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APPS.HR_SECURITY dependencies on ICX_SEC

Line 36: -- 2086208. Cache the value of ICX_SEC.G_SESSION_ID so that the

32: g_person_list per_list;
34: --
35: -- DK 2001-11-17
36: -- 2086208. Cache the value of ICX_SEC.G_SESSION_ID so that the
37: -- person list can be rebuilt on a change of login session even if
38: -- the user,resp,sec group remain the same. An alternative scheme is
39: -- to track session switching based on the value of
40: -- FND_GLOBAL.SESSION_CONTEXT. This would cause the person list to

Line 375: -- different to the current value of icx_sec.g_session_id

371: --
372: -- DK 2001-11-17
373: -- 2086208. Save the ICX session id when the person list is created.
374: -- check_person_list calls initialize_globals if the value saved is
375: -- different to the current value of icx_sec.g_session_id
376: g_icx_session_id := icx_sec.g_session_id;
377: --
378: -- Get the schema mode and org_id from client_info
379: --

Line 376: g_icx_session_id := icx_sec.g_session_id;

372: -- DK 2001-11-17
373: -- 2086208. Save the ICX session id when the person list is created.
374: -- check_person_list calls initialize_globals if the value saved is
375: -- different to the current value of icx_sec.g_session_id
376: g_icx_session_id := icx_sec.g_session_id;
377: --
378: -- Get the schema mode and org_id from client_info
379: --
380: OPEN csr_get_schema_mode;

Line 1006: or g_icx_session_id <> icx_sec.g_session_id

1002: IF g_user_id <> fnd_global.user_id
1003: or g_resp_id <> fnd_global.resp_id
1004: or g_resp_appl_id <> fnd_global.resp_appl_id
1005: or g_security_group_id <> fnd_global.security_group_id
1006: or g_icx_session_id <> icx_sec.g_session_id
1007: THEN
1008: l_return := TRUE;
1009: ELSE
1010: l_return := FALSE;