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Line 304: Description: This API gets all the Shipping Data from the view WSH_PURGE_SET_V

300: x_tbl_trip_stops_purge_set - pl/sql table of trip stop id's eligible for purge
301: x_tbl_containers_purge_set - pl/sql table of container id's eligible for purge
302: x_return_status - Returns WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if Success
304: Description: This API gets all the Shipping Data from the view WSH_PURGE_SET_V
305: and puts it into the plsql tables for respective entities after validating it
306: with the user given parameters
307: ==============================================================================
308: Input: Parameters as given in the FDD.

Line 529: wsh_purge_set_v inner ';

525: trip_sql := 'WITH trip_inner_query AS
526: (SELECT inner.trip_id trip_id,
527: COUNT ( inner.dd_id ) dd_cnt
528: FROM
529: wsh_purge_set_v inner ';
530: --check whether FTE is installed
531: IF (wsh_util_core.fte_is_installed='Y') THEN
532: trip_sql := trip_sql || ',fte_invoice_headers fih ' ;
533: END IF;

Line 645: -- We can add these filtering columns to the view wsh_purge_set_v and scan directly and this sub-query can be flushed out.

641: -- Bug 10184411
642: -- The following check is being added to ensure no un-shipped or un-interfaced
643: -- delivery lines are being purged.This check is mandatory for TPW shipments.
644: -- Don't prefer to use a sub-query here.But we dont have these columns in the purge view.
645: -- We can add these filtering columns to the view wsh_purge_set_v and scan directly and this sub-query can be flushed out.
646: trip_sql := trip_sql ||
648: ( SELECT 1 FROM
649: wsh_delivery_details dd

Line 661: FROM wsh_purge_set_v outer ,trip_inner_query

657: ) ';
658: trip_sql := trip_sql ||
659: 'GROUP BY inner.trip_id)' ;
660: trip_sql := trip_sql ||' SELECT outer.trip_id , outer.trip_name , ''NON_EMPTY'' purge_set_type
661: FROM wsh_purge_set_v outer ,trip_inner_query
662: where outer.trip_id = trip_inner_query.trip_id
663: GROUP BY outer.trip_id , outer.trip_name
664: HAVING count ( outer.dd_id ) = (select dd_cnt from trip_inner_query where trip_id = outer.trip_id)';

Line 2223: FROM wsh_purge_set_v

2219: del_pickup_date,
2220: del_dropoff_date,
2221: del_ship_date,
2222: bol
2223: FROM wsh_purge_set_v
2224: WHERE trip_id = p_tripid;
2226: --Added hints to the query for bug 4891951
2227: CURSOR c_bols_for_del(p_delivery_id NUMBER) IS

Line 2229: FROM wsh_purge_set_v v

2226: --Added hints to the query for bug 4891951
2227: CURSOR c_bols_for_del(p_delivery_id NUMBER) IS
2228: SELECT /*+use_nl(v.wda, v.wnd, v.wdl)*/ distinct v.bol
2229: FROM wsh_purge_set_v v
2230: WHERE v.del_id = p_delivery_id
2231: AND v.bol is not null;
2233: --Get Sales Order Details for Deliveries

Line 2239: FROM wsh_purge_set_v v

2235: CURSOR c_so_for_delivery(p_delivery_id NUMBER) IS
2236: SELECT /*+use_nl(v.wda, v.wnd, v.wdl)*/ DISTINCT v.dd_source_header_number,
2237: v.dd_source_header_type_name--,
2238: -- dd_creation_date
2239: FROM wsh_purge_set_v v
2240: WHERE v.del_id = p_delivery_id
2241: AND v.dd_source_header_number is not null;
2243: CURSOR c_dels_trips_for_order(p_ordernumber VARCHAR2) IS

Line 2256: FROM wsh_purge_set_v

2252: del_pickup_date,
2253: del_dropoff_date,
2254: del_ship_date,
2255: bol
2256: FROM wsh_purge_set_v
2257: WHERE dd_source_header_number= p_ordernumber;
2259: --Get Containers for Sales Orders
2260: /*CURSOR c_containers_for_so(order_number varchar2) IS