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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 52

      select   distinct usr.user_name
      from     pv_lead_assignments aa, pv_party_notifications bb, fnd_user usr
      where    bb.wf_item_key        = pc_itemKey
      and      bb.wf_item_type       = pc_itemType
      and      bb.notification_type  = pc_notify_type
      and      bb.lead_assignment_id = aa.lead_assignment_id
      and      aa.status             = pc_assign_status
      and      bb.user_id            = usr.user_id;
Line: 62

      select name from wf_local_roles
      where  name = pc_rolename;
Line: 290

    SELECT  PV_LEAD_WORKFLOWS_S.nextval INTO l_itemKey
    FROM    dual;
Line: 579

   select  hp.party_name
   from   hz_relationships porg,
          hz_parties       hp,
          hz_organization_profiles hzop,
          pv_partner_profiles pvpp
   where  porg.party_id           = pc_partner_id
   and    porg.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and    porg.object_table_name  = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and    porg.relationship_code  = 'PARTNER_OF'
   and    porg.relationship_type  = 'PARTNER'
   and    porg.status             = 'A'
   and    PORG.start_date <= SYSDATE
   and    nvl(PORG.end_date, SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE
   and    porg.object_id          = hp.party_id
   and    hp.status               = 'A'
   and    hp.party_type           = 'ORGANIZATION'
   AND    HZOP.party_id = hp.party_id
   AND    HZOP.effective_end_date is null
   AND    HZOP.internal_flag = 'Y'
   AND    PVPP.partner_id = PORG.party_id
Line: 794

    l_access_code_update   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'UPDATE';
Line: 842

    SELECT max(res.category), DECODE(COUNT(*),
                       MAX(RES.user_id))) salesgroup_id
             JTF_RS_ROLE_RELATIONS rrel,
             JTF_RS_ROLES_B role,
             JTF_RS_GROUP_USAGES u,
             JTF_RS_GROUPS_B grp,
      WHERE  mem.group_member_id     = rrel.role_resource_id AND
             rrel.role_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP_MEMBER' AND
             rrel.role_id            = role.role_id AND
             role.role_type_code IN ('SALES','TELESALES','FIELDSALES','PRM') AND
             mem.delete_flag         <> 'Y' AND
             rrel.delete_flag        <> 'Y' AND
             sysdate BETWEEN rrel.start_date_active AND
                NVL(rrel.end_date_active, SYSDATE) AND
             mem.group_id            = u.group_id AND
             u.usage                 in ('SALES','PRM') AND
             mem.group_id            = grp.group_id AND
             sysdate BETWEEN grp.start_date_active AND
                NVL(grp.end_date_active,sysdate) AND
             mem.resource_id         = RES.resource_id AND
             RES.resource_id         = pc_resource_id;
Line: 874

    SELECT  ld.customer_id, ld.address_id
          , pt.party_name, ld.currency_code
    FROM    as_leads_all ld, hz_parties   pt
    WHERE   ld.customer_id = pt.party_id
    AND       ld.lead_id = pc_lead_id;
Line: 881

    SELECT SUM(NVL(total_amount,0))
    FROM   as_lead_lines
    WHERE  lead_id = pc_lead_id;
Line: 886

    SELECT  address_id, resource_id
    FROM    jtf_rs_resource_extns
    WHERE   category = 'PARTNER'
    and     sysdate between start_date_active and nvl(end_date_active,sysdate)
    AND     source_id = pc_party_relation_id; */
Line: 897

     SELECT  b.address_id, a.resource_id
     FROM    jtf_rs_resource_extns a,
             as_party_addresses_v b,
             pv_partner_profiles c
     WHERE   a.category = 'PARTNER'
     AND     sysdate between a.start_date_active and nvl(a.end_date_active,sysdate)
     AND     a.source_id = pc_party_relation_id
     AND     a.source_id = c.partner_id
     AND     c.partner_party_id = b.party_id
     AND     b.primary_address_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1011

         l_assignment_rec.partner_access_code    := l_access_code_update;
Line: 1090

            for c_check in (select 1 from as_accesses_all where
                            salesforce_id <> l_rs_details_tbl(i).resource_id and lead_id = l_lead_id)
               -- The returned table has all CM from Vendor and VAD.
               -- Since VAD CM does not have person id, we need to populate partner_cont_party_id

               if l_rs_details_tbl(i).person_type = pv_assignment_pub.g_resource_employee then
                  l_sales_team_rec.partner_cont_party_id := null;
Line: 1293

               Update  AS_LEADS_ALL
               SET     PRM_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE  = 'SINGLE',
               AUTO_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE = 'PRM'
               WHERE   lead_id = l_lead_id;
Line: 1300

               Update  AS_LEADS_ALL
               SET     AUTO_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE = 'PRM'
               WHERE   lead_id = l_lead_id;
Line: 1416

   SELECT nvl(total_amount,0), currency_code
   FROM   as_leads_all
   WHERE  lead_id = pc_lead_id;
Line: 1474

          p_api_version_number  IN  NUMBER,
          p_init_msg_list       IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
          p_commit              IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
          p_validation_level    IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
          p_lead_id             IN  NUMBER,
          p_status              IN  VARCHAR2,
          p_lead_name           IN  VARCHAR2,
          p_customer_id         IN  NUMBER,
          p_total_amount        IN  NUMBER,
          p_salesforce_id       IN  NUMBER,
          x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
          x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
          x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)
    l_api_name              CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(100) := 'NOTIFY_ON_UPDATE_OPPTY_JBES';
Line: 1497

    SELECT party_name
    FROM   hz_parties
    WHERE  party_id = pc_party_id;
Line: 1538

   Notify_Party_On_Update_Oppty (
     p_api_version_number  => l_api_version_number,
     p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
     p_commit              => p_commit,
     p_validation_level    => p_validation_level,
     p_oppty_header_rec    => l_opportunity_rec,
     p_salesforce_id       => p_salesforce_id,
     x_return_status       => x_return_status,
     x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
     x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
Line: 1588

Line: 1591

procedure Notify_Party_On_Update_Oppty (
          p_api_version_number  IN  NUMBER,
          p_init_msg_list       IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
          p_commit              IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
          p_validation_level    IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
          p_oppty_header_rec    IN  AS_OPPORTUNITY_PUB.header_rec_type,
          p_salesforce_id       IN  NUMBER,
          x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
          x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
          x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) is

    l_api_name              CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(100) := 'Notify_Party_On_Update_Oppty';
Line: 1663

   SELECT   pn.user_id, pn.resource_id, fu.user_name ,
            decode(pn.notification_type, 'MATCHED_TO', 'CM', 'PT') user_type,
            decode(pn.notification_type, 'MATCHED_TO', 0, pa.partner_id) partner_id
   FROM     pv_lead_workflows pw,
            pv_lead_assignments pa,
            pv_party_notifications pn,
            jtf_rs_resource_extns extn,
            as_accesses_all asac,
            fnd_user fu
   WHERE    pw.wf_item_type = pa.wf_item_type
   and      pw.wf_item_key = pa.wf_item_key
   AND      pa.lead_assignment_id = pn.lead_assignment_id
   AND      pw.routing_status = 'ACTIVE'
   AND      pw.latest_routing_flag = 'Y'
   AND      pw.lead_id = pc_lead_id
   AND      ((pn.notification_type = 'MATCHED_TO' and 'Y' = pc_notify_cm_flag)
             or (pn.notification_type = 'OFFERED_TO' and 'Y' = pc_notify_pt_flag))
   AND      pa.status IN ( 'PT_CREATED', 'PT_APPROVED' , 'CM_APP_FOR_PT' )
   AND      asac.salesforce_id = pn.resource_id
   AND      asac.lead_id =  pw.lead_id
   AND      asac.sales_lead_id IS NULL
   AND      asac.customer_id IS NOT NULL
   AND      asac.salesforce_id    = extn.resource_id
   AND      extn.user_id = fu.user_id
   AND      sysdate between extn.start_date_active and nvl(extn.end_date_active,sysdate)
   AND      sysdate between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date,sysdate)
   SELECT  js.user_id, js.resource_id, fu.user_name,
   decode(pw.created_by - js.user_id,0,'AM','OTHER') user_type, 0 partner_id
   FROM    as_accesses_all ac, jtf_rs_resource_extns js, fnd_user fu, pv_lead_workflows pw
   WHERE   (('Y' = pc_notify_ot_flag and pw.created_by <> js.user_id)
             or ('Y' = pc_notify_am_flag and pw.created_by = js.user_id))
   AND     ac.lead_id = pc_lead_id
   and     ac.lead_id = pw.lead_id
   and     pw.entity = 'OPPORTUNITY'
   AND     pw.latest_routing_flag = 'Y'
   AND     ac.salesforce_id = js.resource_id
   AND     js.user_id = fu.user_id
   AND     ac.sales_lead_id IS NULL
   AND     ac.customer_id IS NOT NULL
   and     sysdate between js.start_date_active and nvl(js.end_date_active,sysdate)
   AND     sysdate between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date,sysdate)
           (SELECT 1
            FROM pv_lead_assignments pl, pv_party_notifications pv
            WHERE  pl.lead_assignment_id = pv.lead_assignment_id
            AND    pv.resource_id = ac.salesforce_id
            and    pv.user_id <> pw.created_by
            AND    pl.wf_item_type = pw.wf_item_type
            AND    pl.wf_item_key = pw.wf_item_key)
   ORDER BY 4;
Line: 1716

    SELECT  lead_workflow_id, wf_item_key, wf_item_type
    FROM    pv_lead_workflows pw
    WHERE   pw.routing_status = 'ACTIVE'
    AND     pw.latest_routing_flag = 'Y'
    AND     pw.lead_id = pc_lead_id;
Line: 1723

    SELECT   nvl(notify_pt_flag,'N')
    FROM    pv_status_notifications
    WHERE    enabled_flag = 'Y'
    AND     status_type = 'OPPORTUNITY'
    AND       status_code = pc_status_code;
Line: 1733

    SELECT  ld.customer_id, ld.address_id, pt.party_name,
            nvl(ld.total_amount,0),ld.currency_code, ld.description
    FROM    as_leads_all ld, hz_parties   pt
    WHERE   ld.customer_id = pt.party_id
    AND       ld.lead_id = pc_lead_id;
Line: 1740

    SELECT  js.source_id, js.category, js.source_business_grp_name, fu.user_name
    FROM    fnd_user fu, jtf_rs_resource_extns js
    WHERE   fu.user_id = js.user_id
    AND     js.resource_id = pc_salesforce_id;
Line: 1746

    SELECT  VENDOR.party_name
    FROM    hz_parties VENDOR,
            hz_relationships PCONTACT,
            pv_partner_profiles PVPP
    WHERE   PCONTACT.party_id           = pc_party_id
    AND     PCONTACT.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
    AND     PCONTACT.object_table_name  = 'HZ_PARTIES'
    AND     PCONTACT.directional_flag   = 'F'
    AND     PCONTACT.STATUS             = 'A'
    AND     PCONTACT.start_date        <= SYSDATE
    AND     nvl(PCONTACT.end_date, SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE
    AND     PVPP.partner_party_id       = PCONTACT.object_id
    AND     VENDOR.party_id             = PVPP.partner_party_id
    AND     VENDOR.status               = 'A'
Line: 1767

   select pt.party_name, pvas.partner_id
   from   hz_parties pt,
          pv_partner_profiles pvpp,
          pv_lead_assignments pvas
   where  pvas.wf_item_type =  pc_item_type
   and   pvas.wf_item_key  =  pc_item_key
   and    pvas.partner_id = pvpp.partner_id
   and    pvpp.partner_party_id = pt.party_id;
Line: 1777

   select decode(a.status_code, t.status, a.meaning, a.status_code),
          decode(a.status_code, pc_status_code, a.meaning, a.status_code),
          a.status_code, a.win_loss_indicator
   from   as_statuses_vl a,
          (select status from as_leads_all
          where lead_id = pc_lead_id) t
   where  a.enabled_flag = 'Y'
   and    a.opp_flag = 'Y'
   and    a.status_code in (t.status, pc_status_code);
Line: 2076

END Notify_Party_On_Update_Oppty;
Line: 2318

        select nvl(b.indirect_channel_flag, 'N') indirect_channel_flag
        from   oe_lookups a, pv_channel_types b
        where  a.lookup_type  = 'SALES_CHANNEL'
        and    a.lookup_code  = l_channel_code
        and    a.lookup_type  = b.channel_lookup_type (+)
        and    a.lookup_code  = b.channel_lookup_code (+))
      l_indirect_channel_flag := x.indirect_channel_flag;
Line: 2391

/*  Call the Update Opportunity user hook. *********/
procedure Update_Opportunity_Pre (
            p_api_version_number  IN  NUMBER,
            p_init_msg_list       IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_commit              IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_validation_level    IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
            p_oppty_header_rec    IN  AS_OPPORTUNITY_PUB.header_rec_type,
            p_salesforce_id       IN  NUMBER,
            x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
            x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
            x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) is

    l_api_name            CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(30) := 'Update_Opportunity_Pre';
Line: 2407

    l_mode                VARCHAR2(10) := 'UPDATE';
Line: 2419

    /** Notify Channel manager if the Opportunity is updated by Partner        */
    /** contact or VAD contact                                                 */

   -- Initialize message list if p_init_msg_list is set to TRUE.
   IF FND_API.to_Boolean( p_init_msg_list ) THEN
Line: 2473

    Notify_Party_On_Update_Oppty (
        p_api_version_number  => l_api_version_number,
        p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
        p_commit              => p_commit,
        p_validation_level    => p_validation_level,
        p_oppty_header_rec    => p_oppty_header_rec,
        p_salesforce_id       => p_salesforce_id,
        x_return_status       => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
Line: 2522

end Update_Opportunity_Pre;
Line: 2556

        select nvl(b.indirect_channel_flag, 'N')
        from   oe_lookups a, pv_channel_types b
        where  a.lookup_type  = 'SALES_CHANNEL'
        and    a.lookup_code  = pc_code
        and    a.lookup_type  = b.channel_lookup_type (+)
        and    a.lookup_code  = b.channel_lookup_code (+);
Line: 2564

   SELECT    'PARTNER_OF', PVPP.partner_id, PARTNER.party_name, peav.attr_value
      hz_parties PARTNER,
      hz_relationships CONTACT,
      pv_partner_profiles PVPP,
      pv_enty_attr_values peav
   WHERE CONTACT.party_id = pc_party_id
   AND   CONTACT.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   AND   CONTACT.object_table_name  = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   AND   CONTACT.directional_flag   = 'F'
   AND   CONTACT.STATUS       =  'A'
   AND   CONTACT.start_date <= SYSDATE
   AND   nvl(CONTACT.end_date, SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE
   AND   PVPP.partner_party_id   =  CONTACT.object_id
   AND   PARTNER.party_id = PVPP.partner_party_id
   AND   PARTNER.status = 'A'
   AND   peav.entity_id(+) = PVPP.partner_id
   AND   peav.entity(+) = 'PARTNER'
   AND   peav.attribute_id(+) = 3;
Line: 2597

   SELECT  js.source_id, fu.user_name, js.category
   INTO    l_party_id, x_user_name, l_resource_category
   FROM    fnd_user fu, jtf_rs_resource_extns js
   WHERE   fu.user_id = js.user_id
   AND     js.resource_id = p_salesforce_id;