from PA_PWP_AP_INV_DTL where project_id = P_Project_Id And Invoice_Id = G_Invoice_Id;
Line: 1241

         SELECT PA_PWP_AP_INV_HDR_S.nextval
           INTO L_PA_PWP_AP_HDR_ID
           FROM dual;
Line: 1246

             log_message('Before inserting record in  PA_PWP_AP_INV_HDR'||
                         '[INVREC.INVOICE_ID : '||INVREC.INVOICE_ID||'] '||
                         '[l_stage : '||l_stage||'] '||
                         '[L_PA_PWP_AP_HDR_ID : '||L_PA_PWP_AP_HDR_ID||'] ',
Line: 1253

             Insert Into PA_PWP_AP_INV_HDR(PA_PWP_AP_HDR_ID
									   ) Values(
					, inv_description
Line: 1313

             log_message('Before opening the loop for inserting record in PA_PWP_AP_INV_DTL '||
                         '[INVREC.INVOICE_ID : '||INVREC.INVOICE_ID||'] '||
                         '[l_stage : '||l_stage||'] ',
Line: 1379

        select sum(apd.amount) ProjInvAmount into l_invrec_amount
        from ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd,
        ap_invoice_dIstributions_all rc_tax,
        po_dIstributions_all pod
        apd.project_Id =   INVDTL.project_Id
        and rc_tax.line_type_lookup_code(+) = 'REC_TAX'
        and rc_tax.tax_recoverable_flag(+) = 'Y'
        and rc_tax.charge_applicable_to_dist_id(+)=apd.invoice_distribution_id
        and pod.po_dIstribution_id(+) = apd.po_distribution_id
        and rc_tax.posted_flag(+) = 'Y'
        and apd.invoice_id =  INVDTL.invoice_id
        and apd.task_id               = INVDTL.task_id
        and apd.Expenditure_Item_Date = INVDTL.Expenditure_Item_Date
        and pod.po_header_id          = INVDTL.po_header_id
        and rc_tax.invoice_id(+) =  INVDTL.invoice_id
        and apd.posted_flag = 'Y'
        and pod.po_dIstribution_id(+) = apd.po_distribution_id
        and nvl(rc_tax.reversal_flag(+),'N') = 'N';
Line: 1403

                select sum(apd.amount) ProjInvAmount into  l_invrec_amount
                from ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd,
                ap_invoice_dIstributions_all rc_tax,
                po_dIstributions_all pod
                apd.project_Id =   INVDTL.project_Id
                and rc_tax.line_type_lookup_code(+) = 'REC_TAX'
                and rc_tax.tax_recoverable_flag(+) = 'Y'
                and pod.po_dIstribution_id(+) = apd.po_distribution_id
                and rc_tax.posted_flag(+) = 'Y'
                and apd.invoice_id =  INVDTL.invoice_id
                and apd.task_id               = INVDTL.task_id
                and apd.Expenditure_Item_Date = INVDTL.Expenditure_Item_Date
                and rc_tax.invoice_id(+) =  INVDTL.invoice_id
                and apd.po_distribution_id is null
                and apd.posted_flag = 'Y'
                and pod.po_dIstribution_id(+) = apd.po_distribution_id
                and nvl(rc_tax.reversal_flag(+),'N') = 'N';
Line: 1542

                 log_message('Before inserting record in  PA_PWP_AP_INV_DTL '||
                         '[INVREC.INVOICE_ID : '||INVREC.INVOICE_ID||'] '||
                         '[l_stage : '||l_stage||'] ',
Line: 1548

              Insert into PA_PWP_AP_INV_DTL(PA_PWP_AP_HDR_ID
                                   VALUES (
                                           ,Outstanding_Retainage -- 8310848
Line: 1647

		   Update PA_PWP_AP_INV_HDR
		   Set    po_number = l_po_number
		   Where  pa_pwp_ap_hdr_id = l_pa_pwp_ap_hdr_id;
Line: 1773

    Select hold_lookup_code, hold_reason, 'PWP/DLV' HoldType From ap_holds_all
       Where invoice_id= P_Invoice_Id
       And hold_lookup_code In ('Pay When Paid','PO Deliverable')
       and RELEASE_REASON is null
    Select hold_lookup_code, hold_reason, 'OTH' HoldType From ap_holds_all
       Where invoice_id= P_Invoice_Id
       And hold_lookup_code Not In ('Pay When Paid','PO Deliverable')
       and RELEASE_REASON is null;
Line: 1791

         AP_HOLDS_PKG.insert_single_hold  (X_invoice_id=>P_Inv_Tbl(i)
                                          ,X_hold_lookup_code=>'Project Hold' -- bug 9525493
                                          ,X_hold_reason=>'Project Managers Hold'
Line: 1819

        Update PA_PWP_AP_INV_HDR Set HOLD_REASON = l_hold_reason1,
                                     PWP_HOLD_FLAG = l_inv_pwp_hold,
                                     DLV_HOLD_FLAG = l_inv_dlv_hold,
                                     HOLD_FLAG = l_inv_hold,
                                     HOLD_APPLIED_YN = l_hold_applied_yn
	    Where  Invoice_Id = p_inv_tbl(i)
        And    RELHOLD_REJ_REASON Is Null;